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Authors: Madeline Pryce

Dark Cravings (25 page)

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Richard’s jaw clenched. “I came to see my son.”

“The fuck you did,” Micah spat.

He dropped his hands to his sides and curled them into
fists. He advanced on Richard as if he didn’t see the six semi-automatic hand
guns aimed at his head.

“Don’t, Micah. I got this,” Eli said as he strode past us
and stopped in front of his father.

“You don’t need to do this.” Micah grabbed his brother’s
arm, but Eli shook him off.

They locked eyes. “This needs to be said.” Eli turned to
Richard. “From this moment on, you and I, we’re done. I want nothing to do with
you or the Agency.”

Veins bulged at Richard’s temples and his face reddened. “Is
that any way to talk to your father, the man who raised you? Fed you? Kept
clothes on your back? I came here to give you a second chance. Don’t let your
brother cloud your judgment, son.”

Eli laughed and the sound was anything but joyous.
Bitterness dripped off every word he spoke. “I’m not your son. You think I give
a fuck about food and clothes? For years, any chance you got, you kicked the
crap out of Micah and me. You had a bad day, bam. Too much to drink, bam.
Because you fucking felt like it, bam. You disgust me.”

Heat and energy swirled around Eli and the hair on my arms
prickled. His skin shimmered and I wasn’t the only one who noticed it. The six
men lining the edge of the room adjusted the grips on their guns.

I pictured myself in front of Eli, blinked and managed to
phaze myself there. Despite the churning in my stomach, I pushed Eli in the
direction of Micah and Castro.

“The first person who fires their weapon gets their throat
torn out,” I hissed.

Richard’s fear spiked. When he spoke to his agents, his
voice held an undercurrent of alarm. “Under the pretty package she is nothing
but a savage. If she attacks, shoot her.”

“You need to leave,” Micah said.

Richard’s nostrils flared. “Not until I get what I came for.
Move out of the way.”

“I wonder how the Agency council would feel about you lining
up an assassination with the Vampire Court. I’ve got proof, you know.”

“Proof?” He laughed. “From your vampire lover? Who do you
think they will side with? The world would have been a better place without you
in it.”

“If you hate me so much, why try to arrange a marriage?”

“You were an extraordinary girl, Ella. Smart. Strong. Fast.
Beautiful. The world was changing and your father didn’t see it. Didn’t want to
use your potential to create a new generation of hunters. But I knew what you
were capable of. We could have ruled the world, you and I.”

“A new generation…” My stomach churned and it had nothing to
do with the phazing. “Like I would ever, in a million years, reproduce with

“You still don’t get it, do you?” he asked. His gaze
hardened. When he spoke, his voice carried the same tone cult leaders used to
dazzle their followers. “War is coming and you’re on the wrong side of the
fence.” He looked around the room. “All of you are. Keep Elijah if you want, he
isn’t worth losing any of my men over.”

“Just when I thought you couldn’t be any more of an

Richard turned his back on us and his soldiers parted to let
him pass. As they’d entered, they exited one by one.

I turned to Eli, who struggled against the hand Castro had
clamped on his shoulder. Eli shook the demon off and ran a hand over his head.

“You okay?” I asked. My hand found Micah’s and I squeezed.

“Fine. I’m fine. Let’s get the hell out of here before
Richard changes his mind and comes back.”

“Sounds good to me.” I looked up at Micah. “You good?”

“No, but I will be.” He shook his head, pulled me toward the
door, then stopped. “Castro, did you need something?”

“I’ve got information but it can wait until you get settled.
When you’re ready, you know where to find me.” The demon looked among all of us
and then settled his gaze on Eli. “I wish our meeting could have been under
different circumstances. It is unfortunate that the thing that almost killed
you also saved your life. If you choose not to run with the Fenrir, you’re
welcome to join my ranks. A wolf with your strength and tenacity would be a
huge asset.”

“Thanks,” Eli said. “I, ah, will think about it.”

Castro nodded, squeezed Micah’s shoulder and then left us
looking at each other with nothing to say.

“Castro does sum up a situation nicely, doesn’t he?” I

Micah took Eli’s hand, brought it to his chest. He flattened
his brother’s palm over his heart.

“No matter who my father is, or isn’t, you’re my brother.
Nothing changes between us, you hear me?” Micah’s words were a promise.

My eyes stung. Uncomfortable, I glanced at the door and
wished I could give them some privacy.

Eli gripped Micah’s shirt in return. “No matter what, I’m
with you. Always.”

As Micah backed away, Eli dropped his hand his side. They
stared at each other until Micah turned his head and looked at me. I pretended
not to notice the shimmer in his eyes. Micah held out his hand and I took it.

“Have I ever told you how sexy you are when you get pissed?”
With one arm around my waist, he pulled me into a sloppy kiss. Our tongues met
and I moaned into him.

Eli made a disgusted sound in the back of his throat. “I’m
not moving in with you two if I have to watch you make out.”

One corner of Micah’s mouth tilted up in a wicked smirk. “If
I were you, I would be more concerned about listening to the bed hitting the
wall. Come on, let’s go pick out one of Lizbeth’s houses to move into.”

I gave Micah a disgusted look. “And to think, Castro called

He winked. “It’s why you ‘totally fucking love’ me.”

Damn him. He was totally right.


About Madeline Pryce


Madeline Pryce wrote her first novel when she was ten,
penned with neon-pink ink in a loose-leaf binder. Captivated by romantic
literature, yet intrigued by the paranormal, she continues to develop her own
voice, writing the kinds of stories that inspired her as a teen.


Madeline welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email addresses on her
bio page





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Ellora’s Cave Publishing





Dark Cravings


ISBN 9781419949548


Dark Cravings Copyright © 2013 Madeline Pryce


Edited by Elizabeth London

Cover design by Fiona Jayde

Cover photography by Stefano Cavoretto/,


Electronic book publication December 2013


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