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Authors: Jenika Snow

Dakota's Claim (7 page)

BOOK: Dakota's Claim
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started cleaning his wound, and the silence stretched before them. He didn’t
want to be an asshole in checking her out, especially after she was probably
pissed at what he had done. But when he glanced down at her tee, he couldn’t
help but groan softly. Her white shirt was tight enough and transparent enough
that he could see her little pink polka dot
the cleavage that was all but popping out of the gap.

Christ, stop looking and being a
damn pervert.

needed to shift on the seat or she’d see his dick press against his zipper.

I hurting you?” she asked.

snapped his gaze up, her movements stilling as she obviously waited for his
reply. “No.” His voice croaked out, and he felt his heart start to beat faster.
He felt like a damn teenager for acting like he couldn’t control himself, not
like a nearly thirty-year-old outlaw biker. “I’m good.”

stared into her eyes, knew that holding in his feelings for her for all these
years was one of the hardest things he had ever done, and just wanted to reach
out and pull her closer.

thought we were meeting tomorrow to talk?” she said softly, and flicked her
eyes toward him.

but I thought I would just head down here, maybe talk to you now.”

Tawny said softly, and went back to cleaning his wound with peroxide and gauze.
“How’d you know I was at work?”

stayed silent, and tried to picture things that wouldn’t have him hard as a
lead pipe. He wasn’t going to lie. “I rode by your folks’ place, and when I
didn’t see your car in the driveway I checked out the bar next.”

nodded slowly, and bent over slightly to grab something out of the first aid
kit. Her breasts strained against her shirt, and his cock jerked hard. The
image of Tawny spread out on his bed, her blonde hair over his pillows, and
smell covering her slammed into him.
No, he wasn’t a shifter like her family, nor did he have an inner animal like
she did. He didn’t have heightened senses, or have strength that matched a
Grizzly MC male, but he was just as possessive and territorial as they were,
especially when it considered the woman currently tending to his wound.

got you good with that bottle.” She was focused on the top of his head, and
grabbed a pair of tweezers to get a piece of glass out. “What a bunch of
assholes,” she said almost under her breath.

you pissed at me for making a scene?” Dakota had never cared what anyone
thought, didn’t care if anyone saw him as too rough, too brutal in how he
fought. That was his life and how he lived it. But with Tawny he cared what she
thought about him.

didn’t answer at first, just grabbed a bandage, and after she had patched him
up and thrown away the supplies she sat back in the seat and stared at him.
“I’m not mad that those assholes attacked you, and I’m not mad that you felt
like you needed to defend me.” She smiled at him. “But I am pissed that you
didn’t let me know you were coming by, and that you only made yourself known
after I got my ass smacked.” Tawny started chuckling, looked down at her hands,
and made fists as if she was upset and nervous. “But you’ve been doing that a
lot lately, haven’t you, Dakota?” She lifted her blue gaze and stared at him.

couldn’t speak for a second, because he felt like a big asshole right now. “I
wanted to make sure you were okay, especially since your dad seems to think it
is all right to let you work at this fucking bar.”

started chuckling harder. “My dad isn’t okay with me working here, but he
doesn’t have a choice. I need to make money, because I don’t want to be a
thirty-year-old still living with my folks.”

stared at her mouth, at the way she had these lush, pink lips, ones that
weren’t caked on with make-up, but had a light sheen to them. “It’s not safe
for a woman to be working here, especially one that looks like you, Tawny.”

cocked an eyebrow. “A woman that looks like me?” she said softly.

leaned in close, something overtaking him as heat filled him. He inhaled her
sweet, floral scent, loved that she smelled of flowers, and wondered if that
aroma covered her flesh when she was naked. “Yes, a woman that looks like you.”
He was acting on instinct now, picturing those men touching her, trying to get
with her, and he grew possessive. “You’re gorgeous, smart, and don’t take shit
from anyone. But you’re also gentle and kind, and so vulnerable and innocent
that any motherfucker that saw you would want to take advantage of you.” He
realized she looked at him with this shocked expression, and he cursed inside,
knowing he had said a mouthful of stuff he should have kept to himself. “Shit,
Tawny, I didn’t mean to say any of that—” Before he could finish speaking she
surprised the fuck out of him by leaning forward and kissing



didn’t know what in the hell she was doing. Well, she did, but she couldn’t
believe she had the balls to actually kiss Dakota. They were supposed to meet
up at some point tomorrow, and she was going to just come clean about how she
felt, but it seemed Dakota hadn’t wanted to wait.

was unmoving for a few seconds, and she grew embarrassed that she had been so
bold and presumptuous in thinking he actually wanted her like that, despite
what he said. But she got no more than an inch away before he groaned out,
cursed something fierce under his breath, and grabbed her behind the head. He pulled
her forward, stared into her eyes for a millisecond, and then crashed his mouth
down on hers. She gasped out against his lips, and then opened for him. He
stroked her tongue with his, claimed her as if she was his property and he
owned every part of her. And when he stood, taking her up with him, she was
shocked by the strength he emitted when he lifted her easily off the ground.

had no choice but to wrap her legs around him, tangle her arms around his neck,
and hold on as he mouth-fucked her, and that was exactly what he was doing. He
walked them toward the wall, and she felt the stiff outline of his cock against
her pussy. God, she was wet, and it was all because of this male. They crashed
against the wall, knocking over boxes from the top shelf. Paper cups, straws,
and coasters fell, but they never stopped kissing, never stopped moaning
against each other’s mouth as destruction happened around them.

I’m sorry,” Dakota said when he broke away from her.

stared at each other for a moment, his arms wrapped around her tightly, his
hands perilously close to her ass, and his erection still pressed against her
pussy. She was wearing jeans, completely covered with the denim, but she swore
she could feel the length of him, the heat of his dick, seep right through the
material of her pants.

sorry, Tawny.” He lowered his gaze to her lips. “But when it comes to you I
can’t help myself.” He lifted his gaze back to her eyes, and they stared at
each other for several seconds. “With you I feel like this beast, ready to tear
anything or anyone down for even coming close to you.”

breath hitched. Dakota was a human, didn’t have those animal instincts inside
of him like a shifter did, but it seemed that didn’t matter. She could smell
the truth in his
see the reality of what he
said on his fierce expression. His short, dark hair was messy, had traces of
blood still in it, and he watched her with his hard blue eyes. His face was
rudely handsome, his cheeks covered in a light sprinkling of dark stubble, and
his lips were slightly parted as he breathed out heavily.

see you speaking to a guy and feel this anger rise up in me, the need to tear
the asshole away from you, and I have to force myself not to react.”

Tawny said his name on a breath. This was a conversation she never thought
she’d have with Dakota, a situation she had never thought she’d be involved in
with him. Yes, she had wanted him for years, and although he had gone away for
a while to help out with his club, she had still wanted him like a damn addict
looking for her next fix.

know this situation is fucked up. You’re younger than me, Dallas’s daughter,
but the truth is, Tawny…” He trailed off, moved his face closer to hers, and
then said in a low, husky voice, “I have wanted you for a long time, but told
myself that you and I being together wasn’t ever going to happen.” He rested
his forehead on hers, closed his eyes, and breathed out. “But I get so damn
jealous seeing you with other guys, talking to them, laughing at their dumb-ass

this situation wasn’t so intense and sexually charged right now she would have

that frighten you?” he asked, his blue eyes staring right into hers, this
hardness to them, but also
a vulnerability

heart beat fast and
and she felt her inner,
dormant bear brush along her body. She wanted Dakota, had for longer than she
had ever admitted to anyone, and she wasn’t nearly finished now that she was
actually having him. Grabbing onto his hair, tugging at the short strands until
he hissed out, she pulled him closer so she could be the one to claim
mouth. Stroking her tongue along
his, sucking the muscle into her mouth, and moaning out at the flavor of him,
Tawny knew that she should stop now.

fucking hell
, baby,” he groaned out, grabbed a chunk of
her hair, and yanked her head back, baring her throat. He growled out, and she
felt these tingles take root in her pussy, engorging her clit, and making her
so damn wet she felt the cream cover her pussy lips. She had no doubt that soon
the wetness would seep through the denim. That was how aroused she was for this

grabbed her bottom lip with his teeth, tugged and pulled at the sensitive
flesh, and then smoothed the sting away with a lick of his tongue. She moaned,
he groaned, and then she was moving in his arms, grinding her pussy on his
cock, and causing this delicious noise to leave him.

could devour you right now and it wouldn’t be enough, Tawny.” He moved his
mouth to her throat, sucked and licked at her pulse point, ground his cock into
her pussy, and caused this heat to move through her until sweat beaded between
her breasts.

you to devour me, Dakota.” She
breathed out, closed her eyes, and inhaled the scent of the dark and spicy
cologne he wore.

made this gruff noise against her throat, tightened the one hand that was still
cupping her ass, and said, “You can’t say shit like that and expect me to keep
my control, Tawny.” He pulled back, let go of her hair, and slid his hand over
her throat to hold her against the wall. It was a gentle yet fierce hold, one
that had just enough pressure to make her know that he was in control right

wanted to submit to this male, to give
to him
and not worry about anything else. Would her father be pissed if she were with
Dakota? Dallas would be pissed if she were with any male. The last few guys she
had dated, although she never had sex with anyone, had infuriated her father.
He was an original Grizzly MC member, saw her as his baby girl, was old school
all the way, and she knew that if she was with another biker, even if it was
Dakota, a male that was considered family though from another club, her father
would be enraged. He still looked at her as though she were this innocent
little girl. She might not have ever gone all the way, but she was far from
innocent, and could handle herself. Tawny had tested the bounds of her father’s
protectiveness. She had gone out with bad boys, and although Dakota was a
hundred times sexier, and more hardcore, than all of the tattooed and pierced
men she had dated, he was still dangerous, and that was what her father would
focus on.

, Dakota, I’ve wanted you for so
long.” The words tumbled out of her mouth.

Tawny,” he breathed out. “Is this really fucking happening?” He asked it like a

sure as hell hope so,” Tawny said just as breathlessly.

placed his hand between their bodies, started undoing the button of her jeans,
and she grew frantic with her need for him. They were both breathing so damn
heavily, so freaking aroused, that she couldn’t even think straight.
Perspiration dotted her forehead, lined her spine, and she was so itchy to feel
his hands on her bare skin that she felt this high settle into her.

sound of her zipper being shoved down filled her ears, and then she was the one
tugging at his leather cut, trying to get it off. He was swift with his
movements, calculated in trying to remove his biker vest without it touching
the ground, and without letting her go. When the cut was off he set it on the
shelf beside them. The door to the backroom was hidden behind two shelves, but
despite the fact someone couldn’t see them if they walked in, there was still
the risk of them coming the few feet around the corner and seeing her pressed
up against the wall. And that fact, that they could be seen being all filthy
and sexual, had her pussy clenching and her just exploding.

BOOK: Dakota's Claim
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