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Authors: Katharine Kerr

Daggerspell (60 page)

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(Deverrian) A river mouth, an estuary.

(Elvish) A group of elves, who may or may not be bloodkin, who choose to travel together for some indefinite period of time.

(Elv.) The meeting of several alarli, usually the occasion for a drunken party.

(Welsh, literally, “no place.”) The name of the world to which the Deverrians emigrated.

The plane of existence directly “above” or “within” the etheric (q.v.). In other systems of magic, often referred to as the Akashic Record or the Treasurehouse of Images.

The field of electromagnetic energy that permeates and emanates from every living being.

(Dev.) A river.

(Elv.) An enclitic that indicates that the preceding adjective in an elvish agglutinated word is the name of the element following the enclitic, as can+bara+melim = Rough River. (rough+name marker+river.)

(Dev.) The chief god of the Deverry pantheon.

(Elv.) An enclitic, similar in function to bara, except
that it indicates that a preceding verb is the name of the following element in the agglutinated term, as in Darabeldal, Flowing Lake.

Blue Light
Another name for the etheric plane (q.v.).

Body of Light
An artificial thought-form (q.v.) constructed by a dweomermaster to allow him or her to travel through the inner planes of existence.

(Dev.) Loose wool trousers worn by men and boys.

(Dev.) A squat tower in which people live. Originally, in the Homeland, these towers had one big fireplace in the center of the ground floor and a number of booths or tiny roomlets up the sides, but by the time of our narrative, this ancient style has given way to regular floors with hearths and chimneys on either side of the structure.

(Dev.) A war leader. Not a general in the modern sense, the cadvridoc is supposed to take the advice and counsel of the noble-born lords under him, but his is the right of final decision.

(trans. of the Dev.
) The second-in-command, after the lord himself, of a nobles warband. An interesting point is that the word
(which is the root or unmutated form of -
,) can mean either a warband or a family depending on context.

(Elv.) A musical instrument similar to the panpipe but of even more limited range.

(Dev.) A valley.

(Elv.) A lake.

(Dev.) A fort.

(trans. of Dev.
) In its strict sense, a system of magic aimed at personal enlightenment through harmony with the natural universe in all its planes and manifestations; in the popular sense, magic, sorcery.

Elcyion Lacar
(Dev.) The elves; literally, the “bright spirits,” or “Bright Fey.”

To produce an effect similar to hypnosis by direct manipulation of a person’s aura. (Ordinary hypnosis manipulates
the victim’s consciousness only and thus is more easily resisted.)

The plane of existence directly “above” the physical. With its magnetic substance and currents, it holds physical matter in an invisible matrix and is the true source of what we call “life.”

Etheric Double
The true being of a person, the electromagnetic structure that holds the body together and that is the actual seat of consciousness.

(Elv.) An enclitic that shows the noun preceding it in an agglutinated Elvish word is the name of the element following the enclitic, as in Corafolamelim, Owl River.

A taboo, usually a prohibition against doing something. Breaking geis results in ritual pollution and the disfavor if not active enmity of the gods. In societies that truly believe in geis, a person who breaks it usually dies fairly quickly, either of morbid depression or some unconsciously self-inflicted “accident,” unless he or she makes ritual amends.

(Dev.) Literally, a “music man,” a wandering minstrel and entertainer of much lower status than a true bard.

Great Ones
Spirits, once human but now disincarnate, who exist on an unknowably high plane of existence and who had dedicated themselves to the eventual enlightenment of all sentient beings. They are also known to the Buddhists as Boddhisattvas.

(Dev.) The highest rank of nobility below the royal family itself. Gwerbrets (Dev.
) function as the chief magistrates of their regions, and even kings hesitate to override their decisions because of their many ancient prerogatives.

(Dev.) A peculiarly Celtic form of depression, marked by a deep, tormented longing for some unobtainable thing; also and in particular, homesickness to the third power.

(trans, of Dev.
) Since the weapon in question is only about three feet long, another possible translation would be “war dart.” The reader should not think
of it as a proper spear or as one of those enormous javelins used in the modern Olympic Games.

(Dev.) A blood price; differs from wergild in that the amount of lwdd is negotiable in some circumstances, rather than being irrevocably set by law.

(Dev.) A full, formal court of law with both a priest of Bel and either a gwerbret or a tieryn in attendance.

(Elv.) A river.

(Dev.) A sea, ocean.

(Elv.) An enclitic, similar to -fola- defined earlier, except that it indicates that the preceding noun is plural as well as the name of the following word, as in Corapanmelim, River of the Many Owls. Remember that Elvish always indicates pluralization by adding a semi-independent morpheme, and that this semi-independence is reflected in the various syntax-bearing enclitics.

(Dev.) Far, distant.

(Dev.) A political unit of land; thus, gwerbretrhyn, tierynrhyn, the area under the control of a given gwerbret or tieryn. The size of the various rhans (Dev. rhannau) varies widely, depending on the vagaries of inheritance and the fortunes of war rather than some legal definition.

The art of seeing distant people and places by magic.

An abstract magical figure, usually representing either a particular spirit or a particular kind of energy or power. These figures, which look a lot like geometrical scribbles, are derived by various rules from secret magical diagrams.

Living though incorporeal beings proper to the various nonphysical planes of the universe. Only the elemental spirits, such as the Wildfolk (trans. of Dev.
elcyion goecl
) can manifest directly in the physical plane. All others need some vehicle, such as a gem, incense smoke, or the magnetism given off by freshly cut plants or spilled blood.

(Dev.) Land, country.

An image or three-dimensional form that has been fashioned out of either etheric or astral substance, usually by the action of a trained mind. If enough trained minds work together to build the same thought-form, it will exist independently for a period of time based on the amount of energy put into it. (Putting energy into such a form is known as
the thought form.) Manifestations of gods or saints are usually thought-forms picked up by the highly intuitive, such as children, or those with a touch of second sight. It is also possible for a large number of untrained minds to make fuzzy, ill-defined thought-forms that can be picked up the same way, such as UFOs and sightings of the Devil.

(Dev.) An intermediate rank of the noble-born, below a gwerbret but above an ordinary lord (Dev.

(trans. of Dev.
) Fate, destiny; the inescapable problems carried over from a sentient being’s last incarnation.

(Dev.) An island.


Many readers and reviewers have assumed that the Deverry books take place in some sort of alternate Britain or that the people of Deverry came originally from Britain. Since a few have even, in total defiance of geography, supposed that the series takes place on that island, I thought I’d best clarify the matter.

The Deverrians emigrated from northern Gaul, the “Gallia” referred to in the text, after they spent a fair number of years under the Roman yoke but before Christianity became a religion of any note. As for their new home, Annwn, the name is Welsh and literally means “no place,” a good clue, I should think, as to its location here in our world. Later volumes in this series explain how the original group of immigrants reached their new country and tell something of the history of their settlement.


is the author of eight fantasy novels—
Daggerspell, Darkspell, The Bristling Wood, The Dragon Revenant, A Time of Exile, A Time of Omens, Days of Blood and Fire, Days of Air and Darkness
—and three science fiction novels,
Polar City Blues, Resurrection
which she wrote with Mark Kreighbaum. She is currently at work on her next novel. She lives in San Francisco with her husband.

A Bantam Spectra Book / published by arrangement with Doubleday
Doubleday edition published 1986
Del Rey edition published 1987
Bantam revised edition / December 1993

and the portraval of a boxed “s” are trademarks of Bantam Books, a division of Random House, Inc.

All rights reserved.
Copyright © 1986 by Katharine Kerr.
Revised edition copyright © 1993 by Katharine Kerr
Maps designed by Eleanor Kostyk.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher
For information address. Bantam Books.

eISBN: 978-0-307-75583-4

Published simultaneously in the United States and Canada

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