Daeton's Journey (Wiccan-Were-Bear Book 10) (11 page)

BOOK: Daeton's Journey (Wiccan-Were-Bear Book 10)
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That evening, they celebrated Kaya’s adoption into the Centaur herd as Sophie and Arsen’s daughter.  Kaya was thrilled to have found a family after being alone for so long.  Daeton was thankful the sweet girl had found a home.

The following morning, while the sun was rising, they said goodbye.

“You’ll write to me, won’t you?”  A tearful Kaya asked.

“I promise.  The time will fly fast and we’ll be able to come back to visit before you know it.”

“Ten years is a long time,” Kaya said wistfully.  “I’ll be eighteen plus one, but Adi will only be one.”

“You can still be friends, no matter the age difference,” Perseus said with a smile.

“I’d like to think of him as my brother, if that’s okay?”

Adi smiled and pranced, clearly liking the idea.

“He loves that, and so do I.  You’re part of our family now, too,” Daeton said.  She hugged Kaya tightly and then said goodbye once more to Sophie.

“Thank you for bringing her to me,” Sophie said.  “I’m so glad to call you friend.”

“Me, too, Sophie.”

Daeton joined her husbands and her son as they stood before the portal.  With a final look back at Kaya as she stood between Sophie and Arsen, she waved and stepped through.  Whatever lay ahead for Kaya, she knew that Sophie and Arsen would care for her as if she were their own.

Breathing deeply of the scents around her as they stepped through the portal, she said, “It’s so good to be home.”

Adi pranced around, looking genuinely happy to be home, too.

“You and Ekho were talking about my journey when we were hunting,” she said, as she held both their hands and followed Adi toward their home.

Perseus nodded.  “It’s remarkable how everything has fallen into place.”

“What do you think the next chapter of our lives will bring?” she asked.

Ekho swept her up into his arms and carried her through the front door with a soft purr.  “Another baby; a sweet little sister for Adi.”

She put her arms around Ekho’s neck and kissed him.  Her journey with her husbands and their children was just getting started.  She couldn’t wait to see what the future would bring.


The End


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Contact the Author


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Twitter:  @rebutlerauthor



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Also from R. E. Butler

Wiccan-Were-Bear Novella Series

A Curve of Claw

A Flash of Fang

A Price for a Princess

A Bond of Brothers

A Bead of Blood

A Twitch of Tail

A Promise on White Wings

A Slash of Savagery

Awaken a Wolf

Daeton’s Journey

The Wiccan-Were-Bear Series Volume One


The Wolf’s Mate Series

The Wolf’s Mate Book 1:  Jason & Cadence

The Wolf’s Mate Book 2:  Linus & The Angel

The Wolf’s Mate Book 3:  Callie & The Cats

The Wolf’s Mate Book 4:  Michael & Shyne

The Wolf’s Mate Book 5:  Bo & Reika

The Wolf’s Mate Book 6:  Logan & Jenna

The Wolf’s Mate Book 7: Lindy & The Wulfen


The Necklace Chronicles

The Tribe’s Bride

The Gigolo’s Bride


Ashland Pride Series

Seducing Samantha (Ashland Pride One)

Loving Lachlyn (Ashland Pride Two)

Marking Melody (Ashland Pride Three)

Redeeming Rue (Ashland Pride Four)

Saving Scarlett (Ashland Pride Five)


Hyena Heat Series

Every Night Forever (Hyena Heat One)

Every Dawn Forever (Hyena Heat Two)

Every Sunset Forever (Hyena Heat Three)

Every Blissful Moment (Hyena Heat Four)


Wilde Creek Series

Mate of Her Heart (Book One)

The Alpha’s Heart (Book Two)

The Protector’s Heart (Book Three)

The Omega’s Heart (Book Four)


Saber Chronicles Series

Alaric’s Perfect Mate (Book One)

Slade’s Feisty Mate (Book Two)

Caleb’s Tempting Mate (Book Three)

Galen’s Lovely Mate (Book Four)


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Coming Next in the Wiccan-Were-Bear Series:


A Dragon for December

Wiccan-Were-Bear #11


Polar bear shifter December Merricks, known to her friends as Deci, is visiting her angel best friend,
Allisandrea, in Cleveland.  When the February new moon rises, Deci heads into what she believes are neutral woods for some hunting when she comes snout to fang with an enormous dragon, who is not only trying to swipe her prey but also happens to be her mate.

Dragon prince Tosh Okida loves hunting in the woods of Culiver, the territory owned by his nest.  When the new moon rises, Tosh feels an incredible pull to the woods and goes off to hunt. To his surprise he finds a polar bear roaming his woods trying to steal a buck.  Not only is the feisty bear a thief, but she’s also his mate.

With his mate by his side, Tosh is able to claim the kingship of his people, but someone is plotting against him, hiding in the shadows. When an innocent trip to the spa ends with Deci kidnapped and drugged, her body is forced into a mating thrall that will kill her if she doesn’t give in to the need coursing through her.  Will Tosh be able to get to her before she’s lost to him forever and put down the threat to his throne, or will all be lost in a flurry of fur and fangs?


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BOOK: Daeton's Journey (Wiccan-Were-Bear Book 10)
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