Cuck's Closet: Watch and Weep (4 page)

BOOK: Cuck's Closet: Watch and Weep
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Chapter Three: Jack’s


When they were done, Ashley collapsed atop of Dante and kissed him deeply. The music mix came to an end but their tongue kiss continued. An hour and fifteen minutes had passed, the length of the mix tape, a fact that Ashley must have realized along with Jack but the kiss continued. The two lovers, for all they knew, were now flirting with the chance that her boyfriend would walk through the door and discover them naked in a pile of sweaty sheets. Did she even care?

“Alright, babe.”
Dante said, slapping her bare ass with easy intimacy. “I gotta split. I don’t want to miss the Laker game. Tip off is in five minutes.”

Ashley sighed sweetly, “So soon?”

“Ain’t your boyfriend gonna be here any second? You need to get yourself cleaned up, hoe!”

“I know,” She sounded a bit wistful, like the thought brought her down from the intense high of the past two hours. Reluctantly she rolled out of bed and took a staggering step toward her discarded clothing on the floor.

“My goodness,” she laughed, “I won’t be able to walk straight for the whole time Jack is in town!”

“Tell him you sprained your ankle or some shit.”

“You think I should lie? I’ve never lied to him before I met you.”

Ashley pulled on her tank top but
absent-mindedly left her bottom half naked. Jack stared at the tiny triangle of her crotch, fascinated by the glazed matting of her tiny patch of hair and the large creamy deposit oozing from the folds of her pussy. She looked frazzled, standing in the middle of her room in a daze. Her hair was in disarray, the remains of her eyeliner smudged her cheeks. Despite it all, to Jack she never looked more beautiful.

“Whatever you do, don’t come running to me for a shoulder to cry on.”

“Don’t worry, Dante, I’ll just come running to you if I need a cock to scream on.”

laughed deeply at that, “So then I’ll be seeing you soon I bet.” Fully dressed, he wrapped his big black arm around her waist and grabbed her ass one last time. She curled like a purring feline into his hard body.

Jack realized this might be his moment to escape, when
Dante finally left and hopefully Ashley stepped into the shower. But he realized he was stark naked with only Ashley’s pink panties wadded up around his groin. He reached for his pants but the metal buckle was too noisy in the now too quiet room as the lovers kissed goodbye. Instead he reached for one of Ashley’s nearest articles of clothing in the closet, a sheer chemise and stretched it over his shoulders. At least it went on quietly.

“Oh hey, I found this thing on your bed,”
Dante reached across her bed and plucked out of the sheets a little black box. 

“What the heck
is that?” She asked, staring at it.

“I don’t know,”
Dante shrugged, “But it was all up my ass when you were riding me.”

He tossed the box to her. She caught it, knitting her brow, mystified, as she walked
Dante to her door.

“Come knock on my door when you get a chance to sneak away, alright?”

She placed the box on her kitchen counter and smiled sweetly at Dante, “I’ll certainly try and don’t worry, I won’t tell him about us. I don’t think he can handle it. I still love him you know.”

“I know. I’m very supportive of your relationship.”

“You’re such an asshole,” she chuckled.

They were behind the pillar for their last kiss, so Jack didn’t get to see that but he knew what they were doing. Then the door opened and
Dante was gone. Ashley stepped back into her kitchen and Jack prayed she would go straight into her shower so that he could finally get out and pull himself together but instead she stopped, staring at something on the kitchen floor. She squatted down to take a closer look, one hand holding her crotch in order to keep the copious amount of semen in her overflowing pussy from dripping into a puddle on the floor. Rising back up, Jack realized with dread that she had discovered the rose and his note.

She read it over. Held up the rose then she looked at the bed and then at the little black box.

Jack watched with baited breath as his dear Ashley finally cracked open the box and let out a sharp gasp. Her hand trembling she put it back down on the kitchen counter and recoiled, almost as if in horror.

Quickly she darted back toward the bedroom and picked up her cell phone, pacing to the middle of the room, her hands shaking so much she could barely dial the number.

Jack realized she was calling his cell phone. In a panic he reached around the closet floor, looking desperately for his phone, to shut it off but he was too late. The room filled with the sound of his ring tone and Ashley stood looking directly at her closet door, her face pale. The tension was sickening, dreadful.

Slowly she walked toward her door and pulled it open. When she saw Jack, in a groveling position crouched on the floor, naked except for her pink chemise and her crusted up pink panties, she jumped back, instinctively covering up her nakedness, a hand over her crotch and another over her chest.

There were no words. Jack looked at her with tears in his eyes. She looked back at him in shock. 

Jack yearned to tell his dear Ashley that he still loved her. That what he had witnessed had been the most primal, sensational and exciting journey of his entire life. He needed to tell her that the experience had changed them both but it hadn’t changed his love. But he had no words. There were none that his little mind could think of.

Instead, wordlessly, submissively, Jack crawled toward her on his knees until he was at her feet. He looked up at her submissively. He put his arms around her midsection and, like a puppy dog, used his nose to gently push her hand away from her crotch and his tongue to lap up her cum smeared pussy.

“Oh,” Ashley said in quiet surprise as she dropped her phone.

Jack tried to say I love you but his voice was too muffled with his face stuck between her sticky legs. He stopped from his licking to look up at her, meet her devastatingly blue eyes, and finally speak the words he had always been planning to say.

“Ashley, will you marry me?”




Chapter Four
: Ashley’s Answer


Jack didn’t get his answer at that moment. The two had so much to work through first it took the rest of the day and the night. Ashley cried. She begged forgiveness for letting Dante have his way with her and for saying so many horrible things. Jack had to reassure her repeatedly. He told her many times that he still loved her and that he even felt lucky to have witnessed his usually controlled Ashley transported to a place of uninhibited sexual transcendence.

she got angry with him for hiding in her closet, for not coming out sooner, for not protecting her from the advances of that arrogant brute. She called Jack a pervert for being turned on and got disgusted by what he did to her panties, tossing them out in the garbage. Jack apologized for it all. He couldn’t help himself and he had to admit that for some surprising reason the whole thing turned him on almost as much as it turned Ashley on.

They talked well into the night, having a heart to heart about their relationship. Ashley confessed her longtime dissatisfaction with their sex life. That she too loved Jack for his giving and supportive personality but he didn’t last long enough to satisfy her and he wasn’t well endowed and his body was soft, like his personality. She told him that
her plan for his visit was to bring the romance back into their relationship. She had even purchased some lingerie for him but if her plans didn’t work she was actually planning on breaking up with Jack. The news was terrifying for Jack and it cowed him into silence.   

Ashley did put on the
engagement ring. She wore it around, admiring the sparkle it gave her. It gave Jack some hope that their relationship still had a future despite the hurtful truths that they were sharing.

Eventually, Ashley got in the shower to clean the sweat and sex off her ravished body so that at least her dearest Jack didn’t have to endure seeing her in the slattern state
Dante had left her. Jack for his part changed the sheets, did the laundry and cleaned up the entire apartment.

Their conversation picked up again over a late night dinner. This time Ashley asked probing questions about how much Jack had truly seen and what had turned him on the most. How did he feel when she screamed praises of
Dante’ prowess? Why did it turn him on? Was he secretly gay?

Jack did his best to answer. He did not completely understand. He wasn’t gay but seeing the love of his life taken by an alpha male struck a nerve that went straight to the core of his libido. The pleasure he derived was deeply fundamental, as if being a second banana, a beta male, was part of his DNA.

Ashley nodded sympathetically, like she understood her little Jack completely. They were both exhausted by then. It was the wee hours of the morning and so they awkwardly got into bed together, giggled a bit about what craziness had transpired on this very spot only hours before, and then stared silently into each others eyes.

Jack placed a sweaty palm on her hip and Ashley shook her head.

“I’m sorry Jack, not tonight. I am totally spent.”

Jack always so understanding, removed his sweaty palm and kept his hands to himself. Then he asked
timorously, “Ashley, you never did answer my question.”

“What question?” She asked, absently.

“Will you marry me?”

“I don’t know,” she yawned. “Let me sleep on it.”

And soon she drifted off into a deep sleep. Jack slept too, but his was more fitful.

When Jack awoke it was the evening of the next day and Ashley wasn’t in the bed next to him. He darted up, wondering, worried.


he called out from the bathroom, “I’m trying on the lingerie I bought for you. Want to see it?”

“Heck yes!” Jack answered. He felt invigorated now. He felt like he wanted to try to do some of the things
Dante did. The man had opened doors and Jack wanted to prove to his Ashley that he could learn new tricks if given a chance.

The door opened and Ashley tottered out, cutely and a tad unsteady on a pair of high heels that accentuated her taut, long legs that were completely bare, right up to the very tops of her thighs. She was wearing a sheer white babydoll that seemed to float over her hips. The form fitting cups were trimmed with powder blue bowties, presenting her breasts like they were two priceless gifts. Her hair was pinned up elegantly. Around her neck lay a delicate silver necklace that Jack remembered buying her years ago. It had a cross that rested sinfully at the top of her cleavage. She looked like a sweet, innocent confection begging to be devoure
d, all wrapped up beautifully with a bow for her man.

“Do you like it?” She blinked, insecurely, twisting a bit to showcase herself for Jack, one of her toes pointed inward, like a newborn doe.

“Like it,” Jack’s voice horse with desire, “I love it.”

Ashley squealed in delight and skipped toward her closet.

“Get over here!” He patted the spot on the bed next to him but Ashley didn’t hear, she was too busy putting on a short length trench coat that was only slightly more concealing than the sheer lingerie.

“Why are you putting that on?” Jack asked, a bit dim.

“Because I don’t want the neighbors to see me walking down the hall in my lingerie, silly!”

It was then that Jack realized Ashley was not dressing like this for him. She was not even planning on spending their second night together. He watched her check her hair and make-up in the mirror one last time, nervously she repositioned a lock of her hair that fell over her blue eyes and Jack winced as her diamond engagement ring flashed in the evening sunlight.

“Okay, wish me luck!” She said, turning back to Jack, glancing briefly at his stiffy that poked up a tiny tent in the sheets. “I just hope he likes my little outfit as much as you do.” 

“Ashley,” Jack sputtered as she turned toward the door. She stopped without turning around, like she didn’t have the patience or time to argue. Jack collected the
bed sheets around his midsection and took a step toward her but he could see Ashley tense up. She didn’t want him to touch her.

“What is it, Jack.” She said sternly.

“It’s just that… you’re wearing my engagement ring. Does that mean you say yes?”

“I don’t know how I feel yet. I want to ask
Dante what he thinks.”

“What? You’re going to te
ll Dante what? About me, being in the closet? Watching you guys?”

“Yes, of course. Honesty is the best policy, Jack. You know I believe in that firmly.”

“But how much will you tell him?”


Jack was speechless so Ashley put her hand on her own lips, kissed it and placed her fingers on his lips, transferring her kiss without mussing her make-up. 

BOOK: Cuck's Closet: Watch and Weep
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