Read Craving Temptation Online

Authors: Deborah Fletcher Mello

Craving Temptation (10 page)

BOOK: Craving Temptation
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Mike had been right. Under normal circumstances Troy knew he would never have hidden his love for Amina from anyone, wanting to shout his intentions to the world. And although their circumstances were anything but normal, he knew it didn't make what they were doing right.

Harper and Quentin were upstairs in their living quarters when Troy poked his head in to say hello. The couple were snuggled close together on the living room sofa, the television playing quietly in the background.

“Hey, what's up?” Troy chimed as he knocked loudly, announcing his arrival.

“Not much,” Quentin answered as he waved his brother into the room.

“What are you up to?” Harper asked. “Is Amina coming?”

Troy shook his head. “No. I had some work to do. I needed to catch up on the supply orders before you ran out of flour and sugar.”

Harper laughed. “He ran out last week. I already did the order.”

“Did you really run out?”

Quentin shook his head. “No. We came close though. We know how busy you've been so Harper figured she would give you a hand and just take care of it.”

Harper tossed him a wink of her eye and smiled brightly.

Troy blew a deep sigh as he sank into the oversize chair. “Thank you. I really appreciate the help.”

“You need to focus on your campaign, not the bakery,” Harper said. “Quentin and I can cover things here while you handle your business.”

“I know,” Troy said with a heavy nod, “but the bakery keeps me sane. Sometimes when things get hard, coming home just feels right.”

Quentin tossed his wife a look. He shifted forward in his seat. “So, what's bothering you?”

Troy shrugged again, suddenly feeling like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. He didn't speak, unable to find the words to explain all he was feeling. He lifted his gaze to see his brother and sister-in-law staring at him. His mouth lifted in an easy smile.

Quentin leaned and gave his wife a quick kiss on the cheek. Harper tossed her legs off the sofa and stood up. “I need to call my grandmother to check up on her. I'll give you two some space.” She kissed her husband one more time and pressed a quick kiss to Troy's cheek as she passed by him.

Troy grabbed her hand. “Thanks again, Harper, and tell Mama Pearl I said hello.”

As Harper disappeared toward the back bedroom the two brothers met each other's stare. Quentin asked his brother again. “What's wrong?”

Troy dropped his head into his hands, his elbows resting on his thighs. “I love Amina,” he finally answered as he looked back at the man.

Quentin laughed. “Please! I thought you had a real problem. Harper and I know you love Amina.”

For a split second Troy was surprised. Then just like that, he wasn't. “So what do I do now?”

Quentin smiled. “I'll tell you like you told me, Big Brother. I have my own issues to deal with. And I really don't have the time or the energy to be worried about yours.”

Troy chuckled softly. “I did say that to you once, didn't I?”

“Yes, you did. But just like you, I am worried about you anyway. I don't want to see you get hurt, Troy, and I definitely don't want to see Amina hurt. That wouldn't be cool.”

Troy sighed. “I would never hurt Amina.”

“I know that. And I know you two have some things you need to get past. But I know that you'll get past them easier with Amina by your side, than without her. You love her and that, Big Brother, is a very good thing. We can all see that Amina makes you feel alive and that you're doing the same thing for her. All your life, Troy, you've taken the right path. Done everything on the up and up. Didn't make waves. Now, if you want to make some noise, make some noise. If you want to make that jump, then jump. Life's too damn short for you to be playing it safe now.”

Troy laughed, his brother's advice spinning in his head. “It's good to know that you've been paying attention all these years.”

“I learned from the best.”


Amina had agreed to meet Troy at his Oak Ridge home for lunch. On the drive there she'd questioned the decision more than once but the last time they'd snuck off to share a cup of coffee, holding hands beneath the table, a constituent had rushed him at the counter. The elderly man had been anxious to share his vision for the city with Troy and as he did, she saw their few minutes of alone time dwindle substantially.

It wasn't often that they both had a two-hour window of opportunity, so they were eager to take advantage of it. Troy's home had been the most likely place for them to see each other without having their time compromised. And Troy had insisted, making it clear that he wasn't interested in their hiding.

The spacious home was located in a secluded neighborhood. Situated on a four-acre tract of land it was serene and private with amazing natural living spaces. An open floor plan with lots of natural light through large palladium windows complemented hardwood floors, a stacked stone fireplace, and vaulted ceilings. The décor was sparse with little to no feminine touches. Amina was instantly in lust with the gourmet kitchen that boasted cherry cabinets, quartz countertops, stainless steel appliances, and a double oven.

The house tour had barely been completed when Troy spun her into his arms, cupped her head in his hands, and planted his lips atop hers. He caught her off guard but as soon as his tongue pushed past her lips and began to wrestle inside her mouth, his hands ruffling through her curls, she knew that coming to Troy had been the right decision.

As Troy eased her down atop his king-size bed she could only think about the feel of him against her, his touch consuming. He suddenly rolled onto his back, rolling her with him. His hands gripped the sides of her face as he kissed her intently, his lips like silk against her lips. Amina wrapped her arms around his neck, her hands roving across his neck and head as he licked the curve of her profile, his tongue tasting her skin. She hovered above him, slowly grinding her pelvis against the muscle hardening between his thick legs. His body heat was consuming, pushing her temperature to combustible levels and Amina marveled at the intensity of the sensations.

Troy was nestled deep in the valley between her legs as she pressed her body down against his. He was rock hard, his erection a solid rod of steel grinding beneath her. Amina found herself pushing back against him, meeting his urgent thrusts with her own. Heat raged from the center of her feminine core. The intensity was like nothing she'd ever known. Amina strained against him as she continued to hump his body against hers. He felt fuller and harder and all she wanted was more.

Troy suddenly grabbed the cheeks of her behind and rolled her back over. He reclaimed her mouth and kissed her over and over again. Amina pulled her arms over her head as she gave in to the sensations. Troy's hands danced over her breasts, across her abdomen and back, his pelvis continuing to grind with a vengeance against hers.

He tasted sweet and his mouth was perfection against her mouth. She slid her hands beneath his T-shirt, her fingers burning a heated trail across his skin. She was suddenly pushing her hips upward, her buttocks lifting off the bed as he continued to stroke her through her clothes, his body sending her to the edge of ecstasy.

Her orgasm was explosive, the intensity of it moving her to scream out Troy's name. It rolled off her tongue over and over again as his grinding against her brought her to climax. Troy suddenly cried out with her, his own explosion shooting beneath the fabric of his khaki slacks. Moisture seeped slowly down his leg, dampening the fabric.

He slowly pulled himself from her, his breathing heavy as he gasped for air. He pressed another kiss to her lips before rolling onto his side. “Are you okay?” he asked, concern seeping from his eyes.

Amina nodded, tears of sheer joy clouding her gaze. She smiled, pressing a palm to his chest. “I'm perfect,” she said.

“Yes, you are!” Troy pressed another quick kiss to her lips. “I didn't expect us to do that.”

“I know,” Amina said, understanding the emotion they were sharing.

“It just felt so good to be close to you like that, Amina.”

“I know.”

“Do you regret it?”

She shook her head. “No. Not at all.”

Troy smiled and kissed her again, his lips lingering sweetly. “I think I need to change my pants,” he said as he moved toward the master bathroom.

Amina was still trying to catch her breath as she heard him turn on the water in the other room. She slowly lifted her body upward, completely overwhelmed by what had just happened between them. With everything she'd been taught she should have been upset and embarrassed but she wasn't. Not at all. The only thing that could have made the moment more perfect was if she'd allowed herself to completely let go. If she had given herself to him completely. She could only begin to imagine what might have been if they had been naked, Troy's body lost deep inside of hers. Another spasm rippled through her body at the thought.

Troy moved back into the room. He reached for her, pulling her back into his arms as he kissed her again. In that very moment Amina knew that no other man could ever make her feel the way Troy did.

“I'm going to make us some lunch,” Troy said when he finally released the grip he had on her, allowing them both to come up for air. “And we need to talk.”

Amina sucked in oxygen, fighting to catch her breath. “You kiss me like that, then change the subject to food?”

“If I don't change the subject, we're going to do something we shouldn't be doing. And after what we've already done, you have my head twisted. So I need food,” he said as he gave her the most endearing smile.

“I just need to use your bathroom first,” Amina said.

Minutes later he was clutching her hand as he guided her back to the kitchen. Pulling out a wicker chair he made her comfortable at the counter.

“I want to talk to you about something,” Troy said as he pulled ingredients out of the refrigerator.

“There's something I need to talk to you about, too,” Amina responded.

“You first,” he said as he reached for a large glass bowl out of the cabinet.

Amina paused as she watched him toss pulled crabmeat, chunks of avocado, sprouts, baby lettuce, and dried cranberries with lime, chopped garlic, onion, cilantro, olive oil, and salt.

“That looks great!” she said.

“I'm an excellent cook,” Troy said. He winked his eye at her.

She went back to watching him as he whisked the dressing, ensuring the flavors were just so.

He lifted his eyes and gestured for her to speak as he plated their salads. “So what do you want to talk about?”

She bit down against her bottom lip. “I have a second date tonight with Kareem Fayed.”

Troy's hand stalled midair as he was scooping salad out of the bowl. “A second date? I don't recall hearing anything about a first date.”

“Date is probably the wrong word because it's not really a date. We're just having dinner. And my brother will be there too.”

“And you kept this first threesome encounter a secret from me because . . . ?”

“Because I didn't want you to be upset. You had that fundraising event and you needed to be focused on the election. Not on me. Especially since it was nothing.”

“So now you're going on your second dinner date and you figured I wouldn't be upset this time?”

“I figured that it was better for you to know than it would be for you to
know. We don't keep secrets from each other, right? And like I said, it didn't mean anything before and it doesn't mean anything now. I wouldn't be going at all if my father wasn't insisting on it.”

“So this is something you really don't want to do?”

“Not at all,” she said with a shake of her head. “But . . .”

“Then don't go.”

Amina met the harsh stare he was giving her. “Are you jealous?” The first hint of a smile pulled at her mouth.

“This has nothing to do with me being jealous.”

“Yes, it does.” Her smile widened.

He dropped the spoon into the bowl. “Then yes, I'm jealous and I don't want you going on dates with other men.”

“Even if I have a chaperone?” Her grin was canyon wide.

Troy shook his index finger at her. “Don't joke, Amina. You know what I mean.”

She blew a deep sigh. “I know but I don't have a choice here. My father and brother both are insisting and until this election is over and we can go public with our relationship I think I need to oblige them.”

Troy passed her a plate of food and a fork. He moved to the seat beside her. He tossed her a look but said nothing. Taking her hand Troy passed a quick blessing over the food then proceeded to eat. The tension between them was suddenly palpable.

“So you're mad at me now?”

Troy blew a deep sigh. He sat back against his seat, resting his fork on his plate. “No. I'm frustrated. I understand that with you running your father's campaign and me running against him that we have a conflict of interest. Then we have the issue of your father's religious beliefs going against us. We're sneaking around like we're in high school and now I'm supposed to accept you dating men your father would prefer over me. It's just too much, Amina.”

Amina didn't know what to say so she didn't bother to respond. She dropped her gaze onto her plate, savoring the delicious meal he'd prepared for them. The quiet was slightly unnerving and tears pressed hot against her eyelids as she struggled not to cry. As they both emptied their plates, Troy moved back to the other side of the counter. He pulled dessert out of the freezer.

“That looks really good,” she said as he cut two slices of the frozen dessert for them to taste.

“Quentin made it. It's some kind of frozen berry cheesecake thing. I thought you'd like it.” He tossed her a slight smile, the wealth of it easing some of the tension between them.

“So what was it you wanted to talk to me about?” she said. “Before I ruined our good mood.”

Troy smiled. “Yeah, I actually wish I'd gone first now.”

“Just make a girl feel worse, why don't you!” She rolled her eyes, feigning attitude.

Troy grabbed both plates and moved back to her side. He took a spoon and fed her the first bite of her dessert. She clasped her hand atop his as he guided the cutlery to her mouth. The heat from her touch warmed his spirit. He leaned and kissed her, his mouth dancing lightly against hers.

“I'm sorry,” he whispered. “It's just . . .” He sighed, knowing he didn't need to say anything more.

Amina kissed him a second time, her tongue tapping lightly against his closed lips. She pressed her cheek to his, a low gasp blowing past her lips.

“Marry me,” Troy said, the words hot against her ear. “I love you, Amina, and I want you to be my wife. Marry me.”

Amina drew back in surprise, astonishment shining in her eyes.

Troy nodded, his tone emphatic, the words even more imposing. “I love you. Marry me.”

“Troy, you can't be serious.”

“I am very serious. I've been thinking long and hard about it, Amina, and we can't go on like this. I can't imagine my life without you. I want the whole world to know how much I love you. Marry me. Today.”

“What about my father? The election?”

“I will give up the election if I have to. And I will go to your father and plead my case right now. I will do whatever it takes to be with you, Amina. You just have to want it as much as I do.”

Tears were rolling down Amina's cheeks. Troy grabbed her hand, entwining his fingers between her fingers. He pulled her from the seat, leading her into the living room. He sat her on the sofa, lifting an index finger for her to give him a quick minute. He disappeared down the length of hallway toward the master bedroom and when he was out of sight Amina took a deep breath and then a second. She couldn't believe this was happening to her, her mind racing.

Troy suddenly reappeared. He moved back to her side and dropped down onto one knee in front of her. He had a small velvet box in his hand, and held it out toward her. Lifting the lid he exposed a stunning three-carat, princess-cut, diamond engagement ring. He met the look she was giving him, their gazes locking tightly.

“I love you, Amina Salman. Will you marry me?”

“Yes,” Amina said, her voice a loud whisper.

“Say it again!”

“Yes!” Amina shouted louder. “I will marry you!”

“Today,” Troy insisted.

Amina's eyes widened. “We can't get married today, Troy. I made a commitment to my father and I can't just walk away from that without talking to him. And we have to think about how this is going to impact your campaign. There's just too much we have to consider.”

“Okay then, we'll do it tomorrow.”


“Think about it, Amina. This is our future we're talking about. And as you can see by the investment in my hand I didn't just come up with the idea yesterday. I don't plan to change my mind so doing it now makes just as much sense as doing it later. If you marry me now then I don't continue to run the risk of ruining your reputation every time I think about you. Marry me and I will do everything in my power to win your father's respect. I'll even consider converting to Islam.”

Her eyes widened. “You would do that?”

“I would earnestly consider it. I've already begun to do some studying and research to learn more so that I have some understanding about the religion and what your family believes. I would only ask that you do the same. Your mother raised you outside your father's religion for a reason.”

Amina nodded as she pondered his words. “What about the election?”

“I'll withdraw. I won't let it be a conflict for us.”

“Absolutely not! I refuse to let you do that. I know how much you want to win, Troy. I also know that you're well on the way to doing just that despite my best efforts to help my father best you. I will not be responsible for your giving that up. Besides, I kind of like the idea of being the mayor's wife.”

BOOK: Craving Temptation
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