Read Complicated by You Online

Authors: Kenya Wright

Tags: #complicated by you, #white boys, #college roomates, #Contemporary, #college football players, #erotic, #college, #steamy, #dating in college, #Erotica, #black girls, #swoon romance, #Romance, #interracial dating, #college life, #urban, #college jocks, #white men, #sexy new adult books, #ebook, #three-ways, #african american, #kenya wright, #interracial relationships, #interracial, #love and romance, #new adult

Complicated by You (14 page)

BOOK: Complicated by You
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This is what Pipe said would happen. Jay would never give up and I would end up not being able to stop sleeping with him.

I opened my mouth to dispute his crazy claim. His tongue silenced me. His fingers slipped down to my stomach, crept under my panties, and glided down to my flooded clit.

“Oh fuck!” he groaned so loud. His fingers entered me. “Good God! Evie.”

Cynthia rolled over. We both froze, except for his finger. Jay continued to slide it in and out of me, coating that finger with my wetness.

“Jay?” Cynthia sat up and rubbed her eyes. “Evie?”

“Right here, Cyn.” His words mingled with excited panting as he finger fucked me.

I rocked into his hand, unable to stop myself. A tiny moan fled my lips. Cynthia stared at us. I wasn’t sure if she could truly see what we were doing, but she definitely had to know he lay on top of me and was doing something to make me uncoil right in front of her.

It took time for my eyes to adjust.
How long would it take hers?

“Maybe we should stop,” I whispered.

“No.” He pulled his finger out and then entered me with two fingers.

“Don’t stop.” Cynthia scooted closer and placed her pillow right next to mine. I wished I could say that my desire ended, that I paused from what we were doing to think about the rational option in the situation, that her being near us disgusted me, or turned me off. It didn’t. He kissed me and I drank him in. He sped up as he finger fucked me and I thrust my pelvis into the air meeting his movements. My body was an instrument and he was the musician. Wherever his fingers played, I sang a tune of bliss and ecstasy.

“I knew you two would be so beautiful.” Cynthia sighed. “Can I turn on the light?”


“Can she?” Jay took a large part of my breast into his mouth and slowly, inch by inch drew away until the suctioning lingered on my nipple. He removed his hands. “Can she, Evie?”

I closed my eyes. My hormones roller-coastered through my body, curving up and down, twisting and winding into swirls that drummed against my ribs and gnawed at my soul. He possessed me. I guessed that I’d always known that he did. It just took his hands on my body and one instance of him taking his time exploring me to truly let it all register in my head. He’d claimed me long ago, years back when I’d first climbed the stairs with my mom and was introduced to the lanky kid with the acne skin and furry dog at his side.

The only way I could walk away from him now was if I somehow took a time machine back to that moment when I first met him, tackled the younger version of me, and told her, “Look away! Don’t fall into those green eyes. Don’t touch his hand. Stray away from any conversation. Ignore him. Because if you do, if you let yourself slip, then you’ll be his and there’s nothing I can do for you in the future. I’m already imprisoned by him. I’ve been trapped for so very long.”

“Can I turn on the light?” Cynthia rose toward it, bringing me back to the present moment. “I just want to watch you both. I want to see.”

I looked into Jay’s eyes. Hope swam within those green pupils and outlining them was love. His love existed there for me to see. He didn’t shut it away like he’d done before. This time his love was out on display. And nowhere did I see deception or the desire to break my heart.

“Don’t hurt me,” I muttered. “That’s what I’m scared about. That I’ll give you the little bit that you don’t have of me, and you’ll take it, use me, and throw everything away. Don’t hurt me.”

Anger creased his face. Rage flared in his eyes. “Never. I would kill myself first. If I couldn’t, Mrs. Elaine would shoot me, or Pipe would torture me. Never. I love you, Evie. I love you.”

I turned my head. “Then turn on the light, Cynthia, but let’s not all get our hopes up. I’m just trying whatever this is for a few days. No more.”

Instead of the Kermit the Frog lamp, she reached over to the one layered in ivory flowers that snaked up the length and flared out into tiny hearts. A white glow bathed us all. Cynthia lay on her pillow. Excitement smoothed her face, making her blue eyes sparkle and her skin flush as if she’d been having sex for the past hour.

Jay got up and pulled off his boxer briefs like a mad man. They ripped a little on the sides and tangled a little at his ankles. By the time he returned with that erection pointing my way, I giggled from the craziness of the whole situation.

“I’m funny to you?” He nipped at my chin.

“We’re all mad here.”

“Oh yes. I’m mad. You’re mad.” Spreading my slick folds apart, he pierced me with him. I formed around him as he plunged into me. His cock stuffed me.
Oh yes!
I arched my back.

Cynthia moved in closer and kissed my cheek. Unprepared, I let her with no argument. How weird that it was such a tender gesture, holding no sensuality in it. She landed another peck on my forehead and returned to her spot. It felt like a thank you, but I wasn’t sure. Jay’s cock commanded all of my attention.

The bedpost banged into the wall. Grunting, Jay pounded into me with no mercy or restraint. I screamed in glee. “Yes! Don’t stop.”

His cock felt so good, like it was created for me. My arousal wet his pelvic bone as it sent delicious pressure to my clit. I grabbed the sheets, moaning so loud and knowing that the whole floor must’ve heard me.

Cynthia seized my hand, the one right next to her. Her soft fingers encased mine. She kissed each fingertip. I used her hold as momentum to propel my lower body into him, meeting his strokes each time. He may have snared my heart so long ago, but he’d have to earn my body and give me his own.

He pulled out with an enraged expression, clutching his cock in his hand.

“Come back,” I cried.

“You’ve got me so close to coming.” He squeezed the tip and closed his eyes. “Damn it, Evie. I’ll never survive you if you end this with us. Don’t walk away. Please, don’t.”

“I’ll … I’ll try.”

“No,” he said through clenched teeth. “Promise me.”

“Jay,” I whispered.


I jumped a little. “I-I promise.”

“For eternity.” He climbed back on top of me and slowly slipped inside. His cock stretched me even wider than before.

“Eternity.” My flesh tingled.

He captured my lips and drove his cock in and out of me at a luscious rhythm that ripped my body apart and claimed me as his. No one else had this effect on me. An orgasm crashed into me, gaining no time to build, or rise, or spark. My whole body spasmed under him.

“Hell yes,” Jay groaned and sped up. “Right there, Evie. Shit, I’m coming.”

I lay there in exhaustion as he shifted his manic strokes into relentless thrusts that left me limp and tingling all over.

God. I hope I don’t regret this.








“So you’re going to the Heisman ceremony with Jason and his girlfriend? Why would you be tagging along?” Mom asked.

Even though she was miles away on the West Coast, I could see her face as she pondered this. I don’t know what made a mother, but one of the ingredients that went into the recipe of a good mom was suspicion. Mom remained suspicious of any bullshit I threw her way. She smelled it before I said the words, spied it before it appeared in front of her eyes.

“Yes, Mom. I’m just going for support. He’s now one of three candidates. We don’t know if he’s even gotten the trophy yet—”

“Why of course my baby won. Who else would they give the Heisman to?”

I slung open my suitcase and searched for the heels that I’d set aside for the event. Jay had taken Cynthia and me shopping for the whole trip. “I’m just being logical, Mom. Maybe one of the other two candidates will win.”

“That’s ridiculous, Evelyn. Jason has worked hard.”

“The other guys have worked hard too.”

“Yes, but God watches over Jason, honey. That trophy is his. Don’t go up there bringing negative thoughts around him.”

Lord have mercy! I’m just thinking reasonable here.

“Fine.” I folded a few more clothes, checking the clock every few seconds. Pipe and his boyfriend, Shawn, who I would finally be meeting for the first time, were taking all of us out to eat. Cynthia got to choose the restaurant since she’d won the race two weeks ago. Knowing Pipe, it would be an all-nighter. I figured I should pack now since our plane left early tomorrow morning.

“And so you’re going with Jason and his girlfriend for support?”

And because I’m his girlfriend too.

Jay couldn’t wait to tell Mom we were together, not even considering the fact that Mom would wonder about Cynthia. In all fairness, Cynthia raised the idea that she could just be a secret to my mom and others. I wasn’t ready to start all of the deception yet. I didn’t appreciate having to lie at all.
But I will eventually if our relationship continues to work out as easily as it is now.
No one would accept our situation, besides Pipe. Everyone would point, laugh, be disgusted, call us names, condemn us to hell, ridicule, and destroy our lives anyway they could.

Right now Jay’s face played on television screens everywhere. He’d been named The All-American Sweetheart. The sad story of his parents’ deaths had broken the country’s hearts. Strangers all over rooted for him to win. Even cooler, he actually deserved it. He’d played his heart out every game. Agents called him every day. Companies offered him opportunities to sell their brands.

And he wants to give all that away by telling the world that he’s in love with two women. My lovely little dick head.

I’d told him not to do it over and over last night. He doesn’t like pretending I’m not his. He hated the way men looked at me when Cynthia, him, and I went out these past weeks and guys approached me as if I was single. Jay had come close to wringing a few necks.

Just to claim me in front of the world, he’d accept media shame and ridicule. Never. I wouldn’t let him do it.

“Are you all spending the night up in New York?”


“In separate rooms?”

“Yep.” I tensed. “What type of question is that, Mom? Of course we’ll be in two rooms.”

“When you say yep you’re hiding something.”

I froze in my spot with my panties hanging from my fingers. “Huh? I’m not hiding something.”

“And then comes the ‘huh.’ Now I know something is up.”

“I don’t even understand what you’re talking about? Nothing is going on. Why would you think something is going on? I’ll be in my own room and Jay and his girlfriend will be in their room. The question you’re asking is so weird.”

“Well, you didn’t tell me until the day before you were leaving that you were going. Then you say his girlfriend is coming which doesn’t seem right. I’ve seen see you two together. I know how that boy feels about you. Jason has no business taking you anywhere with him, when he has a girlfriend.”

I covered my face. “Nothing is going on with Jay and me.”

“He’s been avoiding my calls for the past two weeks. He never avoids my calls unless he’s doing something that he knows I wouldn’t approve of.”

Or unless I told him to avoid your calls.

Jay couldn’t lie to my mom if he was getting paid a million dollars. I tapped my foot on the carpet. “I have to go, Mom.”

“Sure you do. Just be a good girl and you tell Jay to be good too. Don’t you and him go hurting other people in the process as you both try to figure out what’s going on.”

I swallowed. “Where … What? Okay. No one is going to hurt anyone.”

“Be careful, Evelyn.”

“I don’t need to be careful because I’m not doing anything wrong.”

“Good. Just be careful.”

I sighed. “Okay, Mom.”

“Good girl. I love you, sweetheart.”

I smiled. “I love you too.”

We hung up.

I would have to tell Mom about us eventually. What I would tell her was the real question. How many miles away from her would keep me safe from her scrutiny was the most significant question. I’d seen her throw her shoe pretty far when she aimed at my behind. I wasn’t sure distance could save me.

I fingered the ring on my finger. Diamonds formed into an azalea flower that adorned a platinum band. Jay bought one that looked like mine for Cynthia, except hers flowed in the opposite direction. He’d taken us out to the beach late at night, with a basket full of food and candles.

His shaking hands took out both of the boxes and handed it to us. “I looked up the different meanings for flowers. I discovered the azalea has three meanings. One is that it represents the beauty of womanhood. Two, it’s what many people give to their lovers as a gesture to take care of themselves, and finally, the flower symbolizes fragile love.”

He opened them. Both rings glimmered in the moonlight. “I wanted to give you two these rings because I’m not sure if you both get that I understand how fragile our relationship is. We’ve had two outstanding weeks. Am I wrong?”

“No,” I admitted, although I was still taking each day one at a time.

BOOK: Complicated by You
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