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Authors: Melissa Phillips

Claiming What's His (38 page)

BOOK: Claiming What's His
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He instantly slid inside her and she was full of him. 

It was absolute heaven.

Oh God, how she missed him, how he felt inside her even if it was a few days.

Sam kissed and licked his neck and jaw, getting stubbed by his five o’clock shadow that she loved so much.  She rocked her hips against his, sliding him in and out, creating that great friction between them. That earned her an ass squeeze and a low groan.

She was so caught up in that great feeling between them that she didn’t realize he had been walking them back towards the deck.  She pulled her mouth off him and breathed, “Don’t press my back against that grimy deck.  It’s gross and I don’t know what’s been living on it.”

He panted.  “It’ll only be a second while I make you feel better.  I’ll scrub your back when we shower.  I promise.”


Her back was going to get pressed up against the slime on the dock. 

This was a tough choice.  But, with the way she was feeling now, that sensation she knew she was going to get was worth it.

“Fine but hurry,” Sam whimpered, wrapping her arm around his head, locking his head close to her.

He continued walking until her back hit the wall of the bank.  Once her back touched the wall, Alex began pounding hard, pulling her to him with each powerful thrust as the water lapped between them.  She screamed out her release as she tightened around him.  Within seconds, his groaned into her neck and nipped her skin.  He slowly continued gliding and he lifted his head.

“I love you, Sam.”

She looked into his eyes and gave him the same words she hadn’t yet given him.  “I love you, too.  And I’ve missed you.  You owe me a back scrub.”

He chuckled.  “I missed you, too.  Let’s go in and I’ll scrub your back.”


              Sam sat on one end of the couch, her knees bent up, her feet planted flat on the couch while she’s lying on her back.  Her head rested on the armrest as she watched Alex eat a late dinner on the other end of the couch and he was tentatively watching her.

Once they left the lake, they returned inside where Alex scrubbed her back in the shower like he promised, along with thoroughly cleaning other areas that got all sudsy and slippery, ending with Sam getting another orgasm.  Or two.

After they got dressed, Sam had announced that she was going straight to bed; however, before she could put her knee to the bed, Alex had grabbed her hand and dragged her out to the living room where he demanded she stayed while he cooked and kept him company.

But, because it was late at night and didn’t want to bring out all the pots and pans, he brought out her leftover Chinese food and warmed it up while pouring himself a glass of wine.

As he chewed through his food, he lifted up his chopsticks and waved it between them. 

“Almost forgot to tell you.  After you left, Haynes confessed to all the embezzlement charges and fundraiser theft.  But he said it was all Brown who stole the box at the tent during the Fourth of July.  He said he was getting desperate because they lost the fundraiser money.  Either way, he’s going down for his crimes including murder and kidnapping.”

“He deserved every single punishment they give him,” Sam added.  She didn’t tell him that she already knew this information when he was abducted to avoid future arguments and headaches.

“You do know that Dad set you up right?” he told her as she was slowly drifting off but was now wide awake due to that statement.

Her brows furrowed, confused as to what or why he was mentioning George.  And wondering how and why he would do such a thing.

“What do you mean?”

“About the case at Conrad.”

Now, this was interesting.  How exactly did George set her up? 

“How so?”

“He had already asked me to work the case for him.  But somehow when Maggie suggested you work the case with me, Dad thought it was a great idea for us to work together.”

Sam raised her brow.  “Oh really?  So Maggie was the one who brought me up.” 

“Yeah.  It worked out for us.  We worked together and caught the guy.  In return, I got you back and I’m sure as fuck not letting go.”

“So, Maggie’s hunch was right from the beginning, except she didn’t tell me she was part of that scheming plan.  But, you’re wrong about one thing; you never had me.” 

It wasn’t a lie.  Sam had secretly hoped that he would deny that and tell her that she had always been his.

“I meant in my life, Sam.  All those years without you killed me.  You have no idea how much I’ve hoped to see you each and every time I came back and how much I wanted to kidnap you and lock you away so that I could bury myself in you for as long as I can and never let go.  I’m not having that again.  You’re staying and that’s final, even if I have to hunt you down and drag you back every time.”


That was better than she had hoped.

That was such a turn-on to hear that he wanted to kidnap her and bury himself in her as long as he can and never let go.  Yup, that would be a lot of sex, one that Sam’s sure would be so hot and heavy and heart-stoppingly great.  But she couldn’t let that thought consume her. 

They were back to macho-man Neanderthal talk and she had to keep that in mind.

“You cannot be telling me to stay if I don’t want to.” Sam snapped, stubbornly, knowing very well that she didn’t mean a single word.  He was now back to his bossy, pushy self and Sam wasn’t sure if she liked it or not, or if she just felt like arguing.  It was probably the latter.

“Watch me.”

She resulted to glaring daggers at him hoping it would penetrate that damn head of his.

“I’m going to bed.  You can sleep on the couch.”  Sam stood up, turned and stomped away before Alex could say anything, shutting the door and locking it.  Sam knew the lock wouldn’t keep him out for long but she wanted to make a point.


              Sam wasn’t sure how long she had been asleep when a pair of hands rolled her to her back and roamed her body.  Both hands moved north, cupping her breasts as a warm, muscular body covered her. 

Alex used his knee to part her legs where he fell into them, loving how his body felt between her legs. 

She kept her eyes closed and felt his lips at her ears when he whispered, “Did you really think the lock would stop me?”

Instantly, she blurted, “No, but I had to make a point.” 

Wow, did she just admit that out loud? 

Damn him and his magic hands! 

As that warm sensation traveled through her body, she muttered, “What are you doing here?”

He ran his nose down her neck from her ear, across her collar bone and back, and between her breasts.  He pressed a kiss between her breasts and trailed them downwards, down, down, way down. 

Ignoring her question, he said, “Your skin is so soft.” 

Her hands slid into his hair holding him in place as he lapped between her legs.  She tried thrusting upward to gain more contact from him, but his hands at her hips held her down.  One of his hands disappeared and a finger slid inside her, her back arched off the bed.

And he set about doing other delicious things to her where she didn’t get any sleep.



“Mmm,” she mumbled against his chest, already falling into a light sleep.

His hand slid down her back to her hips and he squeezed.  “I want a rematch shooting hoops.”

He felt movement against his chest and he was sure a wicked smile appeared on her face.  “Do you really want to embarrass yourself and get beaten by a girl…

“You did not beat me last time, I was letting you get a few points ahead
we were interrupted with the missing money.”

“You know for a fact that I
your ass.”

“Care to prove it again, then, if you’re so good?” he dared.

“You’re on,” she murmured as they went about another game as to who could score the most on getting their mouths on the other the most.

Alex didn’t know it yet, but Sam was going to let him win because she loved it.

And because if he didn’t win, he’d continuously ask her for a rematch.


              They had stayed at the lake house for two and a half weeks while Sam got some much needed rest with Alex going back and forth between the lake house and back to Comfort to take care of business that needed his attention.  She called Char and told her that she would be out of the office and that she was an email and phone call away.  Char told her to rest and not to worry that she could handle the office without her. 

During her stay at the lake house, she swam, tanned, and fished (for fun) all day.  She even managed to squeeze in her rematch with Alex where she whooped his ass.  He wanted another rematch (just like she knew he would) and she gave it to him as well.  He won the next game by one shot only because she faked tripping to the ground.  She didn’t ask him for a rematch because she wanted him to have this.

And because she didn’t want to play again.  At least not
kind of play.

After Sam got her much needed rest, they left the lake after sunrise, in time to make their usual morning run at Cozy’s but not before their two hour morning marathon under the sheets.

During their ride home, Char caught Sam up to speed on the phone with all news including the potential new client that had a similar situation like Conrad’s and was needing assistance immediately.  Of course, Sam accepted.

They walked into Cozy’s hand in hand after eight o’clock, smack in the middle of the morning rush.  Sam glanced around and saw Maggie sitting on the couch with her laptop on her lap.  They headed over towards her, then Alex pushed Sam to sit next to her.

Maggie looked up and smirked, “Well lookie here.  It’s a pleasure to see the both of you again.  I believe someone owes someone something.  Perhaps a
thank you
come to mind.”

Sam wasn’t quite in the mood to smile, nor thank her so she replied, “I was definitely thinking of something, but it wasn’t a thank you.”

Maggie wasn’t affected by the sarcasm and powered through, “Hey, you guys are back together thanks to me telling him.  I wasn’t the one who you asked not to tell him.”

Sam growled at her.  “You know I always go there when I wanted to be on my own.”

Maggie rolled her eyes, placing the laptop on the couch and turned her body towards Sam with her arm resting on the back of the couch.  “Should I not have told him?”

If Maggie hadn’t told him, then she and Alex might not have made up and she would still be grumpy and sad and not have had all those amazing orgasms from last night and this morning. 


Decisions, decisions.

Fuck it.  Sam could let herself do this just one time.  This was Maggie after all.  It wasn’t just some random person.  She was family.

Sam took a deep breath and quickly breathed, “Thank you.”

BOOK: Claiming What's His
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