Claimed: Unchartered Territory (19 page)

BOOK: Claimed: Unchartered Territory
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Chapter Fourteen

Dallas stepped into the corridor expecting her guardsmen to flank the entryway as they had done since she began working in the labs. She looked both ways down the empty hallway and shrugged dismissively at their absence.

“See you in a couple days,” she called out to the three linguist who she worked with most frequently on translator improvements.

“Catch you later,” the males replied in stilted unison and she found herself suppressing a smile when the door folded closed behind her. The age old parting seemed to be their preferred one over the last few days. It had taken them a little time to understand there was no actual pursuit or capture necessary for the idiom to be true.

The translator worked great for most basic conversations but didn’t help Chezarians with simple conjugation, nuances in word usage, pronunciations or cultural nomenclatures. Dallas was determined to have the Chezarians speaking like native Earthers in no time. At least they would be speaking American English, South American Spanish and Mandarin in no time. Well maybe longer. It was a good thing she was becoming acclimated to Chezarian extended days, she definitely needed the time for her pet projects.

Dallas made her way down the sterile metallic hall with a smile in her thoughts over the accomplishments made thus far. In no time she stepped outside to the enclosed bay where her transport waited… or at least where it should have waited. There was a vessel present but it didn’t look like hers, and still her guards were nowhere to be found.

Dallas frowned in confusion.

But instantly realized something didn’t feel right.

One door of the transport raised allowing a hulking Chezarian to step out. For the briefest moment Dallas thought it might be Remar until the man’s grimacing face came into view. Slowly his mouth twisted into a cruel smile.

Dallas dipped her head pretending not to see his disturbing expression. She twirled on her heels prepared to make her way back into the corridor and the safety of the labs. She moved quickly waving her hand over the recognition pad. The door beeped but didn’t budge. She resisted the urge to look over her shoulder but found she really didn’t need to. Dallas could practically feel the Chezarian male closing the distance. His movements unhurried. She waved her hand again but got the same results.

This time she raised her fist to pound on the metallic surface.

“You are aware the door is sound resistant little
?” The male’s question was directed at her back.

A chill ran down her spine.

She was actually very aware of the door’s sound proofing but creeping fear had a way of dulling the senses. Her hand dropped to her side as she silently reminded herself she couldn’t give in to panic. Dallas turned to face the stranger. With a cock of her head she hoped to look unfettered by his presence.

“I haven’t seen you before, do you have the proper designation to be here?” she asked even as her fingers moved swiftly over the round holopad she held. She might be locked out but she could get someone’s attention through the device. The screen lit up but remained unresponsive.

The man gave an arrogant snort. He held up a small black box.

“This inhibits the signal to open the door and access to your holopad. So it appears that you lack the sufficient authorization

“You know who I am?”

He looked offended. “Do you believe my vision flawed?”

She shrugged, “At any rate, obviously you’re in the wrong place. I suggest you get on your way before my guards arrive.”

“They will not be coming.”

Somehow she already suspected as much. The panic she was working so hard at suppressing shoved back.

“What exactly did you do to them?” She asked hoping to buy time. It would be a while longer before anyone would be expecting her back at the manor, but her absence wouldn’t go unnoticed for too long.

“That was not my mission, but you are.”

He advanced again. She was trapped. The walk way was short with just enough space for lining up two transport vessels. At either end was at least a twenty foot drop to the ground below.

“And what exactly do you want with me?”

“Personally, I seek nothing of you. However my Commander requires a… private audience.”

“Well you can just decline on my behalf,” she said with firm resolve.

“I have been advised that your intelligence is far superior to that of Chezarian females. Yet, I am finding it hard to comprehend at present.”

“Well it seems we have something in common because right now I’m thinking you and your friend must be pretty slow witted to think you can just snatch me up and not believe there will be consequences.”

“The repercussions are not ours to bear. Now
you have two options. Come in peace or with injuries.” She doubted this man would have much care with the level of damage he inflicted.

Dallas was definitely in favor of an injury free outcome but had no desire to make her abduction and easy endeavor.

“My mate can match whatever compensation you’re being paid.” Her comment held nonchalance betrayed only by her pounding heart. Dallas sized up the man against a plan of attack formulating in her head. She might be stuck on the platform but if the behemoth thought she was going without a fight he’d better think again.

“Your leader can keep his tributes,” the Chezarian spat with unharnessed contempt. “None of his wealth will save you from your fate, alien whore.”

His words were disturbing, but what was even more daunting was the cold look reflected in his eyes. There was no way she could let him get her in the transport. Dallas took two steps back and as expected the Chezarian moved to close the distance. The makings of a smirk took hold on his cruel features.

“Where is the bravery I have heard so much about little
woman. I believe it to be highly exaggerated. Maybe there is much about you that is overrated.”

He took another step forward. She recognized it as an intimidation tactic meant to force her to make her retreat even further. She responded in kind and saw the cruel curl of his lips twist up even further. He wanted her to be afraid. She would give him fear. It wasn’t as if it were too far off the mark but she knew she had to keep her wits about her if she were going to get out of the predicament unscathed.

“Please, you don’t want to do this,” she added an extra element of fear in her voice.

She could feel the self-assured superiority radiating from him but there was something more. She’d seen the look often enough in the eyes of others at the Orphanage where she was raised. Pure, unadulterated, hatred. It wasn’t easy to be among the chosen few who were granted the minimal luxuries afforded to those classified as having above average potential. Dallas understood why the other children in the facility directed their displeasure at her but the reason for this Chezarian’s anger was a mystery. Ultimately, his reasoning didn’t matter to her. His goal was to get her in the transport and hers was to buy as much time as possible. She really hoped someone would be alerted to her plight and put an end to the kidnap attempt, but until then it was every woman for herself.

He stretched his neck from side to side and it cracked menacingly in kind. “I have heard told that you believe yourself to be a woman warrior. Is that true?”

“I’m trained as a scientist but I also like to think of myself as an explorer,” she said smoothly trying to sound as if she were having casual conversation.

Another Chezarian poked his head out of the transport. “Cease your sport with the alien or you will make us miss our drop time.”

“You heard him, it is time to depart. Come along little
” he said in a tone that really sounded as if he expected her to follow.

“I’m sorry I’m going to have to decline the invitation, but I’m flattered you went through all this trouble.”

She wasn’t.

He snarled and advanced on her with longer strides.

Dallas waited for the perfect opportunity at an opening. It came quickly. Her fingers gripped the holopad she carried and she channeled every ounce of strength she could muster into her next action. The stunned expression on the Chezarian’s face was priceless as the metallic object flew with the whirring steadiness and accuracy its disc shape afforded. The contact it made was exactly as she’d hoped, hitting the large male in the jugular. He made a strangled sound as both of his large hands reached for his throat. The device he’d held fell to the platform with a loud clatter. His eyes rounded in surprise as he gasped for air. Within seconds he dropped to his knees.

Time was of the essence.

She pounced into action covering the distance that separated them to reach for the device he’d used to jam the door’s signal. A quick scan of the little rectangular contraption revealed nothing other than three buttons. She pushed the first one while dashing to the metal door. A quick hand scan proved futile. The second and third buttons yielded the same results. She quickly realized there must be a pattern and systematically tried a couple of combinations. Her heart sank when two beefy hands settled on her shoulders and jerked her away from the door. She knew it was the second abductor since the first was doubled over a few feet away finally sucking in precious air.

“Do not resist,” the angry voice said several inches above her head when she attempted to jerk free. On sheer strength alone he was far superior but it wasn’t a deterrent for her.

She relaxed her shoulders and bowed her head in defeat.

“Good,” the behemoth murmured before turning his attention to the other man on the ground. “You can come with me or continue rolling around like a y
hog waiting to be mounted.”

The second man turned her toward the waiting transport keeping a steady hand on her shoulder. He was obviously far more cautious than cocky. She took two steps, dropped below his hold and before he had a chance to react ducked into a one leg crouch and used her extended leg to swipe the man’s feet from beneath him. He went down hard, causing the platform to vibrate. She didn’t waste time to bound back to the door, entering another set of sequences into device the second abductor failed to retrieve. It made a series of beeping sounds. It hadn’t done that before.

She was hopeful.

Extending her hand in front of her she reached for the recognition pad again. Instead of swiping her hand over the sensor she found herself tumbling backward on the platform. Realizing seconds too late that the first abductor had regained enough composure to make good on his previous threats. She was jerked back with a force hard enough to slam her down on the surface of the platform. Her head bounced against the surface as she landed on her back.

“It appears we have under estimated you little
, it is a mistake which will not be repeated.” If the hard menace in the first abductor’s voice wasn’t proof enough, the fist coming at her illustrated his meaning clearly, that was until the lights went out.


“What do you mean you do not know her whereabouts? You are her security detail. It is your job to know where she is at every second even during your relief hours,” Remar roared staring at the stupefied faces of the ten guardsmen entrusted with the safety of his bond mate at some juncture during the day.

“We received communication that the
wished to work later. It is not unusual for her do so,” One guard spoke up pulling out his holopad. “It came from one of the techs she works with regularly.” He presented and the message leapt off the screen for all to see.

“Bring me the tech, the others of you locate any vessel coming or going from the facility, alert the border patrols that the sector is sealed. There will be no manner of transports permitted in or out.” Remar said with far more composure then he actually felt. As the guard’s rushed out of his meeting room to do his bidding Remar was struck with another possibility. Maybe
disappearance was not by force. She had been unhappy with discovering his former relationship with Kala. His hearts sank at the idea before he dismissed it.
had come to accept her situation with him and he was quite certain had also developed some positive emotions for him. Surely, one disagreement could not undo what they had developed.

Either way, he was going to have her returned to him.


Dallas was totally okay with whatever mini dancer, who’d taken up residence inside her head, being kicked out on his or her little toe tapping ass. She would even happily serve the eviction papers. Their incessant stomping made it painfully hard for her to sleep. She opened her eyes slowly, even that hurt. Especially the left eye. She groaned as the pain intensified. Maybe waking up wasn’t the best idea. She closed her eyes again, but it was too late, her mind and body had already breached the point of no return. Plus the pain in her head seemed to be spreading to the whole left side of her face. She searched her mind for an explanation behind the pain. The memory had her eyes opening again to the dark opaqueness surrounding her. It wasn’t the room she shared with Remar. The musty, dank smell was enough to alert her she was in a strange locale.

BOOK: Claimed: Unchartered Territory
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