Read Christmas Wedding Online

Authors: Ellen Elizabeth Hunter

Christmas Wedding (8 page)

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Out-smarted himself, that’s for sure,” Aunt Ruby interjected.

That was supposed to be the last sting. He was wearing a wire. There was a big fund raiser at the Plaza Hotel that night and both Falco and Sullivan were on the guest list. So Falco was supposed to lure Sullivan away from the party and record him on tape offering a bribe to a city official.”

And did he? Did Sullivan offer him a bribe?” I asked.

We’ll never know. The tape was not found on Falco’s body.”

So Sullivan was onto him,” I said.

On TV, the feds are always stationed nearby listening to the conversation from a parked van,” Aunt Ruby said.

I know. I expressed the same disbelief. Falco insisted they stay away. He said Blackie was too slick, had too many contacts, and Falco didn’t want to take the chance of Sullivan being onto him.”

But Sullivan was onto him despite his precautions,” Melanie said.

Yes. His plan was to tape the conversation and then turn the tape over to the agents. And they went along with him because Sullivan was a fish the FBI really wanted to fry.

Only then Falco was dead and the tape was missing,” Scarlett concluded.

But now they had a murder charge on Sullivan!” I exclaimed.

And an eye witness. You,” Melanie added.

Here’s something I don’t understand, Scarlett,” I said. “Why did Blackie strangle the councilman? Why not just shoot him? If he was planning to kill him, he would have brought a weapon, wouldn’t he?”

There was a lot of speculation about that,” Scarlett replied. “It was assumed that because he was wearing a tuxedo he might not have been able to conceal a weapon easily. It might have bulged. Then too, one of the agents said, he might have not wanted to leave behind any evidence, and they can trace bullets to guns. He wore gloves; so no fingerprints. Only white lint. And that is too common. He was clever.”

Melanie asked, “What happened next?”

Well, it was clear that I was valuable to them. And it was clear to me that I was in grave danger. I’d never be able to perform in public again. I’d have to give up my dancing career. Sullivan and his mob would find me and silence me.”

Oh no,” I said, figuring it out.

Oh no, what?” Melanie asked, all hyper.

Witness Protection!” I declared. “They put you in Witness Protection, didn’t they?”

Yes,” Scarlett replied with a long sigh.

That’s why we couldn’t find you,” Aunt Ruby said. “Your mother was so upset and worried.”

Scarlett went on, “I couldn’t tell anyone, Aunt Ruby, or I’d be exposing you to the threat too. My life as I knew it was over. And I remained in Witness Protection ever since. All the while the FBI was building a solid case against Sullivan. Murder, racketeering, corruption, bribery, and unsafe construction practices that resulted in the deaths of innocent people when buildings collapsed.”

But why didn’t they just charge him with murder, based on your eye witness report?” Melanie asked.

A slick lawyer would have gotten him off. He could have made me out to be a not credible witness. Dark night, poor lighting. A girl coming home late from a theatre party where there were probably drugs. You know what theatre people are like, he’d tell the jury with a shrug. Then claiming she’d been assaulted. Upset, not thinking coherently. Seeing things. Plus, Sullivan could have claimed it was self defense. No. They wanted to use my testimony as just one more building block in the case they were building against Sullivan. And as it turned out, they did finally prosecute him in federal court. I did testify against him. He is locked away for life. No chance for parole. He’ll die in a federal prison. They put him out of business, and his gang too, lock, stock and barrel.”








The bridesmaids, even the married ones, and the female guests swarmed around Ray like bees at a honeycomb. The moment he appeared on the porch at the top of the Bellamy’s mansion’s impressive one hundred and fifty year old front staircase, he caused a flutter in every woman’s heart. Ray is that handsome! He looks a lot like Kiki. But the features that make Kiki appear exotic and a bit fearsome make Ray look irresistible and approachable. His lips are full; his eyes are dark chocolate brown, almost black, large and liquid. A girl would like to lose herself in those eyes. And those arms. He is a big man but not in an intimidating way, more like in a teddy-bear way. Cuddily. Very approachable.

And he is rich! And I’m sure that fact had raced around Wilmington with all the speed of a NASCAR entry. At twenty-seven he is one of the youngest richest men in America.

There you are, you sweet thing,” Melanie cried, and somehow managed to squirm her way through the bevy of admirers and maneuver herself under Ray’s left arm so that it looked like he had just wrapped his arm around her. A waiter came by with a tray of red wine and Ray snagged a glass for himself.

I scanned the mansion’s front porch for Cam, hoping he was not seeing this little bit of live theatre involving his wanton bride-to-be. One night of freedom remained, and it looked like Melanie was going to make the most of it.

Through the open front doors I spotted Cam in the large reception hall, getting a lecture from his mother. Poor Cam. He was just too nice. Yet he was an industry leader, had stood up to state legislators and made it in a field where the competition was cut-throat. He was not a wimp. Still, it seemed that where women were concerned, he was a pushover. Too passive and conciliatory. Guess that came from being raised by Nelda.

Cam had not seen Melanie with Ray, and I hoped to avoid that. I moved into the circle surrounding Ray, squeezed in at Ray’s other side and said, “Ray, have you met Kelly Lauder?”

Kelly was a New York supermodel who had grown up here in Wilmington, and had been Melanie’s best friend in high school. Kelly had long blonde hair worn up in a pony tail, and she was wearing a black wrap dress that showed off her figure.

I was about to introduce them,” Melanie said in a miffed voice, “but you beat me to it.”

Ray moved his left arm away from Melanie, transferred his wine glass to his left hand, and extended his right hand to Kelly. “Kelly, we met one night at the intermission of La Boehme. But I don’t expect you remember me.”

Ray was not only rich and a hunk, he was also genuinely modest.

Of course, I remember you, Ray,” Kelly said, and gave him one of her wide-eyed doe-like gazes. Whenever a man came around, Kelly turned up the voltage. Her gestures and body language shouted: Look at me! I’m a super model. Just look at my long mane of pale blonde hair. Just see my long sleek legs, and my high, full breasts. And being a man, and guileless, Ray did not fail to notice.

Neither did Melanie. And neither did the other girls. They reached out their hands to Ray and introduced themselves.

I’m Crystal Lynne, sugar pie,” Crystal Lynne said in a sugary Southern accent. Crystal Lynne is a beauty as well, having been runner-up when Melanie was crowned Miss North Carolina. “And I’m looking forward to treating y’all to some of our down-home Southern hospitality.”

One of Willie Hudson’s granddaughters was there as well, a stunning young woman who was tall and stately. She was the only one of the girls who could look Ray squarely in the eyes. And she did. A long, languid look.

He can have any one of them, I thought, or all of them. Including Melanie. Just how far had this flirtation gone, I asked myself.

I slipped away and into the reception hall. “Cam,” I called with fake cheer. “Let’s go into the parlor and check out the hors d’oeuvres. You, too, Nelda,” I added and didn’t have time to wonder if I had been discourteous.

Let’s see what Elaine has prepared for us. And have you seen the grooms’ cake?”

I steered them into the main parlor, chattering all the while. “Nelda, let me tell you about the mansion.”

She gave me a snooty look which seemed to say, Must you?

This mansion is a spectacular example of antebellum architecture -- a mixture of Greek Revival and Italianate styles. It was built in 1859 by Dr. John D. Bellamy, a wealthy planter. When Wilmington fell to Federal troops, the Union General Joseph Hawley commandeered the house as his headquarters. But then after the war ended, Hawley refused to return the house to Dr. Bellamy. So Bellamy went to Washington to personally petition President Andrew Johnson for the return of his house. And he got it back.”

A charming, provincial tale, I’m sure,” Nelda said.

It is fascinating, Mother,” Cam said, “to live with all of this history surrounding us. One of the reasons I feel in love with Wilmington. And of course you know the other reason. Where is she?” And he searched the parlor with his eyes.

She’s probably out back with Elaine at Elaine’s catering van. You know how hands-on Melanie is. She doesn’t leave anything to chance.”

But Nelda stayed on focus. “Now Cam, darling, there is nothing like living in Italy if one wishes to be surrounded by history.” She pressed a hand on his arm. And ignoring the fact that I was there and able to hear her every word, she asked, “Are you absolutely sure you want to stay here? Are you sure you don’t want to return to Italy with me? It isn’t too late to back out of this . . . this commitment?”

Wow, this lady was nervy. I would have been totally outraged if it were not for the fact that Melanie was misbehaving herself.

Nelda turned and looked toward the veranda. “From what I saw a moment ago, it doesn’t seem to me that your fiancé will be alone for long if you cancel this foolish wedding.”

I gasped. Foolish wedding!

Cam seemed to tune her out and only turned to look where Nelda pointed. But by that time, Melanie and Ray had disappeared from view leaving behind a group of beautiful but disappointed admirers.

Oh, Melanie, when I get my hands on you I am going to wring your neck.

I grabbed Nelda’s hand away from Cam’s arm. “Just look, Nelda, these are the original brass chandeliers, originally gas lights at one time. And don’t you just love the way they’ve carpeted the rooms with these colorful Victorian carpets? People think the Victorians went in for drab colors. Not so.”

Nelda was now looking at me as if I had gone mad. And had I?

Let’s get something to eat,” I said desperately. When all else fails, go for food.

Scarlett came rushing by and she was crying. Now what?

And just see the chocolate grooms’ cake. We’re going to toast the grooms later.” I was blabbing. Where had Melanie gone?

This was our rehearsal dinner and supposed to be a fun event, a festive private party for the wedding party and the out-of-town guests, a relaxing evening before the big day. And was it? No, neither festive nor relaxing. Not with my sister up to her old tricks. Oh, wait till I get my hands on her.

Then suddenly Jon was at my side and I felt much better. My love, my partner in life, someone to share my worries and my burdens.

He wrapped an arm around my waist and said with a smile, “The rehearsal went well, don’t you think? I was so afraid I’d flub my lines, but I didn’t.” He grinned at Cam and Nelda. “I can’t wait until tomorrow when we say them for real.”

If there is a wedding tomorrow, I thought to myself. “Jon, can I speak to you alone? Nelda, Cam, will you excuse us? Why don’t you try the hors d’oeuvres? They look delicious.”

As for myself, I couldn’t eat a thing.








I led Jon out onto the front porch. “What’s wrong?” he asked, moving us over to the railing. In honor of the season, the porch railings and the stair railings had been festooned with green garlands and wrapped with rope lights.

It’s Melanie,” I said, furious. “She and Ray slipped away. If Cam finds out what is going on, he’ll cancel the wedding, and we won’t be having a wedding ceremony tomorrow. Oh, what are we going to do? I’m going to murder my sister.”

Well, let’s look around for them. They can’t have gone far,” Jon suggested.

We descended the front porch stairs and followed a brick sidewalk into the side yard. It was darker here but not so dark we could not see. A few people were mingling here, strolling about on this unseasonably warm evening. But no Ray.

Then suddenly, I saw Melanie, walking away with a man toward the parking lot where there was very little light.

Melanie!” I called loudly. “Mel!”

She seemed not to hear.

Melanie!” Jon shouted.

She stopped and turned in our direction. Then she said something to the man and strolled away from him and toward us. When she reached us, she said, “What did you want?”

What do you mean, ‘what did I want’? We just came out to find you.”

I know,” she said. “One of the valets said you were looking for me. He said you were out here near the cars. So, what’s up?”

I was about to scream. How could she act so innocent? “‘What’s up? What’s up?’” I screeched. “You! You have got to stay away from Ray.”

BOOK: Christmas Wedding
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