Chosen by the Wolf (BBW Steamy Werewolf Shifter FMMMMM Menage Romance Novella) (4 page)

BOOK: Chosen by the Wolf (BBW Steamy Werewolf Shifter FMMMMM Menage Romance Novella)
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His thumbs hooked into my panties, plucking them from my hips and off my ankles. With the confidence and dexterity that only a seasoned lover can offer, his stiff tongue finally met my engorged clit, and he dove into my hood to flick it and apply varying pressure against it. I had only been with boys with minimal experience, and none of them had known how to properly stimulate me with oral sex.


Peter, apparently, did not have such problems.


He brought his thumb into play as well, flicking my clit as his tongue found purchase within my wettening slit. I felt goosebumps begin to rise across my skin as my fingers found their way into his hair, clenching at it, urging him deeper inside me. My calves rested across his back, legs draped over his shoulders, as he lapped away at my wet, needful pussy. My entire body undulated with small, drawn out movements as I felt my thoughts blank out and I mentally embraced the sensations with everything that I had.


The pressures changed, and I felt him sliding his index finger inside me now. His mouth was drenched with a mixture of his saliva and my fluids as he redirected his lips to suck on my hood, his tongue teasing my clit. In response, the goosebumps became more noticeable, as did my movements against him. His middle finger joined his index, sliding inside me and finding my G-spot instantly. Combined with the pressure against my clit, I practically went wild. My hips were lightly bucking against him now, my arms slapping against the bedding as I clutched to the pillows and comforter beneath me, throwing my head to the left or the right.


“F...fuck!” I exclaimed, squeezing my thighs around his head. “That’s...oh god, don’t stop, please don’t stop...”


He obeyed my frantic whims, driving up the intensity until I finally succumbed to at least three, maybe even four orgasms in a row. He maintained the pressure until I finally pleaded with him to stop as the sensitivity of my clit became almost too much to bear.


“Oh god, Peter,” I murmured, descending from post-orgasm bliss. “That was incredible…I’ve got to have you…”


I reached for him, my fingers grasping along the rock-hard erection beneath his slacks. Unbuckling his belt and pulling the zipper down, I relinquished his thick cock. It was incredibly large – the biggest I’d ever seen – and I immediately slipped my lips down the shaft.


Peter murmured a deep groan as I shoved my lips halfway down the gargantuan cock, starting to bob over it. I teased his frenulum with the stiff tip of my tongue before pulling his shaft free from my mouth and gliding my tongue down it – only to slide it back up to wolf the bulbous head back down.


I heard what sounded like a growl, ripping from deep in his throat, and he suddenly pulled back.


“I’m sorry…” he immediately spoke, turning away. “You’ve had a long drive, you must be tired…you need rest, that’s right.” He seemed to be clutching near his breast, facing away from me.


“Peter, I…it’s okay,” I told him. It felt odd, knowing how much younger than him I was, to be consoling him.


“No, I must leave,” he murmured, zipping and buckling his pants back up. “I’m sorry. Something has come up.”


With shaky strides, Peter left me alone in the room with the door closed. Hurt and confused, I gazed after him for a few minutes, eagerly wishing he’d return, but he never came.




I thought I might see him at dinner that night, but it was just myself at the table. I barely picked at the plate of gourmet food that his chef had cooked.


“Not hungry, dear?” She asked, popping into the room and seeing my minimal progress. They say to never trust a slender chef, and Marnie was healthily stout and broad with jovial plumpness to her cheeks.


“No, it’s just…I guess not,” I conceded. “I feel bad about wasting your food, I’m sorry…”


“Oh, heavens no! Don’t worry a thing about it!” Marnie smiled cheerily, whisking the untouched side dish out of my reach. “Would you rather some dessert, dear? Perhaps some ice cream, maybe a nice slice of delicious cheesecake? I have this delightful new york style cheesecake with chocolate to drizzle on top…”


“Do you know where Peter is?” I asked suddenly, turning to her. “He came to see me when I was unpacking, but he grew distant and left all of a sudden…I’m afraid I might have said or done something wrong.”


Marnie’s smile faltered, and she sighed with a small smile. “Oh, dearie…don’t bother yourself about that.” She scooped another dish up as she continued. “Master Peter is a complicated man…I’m sure everything will be fine. He’ll be back.”


“Did he leave?”


“Well, he…in a manner of speaking, perhaps,” she quickly backpedaled, choosing her words carefully. “Just try to get your rest tonight and shake the notion from your head. He’ll be fine tomorrow, I’m sure of it.”


“Well…alright,” I answered, taking one last bite of the meal.


“You sure you don’t want more? You must have been hungry on the trip!”


“We stopped somewhere to eat earlier.”


“Oh, that Harold…” She murmured, before disappearing around the corner. I heard her voice trailing off. “Well, probably for the best. Must have been a long drive, I so rarely see him that tired…”




Something stirred me in the middle of the night. Sitting up in bed, I listened intently to anything that was happening outside my door.


The feeling of being watched crossed me again, and I hesitantly pulled myself from bed and switched on my bedside light. As light flooded the room, I didn’t see anything in my bedchamber with me, and I breathed a sigh of relief.


But the compulsion was still there.


Unable to shake it, I grew furious at myself with what I was about to do. After taking a deep breath – and a few seconds to steel my nerves – I walked up to the door and threw it open.


Nothing was there, not even in the hallway as I popped my head out and gazed either way.


Closing my door, I could feel my heart beating hard in my chest. I was definitely being watched – I don’t know how I
it so strongly, but it was there. The sensation was irrefutably there, irrationally so, but plain as day.


A thought crossed my mind, and I turned hesitantly to the window. With fear threatening to hold me back, I crossed the room and whipped open the curtains. Out there, in the trimmed grass lawn, I spotted a small pack of wolves under the moonlight – large, like the one I had seen before.


Unmistakably, they were gazing up at my window.




I didn’t see Peter until the following morning. Halfway through breakfast, he stepped into the room and seated himself at the other end of the table, looking as if he hadn’t slept all night.


“What happened to
?” I asked, my concern clouding over my confusion and irritation. “You look like you’ve slept like


Peter chuckled slowly, his shoulders bouncing as he looked up at me from the fingers rubbing his eyes. “It’s been a long night. I hope you slept well, conversely.”


I opened my mouth but hesitated at telling him what I saw. I’d been trying to convince myself it was just a bad dream, but everything was so clear about it…


“I slept alright. Woke up in the middle of the night, but fell back asleep soon enough.”


Peter nodded, but I could see his eyes studying me. For a moment, he didn’t say anything.


“I forgot to tell you,” he suddenly spoke. “Stay in your room after night falls, at least until after the full moon passes. It can be…unsafe here.”


“Unsafe?” I asked, shocked. “What, you invite me here, ignore me the first night after…
after you know what


I switched gears, seeing Marnie pop into the room to check on me. Her expression soured when she saw Peter.


“Mr. Blackwood, you should be ashamed of yourself,” she told him furiously. “You invite your guest here and then disappear in the late afternoon? Surely you take better care of your company!”


My eyes widened as I turned to her employer. He was stunned, and I saw his brows furrow furiously as an intently
look crossed his eyes. Rising from his chair, he held the armrests as he stared Marnie down.


“You’re absolutely right,” he laughed, all of a sudden. “Monica, you will have to forgive me. I was so impatient to have you here that I got the timing all screwed up. I should have had you wait another week…but I just couldn’t bear to not have you here any longer, not if you wanted to come.”


The Peter I had seen before finally picking up my phone had been so calm, so collected, so
. But
Peter was erratic, distracted, scattered.


“Peter, what’s wrong?” I asked him pointedly. “You haven’t been acting yourself since yesterday. You were so keen to have me here…”


Peter turned to Marnie. “We have much to discuss, Monica and I. Talking is so difficult when I’m so tired…”


“Alright, alright,” the chef told him, patting him softly on the shoulder. “A cup of hot, steaming coffee might do you some good, seeing the state you’re in.”


Peter gave her a quick look.


Marnie sighed, a grin spreading across her face. Turning to me, she shook her head. “This gentleman is hopeless. Absolutely hopeless, I tell you. Knock some sense into him. And you,” she averted her attention to Peter, “you be good to this poor girl. Those solemn eyes of her tell me she could do with a little
in her life.”


My host watched her leave with a sly smirk. “One day I’m going to fire you, you know.”


“And that’s the day you starve, you lazy oaf!” Her voice trailed as she disappeared back towards the kitchen.


Peter turned his attention towards me again, covering his yawn with his fingers. “Right…where were we?”


“You were apparently going to discuss something with me?”


“Right,” Peter nodded, gazing around after Marnie, already wanting that cup of coffee. “There’s the small matter to discuss of what I am.”


“What you are?” I asked quizzically, a bite of egg caught in the air on the tip of my fork. “And what are you, exactly?”


“A wolf.”




“A wolf,” I repeated, my wide eyes glaring at him. “Now I
you’ve lost it.”


“That’s right,” he told me matter-of-factly. “The Blackwoods were wolves, all of us. At least, those of us who remain. With my brother gone years ago, it’s just myself now, and the pack that I lead. Our bloodline goes back twelve you remember the night that I saved you?”


“The night that you saved me?” I repeated.


“When I came to take you to dinner, arriving in that black sedan…I didn’t leave the town. I spent the night up. I couldn’t help myself, I was so enamored with you…and I remained nearby, in my wolf form. You see, a wolf can sometimes sense danger with his fated mate. And I sensed that something might happen to you. That’s why, when you left so strangely that night, I followed you. You stayed along the sidewalk, close to the woods, and I walked with you. Guarding you. Protecting you. And when you needed me, I sprung from the trees and repelled the vile man who intended to attack you.”


I stared at him oddly. It must have looked as if I were glaring. “You…how do you know all of this? About the rapist, the wolf, all of that?”


“Well, I’ve already told you,” Peter replied. “I was–”


He paused as Marnie came back into the room, carrying a cup of coffee on a plate, before giving him another mock sour look and leaving us to our odd discussion.


“...A wolf,” he finally continued, taking a sip from the coffee. “I was the wolf that saved you. I’ve been watching you on and off for a long time, Monica. Loving you from afar. Keeping an eye on you, to make sure that you were safe, cared for.”

BOOK: Chosen by the Wolf (BBW Steamy Werewolf Shifter FMMMMM Menage Romance Novella)
9.15Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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