Read Chasing Carolyn Online

Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Romance, #One Hour (33-43 Pages)

Chasing Carolyn (4 page)

BOOK: Chasing Carolyn
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Chapter Ten



The welcome warmth of his home wrapped around them the instant that they arrived. It was nice, but she wanted something that wasn’t warm, but hot.
“Axom, are you up for another round of
getting to know you better
?” She was suiting her actions to match her words and stripping as she spoke. She was down to her serviceable underwear when arms wrapped around her from behind.

“Of course I am. But I was thinking that perhaps you needed some time to get a grip on every thing you learned this evening.”

Her hands moved behind her, between their bodies, “I think I have a pretty good grip right here.”

He turned her in his arms after carefully disengaging her hands. “Are you sure?”

“Axom, I am action, I am impulse. I am definitely sure. I was sure when I said I would come with you to Silverwood, and I am sure now.”

She had her head tilted back to meet his serious gaze, but it was no use. She saw his mouth and wanted it on her. She decided to make an effort. She slid her hands up his chest and wrapped them around his neck to bring his head to hers. The kiss seemed to get his mind off her delicate emotional state, especially when she reached down to stroke his cock through his trousers.
“Do I seem upset to you?”

“Um, no.”

He trailed his lips down her throat to the delicate area on the side of her neck that made her shudder in reaction. She loosened the fastenings of his trousers as he worshipped the spot on her neck that made her knees buckle. “We need to get you on a more stable surface.”

He tugged her over to the couch and pushed her down on it in a seated position. Then things got serious. He touched and tasted all of her, without moving her bra and panties, and finally her frustration got the better of her. “My turn.”

He had the grace to look surprised as she used her greater than average strength to push his shoulders away from her. She stood and switched their positions. His pants came off with a few deliberate tugs and she smiled as his erection rose to almost touch his belly. She leaned forward to give him a kiss as her hands stroked his pecs and biceps with appreciation. “Nice.”

“Thank you.” His face was bemused as if this was the last thing he had planned, but that he was pleased it was happening.

She decided to get right to the point and lowered her head to take his cock in her mouth. His dramatic inhalation was encouragement enough and she continued her exploration with her tongue. The heat of him in her mouth was intoxicating, as was the scent and taste of him. She drew her head back almost to his tip and then moved forward again with a steady beat until his shaft moved to meet her mouth. At that moment she took her mouth from him and stood.

With his heated gaze watching her every move
she removed her bra and then her panties with few wasted movements. It felt like the longest striptease ever.

She stood before him, nude, for only a few seconds until her instincts got the better of her. She moved to stand between his legs and mounted him without further ceremony. He slid easily into her, her body having been primed by his foreplay and hers. She rode him with abandon, his hands gripped her hips and pulled her onto him as their bodies slapped together with a ferocity that she had been unable to engage in with her previous beaus.

Sweat began to run down her body as she moved faster and faster on him, peaking with a gasp that froze her in place while she tried to hold him fast within her. As she relaxed
she let her body fall softly against him. Caro nestled her head between Axom’s neck and shoulders. “That was nice. Did you want something else?” She clenched around him and was answered with another growl.

“My turn.”

It was all the warning she got before he separated their bodies and placed her on the carpet on her hands and knees. He was inside her again before she could blink and she arched to meet his thrusts. He pounded against her relentlessly with his own pleasure on the agenda, so they were both caught by surprise when she climaxed again, her upper body sinking to the carpet as she waited out the aftershocks.

His orgasm finally struck as he gripped her hips to keep them accessible. He jerked against her once, twice and then bore her down to the carpet. “That was what I wanted.” He breathed heavily in her ear, then rolled so that he was on the bottom and moved her so that she was lying across his chest.

too.” She snuggled down against him. He made a fantastic mattress.








Chapter Eleven



Breakfast in bed had been wonderful, even though Axom had insisted on eating it off and out of her. A shower fixed everything and he had held her up so that her wobbly knees wouldn’t be a problem.

“So, Axom. I have to ask you. What would I do here? I mean, there is no business that I need to take part in, the girls are handling the matchmaking and my skills are physical anyway. There is nothing for me to do here.”

He stirred his coffee leisurely. “Actually, there is a task that Artemis would like you to take on.”

“What would that be?”

“She would like you to agree to become the human etiquette counsellor and instructor for the men coming through the gate to Underhill.”

“They are still coming through?”

“One or two every day. Each one of them last walked the human world over three hundred years ago. They need help.” He took a few long sips of his coffee and eyed her carefully. He didn’t know how she would react and it showed.

“What would I need to tell them?”

“How the modern world works, money, food, shelter and social mores. There is a basic curriculum available from what we were trained with. Even with that
it took us five years to be competent in local customs.”

“Wow. Five years.” Was that the kind of time that she was willing to give to training a group of ancient elves and whatevers? She had to be honest. It was an interesting proposition. “I will do it.”

She had surprised him. “What?”

“I will do it. I want to make a life here, with you, and this is the one thing that I need to do to make it happen. So, for better or worse, I will stay here with you and train the newcomers.”

Something she had said triggered him into motion. He ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs, only to return in a matter of half a minute. He skidded to his knees in front of her and held out a small leather box. “Carolyn Sumner, will you be my mate, er, wife?”

“What is your last name Axom?”

He flushed crimson, “Adilik. I cannot believe that I haven’t told you that.”

“I can.” She took a deep breath and answered his original question, “Axom Adilik, I will marry you. Be your mate. Shorten your lifespan. All of the above.”

Tears in his eyes
he drew her to him. “I promise to be the best mate I can be.”

“So do I.” She smiled and opened the box. “Holy hell!” The rock was the size of her thumb nail and it practically hummed with age. She was afraid to put it on, so Axom did it for her.

It was a perfect fit.

“Don’t worry about losing it, it is enchanted to be found by the owner. Which is now you.” He smiled at her and gave her a light kiss on the lips to help warm her out of her shock. “Let’s go for a run.”

If anything could have shaken her out of her stupor it was that one word. Run. She looked over at him. “Well, are you coming?” And with a sudden burst of speed
she was out the door and heading down the street.

in panther form
caught up to her because she let him. She continued to run and passed through the paddock holding the steeds.
Together, she and her herd ran from one end of the paddock to the other.

This is what she wanted.

Running, life and her chosen male chasing Carolyn. Perhaps she would let him catch her.





About the Author



Viola Grace was born in Manitoba, Canada where she still resides today. She really likes it there. Her hobbies have included cross-stitch, needlepoint, quilting, costuming, cake decorating, baking, cooking, metalwork, beading, sculpting, painting, doll making, henna tattoos, chain maille, and a few others that have been forgotten.

Her writing actively pursues the Happily Ever After that so rarely occurs in nature. A brilliant mind, with a twisted sense of humor.

Viola can be reached at this email:

[email protected]

Viola’s website is located at:

BOOK: Chasing Carolyn
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