Read Charming Isabella Online

Authors: Maggie Ryan

Charming Isabella (3 page)

BOOK: Charming Isabella
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Nancy laughed as Izzy raced around, flipping off lights and tugging her out of the back door.
“Well, she may skin you but, I’m pretty sure my skin is safe. I’m the bride, after all!”

Izzy joined her in giggling as they piled into her car to make the trip out to the ranch.
By the time they arrived, all was once again perfect between the two.

Chapter 3


Elizabeth Martin shook her head as the two ran into the house. They were holding onto each other and giggling like children. She smiled, her heart full of love for the two special young women. She tried to hide her amusement by saying, “It’s about time, you two. Jack was getting worried that maybe he was going to be left at the altar!”

Guilt flooded Izzy,
and she started to explain. Before she could say a word, Nancy laughed and hugged the older woman. “Nonsense, Aunt Beth; that might work, except we just saw him and the other guys arguing over who gets to run the grill. He didn’t seem the least bit concerned about being left anywhere.”

Elizabeth laughed and then hurried the girls upstairs to the room that was
still considered her niece’s. “Okay, I guess you’re safe. But I do suggest you hurry up and dress. There are a lot of people wondering where the other guest of honor has been. Tom and I were just about to call the cavalry. You two speed it up, while I go tell everyone you are safe.”

The women changed into party dresses, Izzy
getting another glance of Nancy’s chains. She thought again about Coleman’s hands on her friend’s intimate places. “Do you really have to keep those on until the commitment ceremony? Aren’t you supposed to take clamps off for circulation or something?”

Nancy ran her hands over the front of her bra and sighed
, “I’m not sure when Jack will remove them, but honey, you know he won’t do anything to hurt me or risk my health.” Izzy nodded, and knew she could trust Jack to not only know what he was doing, but that he’d always make sure Nancy was safe. Soon they were outside, and friends and family were surrounding Nancy. Izzy stepped back, enjoying the knowledge that the most special person in her life was so ecstatically happy. She saw Jack bend to kiss his bride and then whisper in her ear. She seemed to argue with him about something. He spoke softly to her, his arm around her waist. Nancy finally nodded but looked a bit taken aback.

started to step forward but stopped when she saw Coleman approaching the couple.  Instead, Izzy stepped back and stumbled into her Aunt. “Oh, I’m sorry,” Izzy apologized.

Elizabeth looked down at her niece
, who seemed a bit stressed. “Are you okay, honey? You look upset. I’m not mad that you were late, though I do think Jack is a little upset. Promise to call, next time?” Izzy looked back over to where Jack had been. Instead of seeing him talking to Coleman, she saw that he was leading Nancy back into the house.

I’m fine, Aunt Beth. You’re right; we should have called. I’d better go after them and see if Nancy needs help.”

A voice behind her said,
“Now isn’t a good time; I’d hold off a bit if I were you.”

Izzy snapped
her head around to see that Coleman was now standing right behind her. “You! Well, you are not me, and stop trying to tell me what to do!” Izzy snapped, and then blushed to the roots of her hair. She had known she’d have to talk to him and had been ready to apologize for the misunderstanding. She hadn’t been prepared for him to just appear and practically order her around. That was totally unacceptable.

Elizabeth frowned at the exchange, curious as to her niece
’s reaction. She stepped forward and held out her hand, “I’m sorry; I don’t think we’ve met yet. I’m Elizabeth Martin, Isabella’s and Nancy’s aunt.” Coleman took the woman’s hand and smiled. His smile lit his eyes and Izzy felt a rush of arousal course through her, which she absolutely did not appreciate.

ignored her, and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Elizabeth. I’m Coleman McDonald, Jack’s best man. You have a beautiful place here, and I know Jack and Nancy are thrilled that you are hosting the wedding. You and your husband have done a great job for them.”

Elizabeth smiled.
The man was definitely very attractive. She looked over at her niece and said, “Thank you, Coleman. We are more than happy to do it for them. I gather you’ve met Isabella? She usually isn’t rude, especially to my guests.”

Izzy heard the disapproval in her aunt
’s voice and winced. She loved her aunt and felt bad about disappointing her in any way. Coleman saw her flush again and said, “We’ve met briefly. Good evening Isabella. Elizabeth, don’t be upset with her, she is just taking her job as maid of honor seriously.”

Izzy was surprised at his words and tone.
He sounded sincere and not the least bit upset, though all she’d done every time they spoke was yell at him. Memories of their earlier encounter ran through her head. She shook herself and said, “Please let me apologize, Mr. McDonald. I shouldn’t have yelled at you….”

Coleman, please—my father is Mr. McDonald.” His interruption threw Izzy off her stride.

Elizabeth watched and smiled.
Despite the way her niece was acting, she found it very curious that she was standing there blushing and fidgeting. She said, “I’ll leave you two to finish your discussion. I think Tom needs my help. Please enjoy yourself, Coleman.” She smiled again, seeing the two both nod, but not take their eyes off each other. She walked away, reminding herself to be sure to seek her niece out and find out what was going on.

felt Coleman’s hand on her arm and he gently stroked his finger over her wrist. “Relax Isabella; I’m not going to bite.”

She shivered
as her name rolled off his tongue; she didn’t pull away. She took another deep breath and said, “Call me Izzy; everyone else does.”

He interrupted her yet again
, “I prefer Isabella. It is a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”

Izzy rolled her eyes in exasperation.
“Whatever, Coleman. I’m sorry; I need to apologize to you. Nancy explained everything.”

he hesitated, and he saw her skin flush again. God, she was just precious! He didn’t help her either, “So you don’t think I’m a monster or a pervert, after all, Isabella?”

She turned even redder
, which he hadn’t believed was possible. She finally seemed to feel his touch and pulled away. He grinned as she stepped back. “Look, I know I overreacted. Again, I apologize, but please stop…. “ She paused again to take another deep breath. “Coleman, please . . . just accept my apology—I mean
apologies.” She sighed again.
God Izzy, could you sound more stupid?
“Okay, let me try again. I was wrong and rude and I apologize. I know you must think I’m some sort of blithering idiot, but I was just concerned about Nancy. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I really need to go make sure she is okay.”

’s hand took her arm again. She gasped as if she had been shocked.  “Not now, Isabella. She is with Jack and will be fine. I know you are just being protective, but you don’t need to interrupt them right now.”

tried to jerk her arm away, but his hand just tightened. She ignored the feelings swirling inside her stomach and growled, “Let me go! You don’t know anything, and they won’t care.”

No, Isabella. You can stay here with me or go find your aunt or other bridesmaids. What you won’t do is follow Jack and Nancy.”

She tried to ignore his words
, but the tone of his voice was one of absolute surety that she would obey him. She began to get angry and tremble. “And what will you do if I just start screaming for help?”

Coleman didn
’t drop her arm as she expected. Instead, he pulled her towards him until she was practically against his chest. She shivered as he bent his head down and said softly, “I’ll turn you over my knee and spank you….” She started to gasp, and he continued, “…probably exactly the same way that Jack is even now turning Nancy over his own knee. Care to interrupt them now?”

She flushed, images of herself being spanked by this man running through her head and settling in her core.
Coleman watched as her mouth opened and closed. He was aware that she was no longer pulling away, her breath had quickened and her color was once again high.
Not as shocked as I thought she’d be.

Answer me, Isabella.” She was flustered and shook her head until he repeated the question.

No . . . I mean, I guess she’ll be fine. Well, not fine but . . . oh God, please let me go.” Coleman slowly released her and it took another moment for her to realize she was free. Not wanting to face him, her insides churning in confusion, she turned to run away. Before she had gone a few feet, she saw Nancy and Jack walking towards them. Nancy was smiling, secure in the arm that Jack wrapped around her waist. Izzy was confused; shouldn’t she be unhappy? She whirled back and hissed, “You liar . . . he didn’t spank her!” She whirled back around, missing the tightening of Coleman’s jaw. Izzy ran up to her friends and said, “Hey, I was just coming to find you; are you okay? You didn’t look too happy, and then Jack was practically dragging you away and Coleman said . . . never mind. Are you okay?”

Nancy grinned and looked over at Jack.
He tightened his grip and smiled at her. “I’m fine Izzy; Jack just wanted a quickie….” She yelped when Jack’s arm dropped to slap against her bottom.

Nancy . . . stop. Behave yourself, or I’ll turn you over my knee again.”

Nancy looked over to see Izzy looking horrified.
She immediately felt bad. “Yes, Sir. Iz, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you. Believe me, I’m fine. Jack simply reminded me that I had worried everyone unnecessarily by being so late. Believe me; I’ll remember to call the next time. It’s okay now, and I’m starving. Let’s go eat, shall we?”

Izzy was upset and stood wringing her hands
. “Oh Nancy, I’m so sorry.” God, she seemed to be doing nothing but apologizing all day. Coleman watched the small woman as he stood behind her, loving the view. She was definitely upset and uneasy. He listened as she said, “Jack, it’s my fault. I misinterpreted something and caused a big scene. Nancy would have been on time, if she hadn’t had to calm me down. I won’t be as quick to jump to a conclusion next time. If anyone deserves a spanking, it’s me.”

felt his heart lurch. Did the little minx just say she needed a spanking? His eyes roamed down to her rounded bottom that filled out her dress so beautifully. He almost stepped up to volunteer his services but heard Jack laugh and Nancy gasp.

Jack stepped up and took Izzy in his arms.
“Hey, honey, it’s fine. Nancy explained everything to me and I understand. Thank you for standing up when you thought she was in trouble. Your bottom is safe tonight.”

He stepped back when Izzy said
, “But you spank . . . spanked her anyway?” She looked over and saw Nancy smiling.

Jack turned to his fiancé
, and said, “Care to explain, sweetheart?”

Nancy giggled and stepped up
, to have Jack take her into his arms, her back to his chest. “Izzy, he didn’t spank me because I was late. I explained that, and it was fine. He didn’t spank me until I argued that I didn’t need him reminding me to call. Then, believe me, I got a spanking because I was flippant and disrespectful. He meant to just remind me to call the next time so no one would worry. I earned my red bottom, but it didn’t really hurt. I think he just wanted an excuse to see me wearing his present.”

Jack grinned over her shoulder and said
, “Hmm, evidently I didn’t do a good job; you are still being flippant, little lady. I didn’t just like the present, though, I loved it!”

Nancy giggled
, and Izzy saw that her favorite couple was just fine. Her mind was whirling with all the images the conversation was producing. She felt another rush of arousal, and it didn’t help when she felt a pair of arms encircle her waist, as well.

She stood stock still as
Coleman spoke, “She almost interrupted that little scene. She doesn’t like to take orders, does she? I barely stopped her from running after you two. Obviously she worries about you, Nancy. She sure takes her maid of honor job seriously.”

remembered his threat of a spanking, conflicting thoughts warring within her. She saw Nancy and Jack look at each other and didn’t give them a chance to speak. She tried to pull free, but Coleman simply tightened his grip. Not wanting to cause a scene, Izzy said, “Fine! As long as I’m apologizing, let’s just add that to the list shall we? Now, if you’ll kindly let me go, we can all start over and get something to eat before Aunt Beth’s food is ruined.”

chuckled and released her. He watched her stalk off and saw Jack release Nancy so she could follow. Jack looked back at Coleman and let out a soft whistle. “Whoa . . . what’s going on between you two? She sure doesn’t seem too taken with the best man.”

smiled and said, “She just doesn’t know she’s taken, yet. I’ve just begun to fight. I’ll admit, though, that threatening to spank her might have shocked her just a bit.”

Jack was torn.
He was worried about Izzy and yet found himself feeling pleased. It had been months since Coleman had shown any true interest in anyone and even longer for Izzy. He felt he needed to say something, though. “Careful, man. Isabella is one very special woman. She has been through a lot, and neither Nancy nor I could stand it if she got hurt like that again.” Coleman’s eyebrow quirked up but Jack didn’t elaborate. Instead, he started walking towards the buffet line and Coleman followed. Before they arrived, Jack turned and grinned, “By the way, great job with the gift. They look gorgeous on my bride.”

BOOK: Charming Isabella
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