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Authors: A.A. Askevold

Chaos Conquers All (18 page)

BOOK: Chaos Conquers All
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Nikki cursed inwardly as Tex ate her like a ravenous animal. It's not that it didn't feel good. It felt so good she could do little else but moan around Trace's cock. She moved her mouth up and down his shaft at a slow distracted pace. Trace didn't seem to mind though. Every glide of her mouth drew some sort of sigh, groan or grunt from Trace and each one travelled straight to her already throbbing clit. Nikki gazed up at Trace and watched his brow furrow as she slowly slid her mouth down his hard length.


Tex's tongue moved from her clit down to tease her aching entrance. As his tongue slid inside her slightly a deep groan opened her throat.

"Fuck," Trace grunted as he slid further down her throat. "Whatever you just did to her, do it again," he hissed through gritted teeth.

Tex decided to play nice and followed Trace's suggestion. This time he speared his tongue into her and wiggled it for effect. Another moan ripped through her as her muscles tried to catch and hold Tex's evasive tongue. Trace sunk himself deep and groaned loudly.

"Again," Trace commanded breathlessly.

Nikki just about lost her mind as Tex tongued her again this time his thumb stroking her clit as he worked. It was too much, she was going to come again.


As her body hit the peak Tex's mouth disappeared causing her to fall back from the ecstasy that was about to flood through her. She mentally cursed him again.

"I need inside you, Ace. I want you to come on my cock," was all she heard before Tex plunged deep inside her.

The sudden intrusion caught her off guard. Her back arched, her head shifted and Trace popped free from her mouth.

"Fuck Tex," she exclaimed as her walls clamped down on that savagely beautiful cock of his.

"That's right, Ace. Fuck is exactly what Trace and are going to do to this gorgeous and incredibly sexy body," he paused his expression softening slightly and she glimpsed the love he felt for her in those dark coffee coloured eyes. "We are going to hold you and kiss you, make love to you and fuck you all night long," Tex stated.

Sometimes that man could really surprise you. That was about as romantic as it got in her world and it was perfect. She didn't need hearts and flowers she was the man-at-arms of the Soldiers of Chaos MC for fuck's sake.

"And there ain't a damn thing you can do to stop that Baby Girl," Trace added as he looked down at her.


She didn't want to do a damn thing to stop it. In fact why the hell were they even pausing to discuss it?

"Well, then get to it," she commanded.

Tex smiled his sexy smirk as he began to move inside her adopting an unusually slow rhythm for him. Trace reached down and ran his fingers through her hair bringing her gaze back to him. He leant down and kissed her softly before he resumed his earlier position sliding his cock slowly into her mouth.  While Tex gradually increased to his normal hard and fast rhythm and Trace continued his steady pace Nikki felt the pleasure in her body building back up. Tex and Trace's groans and grunts mixed with her own gasps and moans to form the perfect sexual symphony. She became nothing more than sensation. Hear, see, taste and feel became all she was capable of. Calculation and thought were replaced by natural instinct.


She knew the moment her body drew near the peak again. Her muscles vibrated with intense pleasure, her heart pounded in her chest and that tingling heat had spread to every corner of her body. She clung on to that tiniest bit of self-control in an attempt to wait for Tex and Trace to join her. She needn't have worried. Tex changed angle slightly managing to find that spot inside her and hit it with every stroke. That tingling heat became alternating waves of ice and fire as she exploded in orgasm.

"Fuck Ace," she heard Tex growl before he hammered into her with several big strokes filling her with jets of hot liquid.

Her answering moan as she came was enough to set Trace off. He hissed her name through clenched teeth as he came in her mouth.


As the blanket of euphoria lifted Nikki looked up to find both men staring down at her their gazes filled with contentment and love. This was not how she thought things would pan out. She may have fantasised a time or two, because what girl wouldn't, but she never thought it would become reality. Neither man had displayed any jealousy and neither of them had made her feel like a piece of club ass. She was not going to make apologies or excuses or even explanations about how this felt right or why this felt right. It was what it was, what it had always been heading towards. The reality was she loved them both and nothing was going to change that. Before this went any further there was something she had to tell them.




Tex panted, trying to regain his breath. He loved that feeling. He loved watching himself slide inside his woman over and over. He loved hearing her moan and gasp and scream. He loved hearing his name on her lips. He loved looking down at her and knowing he put that dreamy look on her face. He loved her, more than anything in this world. The club, his brothers, Trace, his next breath all came second to Nikki and he wished he had some idea how to tell her that.


He watched her as she looked up at both of them. Her face slowly changed as the wheels inside her brain turned.

"What are you thinking about, Ace?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

“Can you let me out of these for a second?” She asked Trace gently.

Trace unlocked the hand cuffs and Nikki shifted slowly onto her knees. The position brought her face to face with both he and Trace, one on either side of her. Something was wrong.

"What's going on Baby Girl?" Trace asked with a frown on his face.

Nikki didn't answer the question. The look on her face was so serious that internally he began to panic.


"There's something I have to tell you," she explained as she reached for both of them.

One of Nikki's hands wound its way into his hair and drew him closer as she did the same to Trace. She surprised him by leaning forward and kissing him slowly and tentatively. For some reason his instinct, which usually drove him to react with fierceness, pushed him to respond with tenderness. His hands came up to hold her face and he slid his tongue against hers softly, cautiously. It was Nikki who stopped the kiss her breath whispering softly across his mouth.

"I love you, Tex" She whispered against lips.

Those three words stopped his heart then restarted it on a surge of adrenalin.

"I love you too Ace," he whispered back to her before kissing her firmly on the mouth.




That was the first time in a long time Trace heard Nikki utter those three words. Finally. She was finally admitting what they had known all along, finally understanding what was going on here. When Tex returned those three words, Trace nearly fell off the bed in shock. It wasn't that he didn’t think Tex loved Nikki, he knew it, the brother had just never been free with his feelings.


Nikki turned towards him and looked him in the eye her gaze very serious. Then she pounced on his mouth in a needy, aggressive kiss that surprised him. She had never shown she needed him like that. He couldn't help but respond with a little aggression of his own. He grabbed her ass squeezing hard and jamming her up against the length of his torso. His tongue battled with hers till he wanted to growl and throw her onto the bed on her back. She broke off the kiss and rested her forehead against his as she caught her breath.


"I love you too Trace," she said as she stared deep into his eyes.

He felt those words as they filtered through every part of him. He loved her and that love ran deep, so deep he couldn't separate any part of himself from that feeling. It was his truth the one thing he knew beyond everything else.

"I love you Baby Girl," he replied before bringing his mouth to hers for several little teasing kisses.




"And I need you," she stated quietly, "Both of you."

She turned her gaze to Tex to make sure he knew he was included in that sentence.

"You've got us Ace," Tex stated firmly as he swept a piece of her hair from her face.

"And nothing is gonna change that Baby Girl," Trace affirmed softly.

She knew that. She knew it like she knew the sky was blue, water was wet and her men were sexy as fuck. Nikki nodded in reply and kissed first one man then the other.

"Now let us show you how much you have us," Tex whispered to her.

Their lips hit her body and the world of Chaos disappeared, for now.





The warm sun filtered through the curtains and into the bedroom rousing me from sleep. I felt the warmth of her body next to mine and it brought a smile to my face. My fingertips traced a path over her soft skin. I could picture every inch of her in my mind. The creamy skin of her thighs, the curve of her hips, the swell of her breasts and the peak of her dusty pink nipples. Her face soft with sleep, her dark hair fanned out across the pillow behind her, her lush pink lips begging for my kiss. My hand slid up her body and into her long smooth locks gripping gently. I opened my eyes to watch her. Her eyelids fluttered open and as her gaze fell upon me, my heart sank. Her eyes were not that beautiful stormy blue-grey that I dreamed of constantly, they were a dull denim blue that made my stomach twist in pain.


"Get out," I commanded.

She hesitated.

"Are you deaf? I said leave, NOW!" I couldn't keep the loud growl of anger from my voice.

I watched the woman leap from the bed in fear, scrambling across the floor for her clothes. What the hell had I been thinking? She was nothing like my Angel. I rolled onto my back to stare at the blank ceiling my hand automatically going to the bullet wound on my chest. An inch further to the left and I would've died instantly. The more time went on without her, the more I thought death would be a favourable alternative to this dark yearning inside me. She had a hold over me like nothing I had ever known. The kind of hold that dictated you do everything and anything to keep that person happy including sacrificing your own life to ensure the man she really loved carried on breathing.


Thinking of that moment was like dying all over again. To see the look of intense fear and utter devastation in her eyes when she thought Deveraux was going to die was like a knife through my heart. I knew in that moment that regardless of the outcome of that night, I would never see her again. I would never feel the warmth of her body next to mine, see the darkness in her eyes calm at my touch or hear those beautiful breathy words in my ear. Those words were a bewitching half-truth, one that promised me the world with one hand then pulled the earth out from under me with the other. And even though I hated her for loving someone else I couldn't let the woman I loved suffer through that pain. So I did the only thing I could think to do and took that bullet.


Her stormy blue-grey eyes were the last thing I saw before I slipped into the blackness. The sorrow and regret she felt were clearly visible in her gaze but it wasn't the love I'd craved, the perfect love I thought I'd found. You can’t give someone something that you don't own and the one dark part of her I did own I had put there myself. My mother had always told me you reap what you sew and I had sewn a blanket of destruction with every choice I made. Now my own world lay in tatters at my feet. A debris field filled with the rubble of my broken dreams and inside me a wasteland of nothingness.


I sat up opening the top drawer of my bedside table and reaching for the photos inside. I knew I was torturing myself by looking at them but I couldn't give her up. I was like drug addict. Every day I had to have my hit even though it was slowly killing me. The latest pictures showed her at a party surrounded by club members. She smiled, danced and sang. She was held by the men who loved her and she looked happy but the darkness wasn't totally gone. There were a few photos among the pile that I just kept going back to. The ones where she stood outside the Mint staring up at the building. I imagined it was the penthouse floor she was staring at, maybe wondering what had happened to me perhaps even reminiscing about our time together. Also the very few shots I had of her in moments of solitude, a glimmer of that all too familiar darkness showing in her eyes.


"Mister Bridges, you have a meeting in forty five minutes," Roger's voice followed a knock at my bedroom door.

The real world called and unfortunately I had to answer.

About The Author


I’ve always enjoyed reading books and writing, English was my favourite subject at school, and you would always find me with my nose buried in a book. They were both outlets for my emotions and my escape from the world. I’ve read hundreds and thousands of books in all genres but was always fascinated by both crime and romance. It was the interplay between characters and the inner workings of the human mind that drew me to these books. I particularly enjoyed strong female characters who held their own in a ‘man’s world’ and who despite their strong exterior had flaws that very few were able to see. I had something in common with those characters, the outward projection of strength covering a world of insecurities and their journey was something I related to.

This is my third book and the third one in my Soldiers of Chaos MC series. I would love to hear your thoughts about my books, you can email me at
[email protected]
or you can visit my Facebook page at

Thanks for reading my books!!

A.A. Askevold

BOOK: Chaos Conquers All
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