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Authors: Ruthe Ogilvie

Cast An Evil Eye (16 page)

BOOK: Cast An Evil Eye
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The performance was over and Courtney and the cast were taking their usual bows.

Cammie and Jeremy had planned to take Julia and Nate to the private club for a midnight snack, but that was impossible now. They decided, instead, to take Courtney and Glen directly to their hotel. They felt the need of peace and quiet, and they knew they’d be safer there.

Nate, in his haste to follow Julia, had left Julia’s purse and stole on her chair. Cammie quickly threw them over her arm to take with her.

As soon as they were in Cammie’s and Jeremy’s room, Glen turned to them. “What happened?” he asked, deeply puzzled. “I thought we were going to the club. Where are Nate and Julia?”

“Sit down, Glen,” Jeremy said. “You’ll need to when you hear what I have to say.” He proceeded to tell him about Manny and what he had done, starting with their first encounter with him at the airport in Paris.

When he finished, a shocked Courtney stared at him. “Mom—Dad—why didn’t you tell me this before? Is that what was wrong with me? Manny was in the audience?”

Cammie put her arms around Courtney. “Nate undid the damage that Manny caused,” she told her.

Glen looked as though the props had been knocked out from under him. He turned to Courtney as a sudden realization hit him. “Is that why you didn’t accept my proposal? I thought you felt the same way I did, but that made me wonder.”

Courtney rose from her chair and faced Glen. “I love you with all my heart,” she declared. “Is it too late to say—yes—I’ll marry you? I wanted to say yes last night.”

Glen reached up and pulled Courtney down into his lap. He pulled out the small box from his jacket pocket and slipped the ring on her finger. “Does that answer your question?”

Courtney drew his face down to hers and kissed him.

Cammie and Jeremy beamed with pleasure. The only thing that marred their joy was their worry about Nate and Julia.

What had Manny done with Julia?

What was in that note the usher handed Nate?


anny drove out of the city with Julia and entered the Hutchinson River Parkway.

He’s taking me home! she realized with a shock.


Manny exited the parkway and drove on the surface roads to the Drake residence. He drove around to the street in back of the house and stopped the car. “Get out!” he ordered.

Julia was terrified. “Why have you brought me here?”

He didn’t answer.

They reached the back door. “Turn off the security alarm!” Manny demanded.

With hands shaking she did as she was told.

He held out his hand. “Give me your key!”

“I don’t have it,” she snapped.

He grabbed her arm so hard she winced. “Where is it?” he demanded.

“It’s in my purse. You rushed me out of the theater so fast I didn’t have time to pick it up!”

Manny cursed and grabbed a rake the gardener left near the door. He smashed the glass and reached inside for the lock. As soon as he opened the door he shoved her inside. He motioned to her to go into the living room. “Sit down!” he told her. “We’ll wait here for your husband. He’ll be here shortly.”

“He’ll be waiting for me in the Stuart’s private box!” she declared. “He won’t leave the theater without me!”

“He will when he reads my note!” Manny retorted.

Julia’s stomach felt like a yoyo. “What—what are you g-going to d-do?” she stuttered.

Manny glared at her. “You’ll find out when he gets here! I’m going to stop him from ruining my plans. A lot of money and great honor are riding on this!”

Julia knew by the look on his face that he wasn’t kidding. I’ve got to warn Nate before he comes through that door! Manny is going to kill him! And what does he intend to do to me? Maybe he’s going to kill us both!

She looked around for something—anything—that would stop him. “I—I have to use the bathroom,” she said in a timid voice.

“No, you don’t! That’s just a ploy.”

“It isn’t,” she insisted. “Please! I’ll just be a minute.”

As she rose from her chair, she heard a key being inserted in the lock of the front door.

“Nate!” she screamed. “Don’t come in here! He’s going to shoot you!”

Manny swung around and pointed the gun at her. “You shouldn’t have done that!” he yelled.

Julia felt the bullet enter her chest as Manny fired the gun.

She slumped to the floor just as Nate appeared at the door of the living room.

He made a lunge for Manny, but Manny was too quick for him. He turned and pulled the trigger again.

Nate fell in the doorway, sprawled across the sill.

Manny replaced the gun in his pocket. “Sorry I had to do that,” he muttered, “but I had to stop you both. They’d be after me, and I’d never be able to finish what I started.”

It was very still as Manny knelt down to see if either of them still had a pulse. They were alive but unconscious. He was about to shoot them again to make sure they were dead, when he heard sirens wailing! Police! The neighbors must have heard the shots! he figured. Can’t let them hear any more!

He rushed out of the house, leaving Julia and Nate wounded and bleeding profusely. He ran across the back yard and jumped into his car. They’ll never catch me! he gloated. He pushed the accelerator to the floor and sped off just before the police rounded the corner.

When the police knocked on Nate’s door and no one answered, they broke in and found Julia and Nate lying on the floor, bleeding and unconscious.

One of them knelt down to feel for a pulse. “Quick!” he ordered. “Call 911! They’re still alive. We’ve got to get them to the hospital!”

Just then Jay rushed into Nate’s house. “Oh, my God!” he exclaimed. “I was afraid of something like this!”

“Are you the one who called the police?” the officer asked him.

“Yes. I heard the shots.”

“Are they friends of yours?”

“Yes. He’s our veterinarian. I think I know who did this! I just got a call from my son-in-law in New York. They were all attending the theatre together. Julia disappeared, and here she is—shot! The kidnapper must have brought her here after abducting her. This is a case of premeditated murder!”

“Who do you think did this?” the officer asked.

“A man by the name of Manfred Kasnov. That’s the name he’s using now. He’s used several aliases. He worked in night clubs with Nate years ago. It’s a long story. I’ll be glad to go down to the police station and tell you what I know.”

More sirens could be heard as the paramedics drove into the driveway. They soon had Julia and Nate in the ambulance, and they were on their way to the hospital.

Jay followed the police to the station to file a report.


ack in Paris, Zack and Renee were in her apartment poring over the phone book, hoping to find some clue about where to start tracking down the leads that Gus had left behind. There wasn’t much to go on. But now Zack had someone who was as intuitive as he was to help him. How grateful he was for this!

What a remarkable woman Renee is! he thought. Together they made a great team. Not only to find out who tried to kill Gus, but Zack had fallen deeply in love with Renee. He never expected at this late date that it would happen, but here it was. He could only hope that she felt the same way.

He quickly turned his attention back to the job at hand. Who tried to kill Gus, and why.

Zack had hoped that by now he’d have heard from Gus. His memory had returned remarkably about other things. Why not this?

He decided to put in a call to him in Westport, Connecticut.

The phone rang only twice. Helen picked it up. “Yes, Zack,” she said. “Gus is fine. What is it?”

“Well—” Zack hesitated. “Has Gus remembered anything more? I mean—who attacked him, and why? Does he remember the facts he uncovered about Manny?”

“I’m sorry, Zack,” Helen answered, “he doesn’t even remember who Manny is. Do you want to talk to him? He’s outside on the patio.”

“No. He might feel pressured. That could delay his recalling anything more. Perhaps it would be better not to tell him I called.”

“Whatever you think is best,” Helen agreed.

Zack’s heart sank as he realized he had to handle this himself. “Thanks, Helen. If there’s any change, please let me know. I’m still staying at La Grande Veue Hotel. There’s another number where you might be able to reach me if I’m not there.” He gave her Renee’s number.

He hung up and turned to Renee, who was waiting anxiously to hear what Zack had found out.

Zack shook his head in resignation. “Gus doesn’t remember anything more,” he told her. “It’s entirely up to us to find out what he uncovered.” He threw his hands up in a gesture of resignation. “We’d better put our heads together and figure out something. My intuition isn’t telling me anything yet.” He sounded discouraged.

Renee came over and put an arm around Zack.

He tingled at her touch. Suddenly he turned and took her in his arms. He lowered his lips to hers. His kiss was tender at first, then became passionate. He was surprised at her response.

She pressed herself against him as though she never wanted to leave his arms.

He looked down at her. “Renee.” His voice was warm and tender and full of wonder. “I think I love you. No—I know I do!”

She looked up at him and smiled. “I thought you’d never say it. Zack, I love you, too.” She paused. “What are we going to do about it?”

Zack tightened his arms around her. “I think there’s only one thing we can do.” He looked deep into her eyes. “Renee, will you marry me?”

Renee’s eyes shone with a joy she had tried for days to hide. “Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you!” she declared. “I’ll marry you right away! Whenever you want!”

Zack thought for a minute. “I think until we get this taken care of we won’t be able to concentrate on the investigation. Do you think we can find someone to perform the ceremony? Right now?”

She searched his face. “What about your friends back in the States? You’ve known them for such a long time. Won’t they feel left out?”

Zack marveled at her understanding. “Thank you for thinking of that. I’m sure they’ll understand. We can always repeat our vows there. Honey, we’ve waited years to find each other. We don’t know how long this investigation will take, and at this stage in our lives, why should we wait?”

“You’re right!” she agreed. She walked over to the phone and dialed a number. “This is Sergeant Detective Renee Aumont,” she told the person on the other end. “Can you perform a marriage ceremony right now?” She waited a moment for his answer. “Great!” she said. She hung up and turned to Zack. “He said to come over and he’ll marry us right away.”

“What about the license?” Zack asked. “Will it be legal?”

“The Justice Of The Peace is a friend of mine. He said he’d have the necessary papers ready for us to sign as soon as we get there.”

“Are you sure about this, Renee? I’d hate to rush you into anything-”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life!” she declared. She tilted her head to one side and gazed at him. “I can’t imagine going through the rest of my life without you. Don’t you know I’ve loved you from the moment I saw you?”

“I’ve felt the same way!” Zack admitted with awe and wonder. “The moment I saw you walking toward me at the airport, I knew.”

Renee grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the door. “Let’s get this done! We have a crime to solve!”

“I suppose in a way we should be grateful to Manny,” Zack said wryly. “He brought us together. If it hadn’t been for him we would never have met. But I’m going to nail him if it’s the last thing I do!”

Hand in hand they left the apartment and walked out to the patrol car parked in front of the building. In twenty minutes they arrived at the City Hall where the Justice Of The Peace was waiting for them in an inside office.

He had a short talk with them before they signed the necessary papers. Then he led them to a Chapel across the street. They followed him to the altar, and in twenty minutes from the time they arrived he pronounced them husband and wife. “You may kiss your bride!” he announced.

Zack took Renee in his arms. “Welcome to my life, Mrs. Davis,” he said as he lowered his lips to hers.

BOOK: Cast An Evil Eye
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