Read Carnal Harvest Online

Authors: Robin L. Rotham

Carnal Harvest (6 page)

BOOK: Carnal Harvest
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Opening his eyes, he said, “Go shower and get your robe on.”

It was hard not to laugh at her torn look. She loved it when he got forceful, but not when she was winding up to deliver a lecture.



“Fine.” She pressed a hungry kiss to his lips.

When she broke away, he added, “And no masturbating in the shower. You’re still in trouble.”

The look on her face was priceless—arousal, anger and complete mortification.

“Yes, Master,” she snapped, heading for the door with her head held high.

Joe moved to follow her and Hake stopped him. “Just a second.” He nodded at Brent. “You can untie him now. But neither of you gets dressed, got it?”

A couple of seconds passed as Joe stared at him. Then he glanced at the paintball gun, which was right by his hand on the counter. “You don’t have your weapon anymore,” he pointed out.

“I don’t need it,” Hake said firmly. “This is my show and you’re going to do what I say.”

“And if we don’t?”

“You know where the door is.”


Robin L. Rotham

The other two men glanced at each other and then Joe walked over and untied Brent. “So I can go piss, Master?” he asked.

Hake grinned. “Yes, you may. But the guest bathroom is in the basement. There’s a shower down there and plenty of towels in the cupboard—use them.”

After Joe disappeared down the basement stairs, Hake stretched his legs out in front of him and looked at Brent. The knowing grin curving his cousin’s lips as he rubbed his wrists made Hake wish he’d left the fucker tied up.

“You could have warned me,” Hake said in a flat tone, crossing his arms over his bare chest.

“That Joe wanted to fuck you?” Brent’s grin widened. “That would have taken all the fun out of it. Well, not
the fun,” he conceded, “but you have to admit, it wouldn’t have been nearly as exciting.”

Unwilling arousal curled in Hake’s belly and he scowled. “That wasn’t part of the plan.”

“You’re telling me you didn’t enjoy turning the tables on him?”

Knowing the answer to that was patently obvious, Hake ignored it. “So do you play for both teams, too?”

“Hell, no.”

“Not yet,” Hake guessed.

The grin widened yet again.

“Jesus, you’re stringing him along?”

“Good things come to those who wait,” Brent said blithely.

Hake shook his head. “I don’t get you.”

“I’m his boss, Hake.” Brent leaned forward in his chair, resting his forearms on his spread knees, and Hake studiously avoided looking at the genitals dangling between them. “And while our playing around with the occasional female raises eyebrows on 44

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the road, Joe and me playing with each other would probably cause some real problems with both my crew and my customers. Not all farmers are as…
as you.”

“Progressive,” Hake echoed dryly. “That’s a good word for it.”

“Besides,” Brent continued, “I’m not ready to go there yet.”

“Neither was I.”

“Sure you were. You’ve got a wife who’s nutty about you and a son any man would be proud to claim, and you’re secure in who you are and what your place is in this world. You can handle anything that comes your way. You sure as hell handled Joe like a pro.”

Hake stared at him, and for a minute, the only sounds in the room were the wall clock ticking over the door and the sound of water running somewhere. Brent was right—he was absolutely freakin’ right.

“I’ve been an idiot.”

“And how many times has Mandy told you that?”

Hake smiled wryly. “Not enough, apparently.”

“I’ve heard wives have a way of being right about stuff like that,” Brent said, leaning back and linking his hands behind his head.

“Maybe you should find out for yourself.”

Brent’s look told him where to get off. “I’m not ready to go there yet, either.”

“Why not?”

The silence stretched on for a while before Brent said quietly, “Not everyone can have what you have with Mandy.”

Hake nodded like he understood where his cousin was coming from, and maybe he did. Brent’s folks had set a pretty rotten example for him and his brothers. Hake hadn’t heard anything about Uncle John in years, but Aunt Carleen had been married and divorced so many times, you needed a score card to keep up. Watching that had to have soured the boys on marriage at least a little. “So you’re not even going to try?”


Robin L. Rotham

“Not while I’m dragging my ass all over the country half the year to make a living,”

Brent said brusquely. “Isn’t marriage hard enough when you can actually spend time together?”

“Yeah, I guess it is.”

Pipes rattled as the water was shut off and Brent’s grin resurfaced. “Guess we still owe Mandy a little something, huh? She didn’t have a chance to come once you started in on Joe.”

A little heat crept up Hake’s neck but he smiled. “I don’t think she minded.”

“Minded,” Brent snorted. “I doubt she even noticed, she was so busy watching you and Joe.”

“Believe me, she did.” Mandy always noticed if he didn’t quite get the job done and she wasn’t inclined to let it pass with a smile. “Mandy!” he shouted, grinning when Brent jumped.

Mandy’s “What?” drifted through the heater vent.

“Get your sweet little ass down here!”

There was a pause, then a distracted-sounding “Just a minute!”

When Brent raised his brows, he explained, “She’s playing with her favorite toy.”

The brows went even higher. “How do you know?”

“She’s taking too long. And I can hear it—can’t you?”

After a listening intently for a second, Brent threw his head back and laughed out loud.

* * * * *

Gwen groaned with excitement as Alexandre and Jordan rolled naked across the floor, each
trying to get the upper hand. Jordan was younger and bigger, but Alexandre had the advantage
of strength and experience. Once he got Jordan pinned on his stomach, the outcome was


Carnal Harvest

“Your turn,” he grunted, spreading Jordan’s bucking thighs with his knees.


“Oh yeah. You’ve been begging for a good fucking, boy, and now you’re going to—

“I mean it, Mandy,” Hake bellowed up the stairs. “Get down here now or I’ll think you’re up there getting yourself off and punish you accordingly.”

“Drat,” she whispered, reluctantly pushing away from her desk and running her hands through her damp hair. She didn’t bother closing the laptop this time—after what they’d all done together, the boys had to expect her to immortalize them in a book.

Or ten.

Grinning, she yelled back, “Hold your horses—I’ll be down in a minute!”

Her tummy fluttered in the silence that met her sass. That silence was immediately followed by the sounds of heavy feet—several of them—marching up the stairs. Oh goody, she was in for it now.

She’d left the door open just a crack when she sneaked into her office and now it flew open to reveal Hake, still bare-chested, and Brent behind him, still naked.

Hake pointed down the short hall without taking his eyes off her. “Go rinse off, Brent, but be quick about it. Towels are under the sink.”

Brent saluted quickly and disappeared, leaving her alone with her husband, who looked very, very…

Mandy gulped. God, when was the last time he’d looked at her like that, like she was the only thing in his world and he intended to keep it that way for

Joe’s head passed behind Hake and she realized he’d gone into their bedroom.

Excitement bolted up her spine. She tried to say Hake’s name, but nothing came out.

“Since you can’t mind me, you forfeit the robe, Mandy. Take it off.” When she hesitated, he barked, “Now!”


Robin L. Rotham

Swallowing, she pulled the terry sash free and shrugged out of her robe, letting it drop to the floor. Hake walked a slow circle around her, inspecting her with an insolent eye, and it occurred to her that his limp was barely noticeable.

He stopped in front of her and dropped the act. “I’ve been a fool, Mandy,” he confessed, looking down at her with apology all over his face.

“No, you—”

“You know I have,” he said more firmly. “Here I am, the luckiest bastard on the face of the earth, and I’ve been wallowing in self-pity for months. Years, even.”

She tried but couldn’t hold back the grin. After all, he spoke nothing less than the truth.

“You should have kicked my ass out or filled it with buckshot or something.”

“That would have been a little drastic,” she said. “And I knew you’d snap out of it when you were ready. If you hadn’t, I’d have dragged your butt to a shrink, not taken a shot at it. Your butt’s too pretty to put holes in.”

“My butt’s not pretty,” he growled, grabbing her hand and pulling her out the door. “Yours will be, though, after I spank it real good.”

Mandy dragged her feet. “What! Why?”

“You enjoyed fucking those guys way too much.” He sat on the edge of their king-sized bed and pulled her facedown over his lap.

“I thought that was the point,” she squeaked. Joe sat down on her side of the bed and leaned against the brass headboard, grinning at them. Spying his semi-hard cock, still displayed in all its naked glory, she added in a sly tone, “And it seems to me you enjoyed fucking one of them yourself.”


Mandy screeched in pained surprise. Damn, maybe she’d picked the wrong time to goad him about that.


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“What did you say, Mandy?” Hake’s callused hand slid over her sore cheek, at once soothing and aggravating the stinging.

Knowing she was getting more swats anyway, she tensed in anticipation and pushed harder. “I said, you really got off on fucking Joe, didn’t you, big man?”

Whack! Whack! Whack!

Fire raged over her buttocks and Mandy squealed, trying to grind her dripping mons against his thigh. Hake adjusted her on his lap, dropping her head closer to the floor and taking all her fun parts out of contact with his jeans. He knew she loved it when her ass was beet-red and blazing hot, and that she could come very easily from rubbing her pussy and breasts against the rough denim while he spanked her.

She braced her hands against the floor for balance. “Hake, please!”

“Please what, Mandy?”

“Uh-oh, somebody’s ass is starting to glow like Rudolph’s nose,” Brent said from the doorway.

“Fuck me, please!” she screamed when another slap landed. “Please, I’m sorry, please!”

“That’s what I was waiting for,” Hake said, pulling her up. “Now, facedown on the mattress.”

“But I want—”

“Now. And don’t move or I’ll get out the spoon.”

Oops. Time to do what he said. She had to be in a certain mood to enjoy the wooden spoon that had found its way into their toy cupboard, and right now she was so hyped up on adrenaline, there was no way she could relax enough to really get into it.

Sticking out her lower lip, Mandy crawled to the middle of the bed and settled on her stomach.

“Now put your hands on the headboard and keep them there.”


Robin L. Rotham

Heart thudding, Mandy reached up and gripped the cold brass rail with both hands. The sounds of boots hitting the floor and a zipper sliding down made her bite her lip, and she breathed deeply, eyeing Joe’s hard-on with yearning.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get it all this time,” Joe chuckled before stepping out of her line of vision.

All of what? Whatever it was, it had to be good, and Mandy quivered with need.

Her ass burned like crazy and she shifted her hips against the fitted sheet, desperate for relief.

“Stop that and wait for it,” Hake snapped.

“Hurry up then!”

“Keep ordering me around and we’ll drag it out all night.”

Mandy buttoned her lip and closed her eyes, feeling the brass gradually warm under her hands. She lay there in a fever of anticipation while water ran in the bathroom and low masculine voices conversed in the hall.

Suddenly there were big, hard hands all over her, rubbing her feet, her legs, her back… Strong thumbs dug into her arches and she shrieked with need, grinding her forehead into the mattress. God, that had to be Hake—he knew just where to touch her to make her absolutely crazy.

“What’s the matter, Miss Mandy?” Brent drawled somewhere above her. “Don’t you want to relax?”

“No, I want to come!”

“All in good time.”

The mattress dipped beside her and a strong hand slid into her hair. Hake tugged her head up to meet his swollen cock. “My turn,” he said. “Nice and easy, now.”

He smelled delicious, like warm man and soap, and Mandy was too hungry to go nice and easy. She tried to gobble him up in one swallow, but Hake had total control, 50

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holding her head and thrusting in slow, shallow strokes that gave her time to lick and swirl and suck.

“Oh yeah, that’s good, sweetheart. Just like that.”

She groaned in appreciation, loving the smooth, familiar feel of him in her mouth.

He hadn’t lied when he claimed she loved giving head. There was just something about making love to a man with her mouth—tonguing the slit at the head of his cock and tasting the unique musk of his pre-come, and then feeling him grow and stiffen and gush practically at her command…

Yup, sucking a man off turned her inside out.

The mattress shifted again and he pulled out. “Up on your hands and knees, honey.”

Letting go of the headboard, she pushed up on all fours. Hake rose to his knees at the same time so that she could reach his cock with her mouth again. As she took him deep, someone nudged her legs farther apart and a set of wide shoulders slid between them. Large hands grasped her hips, pulling her down, and suddenly a hot, wet mouth was making love to

Mandy writhed reflexively, moaning at the flash-fire of sensation. The lack of moustache prickles told her it was Brent’s face she practically sat on. She moaned again when his deft lips plucked at her clit. He sucked at her avidly, sending fire streaking down to her feet and up to her nipples. She jerked when Joe got in on the action, exploring her bottom in a way no man but Hake ever had, and it wasn’t long before their inquisitive tongues had her shaking and sobbing with need.

BOOK: Carnal Harvest
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