Read Caribbean Cowboy: Under the Caribbean Sun, Book 4 Online

Authors: Jenna Bayley-Burke

Tags: #romance;romantic comedy;erotic romance;Alaska;Caribbean;vacation;cowboy;bad-boy;red hot

Caribbean Cowboy: Under the Caribbean Sun, Book 4 (4 page)

BOOK: Caribbean Cowboy: Under the Caribbean Sun, Book 4
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She shrugged. “I have no idea if I’ll like that. I don’t drink very often. I haven’t been more than tipsy since college.”

“Trust me. I delivered for you last night, didn’t I?” He picked up both glasses the bartenders set down and then moved to the table he’d seen Janny sitting at with the wedding party. They sat and he watched as she seemed to contemplate him again.

“Which is the real you?” She reached for his glass and sniffed before taking the tiniest of sips and wincing. “That tastes like you.”

“I don’t recall you complaining.” He leaned back in the chair, loving the way she couldn’t seem to keep her eyes off him. Who knew a suit would have such an effect on a woman. Maybe he would wear it again.

She took her glass and plucked out the maraschino cherry. “I mean it. Are you a bad-boy biker or some alpha male captain of industry?”

How he managed not to laugh, he wasn’t sure. “Which would you rather?”

“As much as I enjoyed the biker, this is more my speed.” She pulled the cherry from the stem with her teeth.

“Is it? Should I play into the fantasy and tell you about my millions then?”

“I’m sure the story in my head is better.” She took the cherry stem in her mouth and stared at him before pulling it out, tied in a knot.

He downed his shot, needing the burn to keep him from tossing her over his shoulder and carrying her out of the room. He’d thought knowing she was as affected by last night as he was would help, but it only made him want to fast forward to getting her horizontal.

“You know what, Nik?” She reached out and ran a finger along his jaw, making him clench his teeth. “I think this is why I didn’t see you earlier at the wedding. I was looking for messy hair and motorcycle boots. With your hair slicked back and clean shaven, you’re more handsome than I remembered.” Her pale gaze seemed to go a bit glassy.

“How much have you had to drink?”

“Not nearly enough.” She sighed and sipped her glass. “Seriously, which you is the real you? As much as I’ve always wanted to be taken by the millionaire mogul, I’m not sure I can do it after being bedded by the biker bad boy the night before.”

He quirked a brow and she broke out in a fit of giggles. Damn it, if she actually was drunk, this night would not be going as planned. And he needed it to.

“If I give you a list of my fantasy boyfriends, will you be them all?” She lowered her voice and leaned closer, which deepened her cleavage and scattered his thoughts.

“I’m game for anything, within reason.” He cleared his throat and wished he’d made the Jäger a double.

“Reason has no place in fantasies. If I’d been using my head, I never would have taken off with the bad-boy biker, or be considering sneaking upstairs to be taken by the tycoon.” She sipped her drink again and then ran her tongue along her lush lips. “
Desired in the Desert
Claimed by the Cowboy
Seduced by the Soldier

“I have camo pants and a cowboy hat.” Hell, he’d wear whatever she wanted if it got her in the mood.

Her smile widened, brightening her face. Which made it all the more tragic when her featured marled in a scowl. “Let’s go.”

He stood and offered her a hand, wondering how she changed gears that quickly. She pulled her silver clutch from under the table and rose on her own. He stood and was about to question her when a voice sounded behind him.

“Jannis, I’d like another dance.” Sebastian Prinsen’s tone was as steely as his gaze. “One we actually finish.”

“I’m done talking to you, hopefully forever.” She crossed her arms over her ample chest.

“I’ve made my decision.” The older man seemed to shrink, slouching his shoulders.

“You made your decision a long time ago. I accepted it.
should be grateful.”

“It was never my intent—”

“It was your exact intention. You got to live your life without complication, and that means you have no right to complicate mine now.”

Sebastian turned toward Nik. “Would you excuse us for a moment?”

Janny took his arm. “We were just leaving. Have a nice life, Sebastian.”

Nik let her lead him out of the reception, holding his questions until they were alone in the elevator. She stabbed the button for the top floor.

“Can you pretend you never heard any of that?” Weakness laced her voice.

Hardly. But if she didn’t want to talk to him about it, he wouldn’t push. “Heard what?”

Her features softened, as did her white-knuckle grip on her clutch. “Where were we?”

“You were telling me about your menu of fantasies, and I was about to offer up every one.”

She turned toward him and stepped closer, so their bodies were only a breath away from touching. “I’m good with being taken by the tycoon.”

“Alpha male millionaire trumps the cowboy?” He smiled and she returned the favor, her pale gaze glimmered with a clarity that showed her attempts to catch a buzz hadn’t had much effect.

“I have a thing for cowboys, but seeing you in a suit is doing wonderful things for me.”

He kissed her smile, mentally pumping his fist in the air because you really couldn’t get more cowboy than a cattle rancher. He couldn’t wait to tell her the real him did in fact live in her fantasies. But that could wait for morning. What couldn’t wait was the need growing thick and hard between them.

The doors dinged and opened to the empty hallway. The only reason he broke the kiss was because as soon as they got behind a locked door, he wouldn’t have to stop or worry about being interrupted. He took her hand and let her lead him.

“It’s at the end of the hall. I was supposed to be sharing with Kristin, so we had a suite. But she’s glued to Antonnis, so we’ll have the place to ourselves. I even took her key card.” She pulled the card from her clutch.

During the summer he’d worked here, the place had still had actual keys. Thank goodness, they’d upgraded. Before they got to the door, he lifted Janny into his arms. She squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“What are you doing?” She smiled so wide her eyes danced with joy.

“Fulfilling a fantasy. No self-respecting billionaire lets his lady walk to the bedroom before he has his wicked way with her.” He curled his arm around, took the keycard and waved it in front of the lock to get the green light and push the door open.

“I see your fortune has grown.” She tucked her head close to his neck and relaxed into him as he kicked the door closed.

“Not just my bank account, babe.” He laid her against the pillows on the closest bed before walking to the windows and pulling back the drapes to let the fading daylight illuminate the room. When he turned, he saw she was sitting on the side of the bed, leaning over to take off her strappy heels.

“You could leave those on.” He stepped closer, memorizing the sight of her.

She shook her head. “I’m hoping you can make my toes curl.”

“Guaranteed.” He moved to sit beside her, but she held up her hand.

“In my head, this plays out a bit differently.”

“I should have joined you on the bed first thing, right? I got greedy and wanted to see you in the light.”

She tilted her head to the side. “Don’t be sweet. I want ruthless, determined, single-minded focus.”

He reached out and wrapped one of her curls around his finger. “There is a profile for these fantasies? And what will you be?”

She turned her face into his palm and kissed it before looking up at him. “It’s taken by the tycoon. I’ll be taken.”

His cock grew so hard he couldn’t help but groan. Taken he could do. He pulled at his tie until it came undone. He tossed it across the room and shrugged out of his jacket, letting it fall to the floor. His breath quickened as he made short work of the buttons of his shirt and shucked it while toeing off his dress shoes.

Janny undid his belt, but instead of reaching for his slacks, she traced her soft fingers over the muscles of his stomach, flicked over his hard nipples and came to rest on his neck. She pulled him toward her for a kiss.

He licked her lips but wasn’t about to get distracted just yet. He wasn’t going to waste any time wiggling her out of that dress while she was lying down. Not while he could reach under her arms and drag her up beside him.

He reached around and unzipped her dress, watching her flesh exposed with the slide of the zipper. He hadn’t given much thought to what she wore beneath the dress, but hot pink hadn’t even been on his radar.

She slipped her arms from the dress and it slid down, coming to rest on her generous hips. He pushed his hands beneath the material along her bare ass. He gripped her, digging into her flesh until he could feel the muscles beneath. He had to have her from behind just so he could squeeze her ass with every thrust. The idea made him pull her against him and press his cock into the softness of her belly.

The hooks of her bra strap were the only reason he released his hold. He wanted to see her tits as much as her ass, and he was nearing the point where he wouldn’t care to bother with small details like clothing. He managed the hooks with one hand.

“You didn’t even look at it.” Janny spoke against his neck before she nipped him.

“I’m much more interested in you than your lingerie.” He pulled at the straps, leaning back just enough to strip her of the bra and toss it behind them. He caught himself right before he would have groped her like a fisherman home from a three-month trip and stepped back for some air.

What a sight she made, standing there with her creamy-cocoa skin and the wide shock of pink lace low on her hips. Her thong dipped low in the front, more highlighting her treasure than hiding it. He reached out and traced the top of the lace, then the bottom. It would be a shame to remove something so pretty.

“Nik?” She worried her full bottom lip with her teeth.

“These are hot.” He hooked his finger under and ran it along the bare lips of her pussy, already wet with desire. She grabbed his arm and stared up at him, parting her lips when he found her clit. He twisted his hand so his thumb pushed on her clit while his fingers were free to play with the slickness of her folds.

When she started rocking against his hand, he threaded a finger inside of her, and another when she moaned. Power and lust rushed through him as she widened her stance and held onto his arms. Their gazes locked, the moment rooted in reality, not one of her fantasies. Yes, he’d be glad to fulfill every one, so long as she realized he was the one giving her pleasure.

He reached deeper within her, finding where the slick tissue changed texture and her breath caught. He curled his fingers and played her until she shook, her chest flushing with color before she cried out. Her fingernails cut into his arms as her legs gave out. His wet fingers traced along her body as she slid down until her knees reached the floor. She stared up at him, her face level with his cock.

Seeing her there, her breath catching as she stared up at him, hit him like a tidal wave. This had started as her fantasy, but this moment was what his dreams were made of. He craved this kind of trust, the level of confidence. Would she let him take her there?

She held his gaze as she undid his pants and pushed them down. She ran her nose up his length and the cotton of his boxer briefs stretched to the max. She licked her lips and turned her attention to the waistband of his briefs, pulling them out so she could release him as she removed the rest of his clothing.

The way she rubbed his calf while taking off his socks spoke of an intimacy unlike any he’d ever known. It touched him deeper than he expected. His instinct was to step back and regain control, but when she wrapped her hands around his cock, nothing in the world could have made him move away.

The waning light made her crystal-blue eyes seem to glow as she stared up at him and angled his cock into her mouth. The eye contact heightened the sensations, as if she were daring him to come undone as quickly as she had. He wanted to, but she kept one hand wrapped firmly at his base, not letting him too deep.

Though she worked magic with her tongue and the vision of her on her knees in front of him would be on his list of sexual highlights forever, it wasn’t the kind of stimulation he could get off on.

Threading one hand into her riot of curls, he used the other to pull her jaw down, guiding her to take him deeper. He rocked forward and she closed her eyes, then pushed at his hip and pulled back, releasing him completely.

Looking down at her watery blue eyes, his instinct to let it go and move on scrambled with the role he was playing for her. She didn’t want him to be nice. She wanted him to be in control. And he wanted this, to let go of everything and just lose himself in the moment, in her. She flipped a switch to a part of him he didn’t usually reveal, but he wanted to share it with her.

Was this about them, or her fantasy?

He grabbed her wrists and stared down at her. “Are you the secretary or a business rival?”

The lazy way she smiled showed she was deep within the fantasy. “Personal assistant. Very personal.”

“You’ll tell me if I go too far.” She didn’t nod, only blinked in acknowledgement. He leaned down and spit into her palms before wrapping her hands around his cock again, this time one in front of the other. He showed her how to rotate her hands as she pulled from root to tip, exchange one hand for the other in a continuous flow of sensation.

“You’re always taking such good care of me.” He lifted her chin until she stared up at him.

“It’s my job.”

“I have another job for you, Princess.”

Chapter Four

Sweet delirium blossomed in her mind, chasing the tendrils of tension as they faded like wisps of smoke from a blown-out candle. Nik’s deep hazel gaze stared down at her with heated expectation, his voice a lazy blend of dark power and pure masculinity.

“Your hands are amazing, but I want that beautiful mouth.”

No one talked to her that way. Ever. There was a part of her that stirred at his words, but not enough to break the spell. No, nothing could keep her from living out another fantasy, not even herself.

Even after he’d pleasured her, her pussy felt hot and greedy. Wanting his attention again. Wanting his cock to slide within her instead of through her hands. But she wasn’t in charge, he was. And he wanted her mouth.

Janny licked her lips and rose higher on her knees, bringing her face closer to his cock. A pearl of precome glistened, beckoning her tongue for a taste. The desire was so foreign, her consciousness slipped farther away. Everything focused in on this moment, this man, and the power they held over one another.

With one hand circling the base of his cock, she leaned closer still, until his musky clean scent cloaked everything else. She flattened her other hand against his hip, her thumb tracing the corded line where his hip and torso met. Her eyes fluttered closed as she ran her tongue over the soft head of his cock.

She wanted to feel this, to sense and smell and taste and feel. Oh, she wanted to feel. It wasn’t scary at all. In fact, caution didn’t exist. She lapped up the salty drop he’d offered and then invited him between her lips while her tongue searched for more. Like a snake searching for prey, she flicked her tongue around the tip, paying special attention to where his shaft and head met. The raised bit of skin felt so different beneath her tongue.

It became a game, seeing how his breath would change as she played him. As she became more comfortable, more turned on, she wanted to see how much she could take. Where was her line? Did she even have one anymore? She made wave motions with her tongue as she pulled him deeper and deeper.

He threaded his hands into her hair as her nose touched the hand she’d wrapped around the base of him. It was all she could take without gagging, and a wave of disappointment hit. She opened her eyes and peered up at his dark smirk.

“You look gorgeous with your pretty lips stretched around me. Are you ready for more, Princess?” He moved his hands over hers, one at his hip and the other at his cock. He threaded his fingers with hers and held their arms out to the side.

She swallowed, desire swelling deep within. Whatever he had planned, she wanted in.

“That’s it, swallow. Tease me with your throat.”

He started to rock ever so slightly. She curled her fingers over his, her eyes drifting closed and her mouth watering with anticipation.

He pressed deeper. “Look at me, Princess. I need to know how it makes you feel.”

She opened, wondering how this must look to him. But his heated gaze answered that question. He was as turned on by it all as she was. Their joined hands, the slide of his cock over her tongue, the scent of sex rising up in the room.

“That’s it. Give me more, stick out your tongue.”

She tried, but it seemed like she’d opened as far as she could. But whatever she’d given him seemed to work, because he squeezed her hands every time his cock kissed the back of her throat. His pleasure gave her power.

“I want you to breathe and then swallow me, take me all the way in. Try for me, Princess.”

When he looked at her like that, she was certain she could. Though she didn’t know how or why. She wanted to. She wanted to take as much of him as she could, to bring him as high as he brought her.

He thrust his hips, stroking her throat again. She sucked and tried, closing her eyes as she concentrated on the sensations until he stilled.

“Look at me.”

She stared up at him, his cock heavy on her tongue.

“Look at me and relax. If you relax and swallow, you can take me. And I want that. I want to be deep in your throat when I come. You can do that for me.”

The way he smirked at her filled her like an aphrodisiac. She wrapped her lips around him and nodded. Hoping she looked as naughty and needy as she felt.

She stared up at him as he rocked his hips, working his cock deeper and deeper into her mouth. The taste of him intensified, his clean scent and musky flavor making her hunger for more. For this. Something she never knew she even wanted.

His cock grew even harder as he picked up the pace. She tried to anticipate his thrusts, tried to open her throat and take him. When he released her hands, she grabbed his hips, not wanting to have him pull away, not wanting to fail him.

Pain seared from her right nipple down to her clit. She gasped, and before she could understand, he threaded his hand through her hair and pushed his cock down her throat. His dark curls tickled her nose, the soft globes of his balls on her chin. He pulled her forward by her nipple and anchored her there with his other hand as he fucked her.

Her eyes watered and panic swirled. She couldn’t breathe unless he let her. She was his completely. His breathing grew ragged before he shuddered, his hips jerking as he grunted in pleasure. Her throat tickled and grew hot, and she realized she’d done it. She’d taken him all the way in until he’d come down her throat.

He released his hold and started to slide away. She didn’t want it to be over, didn’t want to let go of the hazy elation at having been exactly what he wanted. She’d never thought she’d be brave enough to show this side of herself to anyone. She grabbed his ass, caressing him with her hands and tongue as she swallowed his pleasure, tasted her victory. Pain bit at her nipple and she reached for it, covering it with her hand, trying to press back the ache.

He slid from her lips and cupped her face in his hands. He wiped the wetness from her cheeks with his thumbs, his hazel gaze swirling with emotion. “You’re hired.”

The heady scent of her arousal filled his lungs like a drug, lifting the entire world from his shoulders. Nothing mattered outside of this room, beyond this woman. A woman whose world he had to rock off its axis, because she would leave tomorrow. And so would he.

That couldn’t be the end.

This had to be their beginning. The magic that swirled between them was too intense to be a passing rush. More like a spark that could ignite a bonfire.

She stared up at him, her luminous-blue eyes glazed with dizzy desire. Her full lips were puffy, pink from the pleasure she’d given him. Her clever tongue darted out, wetting her lips before her mouth formed into a come-hither grin.

“Thank you for the offer, sir. But before I assume the position, I think we should discuss my benefit package.” She winked and he came undone.

He reached under her arms, lifted her from the floor and tossed her backward on to the bed. She made a sound somewhere between a yelp and a giggle as she bounced. He crawled atop her, crushing her into the soft mattress.

He pressed up and stared down at her, her dark curls a stark contrast to the white linens. “I thought it was your pleasure to be my very personal assistant.”

“It is, sir. I enjoy my job very much.” The minx licked her lips again, so he pressed his hips to hers, letting her feel his thickening cock. “There are lots of things I can do for you. Some we can even work on together.”

He groaned and lowered his forehead to the mattress before turning to nip at her earlobe. “I don’t know where you came from, Princess, but I want to live there.”

She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck and found his lips for a deep kiss, her taste blending with his in a perfect harmony. He melted into her until the sweet smoothness of her mouth reminded him he had other plans. He took the kiss to the corner of her mouth, her jaw, her neck. The vibration of her voice as she mewed and whispered drove him lower.

“I’ll need an expense account. For condoms. And a table.”

He rose to his knees and shot her a glare. “What table?”

Her big blue eyes widened as he palmed her breasts, pushing them up and together the way her dress had done. He pinched her nipples and pulled up, loving the way the stretch had her wiggling her legs beneath him.

“What table are you talking about, Princess?”

Her throat undulated as she swallowed, her gaze focused on how he rolled her nipples between his fingers.

“Have you been working with someone else? Are you playing me, looking for the best package?” He pressed his hardness into her, forcing her to still her hips. “Tell me.”

She shook her head, so he let go of one nipple and her breast sank back to her chest. She gasped and tried to reach for it, but he caught her arm.

“Tell me.” He dipped his head and laved the nipple. “Tell me and I’ll make the ache go away.” He pulled the nub deep into his mouth, healing the tip with each soothing stroke of his tongue.

“I didn’t know him,” she whispered in the waning light, so fitting for a naughty story. “I wanted a ride on his motorcycle. He took me away from everything. And then he took me.”

He released the other nipple and held both her arms down as he rose above her. “If you want this position, I have to know about your prior experience. Your expectations, why you decided to move on.” He eased the ache in her other nipple with his mouth and released her arms so he could play with her tits as she spun the story.

“It was just one night.” She threaded her hands into his long hair and anchored him to her as she whispered. “He was so sexy, and he looked at me like I was beautiful. The bike was like a vibrator between my legs. I was wet before we even left the parking lot. He took me to this little room and stripped me.”

Her panted breaths took on a staccato rhythm as he played her breasts, her nails scratching his scalp as she writhed beneath him. He’d never heard anything so erotic as his woman describing the way he’d fucked her.

“I used him like a toy. I wrapped my legs around him and ground myself against his cock until I came. Then he laid me back. He fucked me until I came again. And he kept going. And going. It was…it was primal. So rough. He fucked me so long and hard the table gave way.”

“Did you like it?”

She arched beneath him and tried to force her legs together only to find he’d set his knee so she couldn’t. She wouldn’t be coming on her own, not while he was in her bed.

“Please, I’m so close.” She tried to better align their bodies, but he let more of his weight down on her until she was pinned to the mattress.

“Did you like the way he fucked you? Urgent and raw?”

She nodded and licked her lips, obviously anticipating more of the same.

“Did you taste him?”

She shook her head and traced her fingers up and down the backs of his arms.

“Did he taste you?” He moved his knees to push her legs farther apart.

She shook her head and grinned. “He wanted to see me again. Tonight. But I want you.”

“Me or my money? Did you swallow my cock to get money to fix your boyfriends’ problems?”

Her smile faded. “He’s not my boyfriend. I don’t even know his last name.”

He nodded. “I’ll provide everything you need. Even condoms. So long as no one else is pushing your buttons. Any of them.”

“You came prepared to make that kind of offer?” The grin returned.

“I’m always prepared.” Thank goodness, he’d raided Geirr’s condom stash this morning. You couldn’t buy anything on this rock without everyone knowing your business. And making up the parts they couldn’t figure out.

She opened her pretty mouth to say something, but he was so hard that talking was off the table for now. All that mattered was making tonight better than the last. Making each night they had together on her sexual highlight reel.

He covered her mouth with his hand and her big blue eyes grew wide. “No screaming. If you need to scream, do it into a pillow. I don’t want to be interrupted by someone knocking on the door to tell you not to disturb the neighbors.”

Her lips spread into a grin beneath his palm. He slid his hand down and wrapped it around her throat. Her breath hitched.

“I’m going to make you wetter than you’ve ever been. Then I’m going to fuck you until you can’t come anymore.”

“Yes,” she whispered, closing her eyes as she arched beneath him, offering herself up for his pleasure. And hers.

He removed his hand from her throat and kissed her there, taking the kiss down the center of her body. He bunched a pillow beneath her hips and spread her legs wide so her wet pussy glistened in the light. He parted her lips with his thumbs, her swollen clit drawing his attention.

He settled in, the heat from her sex beckoning him closer. He kissed the lips of her pussy as he would her mouth. Tasting, nibbling, sucking. Her rich, salty taste filled his senses, her passionate sighs like music to his ears. She reached down, her fingertips drawing slow circles on his scalp as he learned her most sensitive spots.

And then he dove in, unrelenting as he feasted. His hands, lips, tongue all worked her until she fisted her hands in his hair, not-so-gentle tugs urging him to her clit. He flattened his tongue against the hard pleasure button and her legs quivered with each undulation of his tongue.

He slipped two fingers within her, feeling his way until the slick texture gave way to firmer flesh. She pushed back against him, a low moan vibrating around the room. He sucked her clit into his mouth, pressing with his lips as he flicked his tongue in rhythm with his fingers. He rubbed and licked until she released his head. With a quick glance up he saw she’d fisted the sheets in one hand while the other squeezed a pillow.

Good thing she was ready, because he couldn’t wait much longer. Using his shoulders at the backs of her thighs, he tilted her hips a little more. With his free hand, he pressed down on her belly, just above her pubic bone. Her legs shook with the intensity, the walls of her pussy squeezing against his fingers.

He released her clit just long enough to speak. “Let go, Princess. I’ve got you.”

She writhed beneath him, fighting it for a moment longer until she dug her heels into the mattress, arching her back as she cried out and came in a gush that soaked his fingers. He sat up and pulled his hand out just in time to see her squirt again. So hot.

BOOK: Caribbean Cowboy: Under the Caribbean Sun, Book 4
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