Authors: Cynthia Hickey


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Conley hit loose gravel before the concrete lot of the station and laid the bike. Rolling, he felt his flesh tear. He’d have a major case of road rash if he survived. He fell into a ditch and folded into a ball, struggling to catch his breath. The longer he stalled his death, the more time Jo had to get the children to safety.

Death had no hold over him. Although he would like some time with Jo and Alex, he wasn’t afraid when God called him home. But, it would be nice for death not to come at the hands of men like those two.

He forced himself to his knees and crawled toward the station building, using the ditch as cover for as long as possible. When he reached pavement again, he lurched to his feet and stumbled toward the door. An open sign welcomed him with the promise of rescue.

He shoved himself. “Call 9-1-1.”

The young man behind the counter pointed over his shoulder. “But there’s a cop right behind you.”

“He’s dirty!” Conley dove over the counter, praying the store had a gun. There! Thank you, God. “Get down, son. This is going to get ugly.”

The boy cursed and ran for a back room. “Take whatever you want!”

Conley grabbed the pistol and checked the clip. Three bullets. Well, he only needed two. “Stop right there,” he called through a gap in the counter. “I’ve got a gun and I will not hesitate to shoot you.”

“Settle down, Hook.” Logan waved for Blake to circle around the counter. “We don’t want a gunfight. All we want is for you to go away and leave us alone. Forget about Prestige.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that. What you’re doing is evil.”

“By your estimates.” Logan pulled his weapon from his holster. “Guess I’ll have to shoot you through that cheap plywood then. Won’t take much explaining to tell people how you were killed in a failed robbery. An ex-con like you?” He shot through the counter.

“I will not let you kill me.” Conley pulled the trigger. His shot caught Logan in the neck. The next shot took Blake in the leg. The last one, through the heart. He hated taking a life, much less two, but Jo and those children were more important than these two. God forgive him, but these men had left a path of destruction that couldn’t be undone. The authorities could deal with Jo’s father.

It was done. He laid back and closed his eyes as sirens wailed.


“Mrs Hook!”

Jo tightened her hold on the children and pressed farther back into the bushes.

“City of Roscoe police, ma’am. Come out!”

“Are they telling the truth?” Heather’s eyes reflected the moon’s glow.

“I don’t know. I thought for sure my husband would come back for us.” Unless he couldn’t. Her eyes burned, and she ducked her head.

What if they’d failed? What if Conley lay dead? Alex captured? Remaining hidden would not answer any of her questions. “Stay with the younger kids.” Jo stepped out of the bushes.

Three men in police uniform wandered the meadow with flashlights. They called her name again.

“I’m here.” Jo waved her arms. “Here!” Alex needed her, whether Conley lived or not. Somehow, Jo would survive. With God’s help, she would go on. Still waving her arms, she fell to her knees, soaking the fabric of her pants.

The officers rushed toward. One called for an ambulance.

“The children are in the woods. They’re all right.” Jo covered her face and sobbed. “I want to go home.”

“We’ll take you soon enough, Mrs. Hook.” An officer helped her to her feet. “But, we thought you’d want to see your husband first.”

“Conley? He’s alive? Why isn’t he here?” She stared into the man’s face, unable to believe his words.

“He’s injured, but alive.” The officer grinned. “Thanks to the two of you, so are these children.”

“My ex-husband? Logan?” Dare she believe it was over?

“Dead. Mr. Woodward is in custody, and Mrs. Woodward is caring for your son in your home. Please, Mrs. Hook, let me take you to the hospital, have you checked over, and let you see your husband.”

She blinked away the tears. “That’s the best thing I’ve heard all day.”


              Conley groaned and opened his eyes. What he wouldn’t give for a drink? He turned to press the button for the nurse.

“Good morning.” Jo smiled and moved toward the bed. “You, my husband, are a hero.” She laid a newspaper across his stomach. “You made the front page.”

He glanced at the headline and grinned. Man and Wife Save Kidnapped Children. “Looks like we’re both heroes. Come over here and give me a kiss.”

“I’d like nothing better.” She pressed her sweet mouth against his. “I’d like nothing better than to kiss you for the rest of my life.” Sighing, she laid her cheek against his. “Oh, Conley, I’ve been a damaged fool. I love you with every breath I take.”

“Sweetheart, God and I will help you heal. Let’s get me out of here and go get Alex. Our family needs to be together.” He sat up and tossed aside the thin hospital blanket. He held out his hand for her to take.

She slipped her hand into his and grinned. “Yes, let’s go home and start our new life.”

The End




Mountain of Fear

A Secret to Die For

Exposure at Sea


Fudge-Laced Felonies

Candy-Coated Secrets

Chocolate-Covered Crime

Maui Macadamia Madness

Deadly Neighbors


A Love for Delicious

Ruth’s Redemption

Charity’s Gold Rush



Shades of Crimson


Eenie Meenie Miny Mo

Jack Be Nimble

Hickory Dickory Dock


The Darkening

No Sanctuary

The Long Road












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