Callie's Captors [Mountain Men of Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (15 page)

BOOK: Callie's Captors [Mountain Men of Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Here.” Blue jerked a pillow out of its case and tossed it to his brother. “And hurry the hell up.”

She stayed bent over, waiting for Raine to clean her. Pete, in a crouch in front of her, took her face and put his mouth to hers.

The taste of her own juices along with the flavor of his mouth swept in with his tongue. She loved it and sucked on him, determined to get even more of it. But he didn’t give her more. Instead, he broke the kiss then stood to bring her into his arms.

As Raine stumbled away, Pete looked deep into her eyes. “So you like it a little rough?”

“If you’re asking if I liked the spanking, then yes, I did.” Her butt cheeks still felt sensitive. “Do you?” Before he could answer, she swatted him on the butt cheek.

“Hey! We’ll do the spanking here. Remember that.” He lifted her under the arms and tossed her on top of the bed. She squealed then tried to scramble away, but Pete snagged her by the ankle and dragged her back. He positioned her with her butt hanging halfway over the bed then pushed her legs apart.

Giving her a whack on the side of the leg, he took hold of her again and shoved his cock inside her. She squirmed, halfheartedly trying to get away, when Blue grabbed her wrists and held them over her head. His oozing cock was only a few inches from her face.

“Suck on me.”

She wanted to play, to tease. “No. I’m not your captive.”

An eyebrow arched. “Maybe not, but you’re our woman and I told you to suck on me.” To emphasize his words, he pinched her nipple.

She cried out and fought to get free. Sort of. “No.”

Another tweak of her nipple came along with a spank on the side of her butt cheek from Pete. He rammed into her again, then again before adding another spank to the other hip.


She couldn’t help but look at Blue. “Yes?”

“You’re ours. Not as a captive, but as our woman. And we’re yours. Know that.” He gritted his teeth and the muscles in his jaw danced. “Now suck me.”

His words broke away more pieces of the barrier she’d built around her heart throughout her childhood and into adulthood. They’d claimed her, even commanding her at times, but she’d never felt weak, used, or betrayed by them. Instead, the more they wanted from her, the more she wanted to give to them. And she knew they’d give all of themselves to her in return.

She quit playing the game and opened her mouth. He turned her hands loose and she wrapped her hand around his cock. He was musky smelling, soft and hard at the same time, and huge, filling her mouth. Taking hold of her hair, he helped her to move her head back and forth, drawing him in and then releasing him.

“Play with yourself.”

She reached down as Blue commanded and rubbed her wet pussy. Pete’s cock bumped against her fingers, adding more to her already growing need.

The Deacon brothers were the hottest men she’d ever seen and she was having all three of them. If her mouth wasn’t so busy, she’d shout for joy.

Blue’s grip on her hair hurt, but in a way that only helped to tantalize her more. He softened his hold on her breast, no longer pinching it and, instead, fondled it as he rubbed his palm back and forth over her skin.

Pete’s thrusts grew faster, harder. His gaze was on her pussy, watching her torture herself. With another slap on her butt, he pushed in one last time then pulled out, shouting his release.

“It’s about time I get you.”

Blue yanked on her hair, eliciting a yelp from her, then clutched her arms and pulled her along with him as he fell backward. She landed on top of him, and without warning, he rammed his cock inside her pussy.

She cried out as he sunk deep inside her. He covered her breasts with his hands and she did the same, trying to stay on the thrusting man. His expression was intense, his gaze locked to hers as he worked his hips upward, driving his cock deep within her pussy.

Pete crawled onto the bed beside her and whacked her on the butt cheek again. The pain from that combined with the sensation of Blue’s cock straining against her pussy walls. She cried out, then shouted again when Pete grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. He kissed her hard and slapped her butt again.

They treated her roughly, but she loved it. Her body hurt and ached in all the right places. Sweat formed along her brow as she matched each man’s fervor by kissing Pete harder and grinding her body against Blue’s.

When Pete let go of her hair, he leaned over and nibbled along her shoulder. His hands gripped her butt cheeks, adding a slap or two. She looked at Blue and found him staring at her again, but his expression was one that she hadn’t seen before. One that she almost didn’t recognize.

She’d swear he was looking at her with love.

He spoke as if he’d heard her thoughts. “We care about you, Callie. More than you realize. But you will. You will.”

She froze, then at the urging of another slap from Pete, rocked against him. They cared for her. Yet what that meant was unclear. Although different words started to form in her mouth, she said, “I care for you, too.”

Blue’s expression clouded then he shoved into her again. He held on to her as he brought his upper torso up and took her face in his hands. Her breath hitched in her throat as she waited to hear what he’d tell her.

“No, you’re not getting it.” His amber-filled eyes blazed. “I, we, love you.”

Something deep inside her recognized the truth and burst to life. A wildness threatened to overtake her, and for a split second, she saw the world through a flash of amber. Lust, pure and simple, surged wild and an inner voice, an ache-filled howl, echoed in her ears.

With one last thrust, he closed his eyes and pulled her to him, flattening her breasts to his massive chest. Much like Raine had done, he growled and, as his climax took him, roared his release.

She answered with her own climax, the biggest and strongest of orgasms spilling out of her to flood over his cock. Her body shook as she lost rational thought and gave in to the primal reactions taking control of her body. Rush after rush whipped through her, easing a little with each subsequent roll until her body lost its strength and she fell against Blue.

He pulled her along with him to lie on the bed. Pete and Raine joined them with Pete settling at her other side and Raine at her feet.

“Did you hear what I said?” Blue lay on his back, his attention on the ceiling, and didn’t look her way.

Was he afraid, too? If so, she’d understand. She was fearful of what she’d see in his eyes.

What did he want her to say? That she loved them back? She’d have to tell them that she didn’t and she tried. How could she say those words when she wasn’t sure she wanted to stay? But the words wouldn’t come. “I did.”

Pete took her arm, making her look at him. “It’s true, but you don’t have to say anything right now. We realize it’s a lot to take in. But understand this. That thing you’ve felt between us—” He narrowed his eyes. “And yes, we know you’ve felt it because we have. That thing is a connection between us. It’s an irresistible pull from men like us and the woman we intend to take as our mate.”

She knew what he was talking about, although she hadn’t known what to call it. Love at first sight? Supercharged lust? Whatever it was, could she trust it? Was it even possible for such a thing to exist? Yet she knew the truth in her gut.

“I-I don’t understand.” She pressed her palm to her forehead. “None of what you’re saying makes any sense. I barely know you. Any of you.”

Why was she denying it? Hadn’t she already known before she’d walked into the room?

Blue turned to her at last. “Yes, you do. You know us in your heart where it counts. Knowing the stupid things about us like what our favorite food is, or getting used to our lifestyle doesn’t matter.” He fisted his hand against his chest. “The only thing that matters is what’s in here.”

She half expected his brothers to make fun of him for sounding so romantic, but they didn’t. Instead, she saw his words reflected on their faces.

“Pete’s right. Don’t say anything yet. Just think about us. Think about how you’ve felt since the first moment you met us.” He rolled away from her. “Come on, guys. Give her a little space to think. Callie, we’re staying here for the night. All of us.”

Raine walked around the room, putting out the candles while his brothers settled around her. He joined them, not touching her and not speaking.

Darkness slowly overtook the room. She stared into the night as the moon filtered in through the sheer curtains. Within a few minutes, she heard the sounds of the men sleeping.

They love me. Holy shit.

A smile formed on her face as sleep took her away.


* * * *


Callie stretched and crawled out from between the three men who had suddenly become so important to her. She’d heard of men and women falling in love in a week or so, but she’d never thought she’d fall for not only one, but three men in the space of less than a weekend.

What am I going to do?

They hadn’t
her to stay. Instead they’d told her she couldn’t leave, which wasn’t the same thing. Yet, if they did ask, what would her answer be? The peaceful campsite below was dotted with campfires. Couples as well as groups of people strolled around the area or sat basking in the light of the fires. A young girl’s giggles floated on the air, followed by the deeper tones of a young man. Fireflies made twinkling lights against the darkness and she sighed, pressing her hands to the windowpane.

Surely it couldn’t be this idyllic all the time? Every place, no matter how beautiful, had its darker side. Were the creatures like Scrunch the underbelly of The Hidden? But what if Scrunch was indicative of a change? What if he was a new breed of his kind? A new, kinder, gentler side of them? What if his reaching out to her was a first step toward reconciliation between the people of The Hidden and The Cursed?

Sheesh! What next, Callie? Running for office?

Red eyes blinked at her from a bush near the cabin but far enough away and uphill from the others that she doubted they noticed it. She glanced back at the sleeping men, making not-so-soft snoring sounds, then squinted into the darkness.

Was it Scrunch? Or another one of The Cursed?

She had to find out. Why would Scrunch risk coming so close unless he needed her? Although she wasn’t sure he’d see her or even understand, she gave him a little wave to say she’d come outside.

Gathering her dress and shoes, she slipped out of the bedroom and padded her way to the front door. Throwing her dress over her head as she pushed her feet into the moccasins, she turned the knob and eased into the night. She paused and listened for any sign that she’d awakened the men. Hearing nothing, she hurried down the steps then angled to the left. She came to the bushes where she’d seen the red eyes, but couldn’t find them again. Had it all been an illusion?

“Scrunch? Is that you?”

The men would turn her over their knees and spank her for real if they caught her. She tried again, raising her voice a little. “Scrunch?”

He poked his head out of the bush, then pushed his hand through. She almost laughed when she saw the banana in his hand.

“Are you bringing me a midnight snack?”

He peeled the banana, doing it in much the same way she’d done. Breaking it in half, he handed her a piece. She took it and chomped off a large bite. “Yeah, it’s really tasty.”

She covered her mouth as she spoke with it full of the fruit and checked to make sure no one had heard her. “But this isn’t worth getting your butt kicked for. Is there something else? What do you want?”

He pulled away, disappearing into the dark recesses and making her take the chance to lean toward him. His claw-like hand wrapped around her arm and she let out a quick squeal that was cut off when he yanked her through the branches. The rough ride scratched her arms and face, but he soon turned her loose once she was on the other side.

“You could’ve asked me, you know.” She inspected her skin. “Thanks for nothing.”

He cocked his head to the side and made a noise that sounded like a mix of a growl and a groan. Then, after giving her arm a quick tug, he spun around and ambled off, his knuckles scraping the ground.

She took off after him, knowing she was putting herself at risk. But she couldn’t not go. She had to find what he wanted. Unlike what they’d told her, Scrunch was more intelligent than a mere animal.

But keeping up with him was not easy. “Wait up. I can’t move as fast as you.”

Every time she tried to get him to slow down, Scrunch whirled around in a circle, gave her a quick glance, then took off again. She tried to move at a quicker rate, but running at night without a light had almost sent her falling face-first into the dirt twice already. If the moon hadn’t been out and the sky cloudless, she wouldn’t have had a chance of catching up with him.

“Come on. Don’t go so fast, for Pete’s sake.”

Pete’s going to have my head. If he doesn’t kill me first. Figuratively speaking, I hope.

Scrunch spun around again then let out a shriek and took off.

“No! Scrunch, hold up!” Heedless of the possibility of falling, she took off running. She didn’t know where they were or where he was leading her, but she wasn’t about to give up.

Someone took hold of her shoulder and wrenched her around. Her hair flew across her face and she whipped it away, fearing what she might see.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Pete was angry. Very angry. Blue and Raine raced by her, chasing Scrunch.

“Let me go!”

But he held her, his fingers digging into her skin. “Not on your life. Hell, not
your life.”

“I told you to let me go!”

He shook his vigorously. “No.”

She’d have to try a different method. Pushing her mouth into a pout, she batted her eyelids and attempted to muster up a few tears. “But, Pete, you’re hurting me.”

He sucked in a quick breath and turned her loose. “Shit, Callie, I never meant to—”

She took off running before he’d ended his sentence, calling over her shoulder. “I can’t believe you bought that.”

BOOK: Callie's Captors [Mountain Men of Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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