Read Cabin Fever Online

Authors: Alisha Rai

Cabin Fever (9 page)

BOOK: Cabin Fever
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He stroked lower until his fingers rested on the top of the triangle of curls that shielded her. He nibbled on her ear and whispered, “Can I shave you one day?”

Genevieve shuddered. “Would I like it?”

“I’d make sure you loved it.”

Not only was she considering it, Genevieve was ready to go grab the razor. If the idea excited Alex as much as it seemed to, she figured she would probably love it too.

He didn’t wait for her response, but dipped his fingers down to part her folds and slide a finger down her slit. She was creamier in just a few minutes with him than she had ever been on her own. “Mmmm, yeah, you’re sweet.”

The depth of her arousal would have embarrassed her had she not been feeling so desperate. Her body made a squelching sound as he drove a finger inside her. His shudder echoed hers when he added another finger, thrusting deep with strong, smooth strokes. She gave a startled moan when he withdrew his hand and lifted her leg. “I’m not feeling too sure of my abilities to keep myself sitting and get inside you without embarrassing myself. Let me lie down.”

They readjusted until he was lying on his back, one foot flat on the floor. His penis rose thick and long, the head almost bouncing off his bellybutton. He noted the direction of her gaze and rubbed her hip. “Don’t be scared.”

“I’m not,” she assured him. She wasn’t lying. With him under her, her body completely exposed to him, there was no wariness or distrust. Everything had been building toward this minute. She looked him straight in the eye and picked up the condom she’d tossed on the couch. “I want you inside of me.”

“Let me put that on. I won’t last two seconds if you get your hands on me again.”

She was a bit disappointed, since she’d wanted to smooth the latex down over him, but she consoled herself with the fact that he could probably do it faster. Sure enough, he was dressed to play in no time. When he reached down to part her folds and lodge the tip of his cock against her opening, she stopped him by grasping his penis in her fist. “You lie back. Let me handle this.”

He opened his mouth to argue, but she shut him up with the expedient method of sinking down on him just an inch or two. He swallowed and tried again. “I’m calling the shots next time.”

She snorted. “You haven’t seen me calling the shots. Now hush.” She was so wet, she didn’t want to tease either of them. She hadn’t been lying, she didn’t need any more foreplay. Their dancing around each other for the past few days of constant contact had been foreplay enough.

She was ready, but it had been almost four years since her last lover. The bulbous head powered through her tight flesh, and before she could blink, she had seated him halfway inside her. She gave a strangled yelp at the sudden uncomfortable sensation. He froze and his eyes flared before they went vague with exquisite pleasure.

He held still within her body, both of them shuddering as her muscles adjusted to accept the hardness inside of her. After a few minutes, the uncomfortable fullness receded enough for her to focus on how good the intruder felt. She gave a tentative wiggle of her hips. She liked the resulting feeling so much she arched her hips and gasped as he sank inside another inch.

The small movements spurred him to action. He grasped her hips despite her directive to lie there. She couldn’t really scold him when he was making her feel so damn good. In a few more thrusts, she was accepting his large cock almost to the root.

Genevieve loved this position, she decided. She leaned back a little so she could watch as his cock tunneled in and out of her, bathed in her wetness. When she glanced up, she found his gaze fixed on the apex of their legs as well, his expression tight and focused with concentration.

Needing more stimulation, she used her own hands to work her breasts, tugging the nipples in rhythm with her body screwing down upon him. She could feel his eyes watching her, and he groaned, his hips arching into her. Sensations exploded every time his hard cock thrust, hitting just the perfect spot with the thick head. The walls of her pussy rippled around him—gripping him and dragging when he withdrew, parting and sucking him back in.

His hips moved faster, and he grunted with every thrust, punctuating the slap of their bodies. “I’m sorry, baby. I don’t think I can hold on,” he panted. “You’re so tight, so hot.”

She mewled, struggling to get closer to him, her hands clenching on her breasts. She was so close, her orgasm just out of reach, bigger and more explosive than anything she had brought herself to or reached with a partner.

Not breaking the rhythm of his hips, he tucked his hand between their straining bodies, using a fingertip to rub her taut clitoris.

She went wild, crying out and raking her short nails down his chest as he rubbed and pinched and kept up the hammering of his cock inside of her. Her energy gathered over his invasion and finally imploded. She gave a fractured scream as the walls of her vagina clenched down on him and then subsided into rippling convulsions.

In her daze, she heard his roar of satisfaction before he plunged inside her to the hilt. His release spurted high inside her, and it triggered another small climax. He gave a low grunt as her walls milked his cock.

Warm and sweaty, she collapsed on top of him, her head buried in his neck. Long minutes passed before either of them moved. He turned his head and looked at her, his expression that of a man fully satiated. With the heat of mating past, a slight draft drifted over her body, raising goose bumps and teasing sensitive flesh. She shivered.

“Cold, angel?”

She shook her head, not trusting her voice to speak. The experience of being with him had been so intense, so over the top, she felt a little bit like someone had punched her in the solar plexus. Surely a fling wasn’t supposed to feel like this?

Just as the doubt and fears and insecurities started creeping over her, she felt his big hand pat her bottom as he yawned. “I’m going to take a quick little nap.”

A simple plan formed in her mind: store up memories of some hot sex and good times with a hot, good man. Don’t fall in love. Easy, right?


e held her close
’…Alex, stop.”


“You’re gnawing on my ear.”

“I’m giving you love nibbles. Brock just did it.”

Genevieve snorted and leaned away from his amorous mouth. “If Brock jumped off a cliff…”

“Man, I wish he’d jump off a cliff. That is one obnoxious guy.”

“You’re just mad I wouldn’t let you pick the book with the anti-terrorist agent hero.”

“Hell yeah. Now that would be awesome. Better than this pussy.”

The other book had had a more erotic bent, which was why Genevieve had insisted on the sweeter historical. Though she had become at ease around Alex, narrating an erotic romance stretched outside her comfort bounds.

As Alex moved down her neck, she sighed and tilted her head to give him better access. Though he’d never admit it aloud, the sex yesterday afternoon had overexerted him; he’d been out cold for the better part of the night. They’d enjoyed some slumberous morning fun earlier today, but from the erection under her butt she knew he was ready to go again.

She sat on his lap in her large armchair, wrapped in a quilt. He’d remained naked after his shower this morning to give his washed boxers a chance to dry. Genevieve couldn’t complain, since the view was so very nice.

“I think it stopped snowing.”

Her heart seized a little, and she followed his gaze out the window. “That doesn’t mean much. It’s been going off and on for the past couple of days.”


For a guy whose return to his normal life depended on the weather, Alex didn’t sound like he cared much. In fact, she’d lost some of her urgency as well. Instead of checking the phone compulsively, she had just picked it up this morning once. She noted with some surprise that it was already Friday. How could he have fallen on her doorstep only five days ago?

Alex shifted her a bit so he could pick up the chipped mug on the small table next to the chair. He drank deeply and smacked his lips. “How come your hot chocolate tastes so good?”

“Told you, it’s a secret ingredient.”


“Kind of. A shot of Bailey’s and crème de menthe.”

He gave a rumble of appreciation. “Here, last sip. You drink it.”

“You can have it.”

“No, it’s so good. You barely had any.”

She drank when he tipped the mug to her mouth, warmed by the drink and the simple gesture. She had the feeling that he would have drank a vat of the hot cocoa if she had it, but instead he made sure she enjoyed the last lingering taste.

When every drop was drained, he placed the mug back on the table and kissed her gently, sharing the hint of chocolate and mint. Languor stole through her body. When their lips separated, she leaned against his chest, the book forgotten in her hands.

“You’re a con artist. That’s why you hate cops.”

She smiled, used to his teasing and so relaxed she couldn’t do anything but tease back. “Yes. I defrauded people of their millions and retired to a snowy cabin. Mexico is so passé.”

“You’re smart. You know no one will ever find you here.” He shifted her hair aside, left down at his request, pressing butterfly kisses against her neck.

“Alex,” she said, only half-protesting. “I have chores to do.”

“So pretend I’m a chore.” He massaged her belly. In an instant, her baseline of relaxed arousal flared into full-blown, gimme-gimme-want-it-bad lust. “I’m kind of getting a bit of a complex, babe.”

She hated being called a babe.
Got that, vagina? It’s not a turn-on.
“About what?”

“You’ve been in the driver’s seat when it comes to sex with us. I just want it clear, it’s not always going to be like that.”

“You make it sound like I dress up in black leather and carry a whip.” At his silence, she twisted around. “Um, does that turn you on?”

“Of course not.”

“Ooooh, yes it does,” she teased, and nuzzled his neck. “That sounds like a fun fantasy. Maybe we can try that one out?”

He tilted his head farther back in silent acquiescence. Genevieve nibbled her way up to his jaw line, loving the way he smelled like her homemade soap and tasted so earthy, like a man. Mostly loving his shortened breath when he spoke.

“You in leather sounds awesome. You kind of have that Xena thing going on. Have you ever had a lesbian experience?”

Genevieve shook her head. Sometimes following his train of thought took some doing. “What?”

“You know, everyone thinks Xena and Gabrielle got it on. Not that I’m into girl on girl.” He paused. “Much. Not obsessively at least.”

“I have not had a girl-on-girl experience.”

She kissed him and managed to shut him up for a second. When she came up for air, though, he spoke. “Would you want…?”

“I don’t know how this went from me being a dominatrix to a lesbian fetish.”

“It’s not a fetish. I don’t mind you being the bad dominatrix who I get to punish.” He waggled his eyebrows.

“I think that defeats the whole purpose of me being a dominatrix.”

“Well, I’m not into being tied down or anything.”

Genevieve nibbled his earlobe between her teeth. “Now you’re just giving me ideas.”

She jumped with surprise when large hands closed on her hips, easily picking her up to turn her around. Within seconds, she found herself straddling his lap. “Don’t strain your shoulder.”

He made a dismissive noise. “I’m fine. If you only knew some of my ideas, sweetheart, you’d run screaming.”

“Oh, yeah? Big, bad man. You forget how long I’ve had to fantasize.”

“So, what do you want? Tell me.”

She shouldn’t have teased him. By the hard glint in his eyes, she was about to see the full force of his dominant personality. She couldn’t wait. “I want your hands on me.”

“Do you want me inside of you?”

His words turned her on as much as his touch. She nodded.

“Then say it. Say, ‘Fuck me, Alex.’”

Her stomach knotted in arousal. “Fuck…me. Alex, please.”

He cupped her face and smiled into her eyes. “I can get a bit rough in bed. If you want me to stop, just tell me and I will.” He lowered his head to hers, his surprisingly soft lips brushing against hers.

He kissed her without demand, his hand coming up to cup her breast. It was sweet and pleasant, but she wanted a more aggressive touch as the heat built inside her. She tilted her head farther back and raised one hand to grip his hair. She tugged gently, and he seemed to approve of the slight pain. Alex gripped her jaw with one strong hand and turned her head forcefully to an angle he approved of, his tongue pushing past her lips. He thrust with his tongue, while his hand rubbed in a circular motion on her breast.

She tightened her legs and squeezed his thighs, but it didn’t help much. Feeling bold, she captured his tongue on the next thrust and sucked on it.

He tore his mouth away from her, his eyes hot and narrowed with arousal. “Stand up.”

She stood, facing him. His cock had completely hardened during their kiss. Alex sat back in the armchair and studied her from top to bottom. His body was long and rangy, the white bandage a sharp contrast to his dark skin. She attempted a wobbly smile. “I feel like a harem girl being surveyed by a sultan.”

A streak of anticipation flitted through her as his eyes grew even hotter. “Well, now, sweetheart. How did you know that’s one of
favorite fantasies?” He snapped his fingers. “But now that I think about it, harem girls are usually wearing a lot less clothes, aren’t they? Strip down, baby.” He relaxed into the chair, looking more tough and arrogant than any man had a right to. Knowing that his arrogance was tempered by the tenderness in his touch made it even more exciting.

She removed her sweater and jeans. She hesitated when she came to her bra and panties and stripped those off slowly.

“That’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen,” he murmured hoarsely, staring at her body with a worshipful expression. He looked at her face, which she was sure was red with arousal. “Touch yourself.”

A bolt of surprise and interest shot through her. “In front of you?”

He smiled with wicked intent. “You want me to choose you for my bed, don’t you? Show me why I should.” Still she hesitated. “Are you disobeying me, Genevieve?” He raised an eyebrow. “Because if you are, I may just have to spank you.”

She felt an instant rush of warmth between her legs at the seductive threat. There was a subtle question in his gaze, and she knew he would stop the game immediately if she wanted him to, but she didn’t intend to do so. The sexual tension in the air seduced her.

She cupped her breasts with shaky hands, caressing the curves before capturing the nipples. She hadn’t ever masturbated while standing, but having him watch her turned her on even if her hands didn’t. She closed her eyes and moaned as she pinched her nipples before sliding her hands down her soft belly.

“Open your pussy,” he whispered hoarsely. “Let me see you.”

Teasing him, she slowly spread the lips of her labia apart, displaying the pouting pink flesh and the hard clitoris before dipping her fingers into the wetness and rubbing. She heard him groan and opened her eyes to see him stroking his hard shaft, pleasuring himself with no self-consciousness. The mesmerizing motion captured her eyes. She focused her attention on her clit, small ripples already beginning inside of her. His hand captured her wrist, stilling her motion.

“No,” he said curtly. “I want you to come with my cock inside of you.”

Small shivers of arousal wracked her body, and he didn’t miss a single one. “Look at you, baby. You’re ready to go, and I haven’t even touched you.” He sighed, shaking his head in mock regret. “It’s too bad I need a little more preparation.”

Preparation? He was so aroused he practically vibrated, his penis curving up toward his bellybutton.

When he pulled her closer and tugged her down, she got an inkling of what he was looking for.

With a small smile and a flirtatious glance under her lashes, she responded to the pressure and sank to her knees at his feet, her body feeling a fresh flush of arousal at the thought of performing this sexual act with him.

She grasped his cock at the base and angled it toward her mouth, struck anew at how intimidating he was. She brushed a fleeting kiss across the plump head and then licked the vein running up the bottom. He sifted through her hair before tangling his fingers in the strands. She raised a brow in mock innocence.

“Stop teasing me, baby,” he whispered hoarsely. “Suck it now.”

She kept her gaze locked on his as she engulfed the broad head in her mouth. He was so thick her fingers barely touched where she encircled him, and her lips felt stretched. He tasted delicious, earthy and salty and exactly as she thought a man should taste. She experimented with small dips of her head until his fingers became more insistent in her hair. He pulled her forward, pushing into her mouth with a slow, measured thrust of his hips.

“Shit, you’re so sweet. You don’t know how hot it makes me to see your lips part for me,” he rasped. His hips withdrew and thrust again, a little bit harder. She whimpered and took his passion, loving the dazed vulnerability and pleasure in his brown eyes.

lex had died
and gone to Heaven. But he was sure angels had nothing on Genevieve.

It wasn’t the first blowjob he’d gotten but, by God, even with her hesitancy and inexperience, he didn’t think he’d ever had better. The sight alone drove him crazy, those eyes glancing up at him boldly, her pouty lips stretched wide over his cock. She was so damned generous, taking his thrusts easily, her hands rubbing the flesh her lips couldn’t reach, her tongue stroking over the tip of him on each pass.

He tightened his hands in her hair, tugging on the strands. His lust flared hotter at the small moan she gave. Oh yes, she was the perfect match for him—he loved a woman who liked her hair pulled. He was ready to stop at a moment’s notice if it got too much for her, but so far she hadn’t complained, thank God.

“You like that, don’t you? Suck me harder.” He tugged at her hair again. She made an agreeable sound and mouthed the sensitive head of his dick, taking his pleasure to a whole new level.

His thrusts came harder and shorter…he could feel his balls tightening, the tingling in his spine. He cupped her face and tried to pull her head away. “Back up, baby. I’m going to come.”

She moaned in acceptance, her head dipping lower, resisting his attempts to pull her off.

He slid his fingers inside of her mouth to pry her off, but she held on, flattening her tongue and taking him almost to the back of her throat on the next thrust, swallowing around him, milking him. That was all it took. He jerked in the chair, holding her head to him, and erupted in her mouth, one pulsating jet after another. She made a startled noise, but held on, taking his passion inside of her.

He collapsed in the chair as she sat back on her knees and wiped her mouth. Looking at her naked body, her mussed hair and her lips shiny wet from her mouth and his come, he hardened again to readiness. She was violently aroused, her eyes dazed and hot, the small shivers coursing through her. He held out his hand. “Come here and sit on me.”

She rose in an unsteady movement and straddled him. His cock flirted with the entrance to her body, just pushing inside of the silky wet folds. At the hot kiss, his hands clenched on her hips. “Take me in, Genevieve. I’m going to die if I don’t get inside of you again.”

“Wait, let me do it,” she said coyly, capturing the insistent hands on her hips. Still she teased him, only allowing half of his size inside of her before lifting. He held his breath as the tip of him came close to withdrawing before she lowered herself again, walls of tight wetness just grasping and releasing the head of his dick.

It wasn’t nearly enough. “Deeper, Genevieve. Take it now,” he growled.

“You don’t like this?” she asked slyly as she dipped a little lower.

Oh God, he loved her natural sexuality. His fingers bit into her hips as he gave her a mock frown. “You’re not behaving, Genevieve.”

She laughed, a free, joyful sound. “I’m really scared, Alex.” She gasped as he leaned forward to capture her nipple between his teeth, giving it a quick, careful bite.

BOOK: Cabin Fever
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