Read Business: Phoenix #1 Online

Authors: Zoe Danielle

Business: Phoenix #1 (14 page)

BOOK: Business: Phoenix #1
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Chapter Thirty-two



My first morning back at the office is going quickly; my
bodyguard escorted me all the way to my office under Matt’s strict orders to
make sure I am safe.

Every time my phone rings or I get an email notification I
shudder, however I haven’t received anything from the stalker – nothing.

Matt said he will call by the office later to check on me
to make sure everything is okay. He is spending the day car shopping with
Scott, one of his friends from over here. I haven’t met Scott yet but Matt told
me he would introduce us sometime soon.

My concentration comes to a halt and I decide to have a
break. I make my way down to the café to catch up with Julie, but she’s not
there. Instead there’s a chubby woman with short dark hair and thick glasses
who stands behind the counter. She sees me enter and stares at me.

“Is Julie about?” I ask. Her eyes still fixated on me.

“She doesn’t work here anymore.” She speaks to me as if I
am stupid and that I should have known.

“Since when?” My tone is more demanding now.

“Well I’ve worked here for a week now.” She shrugs her
shoulders and turns away from me.

I have no time for ignorant people so I shake my head and
turn out the door. I need to speak to HR and see who employed such a witch.

Back in my office I dial Hannah’s direct line.

“Hannah, I need you to find out why Julie left and I want
somebody to speak to the old bitch who now works in the café.”

“Julie just rang in and said she wouldn’t be coming back,
she wouldn’t give me a reason.” Hannah sighs.

I’m taken aback by her reply – Julie loved her job here,
she loved every single person who went in to her café and always had the time
to speak to whoever walked through her door. I just can’t imagine her not
wanting to come back like that and I think she would at least wait to speak to
me first.

“She wouldn’t just not come back.” I argue disbelievingly.

“That’s all she said, Case.”

“That doesn’t sound like Julie at all. That can’t be
right.” I sound horrified.

“It was me that spoke to her Casey. She wouldn’t say why,
just said she wasn’t coming back. Sorry.” Hannah is apologetic and I realize I
am taking it out on her.

“Sorry Han. I don’t mean to come across as a bitch; I’m
just disappointed that’s all. I thought she would at least say goodbye.” My
voice is softer this time.

“I know Casey. Don’t worry about it. Have you heard
anything?” I know by anything, she means have I heard anything from the psychopath.

“Nothing, have you?” I ask.

“Not a peep. Hopefully they have been run over or
something.” She laughs.

“I’ll come down and see you soon. Bye Han.” And I end the

I start to work, well, not really. I start to shuffle
papers because I can’t concentrate. It’s my first day back at work so naturally
I should be busy. Stephen handed me numerous reports to read through this
morning and HR wanted me to sign some paperwork but I just can’t get my head in
the game.

I ring Julie’s house and her cell, but no answer.  I leave
messages asking her to call me.  I hope I hear from her soon to sort this out.

I clock watch until lunch time and decide to text Matt.

Day is dragging. Can’t wait to get home tonight. Ps,
hope you have bought me something nice. Xx

There is a light knock on my office door and I presume it
is Stephen so I call for him to come in and I instantly make a mental note to
get a camera or peephole installed when I see William enter carrying a small
gift bag.

“Casey! Hi! How are you?” His wide grin takes over his
face as he makes his way over to me, I stand and straighten my grey pencil
skirt and greet him. He kisses me on my cheek.

“Hi Will. I’m fine thanks; it’s my first day back so I’m
really busy…” I hope he gets the hint. I sit back down on my chair and look at

He sits on the chair opposite me and hasn’t taken the
hint. “Oh yes, how was your trip?” He asks.

“It was wonderful, thanks.” I smile.

“So I was calling by and thought that I would check on you
and I brought you a little gift.” He passes me the gift bag. “And I was
wondering if you would like to go out for dinner with me tonight?” I should
have known.

I look in the gift bag and there is a long box which says
‘Goldsmiths’ along the top. I open it and there is a white gold necklace.

I shake my head and close the box before putting it back
in the gift bag. “It’s lovely Will, but I can’t accept it.” I pass him the bag

Frustration on his face, he shouts; “Why not! When will
you realize you belong with me Casey? We would be perfect together.”

“I’m with somebody.” My voice is stern and I watch as he
narrows his eyes at me,

“You lying bitch!”

Like some kind of superhero Matt walks in right on cue. A
light blue shirt tucked into his black trousers.  Shoulders wide. He clears his
throat and William stands and turns to face him.

Matt is tall and broad compared to William’s weedy frame.
He towers over him.

“Is there a problem Case?” Matt asks me but his narrowed
eyes never leave Will’s face.

“None at all, Will was just leaving, weren’t you?”

Will doesn’t say a word; instead he walks straight past
Matt and slams the door. Leaving the gift bag on my desk.

I groan, sit down back in my chair rest my elbow on my
desk and rub my forehead.

Matt looks inside the gift bag and sees the necklace
before laughing. “What a creep.”

I nod my head in agreement. “Yup.”

“I must say I’m not impressed Miss Phoenix. I haven’t seen
you in...”   He glances down at his watch. “Four hours, I expected a more
exciting welcome than this.”

I sit back and playfully cross my arms across my chest.
“I’m quite enjoying playing hard to get.” I wink and he raises his eyebrows.

“Oh really?” He asks stepping closer to me.

“Really.” I confirm.

“That’s a shame because I come bearing gifts.”  A cheeky
smile forming on his lips.

“Well, I’ll need to see the gifts before discussing
anything further.” I wink. “Now if you don’t mind Mr. Jackson. I have a
business to run.”

He tips his head back and lets out a hearty laugh. “You
frustrate me woman.”

I rise, step away from my desk so we are standing a few
feet away from each other, I place my hands on my hips and cock my head to the
side. “So…let’s talk about these gifts. As you can see by the necklace, getting
gifts from admirers isn’t new to me. But I don’t think my boyfriend will

Matt closes the distance between us and our faces inches
apart. “I’m sure your boyfriend won’t mind once he knows who I am.”

I bite my lip to stifle the laugh threatening to escape.
“Some sort of big hot shot are we?”  I say sarcastically.

He nods. “You bet.”

I can’t hold back much longer and I start to laugh. I
reach up and peck him on his lips. This obviously isn’t good enough because he
wraps a hard arm around my shoulders and one rests on my ass and he pulls me in
for a passionate kiss.

“So…” I remind him.

“Ah yes…gifts.” He takes my hand and walks round to my
computer chair, he sits down and pulls me onto his lap and opens an internet
browser. His spare hand rests on my thigh. He searches for a local prestige car
dealership and scrolls through a few cars before settling on a red sports car I
read the caption, Ferrari 458 coupe.

“That’s my new car.” He explains before scrolling through
a few more pages to find a black Audi R8 Spyder. The car is sleek and sexy.
“And that’s yours.”

I open my mouth to protest but he speaks over me. “And
that’s not all.” He searches ‘Seaham Hall’ into Google and a luxury hotel
complete with a spa comes up on the screen. I know the place after attending a
family wedding a few years back. “I figured you and Hannah could do with some
time out together, to catch up and chill out so I have booked you a spa day for
tomorrow. I think there are around 5 or 6 treatments and afternoon tea is included
in the package I have booked but you can take my credit card if you want more.
It will give you a chance to show your new car off too.”

I turn to face him. “I love you Matt.” Is all I can say. I
am speechless; nobody has ever been so kind to me. I place a kiss on his cheek
to show my appreciation.

He beams. “I love you, too.”

I know he really does love me. The way he looks at me, the way he treats me and
is attentive to my every need.

Chapter Thirty-three



The spa day has been a lovely time to catch up with Hannah
and we both feel like pampered princesses.

We’ve eaten a selection of sandwiches and cakes and had a
number of different treatments – I’ve had a facial, an exotic coconut rub and
milk body wrap, full leg and bikini wax, luxury French manicure, luxury
pedicure and eye brow shape and tint.

And we are currently sitting in the infinity pool with a
glass of champagne.

“You know what, Han? I think I could get used to this lady
of leisure thing.” I smile at her and she laughs, she thinks I’m joking. “I’m
being serious; I’ve had a stressful couple of years trying to build the company
up to what it is; now I know it is in good hands with Jackson Industries. I
think it’s about time I enjoy my money.”

She nods in agreement. “It’s about time you did; it’s nice
to see you’re enjoying yourself lately.” Her voice sincere.

I owe Matt for that.” My smile widens.




I’ve been sitting with Stephen for the past couple hours
discussing this month’s finance reports, we’ve been comparing the figures to
previous months and the company is making a fantastic profit.

When back in Casey’s office I call James’s cell to update
him on the business. I haven’t spoken to him since I told him I was going to
come to England with Casey for a few weeks. I figured that I would give him a
little bit of time to come to terms with my relationship with her before
contacting him again.

“Hi, Matt. How are you?” He answers after the third ring
or so. He sounds happy to speak to me.

“I’m good, thanks, I was calling to tell you about Phoenix
Industries recent financial report – everything looks satisfactory. I’ll email
you a copy of the report so you can see for yourself.” I explain my voice calm
and collected.

“I’m glad to hear it. Thanks for letting me know.”

“How is everything over there?” I inquire.

“Everything is coming together on this end, I haven’t seen
our monthly report yet but from what I have heard from the finance department
we’re on track with our projections for the month.” He reports back to me and I
know everything between us has sorted itself out. It always does. We were
always close growing up even though James is a couple years older than me. We’re
constantly at each other’s necks about anything we can fight over. Whether it
was women, food, cars, sports if there was a disagreement there was a fight
between us, but a few hours later it would all be forgotten.

“That’s good to hear and how is everything outside of work?
 Grace, mom and dad?”

“Everyone is fine, Grace and I were thinking of coming
over in the next couple weeks. You know how Grace likes to travel and I need to
tour the company. Maybe you and Casey could join us for dinner…”

“Of course. Let me know when and I will take care of the
details on this end.” He has finally come to terms with Casey and me being together.
I knew he would but it still thrills me to hear it from the horse’s mouth and
it shows in my voice.

“When are you thinking of coming home?” He asks. Pulling
me back from my trail of thought.

“I don’t know, I was planning on staying here for a while
and then discussing with Casey what we wanted to do for living arrangements.
Whether we stay here for so many months of the year and over there for the rest
I really don’t know. It’s not something I have spoken to her about yet. All I
know is I want to be wherever she is.” I sound like a bitch, but it’s true. I
don’t want to ever be away from that woman again.

“You love her, Matt?” His voice sounds like my answer has
deeply moved him.

“I really do.” I tell him with a smile.

“Well…I’m lost for words.” Is all James says and I laugh.

“Trust me, I know.”

I don’t think any of my family; friends or even myself
ever thought the words would come out of my mouth.

I always had a reputation as a player back in the states;
I would fuck any beautiful, willing woman who would open her legs. At one point
I had a different woman every night of the week. It was easy enough to do –
everywhere I went there were women throwing themselves at me and who was I to turn
them down?

I understand why James was angry when he first found out
about Casey. He expected me to fuck her and then move on to the next that would
be typical of me. Obviously it would’ve been a problem since she isn’t just
some random girl I met in a club and she was a new business partner.

But everything is different with Casey. She is beautiful,
intelligent, sexy, funny, caring, everything I would ever want in a woman and
after spending so much time with her lately I have grown to love her deeply.
She is perfect for me and I don’t think I have felt that way since Becky, the
first girl I thought I loved.  I realize now that it wasn’t real love – we were
too young to even know what that was, but I did care deeply for her.  I
expected to spend the rest of my life with her and if she was still here, we’d
probably be married.

I remember when my mom was trying to get me to stop
screwing around, she told me I would find one special girl who would change me,
and someone who would affect me the way Becky did.  Someone who would be worth
the wait. I didn’t believe her; I thought she was trying to get me to give up
the partying and wild lifestyle.

finish up our call and arrange to speak in a few days’ time. 

BOOK: Business: Phoenix #1
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