bullied (Possessed #0.5) (2 page)

BOOK: bullied (Possessed #0.5)
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With her mouth flapping open and closed, he left in search of his goddess. He and Ashley had a very strained relationship because of her greed and recklessness. That’s not to say she was totally to blame; he never took the time to spend with her when they were younger, mostly because she annoyed him. He hoped one day she’d grow up and they could have at least something more than bickering.

Seeing dark hair flowing behind a tight pair of jeans attached to curvy hips, he sped up to a slow jog. Reaching her, he lightly ran his fingers through her hair, whispering in her ear, “I found you my goddess.”

Shocked brown eyes whipped around to face him. She obviously didn’t think he’d come looking for her once she ran. “Wh – what do you want?” she stuttered.

A huge smile broke out across his face as he moved in closer to her. Wrapping one arm around her fleshy hips, he pulled her as close to him as he could get while weaving his other hand in her hair, he gave a light tug so her neck was straining to have her look up at him. With her mouth opened slightly, he could see her pulse drumming in her throat practically screaming for him to take her home.

“You, Cecilia. I want you.” He breathed against her soft lips. When she grazed her tongue against his lips to moisten her own, he couldn’t hold back anymore.

Firmly taking her lips in a kiss unlike any other he’d felt before, he devoured her soft moans. Her hands on his chest, flexing and gripping like she wasn’t sure whether to push him away or pull him closer inflamed him.

Nipping her lips, he forced his way into her mouth with his tongue tangling with hers, making sure to show her who was going to own her real soon. When she started rubbing herself against him, he slowed the kiss down not wanting to take her in the middle of her school for everyone to see.

“I’ll pick you up after class,” he whispered in her ear sucking gently to get her attention.

“I… Can’t,” she panted out of breath.

“You will,” he demanded with a deep growl in his voice. Making sure she knew there was no room for argument.

A cough behind them had Landon pulling back to let her breathe a little. The whispered, “Slut,” had him seeing red. Whipping around, he found the culprit smirking and laughing with his friends.

Walking up to them, he grabbed the petty dick head and slammed him against the wall. “What the fuck did you just say?” he snarled menacingly.

He had to be an over-inflated jock head who thought he was hot shit or he wouldn’t have said what he did next. “What, it’s true. Frigid bitch wouldn’t fucking put out in high school, all of the sudden she’s fucking men left, right, and center now. She’s a whore.” His buddies laughed.

Landon’s fist shot out and into the jock head’s gut faster than any of them could blink. “Try a-fucking-gain dick wad,” he threatened.

“Stupid fucking freak. She got golden pussy or something? She swallow when you blow? Should stick my dick down her throat, show her a real man.” School-girl giggling from his buddies again.

“Are you fucking stupid?” He was ready to break this fucker’s neck. Leaning in closer, he asked him, “You know who I am?”

“Who fucking cares,” he snapped back.

Another fist to the gut, just touching the kidney.
Yeah, fucker’ll feel that in the morning

“I’m Landon motherfucking Powers boy. If I wanted to, I could own your stupid jock ass.” Realization dawned on the pathetic dick. “Yeah, you seeing your mistake now?”

“Shit,” jock head spit out. “I didn’t know man.”

“Who the fuck cares!” he roared, “Since when does that give you permission to speak to a fucking woman that way? Are you really that stupid? All of you?” He directed his last question to his friends.

Watching Landon lose his shit because a couple stupid jocks called her a slut for basically humping his leg was frightening but also hot as hell. The anger that clouded his vision quicker than his lust for her was a major turn on. And that scared the hell out of Cecilia.

Her body never had that kind of reaction to a man before— Not like she had a ton of experience. But she’d never melted from a look either, and when he’d called her
my goddess
she had. Panty melting, pussy dripping, a puddle of lust in the middle of the floor kind of melted.

He’d possessed her in that moment.

Until he hit the jock.

No matter how well-deserved it was, she couldn’t get on board with violence of any kind. She spent too many years being the punching bag for bullies. She couldn’t handle watching someone else become one because of her. She wasn’t wired that way, so she ran before things escalated further. She knew who he was, so she knew he wouldn’t get into trouble. He owned half the damn town, and then some, so she knew he’d walk away without a problem.

Bursting through the doors of the economics building, she quickly started the two-minute walk to the bus stop in hopes it would come before Landon realized she was gone. Thankfully, he didn’t know her last name so he wouldn’t be able to find her. It wasn’t like anyone there knew her first let alone last, so it was unlikely they would give it up to him.

Luck was on her side; the bus was just pulling up as she got there. Boarding it quickly, she thought of the irony of her running from a man because he was attracted to her. It was usually because they were bullying her. Sitting down in the back corner of the bus, she turned to look back the way she’d come and saw Landon as he was searching frantically for her.

A pang of sadness hit her chest. Maybe he really was interested in her. But how could she have anything to do with him when he was the older brother of her worst tormentor since sixth grade? Surely he wouldn’t want anything to do with her when his sister told him all about her. Her running was for the best. She didn’t need the heartache he would eventually cause.



“I can’t fucking believe she ran,” Landon grumbled to himself, pissed off for more reasons than he cared to examine right then. He had a meeting to get to before he was much later. He’d find his goddess when he was done.

Climbing in the front seat of his Audi RS 7, she purred to life as he keyed the ignition. Speeding out of the parking lot, he put Cecilia to the back of his mind as he thought over the notes he was going to have to present to his board of trustees for the new rec center he wanted to open downtown.

Building codes, electrical and plumbing upkeep. He had a building in mind. It was an old warehouse that needed a lot of work, but the space was huge and would be perfect to fit a gym, game rooms, locker rooms, and rec room for the kids. He had high hopes of making it a success.

Traffic to his office in the Powers Enterprise Complex, in the downtown core, was light so luckily, he was just on time to his meeting. Walking in the building he’d built from the ground up was satisfying. He’d gone to Berkley’s business school graduating with top honors and a business degree that left him wide open to possibilities. He’d worked his way through college doing construction, so he started by building Powers Construction, which quickly turned into Powers Accounting, and a year ago, his Mom had opened Powers Interior Design.

Their main offices were all located in a large six-floor building. The first floor had reception and security, small locally owned coffee shops and cafés, and a few meeting rooms. The second floor was for the interior design offices and clients. The third floor was the accounting firm with as many as a dozen offices. The fourth was their construction office— everything was wide open spaces in there with only two closed-in offices.

The fifth floor was a gym and a few small apartments for employees or clients that needed somewhere to sleep for a night or two. The sixth floor was his personal penthouse with a gym and indoor swimming pool.

When he bought the building six years ago, it had been a shell of what was now. Looking around, he felt immense pride at how much he’d accomplished in just a few short years. The only thing to make it better would be the perfect woman.


She was on his mind, in his blood, nestling her way into his heart. He should be resisting her. She clearly wanted nothing to do with him.
Her body sure does,
he thought smirking. She’d blossomed under his lips. No resistance. Which was probably why he had been ready to lay claim to her then and there, no matter who was around. He was going to own Cecilia. Possess her in ways she’d never thought of before. She just didn’t know it yet.

Rushing to one of the conference rooms, he was ready to get the meeting over as soon as possible. He quickly handed out the files he’d put together for his team, telling them what he had planned, the budget, and a few other pertinent details so they could get started on the permits and securing sponsors. He rushed out before anyone had the chance to ask him more than he deemed important. He was in a rush to find everything he could about his goddess.

Starting with his sister.

Who is she?

Who is she, who?

Don’t be stupid. Cecilia.

Oh, you mean; Mark me crazy? Lol

Don’t be a bitch.

Whatev. You don’t want her crazy ass.


…. Marks. You’ll regret this.

His sister had never frustrated him so badly before. Her selfish and egotistical attitude was going to get her in a world of trouble that he refused to help her out of.

Putting her out of his mind for now, he went on his search for Cecilia Marks.



A relentless pounding on her door drew Cecilia from the long hot shower she was, for once, able to have because her roommate had spent the previous night with her boyfriend. Grumbling, she was drying off as the pounding started again. “I’m coming!” she screamed wanting to get dressed before answering the door, but they wouldn’t stop.

She ran to the door in nothing but her small, thin towel shouting, “What the fudge is wro –,” Landon fricking Powers.

Speechless, she stood there just staring at him. Jaw open, hair dripping, and water clinging to her skin. His eyes, his very deep, green, passionate eyes roamed over her mostly nude body in the sweetest caress she’d never felt.

A low moan broke her out of her stunned silence.
Was that him or me? Swizzle-sticks
. “Why are you here?” she demanded.

“Can I come in?” Shaking her head no, she waited for the reason he was there. “Look, gorgeous, I don’t want to have to kill some pimply-faced fucker for seeing you wet so let a guy in, will ya? Save me the jail time,” he pleaded. The seriousness in his eyes convinced her he might actually do it.

Just as a neighbor’s door opened, he began to spin around; a growl leaving him as he saw a man leaving the apartment. Grabbing his arm, she quickly pulled him inside slamming her door closed behind him.

“What are you doing here?” She breathed out, turning to face him. The lust in his eyes and the breeze on her bum had her cheeks flaming red in embarrassment as he came closer to her trapping her against the wall beside the front door as he leaned into her.

BOOK: bullied (Possessed #0.5)
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