BROKEN ROAD (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novella) (11 page)

BOOK: BROKEN ROAD (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novella)
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What is he thinking right now?

Before Keira could finish the
question in her mind, Jake pounded hard into her. He ripped to a depth she didn

t know her body had. Her belly
crunched tight and she pulled herself up. The need to scream was too great to
fight off. For a split second, she started to move toward Jake

s shoulder, wanting to bite at
him and scream.

But he was wounded.

Because of the fight at the
. The fight he won. The fight he shouldn

have won. The fight that proved his strength to the rest of the club.

Watching him fight though made
Keira believe more than ever that something was off with Jake. There was no way
in hell this guy -
this man
- was just someone bouncing around a
mechanic shop and a few bars here and there, looking for action.

He was too bold. Too wild. Too

Keira wrapped her legs around Jake

s lower back and braced herself.
Each thrust brought on a new sensation of pleasure. Yeah, somewhere in the
recess of her mind there maybe existed a fantasy like this, but to live it out,
and with Jake, it was something completely different. If anyone knew about this
- especially Apollo or Kami - Jake would be killed. He wasn

t even fully patched in. He had
no right to be in the room. But here he was, fucking Keira right on the table.

And she kept taking it, moaning
each time his long and thick cock opened her for more. Thankfully, the table
was sturdy enough to handle all Jake had to offer.
So was Keira.

She accidentally touched his
shoulder and Jake jumped. He groaned and hissed.


Keira said.

Jake didn

t say a word back to her. He looked at her with a
stare that terrified Keira. Because it was all becoming very real. So sudden.
So shocking. Like Jake kicked in the door and was there to become her

Slowly, Keira inched up and kissed
the wound on Jake


Jake cupped a hand behind her head.
He put his other hand on the table and kept the top half of his body away from
hers with enough distance so they both could see each other. Each time Jake
fucked Keira, he went hard, filled her to capacity, but it was the sight of his
muscles, tight, rigid, glistening with sweat, that

s what sent Keira over the edge.

When the climax attacked her, she
succumbed and put her head back, shutting her eyes. She lifted her chest,
arched her back, and lost herself. As her body throbbed, seeking more relief,
Jake was there, his immense size and strength there to not only fill her, but
to keep her pleasure mounting over and over.


grip tightened at her head and pulled, demanding her to look at him again. When
Keira did, Jake was right there, his mouth crashing down to hers. It brought on
another wild crest of pleasure, leaving Keira feeling helpless.
But it felt
so good.

As Jake kissed her, he groaned and
moved even faster. Keira felt him thickening, filling up to the brink, ready to
explode. Each time he pulled back, she feared he was going to exit her body.
Keira didn

t want that. An
uncontrollable need demanded Jake stay inside her when he came. She wanted to

And that

s just what Keira got.

Jake thrust one final time and let
loose. She felt her body holding him, feeling each pulse of his cock as he
spilled into her again and again. An achy throb soon took control and Keira
felt herself climaxing again. Her hips quivered as her breathing started to
shudder. She shut her eyes and buried her face into Jake

s neck. She felt her face burning red, somewhere
mixed between embarrassment and
. She never had a man
do this to her before. She wanted to remain like that forever. Right there,
Jake inside her, that crazy moment after coming, the way she felt connected to
him, like it was all real, mattered, and meant something more than just wild

Jake touched her face, pulling away
a few loose and sweaty strands of hair that clung to her face. He kissed her
again and pulled away.


s so much you don

t know, babe,

Jake whispered. He eased
himself off the table.

much we need to talk about. With this club. With


Jake crouched down as Keira sat up.
She was naked on the edge of the table. Jake reached for her clothes and
started to help her get dressed. In some crazy way, it was really romantic.

Once she was dressed, Keira helped
Jake force a t-shirt over his body. She saw the shirt hug his shoulders,
something that couldn

t be
avoided because of his size. The bandages pressed against the shirt.

should to go the hospital,

Keira said.

For real,


s good,

he said.

trust Apollo.

guy he has working for the club is a vet.

Jake grinned.

Well, to be fair, I

ve had people call me a dog

Keira laughed.


re something.

When she touched the doorknob, Jake
pressed his hand and stopped her.

stole my moment, babe. Something I needed to tell you.

it was that important, you would have said it.

important than getting you naked? Never.

it doesn't matter.

actually does,

Jake said.

I need you to stay close to the
bar here. There

s rats in
this club.


and Pitt. They

re working
with the cartel.


wait. What? If that

s true


Jake put his body to Keira

s and held her tight against the

Listen to me, babe.
I just know. I saw something. This is bad. Okay? Apollo and Kami have no idea

s happening under
their noses. And I

m the
new guy here. Nobody knows about my past. Who I really am. So what

s my voice going to offer?

who are you, Jake?

asked. She touched his face.

me. I know there

something different about you. You



Jake gritted his teeth.

Fuck. You weren

t supposed to make this happen.

Jake kissed Keira and then grabbed
her by the waist. He lifted her and moved her out of the way. He tore open the
door and stormed away.

It left Keira speechless.

She had no idea what to do now. Or
what was really happening.

Petey and Pitt? Working against
the club


Keira leaned against the doorframe.

It made sense in some crazy way
though. Someone had to be feeding the cartel intel.

Keira looked back to the table
where Jake had just devoured her needs. She noticed the leather cut on it. It
was Jake

s leather cut.

Keira grabbed it and decided to
follow him.

No outlaw should ride without
their cut.



Jake didn

t mean to storm away but he had no choice. Keira
had officially gotten his goddamn heart tied into a big knot. He rode harder
and faster as the road continued. Truthfully, he had no real business going out
to the spot right now. He needed to wait at least another day, maybe two, then
come back. Better yet, he needed a damn cell phone to call someone at Back Down
Devil MC. Jake needed a ride out of this shit as soon as possible. The second
he dropped the bomb on Apollo and Kami about their own crew, things were going
to get real messy.

In what world would a President and
VP listen to a non-member about two guys turning their backs? It would sound
childish and make it seem like Jake was overstepping boundaries he had no right
even stepping up to.

But if Jake didn

t do something, try something,
then Rusted Devil MC would come to an end. Petey and Pitt would keep feeding
the cartel information and no matter how hard Apollo and Kami tried the cartel
would keep coming and keep knocking them back and down until they were all

Then what?

Did Petey and Pitt think they

d get away from it all? Hell,
even if the cartel put them on the payroll, it wouldn

t matter. Guys in the cartel didn

t do baggage. They liked to keep
things regular and clean. That meant the money they

d been giving to Petey and Pitt was nothing but a
mere investment to keep the two assholes happy before they were taken out.

The anger rushed through Jake. No
matter how fast he rode, it wouldn

subside. And neither would Keira. She burned not only in his mind but
everywhere in his body. If he was going to get out of this alive and intact, he
needed to have her with him. Maybe the logical thing was to talk to Kami and Keira

Keira trusted Jake. Kami trusted

Part of Jake wanted to set up some
kind of sting to catch Petey and Pitt, but there was no time. There was
absolutely no time at all.

Jake let off the throttle and he
took a few minutes to approach the spot where his true cut was buried. When he
finally stopped the motorcycle, he climbed off and stood there, looking out to
the horizon. Somewhere down in Frelen, there was another mess going on. Miller
was at war with himself, his demons, and the police. The town was unsettled
because of drugs, attacks, and the heat pushed back at the MC.

Crouching down, Jake put his hands
to the ground. He dug in the soft and loose ground and easily found his leather
cut. What he didn

t find
was a note. That meant someone from the MC had gotten Jake

s note. Jake put his hand to his
cut and lowered his head.

Soon. I

ll be back soon.

But there was so much more to it
all now. Rusted Devil MC was just trying to get by. They were an honest club.
They just made a few bad decisions here and there, like any person or MC would

Jake curled his fingers around his
leather cut and pulled. He took the Back Down Devil MC cut out of the ground.
He stood and brought the cut with him. Dirt fell from the cut to the ground. It
was the greatest achievement of his life, earning that cut. He wiped some dirt
out of the eye sockets of the skull on the back patch.

Put it on, man. Put your true
cut on.

Jake couldn

t do it though. If the guys came up here and found
the cut missing, they

d assume
Jake had been busted and killed.

What about for a minute? Just
put it on and remember

Jake gritted his teeth.

The notion of right, wrong, stuck
in between, it all flowed so easily through his body. He cared about Rusted
Devil MC because he cared about Keira. Calling out two guys at the table wasn

t going to be easy.

But Jake had a Rusted Devil cut
now, right? That meant he had to have some kind of voice.

Then again, he left that cut back
on the table. Right where he fucked


Jake turned and felt his world

Keira stood a foot away, a leather
cut in her hand.
The Rusted Devil MC leather cut.
And there stood Jake
across from her.
The Back Down Devil MC leather cut in his hand.


Jake whispered.

Keira looked at Jake, looked at the
leather cut in his hand, and then hurried to hug the Rusted Devil MC leather
cut. She took a step back and shook her head.


no, no, no


She took another step.

From the corner of Jake

s eye, he saw a car barreling
down the road.


Jake yelled.

Keira took another step, right into
the road.



Keira saw the back wheel of the
motorcycle. She saw the big rock. She knew Jake had to be there. Probably just
hiding out, thinking. Maybe he was upset. Maybe he was crying. Maybe

She approached. She knew something
about him was dark and hidden. But that was okay. Everyone had secrets. There
was nothing wrong with that.


The question was answered when
Keira saw Jake standing there, holding another MC

leather cut. That

s when it
all hit her. Jake

attitude, skill of fighting, knowledge of the MC life, it all made sense.

He was part of another crew. He had
come to Rusted Devil MC with nothing but lies.

So Keira backed up. Her mind told
her the most logical thing: run like hell, call Kami, and get this thing figured
out. Make sure Apollo knew the truth. Make sure the entire MC knew the truth so
Jake could be punished and so Rusted Devil MC could protect itself.

Then a thought hit her.

Why did he fight? Why did he
almost give his life?

Slowly, Keira kept moving. She
heard Jake yell for her. She heard a rushing noise. Then the blaring of a horn.
As she turned her head, she saw a car. It was almost right on top of her. So
close that she could see the eyes of the driver as he looked up from his cell
phone and realized he was about to hit and kill someone.

Keira shut her eyes and felt a
violent pull. Then she in the air. She felt the ground meet her body with a
burning pain. But it was a quick pain. She heard the car horn blaring still as
it faded.

She opened her eyes and saw Jake
was on top of her. She looked to the right and saw the road.

He saved me.

off me!

she screamed.

Her hands shot up and tried to claw
at Jake

s face.

He quickly moved from her.

Keira scrambled to her feet.

Get away! You fucking liar!


m not a liar,

Jake said.

Just listen to me.


Keira yelled.

She was more hurt than angry. She
was falling for Jake. And now


Jake stepped toward her.

You need to listen to me.

I don

t. I

m going back to Kami and Apollo.

re fucked.

babe, you

re fucked. Your
stepbrother is fucked. The President of Rusted Devil MC is fucked. The entire
MC is fucked!

Keira dodged Jake

s grab.

Are you threatening me? What are you going to do?
Kill me? Right here? Like this?


m not going to fucking kill you,

Jake said.

He moved at Keira again. She swung
her hand and slapped him across the face. The slap burned her hand. She grabbed
it and yelped in pain. Jake touched his cheek and curled his lip. He stepped
again and Keira threw a punch. Not at Jake

face but at his shoulder. Jake grabbed his shoulder and screamed.



Keira said.

Who the fuck are you?

tried to tell you,




s my fault? Because I
wanted you to fuck me?

Keira, no.

Keira made a move and darted to the
left. She planned on running to her car and driving away. Then calling for
help. Kami, Apollo, the rest of the guys. But as Keira turned and started to
run, her right foot went into the shallow hole where Jake had hidden his
leather cut. Her ankle twisted and she stumbled forward.

Jake was there a second later to
save her -
- and he grabbed her by the waist. He lifted her and
carried her to the giant rock blocking them. He put her against it and stared
at her.

into my fucking eyes,


You think for one
second I would hurt you?


lips quivered. She shook her head.

She believed Jake wouldn

t hurt her.


m part of Back Down Devil MC.
The Frelen charter. The original. Okay? I

a trained fighter and good at what I fucking do. The heat from the cartel
pushed some of the Rusted Devil guys into Frelen. They were trying to bust up
some dealers. My President asked for me to come up here and check things out. I
buried my cut and came to the bar with a bullshit story. I

ve made it very clear to my club
that Rusted Devil MC isn

an enemy to Back Down Devil. The last time I was here, babe, I saw Petey and
Pitt meet with someone from the cartel. They exchanged money and information.

s why the MC is under
attack and can

t get its


re telling the truth?

Keira asked.

of it. I wanted to tell you sooner but you had other things in mind. I

m sorry, babe. I never meant to
meet you and get attached.

Keira was still trying to catch her

So why

d you fight then? Why

d you risk your life?


Jake said.

I want to find a way to help.
Apollo and Kami need to know about the rats in their MC. They get rid of Petey
and Pitt and the cartel heat will calm down. I could

ve just fucking left when I found out Rusted Devil

t planning an attack
against my club. But I stayed and fought because of you, Keira. Because I want
you safe. I want your stepbrother safe. I want Apollo safe. I

I care about you. I really do.

Keira couldn

t believe what she was hearing and what she was
feeling. She slowly reached up and touched Jake

face. She knew he was more rugged and tough than his bullshit story. But being
part of another MC? That was wild. And risky.

She caught herself inching up, her
lips demanding another taste of the addictive poison that was Jake.

She kissed him.


sorry for hitting you.


ll call it even,

Jake whispered.


not the bad guy, babe. I came up here because I

pissed off. You broke my wall down, Keira. The only other woman I pretended to
care about was murdered by some dealer she owed money to. Okay? Me and romance

t get along. Not with
my life. But you get it. You see it. You understand it.

what are you going to do?


Confess all this to
Apollo and Kami? Expect them to listen? Then what? Put on the cut and change


s only one cut I

ll ever wear,

Jake said.

And it

s not Rusted Devil MC. As for you and me, babe,

s only thing I can


Jake stared right at Keira, his
eyes burning hotter than ever.


m going to take you with me.

Keira felt her heart skip a beat.


have a plan,

Jake said.

And I need you next to me. Can
you do that?

The right thing would have been to
kick Jake in the balls and run. To take him down and go back to the MC. To tell
them everything.

But Keira was too far gone, too far
lost. Her mouth savored Jake

mouth. Her body craved his touch. Her eyes trusted his eyes.

She nodded.

Yes, Jake. I

ll be next to you. And,
yes, I

ll go
with you

BOOK: BROKEN ROAD (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novella)
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