Broken Lies (Broken Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Broken Lies (Broken Series)
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Daniel was momentarily speechless
with what he was hearing and how weird this guy was behaving. “Consider us even since you got me home, but…what questions told you it was me?”

“Well I asked
if you knew where Margaret Street was, first. And you blinked up at me then mumbled you used to live there. Then I asked if you knew a Mr. Arnold Fletcher.” Daniel only raised his brows and Seth’s grin looked almost sadistic. “You said you did. And if you ever saw the sick bastard again, you’d kill him.”

fought the disgusted smirk as his hopeful
Sofia had the wrong person
theory slipped through his clutches.
. Then there was the weird feeling of being known but not knowing exactly how known. “I’m sorry to say Seth that I don’t have a lot of memory of my childhood. With you I mean.”

There was a slight flicker in his face, maybe disappointment,
or maybe something else entirely. He shrugged. “I remember a lot.”

Did Daniel want to know? Yeah, kinda. “Good memories I hope.”

Seth looked out the window, his young face grooved with contemplative lines at his forehead and smile lines at his mouth. Like the things he concluded were fanfuckingtastic. “I remember how daddy always gave you money.” Seth turned his attention to the maps on the walls. “I wasn’t jealous, I was glad you got stuff.”

He finally looked at Daniel and it was hard not to give a dry laugh. Hard not to tell him why he gave him things. “It wasn’t what you thought,” was all Daniel said.

“Well you were the smart one, I’m thinking that had something to do with it. I took after momma. Dumb as a donkey’s ass dad would say. I know he was just joking, cause he’d always laugh.”

was torn with trying to remember and dealing with what Seth said and how he might actually believe his father wouldn’t mean that one hundred and fifty percent. “Seth…I hate to break this to you but the man we knew as our father was and is a bastard. He may have given me money and things, but it’s the other things he gave me that I’ll never forgive him for. All I can say is I’m glad you left and I’m glad I have no memories of you or us because I’m sure they wouldn’t be good.”

Seth seemed torn. “Well I remember good things, I mean I remember you w
ere good to me.”

Daniel suddenly felt caged and stifled
and a stranger in his own damn head.

I think maybe you felt sorry for me. You always bought me stuff from that corner store every day after school. Remember?” Seth frowned, like he couldn’t fathom Daniel not recalling.

Daniel didn’t know what to say.
It was obviously something his supposed brother remembered clear as day and something Daniel forgot clear as day. “I’m sorry, I don’t remember.”

’s caramel eyes brightened with hope. “You always bought me the same thing. A bag of chips, a soda and a sucker. With the tootsie roll inside.” The smile he wore was downright child-like and Daniel was suddenly feeling sick. Seemed like he should remember something about this shit. What was wrong with him? Did he have some hidden psychosis?

Daniel propped his elbows on the desk and clasped his hands.
“Where did you go Seth? I mean when you left at seven. Do you remember?”

“Oh yeah. I went to Uncle Joes
, Daddy’s brother. He raised me. Good man. Gave me everything he could. Aunt Regina died two years after I got there but I never wanted for a thing.”

“Did they have any other kids?”
Daniel couldn’t remember. Daniel should have known at least where he’d been shipped off to. But then it was hard to care at that time. His every waking moment was filled with the when, what, how, and why’s of his sexual abuse from his father and his endless dirty whores.

He shook his head. “Just me. I was their blessing.
Put me through college. One day I’ll show you my journal. It’s kinda like a scrap book really. I like to keep track of life, you know? Remember the good things.”

scrap book?
A Betty Crocker for a brother. Was he gay? Maybe bi? That would explain his yo-yo personality.

Oh guess what?” Seth seemed to glow with the good news. “I got a date.”

dream come true look filled his face. What, did he think he’d never get one in his life? Did he not realize how good looking he was? “That’s nice.” Daniel was finding himself speechless at every hand with him now and didn’t like it. He needed to be pissed but couldn’t find anything worthy. Yet.

Seth said,
“I was wondering if you wanted to meet her. I told her about you and she was excited to meet my brother.” Cool and collected painted his words and settled on his body till he looked like he’d taken five Valium.

There it was
again, more yin-yang. Was he a nut? Shit, he didn’t need him to be a nut; he needed him to be a con. But he could work with nut if he had to.

Seth having a girlfriend was good news.  “Of course. And Sofia, she’d love to meet her as well. Would you like to…bring her over for dinner? I’ll cook?”

child like exuberance suddenly pilfered away his cocky sleek. “And I’d like to help if you don’t mind.”

Uhh sure. How about you choose what you’d like to cook. Better yet, find out what she likes? And we’ll do that.”

His face somehow brightened even more.
“That is such a great idea. You’re the best brother ever.” All that was missing was giddy clapping. Seth stood and put his hand out. Daniel reached, numb and jerky, and shook it. “I’m so happy we got back together, really, I am.” Seth packed on the emotion.

“Don’t worry about it.” Daniel looked at his watch. “I gotta run, Sofia and I have to take pictures. But call me? You have my cell number
, right?”

He nodded. “I do. And I will. I was gonna weed the flower bed
s before going to the bakery and mop the floors.” He hooked a thumb toward the window. “Heard Sofia mention the flowers were looking sad. Figured I could help that.”

“Okay good.” Daniel just wanted to leave now, get away from this
weird person. He wasn’t comfortable with all this…
Especially from Seth, he was too damn saturated with it when it came out. Then there was the inconsistency in his personality and character. Naïve one second, cocky the next. Slick and cool one moment, goofy and innocent another.  He wasn’t a con by trade that was clear, he was genuine. A genuine fake and fraud. But that just meant conning was in his nature and bones and people like that conned subconsciously. Which was even better. Should be easy to bust.


Chapter Four

“A date? When?” Sofia smiled for the camera and Daniel
followed her lead.

“Tonight.” It was only the hundredth smile of a long ass day and he was at the point of praying the camera would break already. But not really. He was enjoying himself no matter how much he tried to be the
average anti-picture-taking-guy. It was hard not to have fun with Sofia’s animated enthusiasm. He was secretly cherishing the shit out of this.

“Tonight! Wow. I’m so happy for him.”

“Yeah me too. Now he’ll have somebody else’s ass to look at.”

She gave a
I love it when you’re possessive
giggle and it made Daniel want to find a closet to fuck her in.

“Do you think you can throw her up in the air above you?” the insane lady photographer
asked, serious as shit.

He looked down at an ecstatic Sofia
and got his answer. “Ready to fly?” He placed his hands on either side of her waist, grinning at how adorable she was.

“Are you sure? You’re not going to drop me?” She screamed as he tossed her into the air without warning then
caught her and set her on her feet.

“Perfect, just beautiful,” the photographer said. “Okay last one. Dip her for that passionate kiss!”

Daniel eagerly obliged, devouring Sofia’s happy laughter.

And then it was finally done,
he could go home with his fiancé.

“Maybe we should stay dressed?” Sofia pressed her candy-apple red lips together, inspecting her face in the lit visor mirror.

Daniel pulled the car into the garage, looking for signs of Seth being home. “It’d be hard to fuck you in that.” He turned his gaze and slid it over her curves. “But I could probably manage.”

gave him a sexy smile. “I have faith in you.”

Daniel chuckled. “I’d like for you to climb in my lap but my
might barge in and catch us.”

Sofia’s hands rose to the buttons on her blouse. Daniel’s gaze locked on her fingers as she began working the tiny pearl
fasteners loose on the silk red top. He wanted to check they were still alone but he needed to see her too bad. Relying on his peripheral vision, he kept his gaze locked on the slow seduction that had his cock lassoed in a fiery death grip. Needing room, he undid his pants just as the cute handfuls of black lace came into view. He hissed and cupped his hard on at seeing the outline of her hard nipples through the clear parts of the fabric.

She smiled and pulled the material aside, exposing the beautiful plump tip. 

“Ffffuck.” He thrust his hips, his mouth watering.

His phone rang, shattering the moment. Groaning, he
snatched it out of the cup holder and looked. Fucker. He hit talk. “Hey, what’s up?” Daniel’s hard on jerked with heat as Sofia took her nipple between two fingers. “What-where ere are you?” Daniel rolled his eyes then reached and closed one side of her blouse. “You’re here, good. We’re coming in to get changed.” Daniel glanced at the clock. “We’ve got plenty of time, don’t worry. See you in a few.”

He hung up and sighed, longing for her clothed breasts. “I think we should shower.”

Sofia smiled. “Good idea. I’m feeling really dirty.”

Hunger ripped up his center and he snapped his gaze to her sparkly blue eyes. The tip of her pink tongue slid along her lower lip, making him groan. God he loved when she behaved that way.
Wanton and cock blowing sexy. 

Cock blowing. “I’m going to fuck your pretty mouth first. Then I’m going to suck your pussy until you’re shuddering on my lips and pulling my hair. And then I’m going to fuck you hard
,” he lowered his gaze to her chest, “and make those beautiful tits of yours bounce.”

The coy in her face transformed into that breathless,
God yes, fuck me

Daniel gave her a slow grin. “
You want that?”

She swallowed, staring at his mouth. “

He pulled the keys out of the ignition. “You’re going to get it.” And he meant every single syllable of that threat.


“Do it Daniel.”

Daniel claimed her mouth, gasping between kisses, “Fuck, you always do this to me.” He slid his cock home, pinning Sofia to the shower with a loud groan. Refusing her sweet begs was painful to him, not pleasurable. It was so far from the broken man he used to be. He’d made pleasuring women his tweaked addiction, but before that, denying them pleasure had ruled his pores. And yet denying Sofia literally hurt him. It was a fascinating yet terrifying sensation. One he hungered to explore deeper while she was tied up and at his mercy.

With one of her legs draped on his arm and her other around his waist, he slid his hand along her outer thigh and gently pressed his middle finger right on the tight opening of her ass. He grunted in her mouth when she cried out then gave a hard thrust of his hips against her core.

“Daniel, please, yes, yes,” she cried weakly.

He could only breathe through the climax threatening to overtake him at hearing his weakness—her begging in any way. It drove him completely nuts and stripped him of all self-control.

“Fuck me, please, please,” she gasped in his ear, more desperate.

With a
reckless passion he shoved her face aside with his and feasted at her neck while thrusting into her, his speed relentless. The dizzying ecstasy claimed him, beginning from his toes until even his ears filled with it. Her high pitched moans increased with every pound, turning his growls more feral with each beat of his heart. He owned her with an absolution until she screamed his name. For him that was the signature of their lovemaking and it wasn’t complete until she burned it onto his soul each and every time.


“Shoot, what’s her name again?” Sofia set the last plate on the dining table.

“Rene,” Seth said,
placing a pitcher of tea in the center before smiling at their quick handy-work.

Sofia couldn’t help be nervous over what this woman would look like. She was ridiculously jealous and could only brace for it. Hopefully she had enough flaws.
Flat chest would be nice. Few zits. Bi-focals.

The doorbell rang and Seth sucked in an audible breath making Sofia grin. “You’re so nervous!”

BOOK: Broken Lies (Broken Series)
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