Read Broken Desires Online

Authors: Azure Boone

Broken Desires (8 page)

BOOK: Broken Desires
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She finished her business and washed her hands, checking her frumpled appearance in the
amazingly gorgeous Snow White looking mirror. “ Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”

She exited the bathroom, praying her silly rambling would shake whatever the hell gripped him still. Wasn’t nearly as bad, but it lingered like a foul odor. She paused at finding him stretched out on his bed, hands behind his head, eyes closed.

He was glorious. His feet were beautiful too. The kind of feet you could just make out with. The black hair on his tanned legs wasn’t wild and thick. And the fine line of dark hair on his abs that disappeared beneath his tight BVD’s made her mouth water.

“What’s the verdict?”

Her eyes snapped to his face. Shit, he’d been
her lust. She sat at the edge of the bed, her back to him. “Well, if I were a man, you’d know the answer to that one.”

The silence that followed made her bite her lip.

“You’re breasts speak for you.”

Her jaw dropped
followed by her head, looking to see if that was true. At seeing her nipples perfectly erect, she said indifferently, “Well isn’t that something.”

He sighed deeply
, and her stomach clenched a little at the depressed sound.

“You like my breasts?”

The attempt to create small talk fell flat in the ensuing silence. She looked over her shoulder.

“Your breasts are fine,” he mumbled.

She pursed her
lips at his cool tone. “Fine?”



“They’re breasts
, Sofia.”

Okay, wow, he was pissing her off.
“Yeah, they are. Did you happen to forget that when you were practically nursing from them last night?”

He gave a
nother stupid deep sigh. “Sorry about that.”

Oh fuck, please let this not be happening, please let this man not be treating her like a fucking slut.
“You’re sorry.”


“Well.” She swallowed past the sudden lump in her stupid throat.

“It can’t
happen again, Sofia.”

“Oh? Why not? Is it my boob size? Too small for you?”


She turned and faced him at hearing his beg.
just accept my words with no question
no explanation
beg. As-the-fuck-if. No, he fucking had some explaining to do. “Okay, fine. Confess. What’s your fucking hang-up? You have issues, who doesn’t?”

“Look Sofia. I like you too much to…to take this any further. Trust me. It’s a compliment.”

“A compliment?” Her face strained with a frown. “
A compliment?”
She gasped a laugh. “Well thank you Daniel. Thank you for such a wonderful compliment.” She got up and found her shoes and slipped them on. “Oh,” she added, fingers trembling as she yanked the laces, “thank you for finding my G-spot. Now I can teach the next freaky motherfucker who comes along exactly how to finger me.” Without looking back, she made a beeline for the bedroom door. “Don’t forget to call me if you ever need a quickie, and I’ll put my heart on the line for you, you piece of fucking shit!”

The final insult came on a strained sob and s
he jerked the door open desperate to escape the humility.

ingers bit into her arm and without looking back, she yanked but he held fast. “Baby—”


he whirled around and punched him, fist connecting good and hard with his face. He grunted and grabbed his nose and Sofia was suddenly torn between running before the shit hit the fan and running to the bathroom for a towel to stop the blood pouring out of his nose. Or mouth? “Shit, shit, I’m sorry,” she squeaked, panicking. “I didn’t mean it.”

He stumbled to the bathroom looking dizzy.
She followed closely, reaching hesitant hands toward him but not touching. The shock that she’d actually decked him sank in. “Daniel, I’m soooo sorry.” He leaned his shoulder against the wall of the bathroom, yanking the black towel off of the towel bar.

“That was a good fucking punch Sofia. Where’
d you learn that?” he gasped.

“I didn’t, I mean, I’ve never…I’m so sorry, I can’t believe I hit you, I’m not like that—“

“I deserve it, trust me,” he whispered, pressing the towel to his nose like this happened to him all the time.

“What can I do?”

He sighed and hit the wall with his back, closing his eyes. “Not hate me for one.”

“I don’t hate you,” she whispered.

Chapter Seven


“I’m cooking breakfast for you, no arguing,” Sofia said.

Daniel watched
Sofia fold his blankets that he’d gotten from the hall closet. After the whole nose busting ordeal, he’d asked her to stay, then he slept on the couch when he realized his mistake. He recalled what she’d said.
Whatever you need, I got your back.

It was that.
Those words made him realize how stupid he was being. It was a mistake having her in his life beyond just sex. Bad enough he’d broken the one sided sex rule, then he invited her into his personal space. He was opening a door and she was walking through it without a thought to herself. It was wrong to allow it when he knew it was just a dead end for her.

She had his back. Like he’d ever trust a woman to that degree.
had his back. His mother had had his back. She’d been the closest thing to normal that he could remember, but his five year old memory was getting more fragile every year. When she’d died, she’d taken normal with her. Leaving him with a hurricane nightmare that seemed to gain speed and strength as it entered the warm waters of his puberty.

Fuck. To forget would be salvation. To not remember
the past. Then Sofia would be with a normal man right now, not some fucking pervert with a sick need to deny himself, to punish himself. And to use her to do it.

Worse, he realized his sexual
needs were hardly satisfied with her. Right in that second, he wanted to touch her, with his lips and tongue. Make her orgasm. He wanted to be that first cup of coffee in her blood stream, licking and sucking her awake.

She paused and regarded him suddenly. He remained reclined like a sedated panther in the mocha chair in only his BVD’s his cock straining. His arousal was past the point of caring. Once the needle hit the vein, he was lost to the
addiction and had to answer it. And she was the needle. And in the deepest part of his dark mind, he knew he shouldn’t, he knew this was going to end badly, knew he would do things with her that he would regret. And he didn’t care.

Her gaze riveted to his dick
and she licked her lips. Swallowed. Flushed.

He beckoned her over with a flick of his finger. She came shyly, but willing. When she got to his chair, he let his gaze raise to hers and held it there for several seconds before lowering it to her breasts. Then back up to her gaze.

His cock twitched when he saw she understood what he wanted and her hands tentatively moved her blouse off her shoulder, lowering it until one breast filled his vision. His heart hammered. No bra. She did the same to the other side of her blouse. His gaze lowered again, to her skirt then raised back to her face, silently asking her to get entirely naked.

Again, she read him like a book and slowly
hooked her thumbs into the elastic of her skirt. Her hips swayed sensually as she slid it down and let it fall to the floor. His own hips pumped in response to seeing her perfect thighs and waist as well as the pink panties that served to illuminate her pretty sex.

His eyes refused to leave the
apex at her thighs and soon she was swaying her sweet hips right out of those as well.

He licked his lips, so hungry to taste her
finally. He suddenly wanted to know how well she would keep reading what he wanted. She stepped closer and held her hand to him. He took it, his gaze still locked on her sweet sex as he pulled her closer. She carefully straddled his lap and he sank deeper into the leather chair. He placed his hands on her waist, staring at how perfect she was before pulling her taut tummy to his lips. He licked in her bellybutton first, moaning at tasting her salty sweet flesh.

How did he want her?

He pulled down on her waist until she sat on his erection. He helped work her soft folds on his impossibly hard length while she held on to the arms of the chair. Daniel watched, his eyes burning a path from her face to her breasts and then hips, feeling like he would explode with needs he’d never had with a woman.

Again, the rush, the high, was more than he could stop. She was soon lost as well, the pleasure bringing out a fucking sex goddess in her, arms rising
to stroke over her body like she were bathing herself in desire. He was envisioning her riding his cock and she gasped when the thick shaft jumped at the idea. Her hands brushed over her erect nipples and Daniel groaned. Fuck he had to suck her essence now or he’d go insane.

He sa
t up a little in the chair and slid her ass up onto his waist. He gently eased her down so that her back was on his legs. He worked her panties off, leaning to kiss the backs of her thighs that extended straight up before him. When he got the panties off, he parted her legs and placed them on his shoulders while staring down at breakfast. Her scent filled his nose and he gripped her waist until her soft folds were right where he wanted them. Pressed onto his mouth.

Sofia latched on to the soft leather cushions and gasped at
his sudden and hungry contact with her most intimate secret. He’d planned to go slow but her smell drove him crazy, made him insanely hungry.  He couldn’t have his face buried deep enough. His tongue plunged in as far as he could and he groaned, moving his nose against her clit while tasting her. Her hips rocked in a sensual wave, her opening contracting on his tongue.

Then she began to call his name. At first a sigh then louder with
yes yes.
He answered her back with agonized groans and grunts. Her hips began to flick and her legs tightened and trembled against his neck as he beckoned her orgasm to his mouth.
Oh my God, Oh my God yes, Daniel yes,
preceded her climax. Her legs clamped his neck and she bucked wildly under his mouth. He gripped her waist hard, his fingers digging as he forced her to ride the pleasure nice and tight, making her scream from the intensity.

When she
became a quivering mass of soft moans, he eased up, pressing his cheeks against her inner thighs while kissing her folds gently, lapping the silky inner petals with a tenderness and intimacy he had no idea he was capable of.

“Oh my God,” she gasped.

He helped her sit up, placing her ass back on his waist, staring up at her, wanting the verdict of how that had affected her.

She was winded and smiling. Her gaze fluttered open and met his. “
Wow.” She panted. “That’s…a nice way to wake up.”

He found himself grinning. He did that a lot with her, he realized.
“Glad you liked it.”

She lowered her head to his chest
, wrapped her arms around him, and snuggled her body to his. “Can’t believe you
that. Was it…I mean did it…”

He’d prayed he was wrong, that maybe this time he wouldn’t panic. But her display of affection triggered
a freight train of the shit, shutting it all down, all that led to good feelings and joy. That was for the well, not the sick, he couldn’t deal with happiness and joy, he just fucking couldn’t. And her middle name was rapture so it would only be a matter of time before he hurt her, when she needed him to be something he wasn’t.  

barely managed not to shove her away. He tapped her hips and whispered, “I need to get up.”

okay,” she said, oblivious to the turmoil she created in him.


“I just need the bathroom,” he lied. “Then I’ll put on coffee for you.”

“I’ll start breakfast.
” The excitement in her voice added to his panic. This was the part where he sent women on their way, not let them stay and cook for him. Normal men let them stay.

God, he wished he was normal.


Sofia recognized the change in him at the first stiffening of his limbs. She wasn’t sure what happened in his head and why, she just decided to make room for the moment ruining monster until she figured that out. Confronting that beast could turn bloody again.

But after watching him clean up the kitchen in
only his jeans, she was sure he was trying to kill her with sexual frustration. Her womb clenched with the need to have his cock driving into her every time she caught sight of it straining in his pants. And was it ever

“Sooo…” She eyed him from where she sat at the island. “From a…gynecologist’s perspective…” she ran her finger around the rim of her coffee cup, “what did you think of my…vulva?”
No shame in enticing him. 

BOOK: Broken Desires
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