Brides of Caralon 00 Seductress of Caralon (6 page)

BOOK: Brides of Caralon 00 Seductress of Caralon
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“Ares above, you’re amazing,” he said, his voice low with lust as he slid the hot shaft between her welcoming lips. She closed them around him, relishing the sensation of having that powerful cock nestled there once more, slowly fucking her mouth even as he fucked her breasts.


“Sweet, hot
,” he whispered, his eyes like dark diamonds, twinkling with heat. “You push me to the edge.”


The edge of what?
wondered, sucking deeply on his enormous cock, wishing she could take even more of him into her mouth, her throat.


“Ah, Ares, you push me too far,” he breathed hotly, and then he pulled out of her mouth, holding his shaft down, and she didn’t know why, what was happening, until he released a mighty groan and shot hot white fluid onto her breasts, her stomach. She gasped, remembering Gilda had told her about this part, yet mere words could not have prepared her for the satisfaction of watching his seed spurt forth, of knowing she’d made it happen.


But Gilda had said it would happen inside her or in her mouth, so
grabbed onto the shaft and pulled it roughly between her lips, wanting to taste him before his climax ended, wanting to drink him, swallow him. She sucked voraciously at the sweet fluid still oozing from his cock as his groans grew more and more ferocious. And when finally he seemed spent, going quiet, she raised her gaze to his, releasing his cock and licking her lips.


He looked like she felt…overwhelmed.


“You are…a true seductress,


* * * * *


woke in
arms to sunlight glancing through the tent fabric. She could scarcely believe the night they’d shared—it hadn’t been a dream. Waking with her curves molded to his hard, sinewy flesh reminded her just how hard one particular part of him could get and how much pleasure it could deliver.


Before last night, she’d known so little about being with a man—and maybe she still knew nothing, for she had no idea if she should follow the instinct that urged her to lower her lips to his. Her heart beat faster as she pressed a kiss to his mouth—it was warm and moist, a salty taste lingering there.


When he met the pressure, returning the kiss, her body flooded with heat. And when he slipped his tongue between her lips, she instinctively met it with her own. Just the power of his kiss turned her pussy wet again.


“Good morning,
,” he said with a soft smile.


“Good morning.”


“Daylight’s upon us, so we’d best rise. We’ll be traveling today, and you’ll ride with me.”


Ride—that meant he had a horse, a rare and treasured animal.


He nodded. “Sorry, vixen. It has to be done.”


bit her lip, suffering mixed feelings. In one sense she was worried for her homeland and its people, feeling as if she were a traitor. But her father had never been a particularly good or giving leader, and perhaps
citizens would fare better under
rule. The only thing she knew with certainty was that her heart ached and her stomach churned when she thought of
going into battle. “Have you ever been injured in an attack?” she asked softly.


“Of course.”


Everything roiling inside her tightened into a hard knot of dread.
“I…don’t want you to be hurt. You must be careful.”


He offered a good-natured chuckle, lifting one hand to push the hair from her face. “Don’t worry,
. It might not be much of a battle. I’ll give your father a good reason to avoid it.”


“What reason?”


I’ll be offering you in exchange for a peaceful surrender. You’re his daughter—he’ll have no other choice.”


heart seized—she only wished she were as sure as
of her father’s actions. As it was, he might well be willing to sacrifice her and go to war, and what would happen then? Would
die in battle? Would
fall or stand? And would anyone care about her in the end—or would
be just as willing to toss her away when this was done?


* * * * *


“Sorry, vixen,”
said as he tied the last knot, binding her once more, this time to the wooden triangle topping the pikes upon which it was mounted. “I don’t like using you for this, but war is never pretty.”


His hot, delicious captive looked stalwart, strong. “Don’t worry—it isn’t the first time I’ve been used to avert a battle.”


The words made his heart pinch a bit. She didn’t deserve to be a spoil of war. Even so, it might bring his meeting with
to a peaceful conclusion and add another domain to the region he now controlled. As for sending
back to her father, well…his heart constricted a little at that thought, as well. But war was not a matter of the heart.


“Commence marching!” he commanded his troops, and they moved as one massive entity toward the hilltop over which
fort lay.


An hour later, his army stood face to face with that of
—or at least whatever forces
had managed to gather, given that
mission of distraction had worked, but her mission of delay had failed. As he’d known, he could take
easily, so hopefully the man would surrender without bloodshed. The man who sat on an elevated throne being supported by a number of his men looked old, spent—and even from a distance, he disliked
, they were filled with venom.
It was hard to reconcile his vixen having come from this man’s loins.


“Raise the captive!”
demanded, peering over his left shoulder to watch his men lift the triangle to which
was bound. Her swathes of blue had been adjusted to cover her lush breasts and bare
, but the transparent fabric left little to the imagination.


“Surrender peacefully,
, and we will return your daughter to your safekeeping. If you do not surrender, however,
will be passed around among me and my men, a sex slave.” It was a lie, but would no doubt produce the quickest surrender.


is no longer a virgin, she’s of no use to me,”
replied. “Unfortunately for you,
the Attacker, I do not care what becomes of the girl, so it will take more than a threat against her to win
—you’ll have to fight for my domain if you care to take it.”


heart shriveled in his chest. He knew from his travels and battles in
that men of this region often saw women as objects, possessions—especially among the wealthy ruling class. Yet he’d also witnessed much love for women, and the very concept that
would cast his daughter so carelessly away stung him deep. Perhaps it shouldn’t have surprised him, given that the same man had sent her into an army camp with instructions to surrender her virginity, yet this seemed even more unfathomable. What father wouldn’t save his daughter from a life—or even death—of sexual slavery?
This one, apparently.


“Very well,
. Prepare to fall.”


* * * * *


waited in
tent in the new camp that had been erected before the march to her home. Her heart swam with uncertainty, worry,
. She’d not been surprised to hear her father reject her so bluntly, yet it had still hurt. Now, she worried for her fate, and for the fate of
, as well.
Her captor.
How could she care so much? And would he truly pass her among his men? Her heart ached with a need she feared only he could fill, and her
hungered for his strong cock.


When the tent flap was flung back, she flinched.


stepped inside, his body covered with dirt and thin stripes of blood—shallow cuts made by daggers.


Her first thought was to leap up and run to his arms, so thrilled was she to see him safe. But instead she only swallowed nervously. She had no idea what would happen now—to her, to her home. She had no idea if
cared for her as she cared for him.


is now mine,” he said, settling into the chair near the bed where she rested.


“And my father?”


“He’s being put out on one of the border islands. There will be food and water enough for him to survive. The few of his men who would not agree to join my army will be placed there with him.”


“And the rest of those in my household?”
She could not help fearing for
, Gilda and others.


“They were given a choice. Pledge loyalty to me or be cast out to the island.”


Well, that was fair. Whichever option they’d chosen, she would not have to worry for their fate.


“Your father was lucky,” he said. “I was sorely tempted to drive my blade through his heart.”


She drew in her breath. “Why?”


He tilted his head, no longer the wicked, tempting captor of last night—his expression now held nothing but raw, honest sincerity.
“Because he was willing to sacrifice you, to place a mere domain over your safety.”


heart seemed to swell in her chest, even as her clit tingled beneath the thin blue sheath of her skirt.


“I don’t wish for you to be my captive anymore,” he said.


Oh Ares—was he turning her out? Where would she go? And how would she live without him now that she knew the pleasures of love and passion, as well as the joys of his cock? “But I…I would willingly be your sex slave.”


“I’d prefer you to be my wife, vixen. Given my other victories and more to come, I’m the ruler of a vast domain—all of
before I’m through. When I’m done, I’ll need a wife.
I want you to rule
with me,


“Me?” she asked, splaying her fingers across her chest. What he offered was the sort of existence she could only dream of, yet…she could only imagine how many women
had been with. Why her?


“Your passion and enthusiasm last night went beyond anything I’ve ever experienced with a woman. Your strength this morning was equally remarkable. I want you,


She bit her lip, nearly overcome with emotion. “Oh
—I’d love nothing more than to be your wife…and your sex slave, too.”


He grinned, reaching out for her. She left the bed and let herself be pulled into his lap for a searing kiss that set her
on fire. “Although,” she added, “I guess I won’t need my bridal Orientation now.”


His rich laugh rang through the tent. “No, vixen, I’d say not.”


tilted her head, remembering one last mystery of sex. “But what about the game of
tiles a virgin bride plays? Tell me what they indicate.”


He leaned his head back slightly. “On the wedding night, before the new husband takes his wife, other men stimulate her with their hands and mouths, driving her arousal to a fever pitch so she’ll be ready for her man. The number of tiles the bride cannot successfully remove from the game board determines how many other men will pleasure her.”

BOOK: Brides of Caralon 00 Seductress of Caralon
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