Read Breathe Into Me Online

Authors: Nikki Drost

Breathe Into Me (2 page)

BOOK: Breathe Into Me
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“You shouldn’t be wa
ndering out here alone, Andy, it’s dangerous.”

The only thing that’s dangerous is my rising hormone levels. If I don’t get them under control soon
, I won’t be held accountable for my actions. I compose myself long enough to answer him. “I’m not alone anymore, I’m with you.”

See I can flirt, maybe not on Kelsey’s level
, but I can still hold my own. Adam licks his lips, and leans closer to me. The sight of his tongue causes my mind to wonder what it would feel like to have this man between my thighs. Ugh, Kelsey’s right, I need to get laid. 

“And what if I’m dangerous?” 

At least I’d die with a smile on my face

Adam tosses his head back in laughter. The sound is like music to my ears and I’m in awe of how the action softens his features.

“Oh god, did I say that out loud?” One look at his beautiful face confirms my worst fear.

“Someone needs to put warning labels on beer bottles
.” I shake my head and try to dispel my embarrassment.

, angel, you’re in no danger from me, but it’s still not safe for a young woman to wander out here in the dark.”

He’s probably right, in my drunken state I could end up lost in the woods or something.
“Your right, I should probably head back inside. I’m sure my friends are worried about me.” As the words leave my lips, the realization hits me that I may never see this man again.

is the matter with me? For all I know this man is married with five kids or he’s some crazed psychopath

“It was a pleasure
meeting you, Andy, and we can take a rain check on that ride.”

My cheeks are instantly flooded with h
eat. I’m not sure which ride he’s referring to, but I know which one I’d prefer. I flash him what I hope is a sexy smile. “It was nice meeting you too, and I’ll definitely be taking you up on your offer.” My bold statement is rewarded with a smile that could light up a room.

“I’m going to hold you to that, stay out
of trouble, angel.” With reluctance, he releases my hand and walks toward a group of men.

Good god, that man is just as breathtaking from behind.
It takes every ounce of will power I possess not to drop to my knees and thank god for making such an amazing male specimen. I quickly make my way back into the bar. I order another beer and begin my search for my best friends.

“Where have you been?” Henry practically shouts at me.

“I was outside planning world domination,” I fire back.
Jeez, I wasn’t gone that long.

Henry ignores my sarcasm. “I thought you had been kidnapped or something. You can’t just take off like that
, Andy.”

I give Kelsey a pointed look.
“I didn’t take off, Henry. I told Kelsey that I was going outside for some air.”

Kelsey rubs her temples clearly trying to remember our conversation. “I thought you said
that you were going outside for some hair.”

I can’t contain my laughter. Kelsey always gets like this when she drinks or gets around hot guys. When the two are mixed
together, her brain shuts down and only focuses on what’s important, herself.

Henry seems less amused. He pinches his nose with his thumb and forefinger. “You see what I’ve had to put up with while you were gone, it’s maddening.”

I wipe away the tears forming in my eyes. “I’m sorry
, Henry. I’m back now and I promise next time that I decide to disappear I’ll leave a detailed note pinned to Kelsey’s shirt.”

He nods in response. “So what were you really doing ou

I begin to answer him while
George Thorogood continues to sing about how bad he is when Kelsey’s eyes snap to attention. She quickly sits up in her chair and plasters on one of her trademark smiles. I turn in my chair to see Adam standing in the doorway. His eyes meet mine and the heat I felt earlier hits me like a freight train. The corner of his mouth lifts into a smile. It’s then that I notice he’s not alone. As Adam moves forward, he’s followed by four of the biggest men I’ve ever seen. Time seems to slow down to a crawl. Their movements are so graceful and precise. It’s as if they are gliding across the floor.

In unison, they turn toward
the bartender and nod their heads. Finn returns the gesture along with placing his fist over his heart. It must be a strange biker thing. The men scan the room with their eyes, while Adam’s remain focused on me. I take the opportunity to check out his friends. They range in size and levels of intimidation. Maybe he was right about it being dangerous outside. I watch in wonderment as they move past our table and head into the billiard area.

One of his companions stops at the bar and orders some drinks. He has the same build as Adam does
, but that’s where the similarities end. His coffee colored hair is cut into a cropped Mohawk. Colorful tattoos cover the exposed skin of his arms. The material of his t-shirt strains against his muscles with each movement. The back of his black graphic tee has a decal of a sign that reads,
“Kick me! I dare you.”
Ha, I wouldn’t kick this man for a million dollars. He glances over his left shoulder in our direction.

“Wowza,” Kelsey gasps. Oh dear lord, she only uses that word when she’s found something
that she likes. The stranger turns around and leans his body against the bar. The smile he gives her reminds me of a great white shark. He’s eyeing my best friend likes she’s an all you can eat buffet and someone has just rung the dinner bell. If bad boys had a king, this man would be it. My eyes continue to run over his body. I missed the gauges in his ears and the barbell in his left nipple. I stop myself before my mind starts to contemplate whether he’s pierced anywhere else. He gives Kelsey one more appraising look while licking his bottom lip before he retrieves his drinks and heads back to his friends.

I tear my eyes away from him and scan the back room for
, Adam. He’s playing pool with a blonde giant. At least that one doesn’t look like he’d laugh as he slit your throat like the other one.

“Did you see those guys?” Kelsey asks

Um…they were kind of hard to miss,” I chuckle at her.

“Man they are H.O.T, hot. All I have to say
is come to mama,” she says as she wags her perfectly shaped eyebrows. I shake my head at her. I can’t blame her entirely. I had the same reaction when I first met, Adam.

“Damn woman pull yourself together, they’re just men.” Henry says exasperated.

“Oh no, you’re just a man, one I’m sure plenty of woman find attractive, I just don’t happen to be one of them. Those men behind me are sex on legs, strong muscular legs that I’d like to…”

I quickly stop
her slutty sex talk. “T.M.I. Kelsey, damn maybe Henry’s right about you going into heat.” I glance past my friend and notice Adam and his friends are starring in our direction. Man, I hope they didn’t hear us. I don’t need to suffer any more humiliation tonight. Although she does have a point about their sex appeal, I could fantasize for hours about all the things I’d like to do with, Adam.

“Since I saw them first it’s only fair that I get first pick.” The
twinkle in Kelsey’s pale green eyes tells me she already has one in mind.

“I hate to remind you that you already have a man
, so if anyone gets first choice it’s me.” I stick my tongue out at her just as I used to when we were kids.

I had one date with Nathan Hayes and suddenly this whole town thinks that we are together. Besides, there is nothing wrong with playing the field.”

I can think of several things that are wrong with it
, but Kelsey has always lived in her own little world with its own set of rules.

I never understood why you went out with that asshole in the first place. You could do a hell of a lot better than, Nathan Hays.”

Henry’s animosity for Nathan
goes all the way back to junior high. It always seemed like Nathan and his best friend Tim Davenport were in competition with Henry and Kelsey’s twin brother, Matt. It wasn’t just about who had the better grades or who was more popular. Oh no, not with those guys, they fought over cars, woman, and who was the better captain of whatever team sport.

“Of course I can do better than
Nathan, that’s why I’m keeping my options open.”

I roll my eyes at her blasé attitude.
No one can ever accuse my best friend of having low self-esteem.

“Now with that settled I want to know which one of those
beefcakes has caught your attention.”

I try to hide my embarrassm
ent as I lean in closer so we can’t be over heard by anyone. I quickly give her a rundown of my encounter with, Adam. Before I can stop her, she completely turns around in her chair for a closer inspection. God, kill me now. Adam is currently sporting a huge grin as he leans his body over a pool table to make a shot. His muscles ripple with the movement and I have to bite my lip to stifle a moan.

“So let me get
this straight, that man, who by the way has the sexiest head of hair that I have ever seen, basically served himself up to you on a silver platter, and instead of getting naked with him, you decided to come back inside to hang out with us? Have you lost your frigging mind?” she bellows at me.

“Shhh, g
od, Kelsey, could you possible say that any louder?” I look around the crowded bar and pray that no one heard her. “Just because he flirted with me, doesn’t mean he wanted to take me home, besides you know I’m not into having meaningless sex.” Although, if there were one man alive that could change my mind it would be, Adam Stone.

“I know you have morals and values
, blah, blah, blah, but come on, Andy! Don’t you ever get sick of being the good girl?”

I know Kelsey means well and she does have a point. Compared to her I am the good girl, I always have been. I doubt
that I would have experienced half of the crazy things that I have if I weren’t friends with her.

“Leave her alone
, Kelsey, I like that she’s the good one. God knows I have a hard enough time dealing with your antics.” Henry shakes his head with disgust. “Hell if Matt weren’t coming home soon I’d be outsourcing the job just so I could get a break.”

My best
friend narrows her eyes toward our roommate, but before she can fire back a witty retort, the song “Wild Horses” begins to play. I’m instantly assaulted with memories of my parents. This was their song, I can’t count the number of times they would stop what they were doing and dance together when it would play on the radio. It never mattered to them where they were or who was watching. They loved each other until the day they both died. My friends turn to me with knowing stares.

“I’m okay,
” I lie. “I’m just going to get us another round.” I stand and quickly make my escape. I can’t handle their pitying looks, not tonight. I place another order and try to block out the painful memories.

, hot stuff, come dance with me,” a voice says from behind me.

I barely glance over my shoulder and politely decline.

“Oh come on, honey, you’ll love being in my arms.”

A strong hand wraps around my arm gripping me tightly. I start to protest
, but my reply is cut off by Finn’s.

“Back aff
, de lassy is spoken for.”

hide my surprise behind a small smile. Normally I can handle a situation like this, but between the alcohol and the memory of my dead parents, I’m thrown off my game.

“Is that right? W
ell point him out to me, honey, so I can kick his ass and steal you away from him.” 

Is this guy serious?  I’m about to tell him where he can stick it when Adam appears next to me.

“So would you like to try and kick my ass in here, or should we take this outside?”

My pursuer smiles at
Adam while sizing him up. Suddenly three more men appear and they seem to be back up for my wannabe dance partner. Adam pulls my arm from the man’s grip and moves in front of me.

“Let’s take this outside,” t
he jerk says as he tilts his head and looks me in the eye. “Don’t worry, sweetie, this won’t take long.”

I glance toward
the billiard room. Adam’s friends are standing at the ready. At least if a fight breaks out, he will have some help. The bar has grown quiet. The only sounds are coming from the jukebox and the scraping of chairs against the wood floors as the patrons quickly move out of the way of the impending danger. 

“First you disrespect my female
, and then you continue to insult me with your lack of honor. It appears that someone needs a lesson in manners.” Adam moves closer to the men as I begin to reach forward to stop him.

This situation is getting out of hand
, but before I can get his attention, I’m grabbed from behind. I quickly realize its Finn pulling me behind the bar so I’m out of harm’s way. The second the counter is dropped back into position, all hell breaks loose.

BOOK: Breathe Into Me
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