Read Breaking the Silence (Hard Drive Book 2) Online

Authors: Tricia Andersen

Tags: #MMA Romance, #contemporary romance

Breaking the Silence (Hard Drive Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Breaking the Silence (Hard Drive Book 2)
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His deep blue gaze shot up to hers. The message in his glare was unmistakable. It was time to drop it and let him take care of her. Once her feet were free of the skates, he shed his quickly and returned both pairs.

Avery gingerly stood on her good leg. She concentrated on her bag a couple feet away with her shoes inside. It wasn’t too far. She could hop there.

A gasp escaped her lips as she was scooped off her feet. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around Rico’s neck as he scooped up both their bags and strode from the building with her still cradled in his arms.

The stubborn woman in Avery was nearly offended at Rico taking control of the situation. She was the one hurt, not him. But then, she studied his face. She could see the determination in his features. She saw the worry.
Does he really care that much about me?

He sat her down in the Jeep and signed.
I’ll be right back.

Avery watched Rico storm off a distance and whip out his cell phone from his jeans pocket. He pressed a couple buttons and held it to his ear. She couldn’t read his lips at the moment but by his pacing and the urgency in his motions, he seemed anxious.

As he talked, she pondered the past week with him. They had butted heads more than once, especially about her independence. He was just as stubborn as she was. He held himself with a confidence she hadn’t seen many men have. She smiled to herself. They were more alike than she had ever imagined. She liked it.

She shifted her foot slightly. The searing pain that shot through her body brought her back to the problem at hand. She glanced up as Rico slid into the driver’s seat.

I am probably all right. But I should go home.

Rico shook his head. “I have a friend who will look at it. I just called him.”

I am not sure your friend—

Rico stopped her hands with his. After a moment, he smiled. “My friend is an ER physician. This is right up his alley. We’re headed over to his place.”


Rico stopped alongside the curb in front of the brick townhouse. He glared at the building. He needed Mark right now. He hated seeing Avery hurt. The thought stunned him. Knowing someone he cared about was in pain had never torn him up like this before.

He had also pleaded, demanded, that Mark get rid of anything that might associate Rico with his MMA career. The two men had been on posters and programs together. The big man had told Rico that he would. However, Mark had a bad habit of not taking things seriously.
If Avery sees one hint of my life in mixed martial arts…
He clenched his eyes shut. He didn’t want to think about it.

His eyes shifted to Avery’s, and he smiled. He hopped out of the Jeep then met her at her door before she could get out. She didn’t have to sign to him. Her exasperated look told him she wanted to walk. Without a word, he scooped her into his arms and strode to the front door, knocking on it with his knee. Barking was the response.

As the door opened, they were greeted by an excited, wagging, chocolate brown pit bull.

Rico frowned. “Kinnick, move.”

Mark popped around the corner, an impish grin plastered to his face. “Hey.”

“Could you please move Kinnick?”

“I could.” After waiting a moment just to irritate him, Mark nudged the dog away. Rico stepped inside the living room to find Dan sprawled across the loveseat, a video game controller in his hand and his long, thin legs draped over the arm. Rico took a sweep of the area. There were MMA magazines on the end tables and his gear bag sat on the floor by the television. With a relieved sigh, he gently set Avery on the couch.

Kinnick wiggled to Avery’s side for attention. She petted the dog as Mark kneeled before her.

Hi, Avery. My name is Mark. I am going to check your ankle. All right?

Avery nodded then typed something on her phone. She showed Mark.

Mark grinned as he gently massaged her ankle. “This is Kinnick. She is named after the stadium in Iowa City.

Avery winced then typed again.

Mark read it and nodded. “It is an interesting name. I’m from Iowa. I’m a Hawkeye fan.”

Avery’s face lit up as she went back to tapping on her phone.

Mark read her message again. “Nope. East side of the state. Cedar Rapids. I used to travel to Des Moines all the time though.”

Rico huffed as he rolled his eyes. He crossed his muscular arms over his chest. “Seriously? You feel the need to share your life story?”

Mark shot him a look as Avery scowled at him. “Criticizing my bed side manner?”

Rico didn’t answer. Mark turned back to Avery. “Your ankle is badly sprained. Nothing more. I will get you a wrap for it and some ice. Stay off it as much as possible so it can heal.” He thumbed over his shoulder at Rico. “This one can wait on you.”

He stood and disappeared into the kitchen. Rico followed him. He leaned against the counter as Mark pulled a plastic bag from the drawer then opened the freezer. Mark cocked a grin at him. “I take it you didn’t tell her that you’re from Chicago.”

“Not yet,” Rico huffed. “Are you sure all the stuff with me on it is gone.”.


“Did you check those magazines to see if I’m in them?”

“Didn’t have to.” Mark tossed a handful of ice cubes into the bag.

“Why not?”

Mark chuckled as he gathered one last handful of ice and sealed the makeshift ice pack closed. “I use your covers to line Kinnick’s kennel.”

“You what?” Rico screeched.

Mark smirked at him as he slipped back into the living room. Rico stormed after him, catching Mark as he laid the ice pack on Avery’s ankle. Avery wrapped her hand around Rico’s to stop him from stalking after Mark as the big man disappeared down the hallway. She tugged his hand toward the cushion then let go of it long enough to sign.
Sit. Please.

Rico stared down the hall for a moment then sank down next to her. Avery laid her head on his shoulder as she held his hand again. It was only a few moments before Mark reappeared with an elastic wrap bandage. He dropped to his knee and carefully wrapped Avery’s injured ankle. As he secured it, he looked up at Rico with a wicked twinkle in his eye.

Rico bit back a snarl. He didn’t even want to know what smart ass thought was going through the big man’s mind.

They visited with Mark and Dan for about an hour. Rico cringed as they told Avery some of their misadventures, spending extra time and details on his part in them. She laughed at their stories, cuddling closer to him as Dan and Mark bantered back and forth. He wrapped his arms around her. He didn’t know if it was the sound of her laughter or having her snuggled against him that made him relax and join in on the conversation.

As long as they kept his secret, they could tell Avery anything they wanted. Besides, with all the things they had on him, it was about time he defended himself.

Avery looked at Rico.
I promised to go to dinner with Lindsay.

He nodded at her then slowly unwrapped his arms from around her so he could stand.
We should go.
He stooped over her to pick her up, but was met with light slaps.

Enough. Let me walk. You can help me, but let me do it myself.

Rico pulled his hands back in mock surrender then offered to help her stand. Tugging her to her feet, he braced her against him for support. They said their goodbyes to Mark and Dan. Together they made their way to the vehicle. Rico helped her climb inside then turned to find Mark behind him.

“Thanks for helping her,” Rico told him.

The evil grin was back. “Happy to help.”

Rico crossed his arms over his chest. “What is it, Mark?”

“Nothing. It’s just not every day you see the great Rico Choate fall in love.”

Rico shot a cold glare at Mark. “Again, thank you for taking care of her.” He stormed around the Jeep and jumped in, leaving Mark laughing on the curb. He breathed a sigh of relief as they sped down the highway. Avery was none the wiser about his mixed martial arts career. His secret was still safe.

Rico stopped in front of her house. As he opened her door to help her out, he met her smile with one of his own.
Your friends are really nice.

They are like brothers to me. Sometimes, they can be a little obnoxious.

It is all right. I like them. And despite their teasing, they seem to really care about you. I can see why you think of them as brothers.

Rico smiled at her words then gently helped her from the Jeep. He wrapped a protective arm around her waist to support her as she hobbled to the porch. He startled when the front door slammed open. Lindsay was standing on the top step, his gaze locked to the bandage on Avery’s ankle. Instinct took over. Rico stopped dead in his tracks.

Avery looked at him.
What is it?

“Maybe I should say goodbye here. I don’t want to upset your brother.”

She glanced from him to Lindsay’s murderous glare. Her face twisted in a scowl. She slipped her hand across the stubble on Rico’s chin and turned his face to her. His heart raced as Avery pressed her lips against his, parting them as they kissed. He didn’t think. He pulled her closer to deepen it.
If she were my little sister, I would kill me too. Yep. I’m a dead man.

As they parted, she signed.
Goodbye, Rico.

Not yet. I will see you safely to your door.”

He supported her in his arms as they slowly ascended the porch stairs.


Rico strolled into Hard Drive, whistling the song he had just heard on the radio with each step he took. He couldn’t remember the last time he had whistled like this. But then, he couldn’t remember the last time he had been this truly happy.

He stopped dead in his tracks as a sobering thought crossed his mind. He
remember the last time he had been this content.

He was ten. His mother had just tucked him into bed after reading a story to him. It had been a Hardy Boys mystery. She kissed him on the forehead and wished him good night. He could hear his father giving instructions to the sitter. They were only going for drinks with friends from work. They wouldn’t be long. Rico snuggled into his pillow and drifted to sleep with a smile on his young lips.

He shuddered as he forced the memory to stop there. Clenching his eyes closed, he forced his breath in and out quickly to calm himself. Hard Drive was the perfect place to be. Right now, he needed to hit something repeatedly. He glanced down at his scarred knuckles. Maybe until they started to bleed. Whatever it took to purge those recollections from his mind.

Rico was startled by the soft song that played from his pocket. He plunged his hand in to find his phone. After rummaging in the fabric for a moment, he pulled it free and glanced at the screen.

Potato salad or fruit?

His face broke out in a warm smile. The ghosts of his past disappeared as he typed the response.

Avery, sweetheart. You’re going to too much trouble.

A new bubble popped up under what he had just sent.

That’s not an answer, Rico. Potato salad or fruit?

He laughed as his thumbs flew across the screen.

Fruit would be great. I’m heading in to workout now.

He waited instead of walking into the building. He wasn’t disappointed.

Can’t wait to see you!

Rico slipped the cell back into his pocket as the tune returned to his lips. Glancing at his knuckles, his grin grew wider. For the first time ever, other than the abuse they would suffer in practice, his fingers were safe. Avery was truly amazing. He opened the door and walked inside. Setting his bag on the bench, he kicked his shoes off and nudged them against the wall with his toe.

“How’s Avery?”

Rico spun around to find both Mark and Dan in front of the mirrors. Dan was still shadow boxing. Mark stood with his hands on his hips, beads of sweat dotting his forehead as he waited for an answer.

“She’s good,” Rico replied as he dug out his gloves. “She texted this morning to tell me there wasn’t much pain left.”

“Glad to hear it. She needs to keep wrapping it and putting ice on it so she doesn’t reinjure it.”

“I’ll make sure she does.” Rico joined his friends, tossing his gloves on the floor. Sitting on the mat, he extended his leg out in front of him, grasped his foot, and then leaned into the stretch.

Mark cocked a grin at Rico. Rico frowned at him. “What?” he demanded.

“Still can’t believe you’re in love,” Mark replied.

Rico paused a moment. The words played in his mind. Could he say them? “So what if I’m in love? What’s the big deal?”

“It isn’t. I’m happy for you. When are you going to tell her you’re a mixed martial artist?”

“I will. Just not right now. I’m going to ease her into it.”

“So, you’re going to lie to her.”

“I’m not lying to her. I just haven’t shared that part of my life yet.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’m not ready to do it. I will though. Soon.”

“She seems like a pretty smart girl to me. Maybe you should give her a chance.” Mark turned back to the mirror and joined Dan in shadow boxing.

Rico snarled at him. Mark had no idea what was at stake. Did he want to tell Avery that he fought? Of course he did. Maybe he would someday soon. And maybe she would react like she did at the restaurant. When he got to know her better and knew she would be all right with what he did, he would tell her.

The rest of the morning was spent doing tabatas, sparring, and rolling. At noon, Rico peeled off his gloves and tossed them into his bag. He didn’t even put on his shoes. Instead, he grabbed them and his bag before racing home to shower and change.

His heart thundered in his chest as he pulled up to Avery’s house. She stood on the porch in a pale blue sundress and white, strappy sandals. The elastic wrap around her injured ankle even blended into her outfit. In her hands, she held the handles of a large picnic basket.

BOOK: Breaking the Silence (Hard Drive Book 2)
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