Bowles, Jan - Bound by the Montana Mountain Man [Cowboy Bad Boys 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) (2 page)

BOOK: Bowles, Jan - Bound by the Montana Mountain Man [Cowboy Bad Boys 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“I’m fine. Finally cleared the house out, as you can see. Broke one or two nails in the process, but they’ll grow again.”

He nodded, his eyes flicking from her face to her hands and back again. “That’s too bad.” Just why had she shown him her hands? She really couldn’t care less about her nails breaking. Maybe deep down, she wanted him to know just how hard she’d worked. But why the need to impress him? Then he said, “I should warn you that the winters get pretty harsh here.”


“Nothing. Just that you should get stocked up real early.”

“I intend to.” She felt he had something more on his mind. “Is there anything else you wish to say, Mr. Dawson?”

“Maybe you should think of selling, that’s all. Save you a lot of heartache in the long run. It gets real cold up here as the nights close in. It’s not a place for a woman like you.”

Cassie felt indignant. Whenever she was in his presence, she just bristled. “And what sort of woman would that be?”

“City girl.” His eyes pierced into her.

“You sure have some audacity, Mr. Dawson. Maybe you should just mind your own business. I don’t think men are the only ones who can cope in a harsh environment. I came from Minneapolis, and we had pretty severe winters there, too.”

He laughed out loud. He removed his hat and thwacked it against his leg. “Hell, sweetheart. Winters in Minneapolis ain’t nothin’ compared to what we get here. You get four inches of snow in a day. We get four feet.”

Folding her arms across her chest, she fixed him in her gaze. “If I were to sell, I suppose you know someone who’d most likely buy it.”

“Maybe.” A half smile formed, deepening the creases around his mouth. What was it with dimples, anyway?

“Like you, perhaps?” When he didn’t answer, she continued, “I found those documents you drafted up. Maybe that’s why you want me to sell. Perhaps you’re not really interested in my welfare, after all, but in that piece of land you want to get your hands on.”

He placed his hat back on his head. “Whoa now, lady, slow down. I assure you that was the last thing on my mind.”

“Mr. Dawson, I was going to come and see you in a day or two and discuss that parcel of land. But I think my Uncle Seth was a good judge of character. He could tell at a glance that you were up to no good. I’ve no doubt you only offered him a fraction of what the land is worth, thinking he was too old and crazy to understand.” She pointed the one manicured finger she had left at him. “So no, Mr. Dawson. I won’t be moving, and I won’t be selling, either.”

He smiled as he studied her. “You’ll learn.” He mounted his horse and then turned to looked at her as he gathered the reins in his hand. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Then he rode away as calmly as anything, leaving Cassie wondering if she’d imagined the whole episode.

She stormed into the house. If there was one thing she hated about a man, it was pig-headed chauvinism. Well, she had news for him. Cassie Phillips would show him she could handle anything Mother Nature could throw at her, and then some.

* * * *

As Brad rode away, he couldn’t help but smile. The woman had spunk, that was for sure. She was a little firebrand. Okay, so he may have been thinking about that piece of land, but he wanted to warn her about the harsh winters, too. Make her think a little about planning ahead.

Her face had been smudged with soot, and she looked kind of cute with her hair in braids. There was something very earthy about her, which was unusual considering she was a city girl. Though she wasn’t his usual type, but then he didn’t really have a type. At thirty-five, he’d had more than his fair share of women. He just hadn’t found one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Cassie intrigued him. He wondered just what a woman like her was doing in a place like this, all on her own.

Chapter Two

With the nights drawing in ever more quickly, Cassie decided to pay a visit to the local town of Whitewaters. After stocking up on all the essentials, she stopped at a local hardware store she’d spotted on the drive in.

The female assistant behind the counter greeted her. “Hi, sweetie, how can I help you today?”

Cassie smiled. The woman looked about the same age as her, but with chestnut shoulder-length hair and brown eyes. Although her makeup had been heavily applied, she was quite pretty and tall. She wore a skirt that Cassie would normally describe as a large belt and a low cut cream top. The buttons of which were half undone, revealing her well-developed cleavage. The sort that would make men look twice.

“I recently moved into the area, and I was wondering if you could advise me on any essentials I might need. I’ve been told the winters here are pretty harsh.”

The woman sprang into life. “Well, now, sweetie, you’ve come to the right place.” The shop assistant paused as she studied Cassie. “Say, would you happen to be the lady who moved into ol’ Seth’s place?”

“Yes, that’s me.” She held out her hand. “Cassie Philips.”

“I’m Joleyn. Everyone knows me around here,” she said, taking her hand in response. “Say, do you have a shovel?”

Cassie shook her head.

“Well, you’re gonna need to carry one in your car at all times. You may have to dig your way out of a snowdrift, if it gets too deep. Now have you got a survival pack?” As she pulled one off the shelf, her skirt rose even higher. Cassie imagined the men of Whitewaters would take a strong interest in this lady.

Placing the pack on the counter, she continued, “If you get trapped in your car, you just shimmy inside this. It will keep you nice and warm, may save your life.” She pondered for a moment, placing her index finger to her glossy lips. “Hmm, let me see, snow chains, you got any?”


“That your Jeep out there?”

Cassie nodded, and a set of chains found their way onto the counter. As she looked at the mounting supplies, Cassie wondered just how much all of this would cost. Then she reminded herself these were essential. If she were going to stay, then that’s what she had to have.

Joleyn continued, “Have you met the Mountain Man yet?”

She shook her head. “Mountain Man? No, I don’t think so.”

Joleyn giggled. “He’s called that ’round these parts because he takes serious guided treks into the mountains. Knows them like the back of his hand. Surely you must have met him. He’s your neighbor, Brad Dawson?” It was said nonchalantly, but Cassie had the sneaking suspicion that the woman was eager to know all the gossip.

“Yes, briefly. Why?”

“Well, you watch out there, sweetie. You might just become another one of his conquests. He’s practically roped every woman in the valley into his bed. Trouble is he don’t stay long enough to get to know ’em.”

“Is that so?” The more she found out about Brad Dawson, the more she disapproved of him. Though the name Mountain Man had certainly piqued her interest. It made him seem far more rugged and dangerous.

“Yeah, Brad roped me, too.”

“You went out with Brad?” Cassie studied her a little more closely. So that was Brad’s type. With all respect to Joleyn, Brad seemed to like the more obvious kind of woman.

“Just one look at those eyes. Well you know how it can be, sweetie. He sure has a way with words. I’ve been between Brad’s sheets on more than one occasion. As have all the other girls ’round these parts.” Joleyn giggled. “Brad and I split more than three years ago. Broke my heart at the time, but it’s all for the best. I’m happily married now.”

“I’m absolutely sure I’ll not be one of his conquests.”

Joleyn laughed. “Well, sweetie, someone who looks like you do will surely have piqued his interest. Especially as you live on your own in the ranch just down the way from him. The whole valley’s been talking about you.”

The bell rang as the door to the store opened, and she became vaguely aware of someone walking up behind her.

“Please don’t worry on my account, Joleyn. I’ve met Brad Dawson, and I wasn’t the least impressed with him.”

“Afternoon, ladies.”

As soon as she heard that male voice oozing with a deep, velvety bass, she knew it was him. Why hadn’t Joleyn warned her Brad had just entered the store? The woman looked at her briefly, a smug smile to her face. Cassie knew she’d done it on purpose when she purred, “Afternoon, Brad.” She then leaned on the counter, her full breasts virtually spilling from her skimpy blouse. “Sure is nice to see you again, sweetie.”

Wearing a sheepskin jacket, jeans, and a black Stetson, Brad walked up to them, an amused expression on his face as he turned and studied Cassie.

Surely he’d heard everything she’d said about him. Feeling like she wanted the floor to swallow her up whole, she continued with her purchases. “I’ll take them all, Joleyn. Thank you.”

As she waited for her credit card to be accepted, she turned to him. He was still watching her. Her whole body responded to his presence. Her palms grew sweaty and warmth flooded her cheeks. Her legs trembled. Just why was she reacting this way? To cover her nervousness, she said, “Thought I’d take your advice, Mr. Dawson.”

“That’s good. Folks ’round here are full of advice, ain’t they, Joleyn?” He didn’t once take his eyes from hers.

“We tell it how it is, Brad. You know that,” purred Joleyn.

He chuckled. “Trouble is, folks ’round these parts want to know everything. I’ll give you another piece of advice, Cassie. Keep your personal life private.”

“I intend to, Mr. Dawson. Very private.” Although he was speaking to her, she knew he was warning Joleyn, too. So Joleyn hadn’t exaggerated about their relationship.

Her credit card was finally accepted, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Now she could finally take her purchases and leave.

“Thank you for your help, Joleyn.”

“You’re welcome, sweetie.”

“I’ll come back for the snow chains in a minute.”

“I’ll bring them.” Brad began to collect them off the counter.

“No it’s—”

“I insist.” He turned toward her. His steely gaze allowing no argument as he looked at her. It seemed he’d made up his mind.

“Very well, as you wish.” Grabbing hold of the shovel and the carrier bag, she rushed out the door.

He followed her outside and stowed the chains in the rear of her Jeep. “I seem to irritate you, Cassie. Why?”

“I’ve no idea, but you do. Perhaps I don’t like being stared at.”

He smiled, the creases forming around his mouth as he studied her once more. “Sometimes it’s just nice to look at someone as beautiful as you.”

Her head jerked up in surprise. “Flattery won’t get you anywhere. I know all about you, Mr. Dawson.”

“You know nothing about me, Cassie. Don’t take any notice of what Joleyn has to say. She’s just pissed because she married a drunk.”

“My God, is there anything you don’t know about each other?”

He laughed. “This is Whitewaters, Montana, Cassie. Everyone knows everyone.”

“Then let me enlighten you. I’ve just had a very acrimonious divorce. I’m not looking for a relationship, ever.”

He smiled, his silver gaze scanning her from head to toe. “Who said anything about a relationship? I just said I liked looking at you.”

Feeling totally overwhelmed by his masculine presence, she pushed past him. He hadn’t mentioned a relationship, had he? So why had she?

“You are the most irritating man I’ve ever come across.” She yanked the door of the Jeep open and slid quickly inside, anything to escape this man.

BOOK: Bowles, Jan - Bound by the Montana Mountain Man [Cowboy Bad Boys 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
2.93Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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