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Authors: Emily Jane Trent

Bound by Love (14 page)

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Tanner shut the door behind him and switched on one low light. He took Natalie in his arms and kissed with a passion that left her reeling.
He clutched at her hair and ran his hands down her back. Unable to wait any longer, he carried her to the bedroom and placed her on the bed, in the dark, urgently undressing both of them.

He kissed up and down her naked body, finding tender spots on her bare skin that she didn’t even know existed. He ravished her
, and felt the powerful urge to devour her.

Natalie reached out and stroked his cock and cupped his balls, rolling them in her hand, wanting to hear Tanner’s groans and doing her best to pleasure him to his limit.

Tanner reached into the side drawer and withdrew the penis ring Natalie had given him as a gift before they left Paris. In the dark, he felt around the ring, running his hand over the glass surface that covered the glittering diamonds embedded in the gold ring. Even in the touch of moonlight shining through the tiny window, the perfect cut diamonds reflected rays of light around the room.

He placed the ring around his erect penis and under his balls, and straddled Natalie. Needing no encouragement, she reached out and squeezed his gorgeous penis, blood-filled and heavy. He ran the palms of his hands over her nipples, circling and exciting. Her nipples pierced into his hot hand, and her clit turned to a tiny rock.

Tanner gripped his hard cock and slid it into Natalie’s wet pussy. She sighed with pleasure and raised her hips off the bed to meet him. Sweetly, in the low moonlight, barely seen through the little window they fucked, in no hurry, but adoringly, seeking to prolong every second, treasuring every moment.

Tanner withdrew from her and sat back on the bed, crossing his legs into a circle.
Pulling her onto his lap, he guided her onto his stiff penis. Her legs wrapped around his waist. He lowered her light form, his cock filling her full.

She placed her hands on his shoulders for support, and kissed his cheek, his nose, his forehead.

“Be still,” he whispered. They sat, that way, with Tanner’s huge cock buried inside her, and her legs wrapped around him. Neither dared move. His cock throbbed inside her, and her strong vaginal muscles convulsed, lightly. Restraint was difficult.

“I want to tell you something,” he whispered.

“Now?” She said in a throaty voice, barely able to speak.

“Yes. Now,” he said. She looked into his eyes, clouded with lust and at his perfect, handsome face and felt his huge cock surge inside her again. Surely, this was a fairytale.

Tanner began speaking with effort. He spoke slow and haltingly, having to stop every few words to regain his composure, not wanting to prematurely come.

“I want to confess my heart to you.”

A tingling ran down Natalie’s spine, and her skin warmed.

I love you, baby,” he said. The emotion was clear in his blue, blue eyes, even in the semi-darkness.

Natalie didn’t move a muscle. Her clit was taught
, and her body hovered on the precipice, but she didn’t speak.

“Did you hear me, baby?” He whispered with effort.

“I love you. I’ve loved you from the first moment I saw you, in the semi-dark concert hall, out of my reach. You had an effect on me that no other woman ever has. Or, ever will.

You are the most sensual, beautiful, brave and wonderful woman I’ve ever had the honor of knowing. Don’t leave me again. You don’t ever have to leave me.

Sexual torture is nothing compared to the pain I’ve put you through….making you wait….always wrapped up in my own needs....thinking of myself.

Please tell me you understand what I’m saying,” he pleaded with overwhelming emotion choking him. “I love you, baby. I always will.”

Tears streamed down Natalie’s cheeks, shimmering slightly in the low light, and Tanner kissed them away.

“Oh, Tanner
… I love you. I’m yours. I’ll always be yours.”

Tanner held her hips in his hands
, and slowly began to move. The eruption of his wild orgasm, blasting into Natalie, sent her out of control. She screamed in an intense, high-pitched note, with unending pleasure whipping through her.

As if in a dream, she heard Tanner whisper, at her peak, “I love you, baby.”



25 – True Intimacy

The next morning, a bit of sunshine peeked through the clouds giving the green, rolling hills a pastoral look. Natalie and Tanner dressed warmly, and went for a stroll to experience the beauty that surrounded them. Hand-in-hand, they walked, both glowing from the night before. Both of them considered the future.

Natalie didn’t mention Tanner’s vow of love from the night before, not wanting to give him the opportunity to take it back.

Tanner glanced over at Natalie. She looked so lovely in the morning light, so angelic. She was so pure, so good. He still couldn’t conceive that she’d planned to leave him because she thought it was better for

He’d tried to protect her, all along. Ironically, she was the one doing the protecting. He smiled.

“What?” Natalie asked. The sight of Tanner speeded her heart rate. His spiky, dark hair begged touching. His pale skin glittered in the low light. His hard, firm body was lean, and he walked with sleek grace. He was hers.

“I want to share something with you,” Tanner started. “Something I learned yesterday…before I knew you weren’t on your way home.”

She liked the sound of that –

“I found my father’s journal. I’d like to tell you what it said,” Tanner continued. He proceeded to fill her in on every detail.

The utterly romantic tale of William and Caitlyn was told with deep emotion. And, why wouldn’t it? This was Tanner’s story, the story of his parents, the mother and father who loved him. At the end, Natalie had tears in her eyes, and Tanner looked away, regaining his composure.

Natalie stopped. Tanner turned to look at her. A moment of truth passed between them. So much understood, so little said.

“Tanner…thank you. I’m so touched that you shared your story with me,” Natalie said.

“And…my headaches seem to have gone,” Tanner added as an afterthought. “I would have had one yesterday, if ever. But I didn’t. I don’t think I will, again. I think that’s over, too.”

It was clear to Natalie the news had a significant impact. Tanner didn’t have to voice it. Both of them knew. Kenneth Cassel was
his biological father. Tanner would never again have to fear that he had Ken’s violent urges.

The fear was unfounded. Natalie had always known it was. She knew Tanner, and had seen the goodness in him from the start. Now, he knew it too.

              Back in the warm cottage, Tanner pulled Natalie close. He ran his hands through her thick hair, and the look that came into his eyes was one of longing. Natalie’s heart swelled with love.

“Baby,” he said. “I promise to be here for you. I’ve lived with shadows for too long. I want to be with you now, to enjoy life with you. You’re mine. And, I’m yours.”

He hesitated a moment, adjusting to the sound of saying his feelings out loud. “I love you, baby.”


26 – Bound By Love

Natalie sensed the difference in Tanner. He was every bit as sexy as he’d ever been, even more so. When he guided her to the bedroom, he was as confident as he always was. And, she was as excited as she’d ever been. This was Tanner, her man, her gorgeous, sexy, exciting man.

Tanner stood next to the bed, the daylight from the window shining behind him, giving him a radiant halo. Natalie took a moment to stare. She never got enough of his beauty. He was beautiful. The night before, they’d made love in the dark, touching each other, just feeling not seeing. The semi-darkness had been an erotic elixir, as the bright daylight was now.

Now, she could see him. She wanted to make love, in the daylight, with the sun streaming in through the window.

“I want you now,” she said, and began to undress before him.

was wearing the black underwear from The Lingerie Collective under her clothes. The black bra was just strips of fabric around her firm breasts, leaving her breasts naked. She turned her back to Tanner when she pulled down her jeans, so he could see her naked ass. The sexy black panties were made of the same black strips. The fabric went around the waist and under the buttocks, leaving her ass bare.

“And this,” she said, turning to face him and stepping out of her pants, “is for you.”

She lifted one foot forward and Tanner saw the
steel, automatic watch on her ankle. “It’s a present for you,” she said, smiling.

Tanner laughed.

loved the carefree sound of his deep voice when he laughed, a rare occasion until now. He reached down and took the watch from her ankle, placing the thoughtful gift on the nightstand.

He winked at her, and stripped off his clothes, quickly.

“And this,” he said, “is for you.”

Fully naked, he promptly turned around and Natalie saw, etched in black across the top of his hard ass, just at the base of his spine – one word – her name:




“You got a tattoo!” She exclaimed. Her mind raced through recent events. The only time he’d been in London without her was the day before when he’d been in the city on business, while she was at the boutique meeting Thomas.

Tanner turned aro
und to look at her, and grinned, exuding the joy he felt.

“You got that in London yesterday,” she said. “
you came back to the cottage, and
you read your father’s journal. You got the tattoo
you discovered that you aren’t Ken Cassel’s son, and you don’t have evil urges haunting you.

Which means… went to get the tattoo, to show your love for me…
.when you were still afraid… still afraid of your past. And….you didn’t know I’d left.

you got the tattoo, of your own free will….as a gift of love…for me,” she said. She broke into a huge grin.

“I love you with all my heart. And you love me back,” she said, breathlessly.

Tanner frowned, but his eyes sparkled.

es, that’s all true. Now….about you leaving me…I don’t approve of that behavior,” he said in a stern voice. “I think a spanking on that lovely ass of yours would be in order.”

Natalie felt a sexual thrill flood her body, and love swell
, huge in her heart. She stepped forward and fell into his open arms. “Yes,” she taunted, “that would be…very naughty…and very hot.”

adored the lilting sound of her voice, playful and teasing. He nuzzled his face into her fragrant hair and in his low, sensual voice said, “I love you, baby……I truly love you.”





Bound By Love –

4th novella of Touched By You series by Emily Jane Trent ©2013 All Rights Reserved

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I hope you enjoyed these stories! I love to hear feedback from my readers. You can leave a review at Amazon or write to me, personally, at my blog
. Thank you for reading! Emily Jane Trent


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About the author:

Emily Jane Trent writes steamy romances about characters you’ll get to know and love. The sex scenes are hot, and the romance even hotter! If you are a fan of stories with a heroine that’s got spunk and a hunk of a hero that you’d like to take home with you, these stories are what you’re looking for. Escape into a fantasy – you won’t want it to end – not ever.


You can find out more about the Emily Jane Trent at her blog:


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

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