Bought by the Russian Mobster (4 page)

BOOK: Bought by the Russian Mobster
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Nicolai laughed. “I suppose some people might say it is.”

A knock on the kitchen door startled her. She put her legs down and Nicolai helped her cover herself with her skirt. “Stay right here and don’t say anything.”

“Who is it?” she whispered, her eyes growing wide.

“Vladimir.” Nicolai pursed his lips. “He’s come to check on the training. Just let me handle him.”

He gave her a wink and then opened the kitchen door.

“Hello, brother.” Vladimir’s arrogance was on full display. He didn’t walk inside; he strutted.

“What do you want?” Nicolai curled his lip. “I would have thought you were too busy kissing our father’s ass to bother speaking to me.”

“Father asked me to come check on you.” Vladimir sauntered casually into the kitchen.

“I find it difficult to believe that our father used that language,” Nicolai retorted. “More like you offered to come over here and try to interfere.”

When his brother saw Lily sitting at the table, he stopped walking and stood still in the middle of the room. “So beautiful,” Vladimir whispered. “You don’t deserve her, Nicolai. She should have been mine.”

“But our father decided otherwise,” Nicolai said firmly. “As I’m sure you remember.”

“Someday you’re going to discover that it no longer matters what our father wants,” Vladimir said with a sadistic smile.

Chapter Five

Nicolai felt sick to his stomach as he realized that his brother had discovered a beautiful, passionate, and very innocent woman that he now wanted to add to his collection. It made no difference how she had come to be in Nicolai’s possession. Vladimir wanted her, and in his mind that was the only thing that mattered. When Vladimir fixated on something, it was difficult to shake his resolve.

“Come on, Nicolai,” Vladimir taunted. “Have you become a eunuch? Why is this beautiful woman still wearing clothes?”

“Perhaps I have manners,” Nicolai retorted. “What am I going to do, make her hang about the house naked all day?”

“Lily should know that whatever you want is law,” Vladimir said sharply. “Lily is an obedient woman. She should know her place in your life.” He stared at the woman. “Isn’t that right?”

There was the briefest hesitation in Lily’s countenance. It was obvious to Nicolai that she did not like Vladimir at all. Nicolai was reminded of the first day at their father’s house when she had told him that she did not want to go to a brothel.

Vladimir twisted his mouth into the semblance of a smile. He approached Lily and loomed over her in a threatening manner. “If I tell you to touch yourself right now for my amusement, what would you say?”

“I would say no.” The poor girl looked almost panicky with nervousness.

Vladimir snorted derisively. “Have you never touched yourself at night in the dark?”

She actually looked a little guilty. “Maybe.”

Nicolai was surprised. “You never told me that.”

The words slipped out before he could think better of them. This was no conversation to have with Vladimir present.

“You never asked.” She bit her lip. “I’m sorry. Is that wrong?”

“Not at all,” Nicolai soothed.

“You are weak!” Vladimir accused. “I can see how much you want her and yet you will never act upon your desires.” Vladimir was getting worked up. “I know you’re hard. I can see your fingers twitching as you think about how soft her skin would be. But in truth, her pussy belongs to me.”

“No.” Nicolai’s voice was low and deadly. “You will never have her.”

Vladimir put his finger right in Nicolai’s face. “I want you to take a good look at that beautiful piece of ass. Do you see her?”

“I see her, Vladimir.” Nicolai knew that his brother was close to the edge. He had to stay calm or this would all blow up in a way that would end with Lily getting hurt.

“I want you to look at that and know that I’m going to fuck her. I’m going to be the first man to breach that pussy. You’ll never have her. Father seems inclined to give you everything else. But not this.”

“Father gave her to
. Not you. You will never touch her.” Nicolai said hoarsely.

Vladimir’s expression was as twisted as his mind. “Someday our father will no longer have a say. Then I will have what I’m owed.”

The words made Nicolai sick with disgust. The Pasternaks did a good portion of their business in the pleasure industry. Brothels, bars, and gaming houses, sometimes all three in one, was the way to make money. That didn’t mean Nicolai was without a heart.

Nicolai saw the anxious expression on Lily’s face. She was still so fragile after the life she had led with her abusive father. Did she have any idea of what she might want from life? Did she realize how tenuous her position was in his household? For the first time, Nicolai was worried that he could not keep her safe.

“Now, I had a message for you from Father.” Vladimir changed topics with a speed that made Nicolai dizzy.

“All right. Speak.”

“Father wants to speak to you in his office. Tonight.”

Nicolai shook his head at his brother. “Sometimes I cannot believe that we are related.”

Vladimir snorted. “That’s true enough.” He turned to Lily. “Someday you and I are going to be alone. Then my brother will not be able to keep me from what is mine.”

She didn’t respond and Vladimir didn’t wait. He walked out of the house without a backwards glance.

Lily visibly relaxed once he was gone. Her expression was almost guilty. Nicolai wondered what could be bothering her.

“Lily?” He approached her slowly, reaching out to gently stroke her face. “What’s wrong?”

“Are you angry with me?” she asked.

“Why would I be angry?”

She seemed to be holding her breath. “Because I didn’t tell you that I touch myself.”

“No, Lily.” He smiled. This woman had a good heart despite all the harsh treatment she’d had in her life. It was a miracle of sorts that she had not wound up bitter. “I’m not angry. In fact, I find it to be a huge turn-on.”

“Really?” She looked stunned. “Why?”

“Will you show me how you touch yourself?” Nicolai asked.

She very hesitantly lifted her leg and propped it back on the edge of the table. The sight of Lily’s fingers gently caressing the folds of her pussy deeply affected Nicolai. His cock swelled to full hardness and he struggled to keep his hands to himself. Now was not the time to lose control.

“Beautiful, Lily,” Nicolai encouraged. “Show me what feels good.”

Whether it was the tone of his voice or something else, Lily responded almost instantly to Nicolai’s coaxing. Her fingers began to circle her clit. She straddled the tiny nub with her second and third fingers, catching the nerve bundle between them and rubbing in quick circles. The wet sound of her pussy filled the kitchen and Nicolai swore he could smell her sweet scent.

Nicolai closely watched the way she stroked her folds. Her fingers played in the creamy juices spilling from her opening. The sight was incredibly sexy. He had to forcibly fight back the urge to kneel before her and taste her with his tongue. Her skin was pale and perfect, her body softly rounded and sexy. With her wild tumble of honey-colored hair and the bedroom look in her blue eyes, she was truly a sight to behold.

He couldn’t rip his gaze away from the sight of Lily rising toward her climax. Then her body shuddered and she cried out as Nicolai was treated to the sight of her inner muscles flexing and releasing beneath her touch. The erotic sight nearly pushed Nicolai over the edge.


Lily was confused. Men were so odd. She could not imagine how just the sight of her coming had so deeply affected Nicolai. She now understood what the big deal was about orgasms. They felt good. And the way Nicolai had looked at her had only made her more excited. He had the kindest eyes she had ever seen.

She stood up, gripping the edge of the table until it bit into her palm. The pinprick of pain kept her focused enough not to pass out, even though it seemed like all of the blood in her body had drained from her face. She was a little dizzy.

Nicolai handed her a glass of water. She hadn’t even noticed him get it. “Thank you.”

“Think nothing of it.” He pursed his lips. “I hope I didn’t push you too far just now.”

“You didn’t,” she hurriedly assured him. “I wanted to show you. Besides, if it pleases you, it’s the least I can do after all you’ve done for me.”

“That doesn’t make it right.” Nicolai pulled out a chair, flipped it around, and sat with his arms resting over the back. “Just because someone takes you out of a bad situation, it doesn’t mean they have a right to make your choices for you. Do you understand?”

She frowned. This was not helping matters. “You don’t understand.”

“What don’t I understand?” His expression was so earnest.

“You took me from my father’s house as payment for a debt.” She swallowed more water. Her mouth was suddenly dry. “I didn’t realize how bad my life was there until I came here. I have clothes now, and food, and you never touch me in anger.”

Nicolai briefly shut his eyes. “But you still have a choice. Do you understand that?”

“I want to do what you want me to. I want to please you.”

“I’m not going to throw you out just because you argue with me, Lily. That’s not how this works. I am not my brother.”

Lily got up and left the table. She wrapped her arms around her body, feeling cold. “And what will happen if Vladimir gets his way and I become his?”

“That won’t happen.”

She walked toward the back porch, needing to see the sky, to feel her freedom. “You say that. But what if your father changes his mind? Would you go against him?”

“I could not.”

“So what would happen?” she demanded. She needed to know the risk she had taken, even though she knew she would not like it.

Nicolai followed her onto the back porch. “He would keep you for a time, perhaps. Once the breaking in period is over he will place you in a brothel.”

“A what?” Her mind balked at the notion. “I would not allow it! Would your father let that happen without my consent? Why do you say these things?”

“Because they’re true.” He stared into the night sky and exhaled a long breath. “It’s been like that since he and I began training whores for the family business back when we were only sixteen.”

“Training whores?” She tasted the unfamiliar and frightening words. “What does that mean?”

“Some women are sensual by nature, others like to show themselves off. Rarely does a woman go right into a brothel and start making money. She needs to understand how to please a customer first.”

Lily had to grip the post to keep from falling. “Displaying myself. Following orders without question. Letting a stranger see me and touch me even if my heart tells me it isn’t right. That’s what you’re talking about. Isn’t it? All of those things he was talking about when he was here. Those are the things he would want me to learn so that he could put me to work selling myself.”

“Yes.” His nod was more horrible than anything else. There was something so finalistic about it.

“No.” Lily shook her head. “I would never allow it.”

“Neither would I, Lily.” He gently took her hand. “I’m not breaking you in. I’m not training you to be a whore. I want you to be whole and independent. I want to give you a chance.”


He touched her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “I would not kiss you if I were training you for the brothel.”

“Kiss me?”

“Whores don’t kiss. But a woman will kiss her lover.”

He was leaning so very close. Nicolai’s eyes were a clear dark blue that invited her to look at him. She had to stop herself from reaching up to touch the stubble on his jaw. It looked so very inviting.

Then he leaned down to place a soft kiss on her lips. The contact startled her, but only for a moment. The most delicious warmth spread throughout Lily’s body. She tasted man and musk, but something spicy and delightful as well. His lips were soft as they moved against hers. Then he slid his arms around her body and pulled her flush against him.

The shocking connection left her straining to get closer. Lily forgot herself entirely as she tangled her fingers in his hair and nearly crawled up the front of his body to get closer. She felt the heat of his erection against her belly and wondered what it would feel like to have him sink the hard length deep inside her while he continued to kiss her. Even the notion was erotic enough to make her moan with desire.

He pulled away gently. “We should stop, Lily.”

“No.” She tugged him back down to her mouth. “Just one more.”

His low laugh made something in her belly tighten. She felt heavy and needy. The sensation was foreign, but delightful in its own way. It was as though her body were outside her control.

He lightly kissed her before biting her lower lip and giving it a tug. “Now. We must be done here.”

“What do I do?” Lily asked softly. “Vladimir seems unbalanced. He’s so very angry. If he is determined to get what he wants, how can I stop him?”

“You won’t.” Nicolai looked determined. “I will.”

“How?” She still wasn’t convinced.

“I’m going to play nice for now.” Nicolai gently brushed a few stray pieces of hair behind her ear. “I’ll come up with something. Vladimir has a short attention span. If we’re lucky, he’ll forget about you.”

Lily felt as though she were waking up from a dream. “I feel like that’s not an entirely solid plan.”

Nicolai laughed. “Then you come up with your own instead.” He brushed his lips over hers. “I’m going to meet with my father. I’ll be back later tonight. I promise.”

Chapter Six

Nicolai watched from the shadows as Vladimir stood before their father. Vladimir’s disrespect was obvious when he rolled his eyes. Pyotr Pasternak was getting on in years and Vladimir didn’t believe he had any business continuing as the leader of the Pasternak crime syndicate.

“Where have you been, Vladimir?” Pyotr asked in English. The thick Russian accent made him difficult to understand. Nicolai generally preferred conversing with their father in Russian instead of English, but Vladimir shunned the Russian language.

BOOK: Bought by the Russian Mobster
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