Bone and Steel (An Erotic MC Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Bone and Steel (An Erotic MC Romance)
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Chapter 3



I had no idea what the night would entail.   Despite my concerns about the sort of characters Kate had gotten involved in, my mind began fantasizing about the dark leathered beast with deep blue eyes.  Something about him had lingered in my mind, infecting my thoughts with sex. 


I showered and dressed in the tiny fitted dress that Kate had picked out for me.  It was very short, and although I knew that it looked incredibly sexy, it was too much for my modest character.  I swallowed my shame and decided to play the sexy seductress that Kate had turned me in to.  I threw on a pair of tall leather boots that I had owned for two years and only worn a handful of times.  I had bought them, envious of the other women I had seen wearing the same sort of boots, but always felt somehow shameful when I put them on; they were a little much for day-to-day wear.  Just as I finished up the final touches on my hair Kate came through the door and took a deep breath. 


“Damn, Ally!  You look hot!” 



I blushed, “You think?” 



Turning around she called back to me. “I am going to change.  I can’t compete with that.” 


I took one last look in the mirror and admired myself.  I had curled the ends of my long hair and it now flowed around my face and laid against my back surrounding my tiny waist.  The low cut of the dress emphasized the curves of my breasts and left ample cleavage to be admired.  I had slathered myself in coconut oil and my legs looked as smooth as a baby's behind. 


At ten-thirty the now familiar rumbling grew in the distance and Kate and I grabbed our jackets and purses as we headed out the door.  Still nervous, I reached on top of the fridge and grabbed my pepper spray, tucking it into my tiny purse cautiously.  Although Kate assured me that there was nothing to worry about, it wasn’t like me to put myself into an unfamiliar situation without some plan for escape. 


We walked out into the street and watched as the bikes came flying around the corner and pulled into the cul-de-sac.  All around us they began circling as Chase pulled up next to Kate and pulled her in tightly for a passionate kiss.  When he released her she turned to me.  The other bikes had grown quiet, and I felt as if I were on stage.  Several bikes were parked facing us, their blinding headlights illuminating the three of us. 


“This is Ally, my roommate!”  Several of the men grunted guttural sounds, their identities hidden behind the bright lights. 

I blushed in embarrassment looking at my feet as Kate asked Chase who I should ride with.  A deep and rough voice called out from behind me.


“You’ll ride with me.”  I turned around, still blinded and walked towards the voice, my heart pounded, ridiculously excited by the unfamiliarity of the situation. 


Just as I broke past the ring of bright headlights I saw him.  His eyes were as dark as I remembered and his hair as windblown and wild.  I felt my tummy tighten as I continued towards him. 


His eyes burnt into me, even in the dark.  I could not break the eye contact that I now held with him, as if I were in a trance. I remained staring until he let out a soft chuckle and dismounted his bike. 


“Jacob Hartley,” he said, his voice cool and smooth, the sound making me shiver involuntarily. 


Luckily he interpreted my shudder as a sign that I was cold and evaluated my jean jacket.  “This won’t do.  You can wear mine.” 


He pulled the thick leather from his chest, and as he did, I couldn’t help but gawk at the body beneath.  He was even larger than I had expected, the tight cotton shirt he wore clung to his chest, and even in the low light I could see the deep cut of his muscular frame.  He wrapped the jacket around me and lifted me in a smooth and effortless motion, skillfully planting me close behind him. 


“Hold on to me and lean when I do.” 


I nodded in agreement, speechless.  I couldn’t believe what was happening.  Not only was I riding with a group of rough and wild bikers, but I was personally selected by the leader to ride with him.’  I felt a surge of desire take hold of me, the flame within me burning blue with intense lust. 


The bike roared to life, sending intense vibrations through me and between my thighs.  Suddenly the cul-de-sac came alive as the other bikers started their engines.  In the next instant we were off, the chill of the night invigorating against my bare thighs.  There was a freedom in riding this way that I had never experienced.  The wind whipped through my hair, the bike flew across the streets giving me the sensation of flying.  I pulled myself closer to Jacob, my fingertips all but innocently tracing his rock hard abs. 


I knew that my touch could be interpreted as my shifting for better grip, but I also knew that the soft touch along the waist of his jeans would send electricity between his thighs.  What I thought was a subtle flirtation was anything but.  Jacob released his left hand from the bars and reached down to my knee, his hand sliding up my thigh and gripping me tightly.  My lips held close to his ear, I gasped too loudly, in both surprise and lust, sensual desire rushing through me.  I hoped he hadn’t heard the pleasured sound that escaped me, but when his hand moved further up my thigh I knew that he had read my response as an invitation. 


My panties were now in his grip, and the unexpected moment, along with the deep purr of the bike had me instantly wet.  His fingers slowly slid along my wetness and I heard him let out a low growl of pleasure as he pressed them inside of me.   I pulled myself in closer to him, allowing his fingers deeper access to my wanting insides, but also allowing me to hide his actions with the oversized jacket I was wearing. 


I moaned out loudly as he pulled his fingers roughly towards my tummy.  His fingers worked me with a roughness I had never before experienced and I felt my insides come alive with electricity.  I had been fingered in the past, but had never experienced the roughness that was now being inflicted upon me.  I couldn’t help the sounds of pleasure that were now coming freely from my lips and I slowly traced my grip further south on his waist and instantly found his cock rock hard within my grip. 


He let out a low growl, and his hips flexed up and forward, filling my hands with his cock.  Without warning he suddenly veered left and we sped into the darkness leaving the rest of the bikers and heading towards the coast.  I felt nervousness building within me as we sped from the safety of the group, but as his fingers continued to work me I couldn’t concentrate on anything but the pleasure. 


I unsnapped his jeans and reached my hand down and onto his bare shaft, stroking him softly.  It felt so wrong, so dirty, so exciting.  Letting go of all inhibitions and I tugged his cock in rhythm with his penetrating fingers, my tongue tracing along his neck.  With both of us building to a crescendo.  Feeling myself nearing an orgasm I wrapped my thighs around his waist and dipped my mouth over the head of his thick cock, his muscles instantly in a spasm in unison with my own.  I shuddered with pleasure as I took my seat behind him again and he sped faster, our route now along the ocean side. 


I rode quietly, taking in the sensations of the night.  The moon was just rising over the water, the clear sky filled with stars, the salt of the sea filled my nose, warm and moist.  More intensely, the shivers of my body, still shocked and surprised by the intense thrill of the moment. 


Later that night we pulled back into town and eventually met up with the rest of the club at Santos.  Jacob had his arm wrapped tightly around my waist when we walked into the joint and I felt my cheeks grow red.  I wasn’t ashamed of his touch, but I did worry about how others might judge me.


Kate gave me the most curious look, but I didn’t give her any indication of what happened, and when she finally asked, I just said we rode along the coast.  The night was fun and I met the other men and women, none of whom said a word about my entrance with Jacob.  I felt myself relax as the night went on, and by the time Kate and I went home I was already looking forward to seeing them all again. 


Jacob lifted me once more from his bike and placed me onto the pavement in front of my house, taking the jacket as I held it out to him.  With the audience of Kate and several others from the club I felt my cheeks flush with heat as he pulled me in close and pressed his lips to mine.  I heard several cheers and grunts behind me, but I let myself get lost in the moment.  I couldn’t fight the magnetic pull I felt for him and I surely wouldn’t deny him a simple kiss good night. 


Peeking through the curtain I watched as they pulled away, my stomach tightening, unable to wait for his return.  "What a night," I thought to myself as I replayed the wild ride.  Nothing about tonight was routine or safe.  I felt alive. 


“So Ally,” Kate said, her eyes wide and grin suggestive, “what exactly did you do on that ride?”  I hushed her and wished her sweet dreams, taking the secrets of the night with me as I closed the door to my room.  I knew I wouldn’t get out of giving her every detail, but at the moment, I wanted to simply lie in my bed and selfishly enjoy the memories.


Chapter 4



The next day, to my surprise, Kate was up and gone before I had even gotten out of bed.  Feeling as if I had dodged a bullet, at least for the moment, I lavished in the quiet morning.  I pulled a book from the shelf and spent half the morning laying in the bay window, the early morning sun warming my bare flesh.  Setting my book aside I began recalling the previous night. 


Without even a discussion of a relationship, it seemed Jacob had claimed me as his property.  He displayed his interest in front of everyone, first demanding I ride with him, and then again at Santos when he kept his arm around me whenever I was within reach.  A tiny voice in the back of my mind warned me that his behavior was sudden and even controlling, but I had wanted every bit of the attention.  I am sure had I not reciprocated or encouraged his actions, he would not have taken the sexual liberties he had. 


Ultimately, I had been the one who had first touched him suggestively.  On top of my having been the instigator, I was utterly and completely overwhelmed with lust by his manly aggression.  When he grabbed me by the thigh, I didn’t want him to stop there.  When he slid his fingers inside of me, I was the one who stroked him and moaned into his ears.


The warmth of the sun and the heat of the memories worked together now, bringing a fantasy to the forefront of my attention.  I slid my fingers down and between my thighs as I closed my eyes.  I imagined my own fingers to be his and I worked myself roughly, as he had. 


Home alone and with no eyes or ears to judge me I let out a soft and yearning moan.  I imagined his hard body and his deep blue eyes staring down at me, even his lips pressing against my own. 


“You are mine.” His voice was low and raspy as he whispered from above me, the sound so real in my mind that I jumped up, embarrassed that he was watching me. 


My eyes darted quickly around the room, but to my ease, I was entirely alone.  The sudden start brought me back to the moment, and noticing the clock, I quickly got up to get ready for class.


I had sent Kate a text that morning, but when I got home at four, she still hadn’t gotten back to me.  It wasn’t abnormal for Kate to be caught up in her own world, but it was annoying because I wanted to ask her about going out again tonight.  Walking into the house I called out for her but she wasn’t there.  After several hours, my hopes were dashed and I found myself alone in my room with my books, unable to focus.  I cursed Kate for her inconsiderate way of being, and then I cursed Jacob for not giving me his number or getting mine. 


As I laid there, alone in my bed, feelings of inadequacy began to enter my mind.  Maybe he didn’t ask for my number because he didn’t care to see me again.  Maybe to him last night was just fun, and any relationship was out of the question.  It wasn’t as if I had put up any kind of fight, it is common knowledge that when a girl is easy the guy loses interest. 


Normally I live by a three date rule: see them three times before even considering heading in a romantic direction.  For me this practice had led to the realization that many of the guys I had dated were not worth my time.  I suddenly felt a knot in my guts for having let things get so out of hand last night.  The more my mind worked, the more I doubted that I would ever be anything more than a wild night for him.  Shaking the negativity from my mind I got up to get ready for bed. 


As I brushed my teeth I cleaned up, picking up the mess I had left last night.  As I checked the pockets of my pants I noticed the small piece of receipt with Christopher’s number on it.  I held my hand out over the trash and nearly dropped it in, but I felt the need for validation, for companionship.  In my desperate state I knew better than to give in to my urge to call him, but the insecure woman within me begged for a distraction. 

BOOK: Bone and Steel (An Erotic MC Romance)
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