Blood Deep (Bound in Blood Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Blood Deep (Bound in Blood Book 1)
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Rather than retort, Patrick popped the top of the lube open swallowing thickly at the slick noise of it as he coated his fingers. He slipped his hand down between Jacob’s legs ignoring his cock and finding that tight hole. Patrick leaned down, humming softly as he licked back into Jacob’s hot mouth.

Jacob sank back into the bed sliding his hands up to clutch tightly at Patrick’s back. The sound the vampire made when he dug blunt, human nails into the lightly muscled back was broken and perfect. The feeling of slick fingers resting so close to his wanting hole made him fist a hand in Patrick’s hair. Jacob ripped his mouth away.

“If you don’t put your fingers in me, I will do my best to break them,” Jacob groaned.

Patrick flashed a toothy smile even as he pressed one finger in, smooth and perfect and
Jacob’s back arched sharply at the cool digit penetrating him. Jacob grit his teeth, one hand shooting up to grasp the headboard.

“Jesus, look at you,” Patrick whispered heatedly. His gaze was fixated on Jacob’s face even as he twisted his finger deeper. “You give yourself so completely, so fucking beautiful.”

“Patrick…” Jacob could barely stand how good it was, even with only one finger in him. When Patrick pressed a second finger in, Jacob’s eyelids fluttered as his breath started coming out in pants. There was a slight burn and a definite stretch as it had been months since Jacob had last had anything in that area. But he was quickly becoming goddamn obsessed with it. Maybe more so because it was Patrick’s fingers that were pressing inside him, his fingers long and elegant pressing in and up—

Jacob’s spine snapped as those wicked fingers pressed over his prostate sending a sharp bolt of pleasured sensation through him. The third finger made him groan, but the wet sound of slick lubricant hitting skin brought his focus back to Patrick. He opened his eyes in time to see Patrick slicking up his own cock, the skin flushed pink and warmer than the rest of his cool body.

Patrick looked up, gaze locking onto Jacob’s own. “Is this what you want Jacob?”

“Stop asking and just fuck me,” Jacob answered. He spread his legs further enjoying the way it made Patrick’s eyes narrow and close. When the vampire opened his eyes, Jacob’s heart seized at the wrecked and feral look in that ocean blue gaze. He couldn’t look away even as the blunt pressure of Patrick’s cock pushed against his asshole.

Twin gasps echoed through the silent room as the head of Patrick’s cock slid in opening Jacob up so intimately.

“Oh fuck, Jacob,” Patrick whispered stopping for a moment. His body was trembling.

“Don’t stop,” Jacob said. He reached down to grip the meat of Patrick’s ass and pulled him in with all of his strength.

Jacob’s breath hitched as the head pushed in and kept going slowly but surely. Patrick made noises that sounded wrecked, his spine bowing as he arched into the sensation of filling Jacob’s hot inferno. Patrick groaned as if he were the one being penetrated and flying apart.

“Fuck, I can’t—“ Patrick cut himself off, hand gripping the meat of Jacob’s neck and pulling his head up in order to capture the man’s mouth. The move, possessive and instinctual, made Jacob groan even as he gave in, his body relaxing and allowing Patrick’s cock to slip that much deeper inside of him.

Patrick pulled his hips back slowly, relishing in the drag of Jacob’s inner walls against his sensitive prick. Before he could think twice about it, he snapped his hips back driving his cock into Jacob and making the human sob.

There were no words said, only grunts and groans fed back and forth between their two hungry mouths even as their hips met again and again. The wet sound of Patrick’s cock entering Jacob repeatedly combined with the sound of slapping skin and passionate moans made a soundtrack that continuously enflamed both man and vampire alike. It wasn’t surprising that with the feelings coursing through him, Jacob felt his impending orgasm trying to push out through his balls. What was surprising was when Patrick echoed his sentiments.

“Fuck, Jacob. I’m about to come. Please tell me you—“

“Yes,” Jacob gasped. He curled in on himself even as he gripped Patrick’s ass tighter. “Touch me—

The hand that gripped Jacob’s cock was perfect. He didn’t even have to thrust before the wave of his orgasm raged pushing him over and making his body seize. All of his muscles contracted and Jacob flung his head back with a shout as his cock spurted creamy white seed. In the back of his mind, he could feel a cool sensation filling him and realized it must be Patrick’s vampiric release marking him from the inside.

Time seemed to stand still as they laid there, Patrick collapsed against Jacob’s heaving chest. Neither of them knew quite what to say in the face of the passion that had overwhelmed them both.

Patrick swallowed thickly marveling at how exhausted his vampire body was. It was as if Jacob had sucked all of his energy from his cock leaving him sated and feeling very human for the first time in a long time.

“I never hated you.”

The softly spoken words made Patrick shift until he could angle his head up and peer up into Jacob’s face. “What?”

Jacob’s eyes remain closed, but he brought a hand up to run his fingers through Patrick’s hair. “I don’t like vampires. I think most of them are selfish, murderous assholes.”


“But I could never hate you.” Jacob opened his eyes. He looked wrecked. “You’re different, Patrick. Even Gabriel. You two are—“

The sound of Jacob’s phone ringing interrupted him and Patrick sighed.

Chapter 7

‘The hospital called me, Jacob. Your sister had a minor stroke, but they managed to get her stabilized. Get over there, fast.’

Jacob replayed Anna’s words in his head repeatedly as he stepped up to the building. Walking into a hospital was never a pleasant experience, no matter whether you were human or vampire. Patrick hadn’t set foot inside of one in a great many years and as soon as he passed through the door way, he remembered why. The scent of death and cleaner assaulted his nose and he leaned over to bury his face in Jacob’s bruised neck. The spicy scent of the other man was the only thing that kept him from bolting.

“You okay?” Jacob asked wrapping an arm around his shoulders. He pulled Patrick’s head closer into the space between his chin and shoulder.

Patrick nodded in answer as they walked to the elevators. He wasn’t sure what they were doing here, but figured it had to do with Jacob’s past so he went along with it walking into the elevator when it reached them. They rode up to the eighth floor.

“My sister is here.”

Jacob’s somber voice made Patrick draw back slightly so he could peer up at the man. Jacob’s gaze was staring straight ahead as he steered them down the hallway.

“What happened to her?” Patrick asked quietly.

“It was my fault,” Jacob answered. “My family comes from a long line of vampire hunters. My father was training my sister and I to follow in the footsteps of that legacy.”

Patrick could hear Jacob’s heart speeding up and he rubbed a hand down the other man’s chest in reassurance.

“We only hunted down the ones who were a threat to people; those who killed purposely with no remorse.” Jacob closed his eyes as if in pain. “It was my turn to keep watch and I fell asleep. We’d been traveling around for so long and I just couldn’t keep my eyes open.”


“Next thing I knew, we were being ambushed and while my father and I were fighting, my sister got separated. By the time I found her, it was too late.” Jacob’s arm tightened across Patrick’s shoulders. “She was still alive, but barely and she hasn’t woken up since then.”

They paused at the doorway before Jacob seemed to gather enough strength to steer them inside. Patrick could feel Jacob’s body practically buzzing with nerves and he turned his gaze to the room’s only occupant.

“I need you to turn her.”

Patrick stared down at the nearly lifeless body in front of him. He could see the resemblance to Jacob; the strong thick eyebrows and dark wavy hair. Even the scent of blood was familiar in a way. But that request…

“I can’t do that for you Jacob.” Patrick shook his head and took a step back. His hands shook as he looked up. “Please, you can’t ask this of me.”

Jacob walked over to the other side of the bed, gaze drawn to the figure lying between them. His hand looked enormous as it lightly held that of his younger sister. Patrick swallowed thickly, the sound loud to his own heightened senses.

“I have to.”

Patrick closed his eyes against the pain in that voice.

“You promised me two favors, remember?”

Patrick opened his eyes back and his gaze locked onto Jacob’s own. The other man’s expression held equal parts pain and determination. Patrick couldn’t deny how strongly he was drawn to that gaze.

“I don’t—“

“I know you don’t feed from humans or even drink human blood, and if it were anyone else I’d never even think of asking. This isn’t for feeding though, Patrick. This is to save a life, my sister’s life.”

“I can’t!” Patrick flung himself into a corner of the room trying to get as far away from the bed as possible.

“Why not?” Jacob shouted letting go of the girl’s hand and walking over to stand between Patrick and the bed. “You aren’t a bad person if you do. You’d be doing her a favor—“


“—and you’d be doing me a favor too; a favor that you already promised you’d fulfill.”

Patrick’s throat nearly closed as he swallowed back his need to lash out. He’d been a fool to think that Jacob was truly warming to him and starting to return his affections. All of this from the very beginning had been about securing the one thing that Patrick had promised himself never to do.

Take a human life.

A sob was nearly ripped from his throat as two familiar hands landed on his shoulders.

“Why do you ask this of me?” Patrick’s voice sounded so small and he wondered if he had even really spoken at all.

“I needed someone that I could trust not to go too far. I needed someone that I could trust would turn her and not just outright kill her or demand something outrageous in return.”

Patrick wrapped his arms around himself as if he were cold. Maybe he was. For the first time since his change into a vampire, Patrick felt like he understood what it meant to be cold as death. Never before had he felt the sting of betrayal quite so strongly.

“Why not Gabriel?”

“I don’t really trust him yet.”

“In time you might gr—“

Patrick’s mouth snapped shut in the middle of his sentence as he was whirled around to face Jacob. Warm hands cupped his cheek and he forced himself to look into the green-grey eyes that had managed to so firmly steal what was left of his heart.

“She doesn’t have that kind of time left. She’s been like this for almost three years now and the doctors all agree that if I wait any longer she’ll likely have brain damage regardless of whether she is human or not.”

Patrick’s eyes stung.

“But…this life isn’t one that I’d wish on anyone, Jacob.”

Jacob leaned forward as if on instinct, kissing Patrick lightly on his parted lips. “I know baby, but I can’t let her die. It’s my fault she’s even like this and I always promised to look out for her. I failed her once, Patrick. I can’t risk failing her again.”

Patrick closed his eyes against the anguish in Jacob’s gaze. He was helpless against it, heart breaking with each pain-filled word that the man uttered. Everything in him screamed to give in, to help the man he’d grown to care for no matter what the cost. When he opened his eyes again to see the unshed tears in Jacob’s gaze, he knew he’d lost.

He brought his hands up to grip Jacob’s t-shirt and pull them to one another. Teeth clanged together as their lips met and Patrick put every ounce of his feelings for Jacob into it. He could feel Jacob’s answering passion and it made his heart break even more at the thought of what he was giving into. It wasn’t until the other man pulled back to gasp for breath that Patrick allowed himself to shrink away.

“Okay,” he whispered. He could feel himself grow colder as he gave in. He couldn’t fight his need to make Jacob happy, and he was so tired of trying. He couldn’t live with knowing he had the power to make the other man happy and if this was how it had to be done…

“Thank you.”

Jacob drew Patrick’s hands in his own softly kissing the back of the vampire’s knuckles. Patrick looked up and swallowed. He had no words having put the last of him into their kiss. His gaze was once again drawn to the bed bound figure and he slid his hands from Jacob’s in order to approach the bed.

“The change might take a bit longer because of her condition and I can’t promise that she’ll be the same person she was before,” Patrick said quietly. He kept his gaze resolutely on the girl. Looking at Jacob now would be too difficult.

“I’ll stay with her then until I know she’s truly okay.”

Patrick nodded at Jacob’s answer. With one last thought of anguish, Patrick leaned over the girl until his lips rested at her pale throat. He opened his mouth and heard Jacob gasp before leaning in to sink his teeth into her neck.


Leaving Jadyn at the hospital was the toughest thing Jacob had ever done. The doctor’s calm assurances that she was going to be fine and that the fact that her bite marks had healed was a good sign didn’t make him feel any calmer. It was like something was alive and pushing at him to get home and check on Patrick. He’d known what he was asking the other man was something huge, but he’d had no other choice. He only hoped that Patrick would come to see that and not be angry with him.

Jacob unlocked the door of the apartment expecting to see a pacing Patrick. Instead, he found himself unceremoniously pressed against the wall beside the apartment door with a snarling Gabriel at his throat.

“You fucking asshole! How could you do that to him?” The vampire hissed, elongated teeth bared and voice barely registering above a growl.


“He fucking loved you, and you betrayed him!”

Jacob’s heart thumped loudly. “She’s my sister! I couldn’t just let her die.”

Gabriel released him with a sneer. “So rather than ask me or any of your other vampire buddies, you asked the one vampire whose only rule was that he didn’t feed from humans? You are so fucking stupid it hurts.”

Jacob mashed his teeth together. “I could only ask someone I trusted.”

“Or you could have just asked Patrick and given him time to come to terms with it. Maybe even given yourself more time to trust me so we could—“

Jacob interrupted him. “She didn’t have that kind of time. The doctor said the longer I waited the more likely it would’ve been that she wound up brain dead regardless of whether she was human or vampire and I just couldn’t take that chance.”

Gabriel took a step back. “Then I guess you’ve chosen.”

“I chose to help my sister, Gabriel.”

“Yes,” he said with a nod. “And you’ve chosen to lose the person you love.”

Jacob blinked. “What?”

“Patrick is gone.”

Those words made Jacob stop. He felt like his body grew cold as he looked at Gabriel’s serious expression.

“What? Gone where?”

Gabriel narrowed his eyes. “What the fuck do you care? You got your precious fucking sister back thanks to Patrick’s inability to say no to anything you ask of him. Why does it matter that he’s gone?”

“Because it does,” Jacob said, a tone of panic starting to creep into his voice. He brushed past Gabriel striding down the hallway to the office. He threw the door open expecting to find Patrick brooding at his desk. When he was met with a silent room, his stomach dropped. A quick look in the bedroom did nothing to alleviate his growing panic.

Was Patrick really gone?

“Where did he go?” Jacob stalked up to Gabriel and grabbed the man’s collar. Gabriel looked at him nonplussed. “Where is Patrick?”

Gabriel’s face screwed up into a look of disgust. “Again I ask, why the fuck do you care? You got what you wanted.”

“I didn’t…” Jacob trailed off. The truth of Gabriel’s words hurt. “I didn’t want him to leave.”

“Well you sure as hell didn’t want him to stay either. If you had then maybe you wouldn’t have forced him to do the one thing in his mind that was completely taboo.”

“I didn’t understand. I thought it was just…”

“You didn’t care to understand,” Gabriel said. He reached up and pried Jacob’s hands off his shirt collar. “You had your end goal and Patrick was just a means to an end for you. Well congratulations, mate. The bloody end has come and Patrick is gone.”

“He’s not…this can’t be,” Jacob whispered. He walked over to the couch, knees buckling as he collapsed onto it. He put his face in his hands.

“This wasn’t what I wanted,” Jacob whispered.

When he looked up, he was completely alone.

BOOK: Blood Deep (Bound in Blood Book 1)
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