Blood and Snow 6: Masquerade's Moon (2 page)

BOOK: Blood and Snow 6: Masquerade's Moon
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“Violent,” I howled playfully.

His eyes grew wide in mock terror. “Sorry.” He brushed the hair out of my face with one hand. I sat, sticking out my tongue, which caused all the guys to laugh, including me.

Professor Pops set the platter of food on my nightstand.

A large waffle, topped with a generous helping of whipped cream, strawberries and almond slices steamed from the center of the plate. A glass of orange juice rested at the top, near the knife and spoon, and a bowl of fruit sat above the fork.

“Looks delicious,” I said, wishing it would taste like the food in Sharra. At the reminder of the apple I sampled while there, my mouth watered.

“You can eat in a minute. Presents first,” Heathcliff said. One by one they filed out of my room, and then came back. Each held a beautifully wrapped present.

I willed away the tears forming on my lashes.

You’re such a baby, my inner voice clucked.

I flapped my hand, fanning my face, hoping that would help. “You guys didn’t have to get me anything. The party tonight is more than enough.”

“Pish. Posh,” Salvatore said, setting a box wrapped in shiny silver paper and tied with a red bow in front of me.

I raised an eyebrow, and laughed. “Thanks, old lady.”

“Open it.” He sat at the end of my bed. The others gathered around.

I picked it up, and shook. It was light, but there was definitely something inside. Untying the ribbon, I ripped off the paper and opened the box. “Socks,” I said, holding up a blue pair. “A lot of socks.”

pairs of socks,” Salvatore said with a radiant smile.

“You’re such a douche,” Sebastian goaded, slapping Salvatore in the back of the head.

Salvatore reciprocated by punching Sebastian in the stomach. 

Professor Pops glared. “Language,” he snapped, efficiently ending the altercation.

“I really needed socks. Thank you.” I leaned over and hugged Salvatore.

“Your welcome,” he responded, suddenly shy.

Sebastian pulled him from the bed, and sat in his place. His box was wrapped in a shimmering navy blue paper and tied with a big magenta bow. He placed it in my lap. I opened it with gusto, the excitement building at all of the presents. Inside were smaller, plastic boxes. The first contained a watch with a red band, the face shaped like an apple. “Cute,” I said, setting it next to me on the bed so I could open another one. Another watch was nestled inside. This one had a baby blue band. The face was baby blue and surrounded by diamonds (hopefully fake). The next little box had a watch with a black band and tiny black diamonds circling the face.

“These are cool, right?” he asked, searching my face.

“Very cool,” I responded sincerely, putting the black one on my wrist. Salvatore made a noise, so I hurriedly slid on black pair of socks.

“Sixteen watches, in all different colors.” He helped me open the rest. My bed held a rainbow of watches, and I wondered what I’d do with them all.

“I’m thinking there might be a theme to the gifts,” I said, glancing at each of the guys.

The all agreed with, “yes,” “of course.”

My smile was so big it hurt my cheeks.

“Told you it was a great idea,” Daniel said.

For the next half hour I opened presents, the delicious-looking food forgotten. It didn’t matter. I wouldn’t have enjoyed it anyway, and I think they all knew it.

Each brother gave me sixteen of something.

Dorian gave me shirts. They were new and made for women, but still had old 80’s memorabilia on the front. Musicians like Def Leppard, TV show characters, like the Smurfs. A yellow shirt had a smiley face drawn on it with a hole in its forehead. I put it on over my tank.

Bart gave me earrings in all different shapes and sizes. I rarely wore earrings, but put in a pair of ruby-colored studs.

Daniel gave me apples, which I thought was hilarious, but the guys grumbled was lame.

Heathcliff gave me journals. “So you can write down your thoughts,” he said. They were beautiful. Some in leather, others had pretty designs and flowers on them.

Professor Pops presented me with sixteen pairs of Converse, in an array of shades, from bright orange to teal and lime green to lemon yellow.

“Thank you,” I squealed before clearing my throat. I couldn’t help the enthusiasm that spewed out of me. I wasn’t a shoe person unless the shoes were Converse. “These are awesome!”

I jumped up on the bed and hugged him.

“So glad you like them,” he grinned, his eyes twinkling.

I cleaned up my bed, putting the watches into the box, the socks back in their box, and moving the Converse into a boxed pile on the floor.

Gabe stepped forward. “One more,” he said, his voice soft.

I’d been nervously avoiding his gaze. The dream of him floating from the sky and stabbing me through the heart was still firmly situated in the forefront of my mind. Last night he’d told me he wasn’t an angel, and didn’t have wings, but the dream still freaked me out.

“Snow?” Gabe shook the present playfully.

I smiled. “Sorry.” The box he handed me was small, the paper a bright green secured by a white and green polka dot bow. I opened it. Inside was a red iPod Nano. Surprised I glanced at him. He’d remembered my new favorite color was red.

“There are sixteen songs on there.” He winked. “I hope you like them.”

I hugged him. “Thanks, Gabe. I’m sure I’ll love them.”

He placed his hands on my waist sending an electric pulse of heat through my belly. I leaned into him, enjoying his smell, like fresh laundry, sandalwood, and a hint of his mouth-watering blood. Holy being or not, I was drawn to him.

Opposites attract. He’s supposed to be good. You’re supposed to be evil. It’s a textbook setup, my inner voice said sarcastically.

I internally shook away those thoughts. Gabe and I had plenty in common.

Gabe kissed my neck and my body warmed. His soft lips melted away all worry.

“We’d better let Snow get cleaned up. Plus, you boys have a lot of work to do before the party tonight,” Professor Pops said.

They all groaned.

“Later, Snow,” they said as they unhappily left the room.

I stifled a laugh. “I can’t wait to see you guys in your tuxes,” I sang out.

More groans.


Chapter 4


When Professor Pops reached the hallway he bent and picked up an extra large box that was leaning on its side. It was wrapped in a shimmering black with a small black and white ribbon around it. “One more present,” he said, bringing it over to me. It was as long as my bed.

“What is it,” I asked, too intrigued to be embarrassed by the extravagance.

“You’ll see,” he smiled, causing the wrinkles near his eyes to become more prominent.

I tore away the wrapping. Across the white box written in bold black were the words:
Vera Wang
. My eyes found Pops’. “I already have a dress, remember? My dad and… stepmother bought one for me,” I whispered.

He tipped his chin toward the box. “Open it.”

Carefully I removed the lid. For some reason my hands shook, my heart beat rapidly. Folding back the tissue, I sucked in my breath. Layer after deep, crimson layer of a transparent, filmy material covered the entire inside of the box. On top of the cloud of red was a strapless bodice. I gingerly pressed it between my thumb and first finger. It was soft, like silk.

“Try it on. Let’s see if it fits.”

“Alright,” I agreed mesmerized by its beauty.

“Vera is a friend of mine. When I explained the dress was for your sixteenth birthday party, and that the theme was a masquerade ball, she excitedly created this masterpiece.

“It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” I said softly walking into the bathroom and shutting the door. Quickly, I removed my shoes, plaid pajama pants, black tank top, and the watch Sebastian gave me. I stepped into the dress and pulled it over my chest. Pinching the sides together, I awkwardly zipped myself in. The dress felt like liquid against my skin. Opening the door I stepped out, nervous anxiety skipping in my belly.

Professor Pops held out his hands. I took them and he gently twirled me. “You look exquisite, Snow. Like a fiery dream.”

I blushed, enjoying the attention.

Seven heads peeked into my bedroom.

“Holy wow,” Heathcliff said.

The others nodded their approval.

I found Gabe, and he mouthed, “Gorgeous.”

“Get,” Professor Pops scolded, shooing them from the room.

I walked over to the full-length mirror and my heart raced faster. The girl in the mirror looked older, more mature…

Like a woman, I thought.

“The mask will be arriving later this afternoon. I’ll have one of the boys bring it over,” Professor Pops said, choked up.

I turned to him.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

He shook his head, clearing his throat. “I am honored to know you, Snow White.” He bowed, and my heart lurched.

Why did he do that? The words from the Vampire Queen filtered through my mind. She’d said he wanted her power. I still had so much to learn.

I touched his shoulder. “Thank you for everything. I’m so glad to know you.” Heat rose in my cheeks.

He straightened and walked to the door. “Always a pleasure.” He seemed sad, but before I could ask him why he added, “I’ll see you tonight.” Then he left.

I turned back to the mirror. Dark half-circles, like crescent bruises, made my blue eyes appear haunted. My short hair was a mess. The dress was beautiful, but I needed work.

I needed Cindy.


Chapter 5


I called Cindy on my regular phone because my dad and stepmother decided I wasn’t mature enough to have a cell. Sure I’d lost the dang thing after only a month. It hadn’t been my fault. I’d been in a blood-induced haze, caused by my belief that I killed Gabe. I shouldn’t be held accountable for my actions. The problem was I couldn’t explain any of it to them. My dad, and especially my stepmother wouldn’t understand that I’d been so far gone they only existed in a deep recess of my mind—that I only remembered them on the rare occasion when I wasn’t completely drunk on human blood. 

“Happy birthday, Snow,” Cindy shouted as soon as she picked up the phone.

“Thanks,” I answered, plopping on the couch and flipping on the TV. Gatsby climbed next to me, and yowled, rubbing his head against my thigh. I needed to feed him. Rising, I went to get his kibble.

“Are you stoked about your party tonight?” Cindy’s voice hitched.

“Um, yes. I am. It’s just,” I hesitated.

“You have no idea what to do with your hair and don’t know the first thing about makeup,” she finished for me. 

I laughed, pushing away any doubts I had about our friendship. We hadn’t talked about her magic, or lack thereof, since I’d been back. I hadn’t really had a chance to hang out with her. Between training with the brothers, Professor Pops, and Kenmei, reading up on supernatural creatures, making out with Gabe, and catching up on the two weeks of school I missed, I hadn’t had time. Professor Pops was right about one thing though, homework was easy, and I finished within the first week of being back. “Yes,” I sighed. “Can you help?”

“Does Abercrombie go with Fitch?


“Never mind. I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

Letting out a huge breath in relief, I said, “Cool. See ya.”

I clicked off the phone and filled Gatsby water dish. “Well kitty, I need a shower.” I ran to the stairs and was halfway up when the phone rang.

“Bring over your dress,” I said, thinking it was Cindy.

“What? Snow, is that you?” It was my dad.

“Oh, hi Dad. Sorry, I thought you were Cindy. She’s coming over to help me get ready for my party.” As I spoke I climbed the stairs, went into my bathroom and pulled out a clean towel, then turned on the water so it could warm up.

“That’s nice.” He paused and inhaled. Then in a totally fake perky voice, he said, “Happy birthday, Snow Angel. Wish I was there.”

A lump formed in my throat. Did he really? I sure needed him. “Thanks, Dad. I wish you were here too.”

He exhaled. “We should be there for Christmas.” Then in a sharper tone he added, “You know what.
will be there for Christmas. Promise.” I had a feeling his words defied my stepmother’s wishes. If she had anything to do with it they’d be in Paris, or Italy. Anywhere but with me.

“That’s awesome. Can’t wait.” The lump thickened. I wanted to believe he would come, no matter what. That I was important enough for him, but past experience told me it wasn’t true.

I heard my stepmother speaking in the background, telling him to hurry up. “Alright, well have fun at your party. Take care of yourself. Be safe.”

“I will. Thanks.” The lump in my throat sunk like a rock to my stomach.

“Love you, Snow Angel. Talk to you soon.”

“Love you—” The phone clicked off. “Too.”


Chapter 6


I stood in front of my full-length mirror unable to believe the reflection was mine. Snow White. Klutzy tomboy turned vampire with a fondness for boyish hand-me-downs and Converse. I ran my fingers through the fluffy skirt. Hundreds of different sized ruffles in a soft, see-through material were capped with red satin ribbon. The tight bodice felt like a seamless hug—not to tight, not to loose. The dress hung at just the right length and looked awesome with my red Converse (yeah, not even Cindy could talk me out of my shoe choice). They were brand new. One of the pairs Professor Pops gave me (not the pair from the Vampire Queen). I had a feeling he’d picked out the color to go with my dress. He knew me better than most.

Except maybe the Vampire Queen, my inner voice cringed.

“You look tres gorgeous, Snow,” Cindy said.

I laughed internally guessing she must’ve decided French wasn’t as boring as she thought.

I turned back and forth, checking my reflection at different angles. “Thanks Cindy. You did an amazing job on my hair.”

She grinned. “No duh. You’re going to be the most beautiful girl at the ball tonight.”

I snorted. “Whatever.”

BOOK: Blood and Snow 6: Masquerade's Moon
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