Read Blind Attraction Online

Authors: Eden Summers

Blind Attraction (18 page)

BOOK: Blind Attraction
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“Mitchell, I’m coming.”

His release hit in an instant, her pussy milking him harder with every slide between her tight walls. He shot his seed and moaned with each rhythmic pulse, until his legs burned with tension. Burying his head in her neck, he let the feminine sounds of release wash over him with the last bursts of paradise.

Her thighs began to relax, their grip loosening from his waist, to fall back down on the bed. His mind was a frenzied blur, caught between his desire to make Alana his, and his conscience battling to let her go. The struggle tore him apart as he panted into her neck.

He wished he had all the answers and knew which path to choose, the one that was right for both of them. But as exhaustion settled in, pulling him into slumber, he realized no matter what happened between them, even if he did leave her, he would never truly be able to let her go.

Alana came to consciousness, warm, sated, and still wearing the smile she fell asleep with the night before. Mitchell lay behind her, the hardness of his hip resting against her bottom. The heat of his hand sat against the top of her thigh.

She began to rise from the bliss of sleep into reality, and the happiness slid from her face. She didn’t want to open her eyes and begin the day. Beginning the day meant she came closer to the end where she would have to say goodbye to the man she adored. The thought of their upcoming last kiss made her stomach turn.

Sliding her hand from her pillow, she ran it under the sheet, over her naked waist to rest on top of Mitchell’s. She touched him for strength. Above everything, she wanted to be able to say her farewell without drama. There wouldn’t be a fan-girl moment. She wouldn’t cry. As much as her eyes burned and her hands trembled, she wouldn’t shed a tear in front of him.

She gripped his fingers and startled at the groan that followed. A groan which vibrated from in front of her, not behind. Her eyes snapped open. She followed the lump under the sheet beside her, all the way up to the tattooed arm coming out from the covering, to the spiky dark hair of a man resting face down on the pillow.

A squeak escaped her throat.

“Blake,” she whispered and swallowed to alleviate her dry mouth.

He groaned again. “What?” His voice came out garbled from the pillow.

“Your hand is on my thigh.” She didn’t move and kept her voice low, not wanting to wake Mitchell.


“Blake!” She pleaded. Her skin buzzed at his touch, making her hyperventilate. “I’m naked, and your hand is on my thigh.”

He tilted his head, gave her a flash of his crooked grin and slid his hand away. “Sorry, I hadn’t noticed.” His tone and gleaming eyes told her the exact opposite. He stretched and turned onto his back, placing his heavily inked arms behind his head.

She raised a brow at his arrogance, but couldn’t muster any annoyance. Blake had been kind to her. A little cheeky at times, and yet, along with the man lying behind her, they both reiterated the message that the opposite sex wasn’t the enemy. He had been the echo to Mitchell’s perfection, the person who backed up the kindness and trust.

“Why are you here?” Her voice was breathy. She wanted to believe it came from the shock of waking up with an unwelcomed guest in the bed. The way her nipples tightened told her otherwise. Not that she was attracted to Blake. He did have the most gorgeous, dark brown eyes she’d ever seen, but he didn’t match her like a jigsaw puzzle the way Mitchell did.

He kept his eyes closed. “Ryan and Julie took my bed...even though they weren’t going to make good use of it. And Mason and Sean drank too much and passed out on the couch and floor. I had nowhere to sleep.”

“And your hand on my thigh?”

His grin widened and he opened one eye to glance at her. “I snuggle in my sleep.”

She shook her head at him and diverted her gaze to his arms. She followed the intricate designs marking his skin from his wrists to his shoulders and her heart fluttered with slow dawning realization.

She could see.

There were still fuzzy patches, parts of her vision melted into others, but overnight her sight had improved enough for her to make out the finer details. If Mitchell weren’t asleep, she would place her face an inch away from his and stare into his eyes forever.

As if reading her thoughts, he moaned from behind her and wobbled the mattress as he shifted on the bed. He changed his position so they were spooning, his erection nudging against her ass, his arm moving to cuddle her waist and lay against her belly. He ground into her, once, twice, then went languid against her.

She remained silent until his breathing grew heavy against her neck. When she was convinced he’d fallen back asleep, she turned her gaze to Blake, who now stared at her.

“You like him.”

She took a deep breath and pulled the sheet up to her collarbone, taking the extra moments to compose herself. “Yes.” There was no need to elaborate. She wasn’t sure what her feelings for Mitchell meant. She only knew her heart was full, all because of him.

“Have you two spoken about what’s going to happen once we leave?”

His voice was flat, and she hated the unfamiliar seriousness in his tone. He no longer smiled, the humor having left his face entirely. The change in him unsettled her. She prepared for the best friend speech, where he would ask her to walk away quietly. Or explain to her the time with Mitchell was nothing more than a fling.

She focused on the white hotel sheet and made swirling patterns with her fingers against the cotton. “No.” She gave a slight shrug. “He mentioned maybe calling me. But apart from that, we haven’t discussed anything.”

Her heart beat stronger waiting for his reply. When it came, his words were barely audible. “He likes you.”

Her gaze snapped to him, needing to read his expression. What she saw made her chest constrict. His eyes held an anguish she knew would be echoed in her own. She hadn’t expected him to voice the hopes she bottled inside. She’d figured he’d let her down gently.

“Don’t let him go, Alana.” He implored her. “He wants you just as much as you want him. Don’t let the hurdles surrounding his career stand in your way.”

Relief and hope burst to life, flooding her with happiness. His career had never scared her away as much as it made her feel out of his league. She lay in silence, picturing what their future would be like if they did commit to one another.

He would be away a lot, which would be tough to handle when she wanted nothing more than to spend every second of the day with him. But her life seemed to be evolving. She had so many things she wanted to do and was positive the excitement of finally living would dull the loneliness of being apart. She’d never been a dependent person. Although she grew up in isolation, she’d forged her own career and made her own income.

Being separated might give them time to get to know each other without the lust which currently had them falling between the sheets at every opportunity.

“I won’t.” She smiled and Blake returned the gesture with a slight tilt of his lips. “I like him, too.”

Mitchell inhaled deeply and moved against her again, his erection sliding between the crack of her bottom. He groaned, and she blushed, her gaze still focused on Blake. She gripped the sheet tight and made sure the material covered her breasts, which now prickled with desire.

“Christ.” Blake murmured and turned his gaze to the ceiling.

Mitchell jolted and his hand pressed hard against her belly. Then he was up on one elbow, hovering over her and glaring at Blake. “What the hell are you doing in here?”

Blake scrubbed his hands down his face and groaned. “Torturing myself.”

She turned into Mitchell’s warmth and placed her hands around his neck, pulling him back down to the pillow. “He had nowhere else to sleep.” She kissed him softly on the lips.

She leaned back and took her time taking in his features, memorizing the things she hadn’t been able to see properly before. The dark stubble, the loose, sexy hair which shadowed his face, the sensuous mouth that held her attention and made her want to stay in bed all day to taste it.

Oh, boy. She’d been missing out with her lack of sight. Her memories hadn’t done him justice.

Mitchell quirked a brow and a grin tilted his lips. “You seriously fell for that?”

She frowned and peered over her shoulder at Blake who was now chuckling to himself.

“Sweetheart, this isn’t the first time he’s used that line.” Mitchell placed a kiss on her extended neck, the sensation quickly fading as she turned fully to Blake.

“That was a line?” She slapped him on the chest and appreciated the loud crack of flesh on flesh.

His laughter increased until he was holding his ribs.

“Did he use the excuse about cuddling in his sleep?”

“‘Snuggling’,” she growled, trying to keep the smile from her face. She slid her feet up the bed and maneuvered around to aim them at him.

Mitchell began to chuckle while Blake laughed so hard she could barely think. Making sure she didn’t hurt him, she gently rested her feet against the silk boxers at Blake’s hip and with all her might she pushed.

His arms flew in the air and he toppled from the bed, landing on the floor with a thud. The impact didn’t interrupt his laughter. Only made it grow.

Mitchell rubbed against her back, and the reminder of his thick erection made her squirm with pleasure. “You can pay him back,” he whispered into her ear.

The brush of his breath sent a shiver down her spine, and she swallowed before answering. “Yeah? How could I do that?”

His hand slid around her hip, over her waist and his fingers found her clit. She sucked in a breath and closed her eyes as he ground into her.

“Tease him with something he can’t have.”

The air in her lungs congealed and she let it out in a long rush. There was no mistaking the implication. She opened her eyes and found Blake kneeling on the floor, his hungry gaze making her body burst alive with a turbulent mix of apprehension and excitement.

“Alana’s too nice to tease, aren’t you Alana?” Blake’s voice held a hint of arousal, something she hadn’t heard from him before. Yes, he’d flirted with her on occasion, but this was different. This was raw and primal and thrilling.

She swallowed her nervousness and fought to sort her scattered thoughts.

“Alana may be too nice to tease, but I definitely won’t be sharing her.”

Blake turned his focus to Mitchell and raised an eyebrow. “So you’re just going to fuck her in front of me?”

Alana held back a whimper of rapture. The image of Mitchell deep inside her while Blake witnessed the intimate act made the moisture between her thighs increase. She didn’t want anyone else except Mitchell, yet having an audience made her body break out in goose bumps.

“The choice is up to Allie.”

This time she did whimper.

Blake stared at her while Mitchell ran his fingers between her pussy lips, taunting her entrance with slow swipes. He ground his cock harder into her ass and she arched her back, still clutching the sheet to her chest.

“What’s it going to be, sugar?” Blake moved to his feet and knelt on the bed, his erection tenting the front of his boxers. “Are you going to be my pretty little exhibitionist?”

Could she? His hand moved close to brush the wisps of hair away from her face. She shuddered, her entire body igniting at the swipe of his fingers. Mitchell gently bit into the sensitive hollow at the base of her neck and she mewled her affirmation.

She trusted him and in return trusted Blake, but most of all, her trust lay within her own judgment. They wouldn’t pressure her. This was what life was about–experiencing new things to determine what you enjoyed and what you didn’t. With the way Mitchell made her soul sing to the heavens, she doubted she would even notice Blake’s presence.

She nodded to reiterate. Mitchell rewarded her with a hard suck on her neck and two fingers plunging deep into her pussy. She clutched the sheet, bit her lip, and let her eyelids flutter closed.

“Are you sure, sweetheart?” he whispered in her ear. “You don’t have to. I won’t let him touch you either way, but it’s up to you whether he stays or goes.”

She opened her eyes and focused on Blake. He peered down at her with an expression akin to adoration. There was no cockiness, no superiority or arrogance. Only raw heat and passion and lust. The image would’ve made her smile if her body wasn’t overwrought with pleasure.

“Yes,” she breathed.

Blake shuffled closer on his knees.

“I want to,” she moaned.

Mitchell growled into her hair. The animalistic sounds sent electricity through her veins. His body moved away and she heard the slide of the bedside drawer, a crinkle of a wrapper, and then felt the jerks as he sheathed himself with a condom. Moments later he was against her again, his hard chest molding against her back.

Blake lay down beside her, his gaze intent on her face while Mitchell slid his hand over her bottom, between her legs, and stroked her pussy from behind. He worked her sex with deliberately slow penetrations, his fingers moving in and out, while the head of his shaft rested at her opening, nudging where his digits already filled her. She stretched to accommodate him and the pinch of pain felt better than she expected, sharp and sweet. It made her core clamp down on his fingers and her butt grind hard into him. Her back arched while Blake’s fingers slid toward her and came to rest against her hand clasping the sheet.

BOOK: Blind Attraction
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