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Authors: A.L. Simpson

Blackmail (8 page)

BOOK: Blackmail
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“Don't stop.”

He moved slowly in and out, his balls slapped against her perfect ass.

Avery lifted and lowered her hips in a steady rhythm. Tentative, unsure.

Gabe pumped faster.

They were both climbing the same mountain and without warning, they reached the peak. Her nails raked his back and ass, her scream echoed through the night. Seconds later, he joined her and roared his delight.

They relaxed into each other's arms, breathless but satisfied.

“How do you feel?” he asked.


Gabe chuckled. He couldn't think clearly. He was certain he had blown his brains out through his dick hole. He had never before come so hard or felt this good. He made the decision right there, right then – this exquisite girl was now his.

Chapter Eight

Gabe was seated at the kitchen counter munching on a slice of toast and reading the paper when Avery wandered in. Disheveled, hair askew, eyes not quite clear, he still thought she was beautiful. With the sun streaming through the glass panels onto her back, the outline of her body was as clear as if she was naked. He wriggled on the stool as his cock hardened and the pressure became uncomfortable. Giving up he stood and repositioned himself.

Avery smiled as she moved over to him. He wore only boxer shorts, his desire evident.

He gathered her into his arms and devoured her with a long, passionate kiss. “Good morning. You're up early.”

She glanced at the clock on the wall. The hands showed the time to be a few minutes past five. “I didn't realize it was this early.”. She didn't admit she hadn't been able to sleep thanks to the replaying of memories in which they were making love again and again. Like demented butterflies, desire fluttered deep within her femininity.

She leaned her head on his chest. Warmth from his body washed over her.
This must be what safety and contentment feels like.

Gabe entangled his fingers in her wild curls, one hand lifted her nightdress and stroked her back. He followed the curve of her ass cheeks. He couldn't get enough of the silken feel of her skin and hair. “Sleep well?”
Would have had to have slept better than me.
He had tossed and turned for most of the night reliving their sexual encounter. In the end he had given up, showered and come out for something to eat. “Toast, coffee, tea?”

“I did sleep well,” she lied. “Toast and coffee would be perfect. Point me in the right direction and I'll make it.”

“No. Go and sit out on the balcony and enjoy the sunrise. I'll guarantee it's a view you haven't witnessed before.”

She planted a kiss on his cheek before padding barefoot through the room. Opening the glass door wide, she stepped onto the balcony. The fresh sea air assaulted her senses, seagulls screeched overhead, the silhouette of a cargo ship moved slowly across the horizon. Mixed in with this were the most spectacular shades of pinks and oranges she had ever seen. The sun was a blazing ball of red announcing the arrival of a new day.

Gabe slipped up behind her and placed his arms around her waist. She relaxed back against him.

“It's gorgeous. Your parents are so blessed to live here and witness such sunrises.”

“I never tire of sitting out here and watching the sunrise and sunset. I love this place. It's why I bought the land down the road. I can't imagine raising kids anywhere else.”

Again, a pang of jealousy shot through her body. Who would be the girl lucky enough to share Gabe's life? Raise his children? Journey into old age with him?

“Your coffee and toast are getting cold.”

She turned and saw her breakfast on the table. “I didn’t hear you place it down.”

Gabe pulled out a chair and she sat. “You learn to move quietly as a cop. Don't want to alert the criminals.” He retrieved his own cup from the kitchen before sitting beside her. “What do you plan for the day?”

“I'm not sure. I'll see what I can do to help your mom and then I think I might spend time down on the beach. Do some thinking. Make some decisions.”

“Do you read?”

“I love to but I don't have any books with me.”

“Help yourself to whatever you like in the library.”

“The library?” For the life of her, she couldn't remember seeing a library when she had been shown through the house the previous night.

“It's downstairs. I didn't get a chance to show you last night. We have a gym, room with a pool table, lounges and television and a library with about five thousand or so books.”

“I want to see it. Now.” She started to stand, her excitement obvious.”

Gabe eased her down. “It will still be there after you have breakfast and a shower. I have a feeling if you go down now, you won't reappear for hours.”

She laughed before taking a dainty bite of her toast and a sip of her coffee. “You're right. I tend to get swept away when I'm around books.”

“I'll take you down there before I leave for work.”

The reality that another girl would be sent to strip in that sleazy club crashed down on her. Nausea rose in her throat.

Gabe watched the sparkle in her eyes disappear, as if a light had been snuffed out. She paled and her hands trembled slightly. “Avery?”

“I was thinking about the poor girl who is going to be sent to the club.”

“Don't fret. The woman I have in mind is very professional and capable of handling herself. There will be at least two undercover cops in the club with her. I promise she will be safe.”

“It's just, I detested being a captive of those men and I hate the thought someone else has to go through what I did.”

“If everything goes according to plan, all the girls will be released from Vince's grip. Don't worry, I’m confident it will work out.”


Gabe strode into the station and rapped on Captain Lindon's office door.

“Come in.”

He entered the office. “Sir, can I have a word?”

“Jervis. Close the door and take a seat. I gather the detectives have filled you in on why I pulled you off your case.”

Gabe closed the door with a soft click and sat in the chair opposite the Captain. “Yes, they did. That's why I'm here. I made contact with the girl from the strip club – Miss Avery Watson. I’ve spent the past two days with her and she is convinced she knows who killed my sister.”

“Very good. Does she have proof?”

“No, sir. She said she can't prove it but she knows it was one of the men from the club. Martin 'Marty' Reynolds. He's got a rap sheet a mile long. Assault, break and enter, robbery. He's been in and out of juvie centers and spent two years in Long Bay after he assaulted a man in a road rage incident. Suspected of dealing drugs but we haven't been able to nail him. Avery, um, Miss Watson is convinced it was him. Apparently he had been harassing Tegan for quite a while and reduced her to tears on more than one occasion.”

“Is Miss Watson still working the club?”

“No, sir. She quit after an argument with the owner. It was because of that, he released the fake, compromising pictures of her naked with my sister. It cost her an Accounting position she had with James Ro and Associates and ruined any chance she had of decent work. She was almost destitute when I found her.”

“Would she be willing to go back there to try and get some answers for us?”

“I’ve already asked her but she said there is no way she could go back. That's why I'm here. I moved her from the seedy apartment she was in to my parents' home. I thought we could keep her out of sight there while we insert an undercover.”

“Not exactly police procedure, Jervis.” The Captain was not impressed and let his displeasure be known.

“I know sir but, if you had seen where she was living, I'm sure you would agree with me. I really believe it will be safer for her and the police officer we insert.”

“Did you have someone in mind?”

“I have, sir. Kylie Montrose. I have been helping her to study for her Detectives exams coming up. She is thorough, capable and can handle herself well. She's the perfect choice in my opinion.”

“How do you plan to get her employed at this club?”

“I will get Miss Watson to go over every aspect of the club with her, the people who work there, teach her what to do, what to look for. I also hope to have at least two officers in the club whenever she is there.”

“Sounds to me like you have done your homework on this. I'll approve Officer Montrose for two weeks. After that we will reassess the situation if it's not resolved earlier.”

“Thank you, sir. I'll go down and inform her now and drive her out to my parents' home. If she agrees, of course.”

“Yes, well. You do need to consider the possibility, she may refuse.”

“I know but, I don't think she will.”

The Captain stood to escort Gabe to the door. “I'll reassign her duties. Watch that girl carefully and keep me informed, Inspector.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you.”

Gabe left the office. If Kylie refused, he had no idea who else he dared ask.


Gabe found Kylie sitting at her desk slogging through paperwork. She glanced up as he approached and quickly stood. “Inspector Jervis.”

“Sit down Montrose. Can I talk to you for a few moments?”.

“What can I do for you, sir?”

“I have an assignment for you. I've cleared it with the Captain. I need you to come with me, we'll go through the details and if you accept it, another officer will take over your duties.

“Okay sir, I'll close the computer down and I'm ready to go.”

“Thank you.” Gabe waited patiently.

Kylie stood, grabbed her bag and ensured she had her mobile phone. “Lead the way.”

“Do you have your car here or did Glenda drop you in?” Gabe asked as they headed for the carpark.

“I have my car. Where are we going?”

“Mom and Dad's.” Kylie and Glenda had been there before so she knew the way.

“I'll give Glenda a call and let her know I'll be late. I’ll meet you there.”

“See you then.”

They both climbed into their vehicles and while Kylie called Glenda, Gabe drove off.


Gabe opened the door to his parent’s home and stepped inside. His mother hurried from the kitchen on hearing his arrival.

“Hi mom. Avery around?”

“She's down at the beach. I chased her out about an hour ago. That girl has done most of my housework this morning. She needs to rest. She's wound up so tight, I fear for her sanity.”

“I'll speak with her and ask her to take it easy for a few days. She's had a rough run so it's not surprising. I have Kylie coming, she should arrive soon. Can you look after her while I get Avery, please?”

“Of course.”

“Where's dad?”

“Where do you think?”

His father was always busy tinkering with something in his garage. He loved to make wooden toys for underprivileged children.

“I'll say hi on my way past.”

Gabe jogged down the back steps and crossed to where he could hear his father hammering away in the garage. He touched the older man's shoulder to let him know he was there.

Grant stopped what he was doing and spun around. “Hi son, you off to get Avery?”

“Yeah, I've got Kylie Montrose coming to speak with her about the club.”

“Kylie, huh? She'll do a good job for you. She's a good cop but make sure you keep an eye on her. Keep her safe, son.”

“I will. Glenda would have my balls if I let anything happen to her. Catch you later.” He jogged across the back garden and down the steps to the beach. He was looking forward to seeing Avery. He had missed her this morning.

He paused at the base of the steps and observed Avery. She was laid back on a lounge in the cabana, eyes closed, open book across her lap. Wisps of hair lifted in the breeze and gently caressed her face. Her long legs were draped over one of the bean bags.
God she's gorgeous.
His cock danced, his heartbeat sped up, his blood heated until it ran like molten lava through his veins.

He stepped toward her. “Avery.”

She started, her legs jerked upward, the book was catapulted from her lap into the air.

“Sorry, sweetheart. I didn't mean to frighten you. You were sleeping?”

“Yes, I must have dozed off while I was reading.”

He bent over and captured her lips in a knee buckling kiss.

“The cop I would like you to talk to will be here anytime. Can you come up to the house?”

She stood, stumbling as her legs threatened to give way. Gabe pulled her to him to prevent her from falling. She clutched at his shoulders. He felt so good. Shivers tiptoed down her spine in response to his touch. Again their lips met in a searing, bone melting kiss. Avery wanted more and boldly lowered her hand to his cock. She caressed the hard muscle for only a few seconds before he groaned and pushed her hand away.

“Sweetheart, the officer will be waiting.”

“Okay, let's go.”

They strolled up to the house, hand in hand.

BOOK: Blackmail
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