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Authors: Kelliea Ashley

Bitten By Magic (18 page)

BOOK: Bitten By Magic
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Wilhelm watched her face for any sign of distress or pain. Her heart, pounding in a fast rhythm, exactly matched his. Sharp little nipples grazed his chest as she tried to catch her breath. A smile of pure feminine pride formed on her pink lips as he groaned at the sensation of finally sinking inside her to the hilt.

Alexa leaned down to him, her lips brushing teasingly against his mouth. Her tongue slipped over his bottom lip in a slow lick that had him thrusting a hand in the thick mass of her damp hair to hold her head still. He deepened the kiss, taking possession of her mouth with a hunger that wouldn’t let him stay still within her.

Strong hands gripped her waist, lifting her up to then slam her back down over him. She cried out in surprised pleasure as he took the opportunity to run his tongue down her exposed neck to the swells of her plump breasts. Alexa cradled his head as his questing mouth found a taut nipple to tease with his lips and tongue.

She tasted so sweet and fresh, like life itself. Wilhelm tried to be gentle. He wanted this time to be slow and easy, but his control slipped as her hips rose and fell without him having to lift her. He groaned at the sweet sensation of her tight little sheath hugging him with a heat he couldn’t stand.

His hands slammed her down as his hips arched up, thrusting into her body with a hunger he couldn’t deny. The demon within rose up to claim him as his fangs hovered over the gentle swell of her breast. He heard her scream as he sank his fangs into soft flesh. Her blood flowed over his tongue like the finest wine. He sucked at her breast, unconscious of the way he was grinding into her tender body. He was unaware of the water splashing against the porcelain tub and sliding down the sides to pool in a puddle on the tiled floor.

Her cries slid over him like a warm touch as he felt her tight sheath pulse around his hardened cock. The pleasure of her climax combined with the sweet satiation of her magic-laced blood sent him over the edge. He felt his balls draw up tight with intense pleasure as he came inside her with a harsh groan. He licked the punctures of his fangs to close the wounds as he held her tight. Small tremors shook her as she jerked with tiny aftershocks of pleasure. Her head came down on his wet shoulder as she collapsed fully against his hard chest. Panic had him pulling her back so he could look into her face.

Drowsy green eyes opened to look down at him as her swollen lips curved back in a smile of satiation. He blinked up at her, dazed at how beautiful she was when she was well-loved. His heart jumped in his chest and the air in his lungs stilled as he realized he had loved her. This was not sex. He knew sex. Sex was quick, easy on, and easy off. It wasn’t this need to hold her, to make sure she was unharmed for his own sanity.

“How do you feel?”


Alexa cupped his hair-roughened cheeks with her palms as she found herself held by the unfamiliar concern in his chocolate gaze. The man was a contradiction. She wondered if the cold, controlling, and lethal Elder even realized he was slightly shaking against her. She doubted it. Taking a deep breath, she dipped her head to kiss him in appreciation.

“Does that tell you how I’m feeling, enemy mine.” Her husky voice had his dark brows drawing together. She rubbed a finger over them, easing the harshness of his expression as she felt his hands move in a slow caress up her wet spine.

“We have to get moving if you’re going to eat before we rest.” He closed his eyes as he lifted her up off him. Alexa shivered as she felt him push her away from his body just as she felt him emotionally pulling away from her. Confusion set in as they rinsed themselves. He helped her from the tub, wrapping her in a fluffy towel as he drained the water.

Alexa followed him out into the bedroom to discover the food cart that someone had left just inside the door. She felt her face heat in mortification as her eyes flew to his face. Stone cold and frank, his face was impartial as he shrugged a bare shoulder to lift a couple of the tray covers.

The smell of chicken soup and hot potatoes made her stomach growl. She placed a hand over the rumbling as he picked up a plate. He handed it to her before he uncovered a chalice with red liquid in it. Alexa knew exactly what that liquid was. Her eyes flew to his face, catching the irritation and anger that sparked in his expression as he placed the top back on the chalice.

“Did you realize you cursed me, Alexa?” His cold voice sent a shiver right through her as he gave her a narrowed look. “I can see from your face that you did. I’m dependent on you now. Do you know what that means?”

She didn’t. However, the way he was staring at her had her instincts urging her to run from him. Here was the dangerous Elder. He was capable of so much tenderness and pleasure, yet the Vampire before her was vibrating with malice. She shook her head as she forced herself to stand still before his anger.

“You will never leave me. That is what it means. We are truly tied to each other. I can’t even contemplate biting anyone else. And this...” He picked the chalice up in his hand to look at it. “I wouldn’t be able to keep it down, if I was lucky enough to get it past my lips. I’m addicted to you, to your blood, Keeper. Is that what you wished when you cursed me?”

“No.” She watched his head jerk back in surprise as he watched her with dark eyes. Here was the predator eying his prey and taking notes of her weaknesses. She stepped up to the cart and lifted one of the covers. Hunger was a better feeling to hold onto than the hurt caused by accusations left unspoken in his gaze. “I was only protecting myself, Elder.” She placed a helping of potatoes on her plate as she spoke. “If you remember correctly, you were intent on flashing your fangs and throwing your balls around.” Alexa saw his lips twitch as he looked at her. Red sparked in his eyes, alarming her as she reached for the bowl of soup. His hand moved quickly, capturing her wrist in his hand as he yanked her to him. She wanted to protest as he tossed the plate on the cart before placing a rough kiss on her mouth.

“Even then these pretty lips begged me to taste them.” He smiled down into her eyes, effectively easing her nerves. “Eat. I’m going to go check in with my teams. You’ll be safe as long as you stay here. I’ll be right back,
. Stay.” He disappeared inside the closets. Alexa waited until he came out wearing a gray sweater and another pair of worn jeans. Her breath caught at the sheer male power packed into the casual clothing.

“I’m not your dog, you know.” She glared at him as his smile taunted her.

“If you were, I’d know you would follow my commands. Please, stay here and eat.” He brushed her mouth with a warm kiss before he left her on her own.


Wilhelm was exhausted. He reentered his chambers with careful movements. He’d figured she would be under the covers sleeping and he wasn’t wrong. She was curled up on her side with one hand tucked under her cheek. He stood watching her for several minutes, amazed at how peaceful and innocent she looked with her dark hair spread out on her pillow. His pillow, he corrected himself before swearing under his breath. Who the hell was he trying to fool? It was her pillow and their bed.

He pulled off his clothes, tossing them over the dressing chair before he slid into the bed beside her. He lay there staring at the clock with a sense of wonder. Never in his long existence had he stayed awake this easily. He was usually dead to the world by sunrise. It was noon and his body didn’t feel like it was ready to lie down and go under. He turned his head to stare at the jet black hair of the Witch who had completely disrupted his life. She was safe in their bed, but he knew he’d be leaving her soon.

O’Mallery needed to be stopped. Reginald agreed they had to act and quickly. The High Priest could not be allowed to get his hands on the sacred book. If he did... Wilhelm slid closer to the warm body of his wife. She murmured in her sleep, but slid back into him as he wrapped her in his arms. She fit in his bed, fit in his arms, and he knew she would soon fit in his life. It scared the hell out of him, an immortal who rarely ever felt fear of anything. He buried his nose in her soft hair to inhale her unique scent. It comforted him as he tried to close his eyes and sleep.

Chapter Thirteen

Alexa sat at the conference table trying to keep her calm exterior as she listened to the males as they planned a mission that excluded her. The High Priest was making a move to procure the Book of Souls. She knew the rumors about the ancient text and what it might mean to the world as they knew it if O’Mallery did get his wrinkled mitts on it. Something had to be done to prevent it, but she didn’t appreciate her husband and her cousin’s mate leaving the women at the Hive where they would be safe.

Allison needed to stay safe, no argument. What pissed her off was the fact they were leaving her out of the equation as well. She was the Keeper of the Treaty, not some little wife who needed to be kept safe at home while her husband put himself in danger. She was stronger than he was, for crying out loud! Not that she’d ever throw that in his face because he had the upper hand in other ways.

“If we can locate the island, then we could intercept O’Mallery’s couple. They have to have a boat on the water to transport from,” Wilhelm stated as he moved the cursor on the projection screen with the huge map on it. His cursor was in the middle of the blue ocean.

“It would be better if we could get to the book before O’Mallery’s people.”

“There is no way to get on the island without an invitation,” Wilhelm argued calmly.

“We’d obviously need to find a way to get one.”

“There’s no way...”

“There’s a way!” Alexa stood up as she faced several pairs of startled eyes. Wilhelm’s sigh held an air of resignation. He obviously didn’t want his little wife speaking up, but he wasn’t her owner. She had a voice and she planned to use it, often.

“Mistress Alexa, with all due respect, Helen’s island is impossible to find. She doesn’t just leave the welcome mat out for anyone.” Reginald folded his arms over his chest as he gave her a patronizing smile.

“Alpha Leclair, with all due respect, Helen is a woman cursed because she became the bone of two arrogant males, who were more interested in winning some macho showdown than in the woman they supposedly loved.” Alexa placed her hands on her hips, well aware of how her favorite green dress hugged her at the waist to flare around her legs. She was a woman with a woman’s curvy form, but she was stronger in will and spirit than most men. She wouldn’t bend to their will, no matter how badly these alpha males wanted her to crawl away.

“Now, if her island is everything the High Priest told you, we have a small window of opportunity. Helen only invites abused, beaten women who have been harmed by men who should protect them.” Her eyes slowly slid toward her husband who was sitting back in his chair watching her with unreadable brown eyes. “I’m your invitation.”

“No way!” Allison placed a hand on her arm, alarm fairly pulsing from the younger woman. Alexa held Wilhelm’s gaze. “You can’t let her do this, Reginald. She’s suffered enough—”

“Allison is right.” Wilhelm’s eyes burned with an inner light of blood. He leaned forward to place his hands on the table. “It won’t work, Keeper. You’ll be placing yourself in danger for no gain. We have to find another way.”

“Bullshit!” Alexa flinched as Allison sucked in a surprised breath. The Keeper did not swear, at least not out loud. “The plan you made with O’Mallery was to use me to get into Helen’s island. Nothing has changed, except O’Mallery is now the enemy.”

“O’Mallery and the entire Coven.” Allison’s nails bit into Alexa’s arm as she hung on. Alexa turned to glare down at her cousin, but the fear in her cousin’s amber and blue eyes made her soften her expression.

“Allison, O’Mallery cannot be allowed to get his filthy hands on those writings. Do you understand?” Allison blinked as she released her death grip on Alexa’s arm. “No one is more important than that one goal. Do we all agree on that?” She looked from face to face, leaving her husband’s dark gaze for last. “I was your invitation onto Helen’s island. I can still get us in there, but first I need to go to the Council. The Coven needs to know what O’Mallery tried to do to us.”

“No.” The quiet word coming from Wilhelm held no room for argument. His eyes turned almost red with restrained temper.

“No?” Alexa didn’t like the way he was throwing his male weight around as if he expected her to follow him like a weak lamb. “I have to inform the Council of his plans to take over the world, Wilhelm.”

“I said, ‘No.’” He leaned back in his chair with a forced nonchalance.

“Pretty sure I heard you, I just don’t agree.”

“Too bad. You’re not going anywhere near the Coven.”

“Excuse me?”

“Wilhelm, she has a point. Right now we have the entire Coven in the dark and following a man who clearly has a power hungry agenda going here.” Reginald raised his brows in surprise as both of them turned to glare at him. “Why don’t we take a break? You’re probably hungry.” He stood to pull out Allison’s chair.

“What he means is he’s hungry.” Allison rolled her eyes. “Wolvens.”

“Jaxson will assist you.” Wilhelm waited until the door shut behind them before he stood to approach her. Alexa felt her flesh prickle as his hungry gaze played over her body in the green dress. Her bare toes wanted to wiggle into the carpet as his eyes landed on them.

“Do you have any idea how sexy your feet are? All I want to do is suck on those cute little toes and work my way up.” His hands spanned her waist as she felt his hot breath against her cheek. Her eyes closed as her nipples hardened against the tightly laced bodice of her dress. She instantly regretted her choice of going braless. Wilhelm in this mood took complete control of her, whether she liked it or not.

“Using sex is not the answer, Will.”

“I think it is.” He easily lifted her onto the edge of the table as he spoke in a low voice that had her shivering and melting. “In fact, I’m thinking a bout of hot sex is exactly what you need because there is no way in hell I’m letting you put yourself in danger. I want my wife safe.”

BOOK: Bitten By Magic
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