Billion Dollar Milkmaid: The Complete Series (3 page)

BOOK: Billion Dollar Milkmaid: The Complete Series
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The door swung open and Amy’s face dropped. A woman stood before her grinning from ear to ear. She wore a tight red cocktail dress, bright red lipstick, and had platinum blonde hair.


“Oh,” Amy said startled.


“You must be Amy!” the woman said with, what Amy thought, was too much enthusiasm. “Come in. We’ve been so eager for your session tonight.”


It was clear to Amy that the woman was putting on a show, but for whose benefit?


Amy mimicked the woman’s smile and stepped inside. She could play along, if it meant keeping things on an even keel. After all, she didn’t want to blow this amazing opportunity. How could she crawl back to her old job after this? Not to mention she’d be in a lot of trouble financially. And as for Mr. King, well a relationship between the two of them was probably nothing more than a pipe dream. But, Amy thought she had sensed a connection between them. Had that been her imagination?


“So,” the blonde woman said clearing her throat. “You’re here to…service Mr. King?”


Amy thought it was a bizarre way to phrase the question. The woman must know about their arrangement and why was she calling him ‘Mr. King?’


“I’m his girlfriend. It’s not important that you know my name. In fact, I’d prefer it if you didn’t.”


Amy kept her smile frozen on her face. She didn’t want to give the woman any indication of how angry she was at being treated this way.


“I’d really prefer if you didn’t know… Mr. King’s name either, but…” She raised her hands in the air. “It appears the cat’s out of the bag.”


She moved in closer to Amy, to speak confidentially. “I just want you to know, I don’t approve of any of this. I do what has to be done to keep him happy.” Her smiled turned to a grimace. “And be sure that you make him happy, but not too happy.” Her words were sharp, an obvious threat.


Amy blinked. “I’ll do as Mr. King wishes.”


It was at that moment that Mr. King entered the room. He paused when he saw the women standing close together. Their body language was less than friendly.


“Girls,” he said smiling, “I see you’ve met.”


“Yes. She’s exactly as you’ve described.” She gave Amy look that implied Mr. King had had quite a lot to say about her, none of which was flattering.


Amy tried not to take it seriously. She figured the woman was just playing head games with her. But, she couldn’t help wondering what Mr. King had said.


“I’m just leaving.”


She walked across the foyer and kissed Mr. King on the lips long and hard. When she pulled away, she shot Amy a venomous look.


Mr. King cleared his throat and awkwardly told her to have a nice evening.


When the woman left the temperature in the room rose by about twenty degrees. Amy was suddenly burning up. She was dying to get out of her coat.


Mr. King sized her up. She trained her eyes on his and walked across the room slowly, one foot in front of the other, just the way she’d practiced.


After, closing half the distance between them, Amy began to undress.


She pulled loose her coat and let it hang around her freely, giving Mr. King a peek at what awaited him underneath.


Amy stopped a few feet away from him. She put her hands on her hips, revealing her lingerie clad body.


Mr. King examined her, stem to stern. He passed his hand over his face, rubbing his beard.


Amy waited for him to come to her. She shifted her weight to her left side, cocking her hip out.


His eyes darted down over her long legs, then back up drinking in her curves. His sharp green eyes lingered over her breasts.


Amy breathed in deeply and sighed with pretend impatience. Her chest heaved. She felt the bra stretch tight around her large breasts. She hoped the seams didn’t tear. Earlier when sewing the bra, she measured herself after pumping. Now her breasts were swollen and ached to be drained of the sweet fluid inside.


His eyes met hers. He walked up to her, his face within an inch of her own.


For a heart stopping second Amy thought he would kiss her.


He licked his lips and pulled open her coat. After surveying her body one last time, he turned and walked into the sitting room.


At first Amy felt rejected but then she understood: he wanted to be chased; to be desired, just as she did.


She followed slowly, not wanting to come across as too eager.


Mr. King smiled. He took off his jacket and threw it across a table. Then he sat down in a chair and looked on expectantly.


Amy took off her trench coat, letting it fall to the floor around her feet. She approached Mr. King silently.


The top of his shirt was unbuttoned, revealing his chest hair. Amy ran her hand through it carefully, letting her fingers get lost in the dark mane. Then, she slid them down slowly. When she reached his crotch, she moved her hand over his thigh down between his legs, without touching his cock.


She bent over, smashing her breasts together as she ran her nails down his leg.


Mr. King watched her, an amused grin on his face.


Amy carefully positioned herself over him, her knees resting on the couch as she straddled him. If she sat down, his cock would meet perfectly with her vagina. She resisted the temptation. Business first, she thought.


She pulled off the left panel on the specially designed nursing bra.


Mr. King’s mouth opened. Amy teased him, keeping her breast above him, out of reach.


In her excitement, her breast began to lactate. A small drop ran from her nipple and down the curve of her soft flesh. It collected on the edge of her bra and dripped down into his hungry mouth. He licked his lips greedily.


Amy squeezed her nipple and a stream of milk shot out hitting Mr. King in the face. He laughed as he wiped his face and licked his fingers.


Tired of playing games, he grabbed her by the hips and pulled her down on top of him.


Amy sat right on his cock. She squirmed rubbing against the hard bulge beneath her as Mr. King put his mouth on her breast.


When his lips made contact she gasped. He began sucking right away. The motion was more forceful this time. She felt a tingling sensation and a sharp pinch.


The pinching was uncomfortable and pleasurable at the same time; it was an odd feeling Amy couldn’t quite quantify.


The tickle she felt in her breast spread quickly through her body. Amy arched her back and closed her eyes.


Mr. King indulged his unique palette wantonly. His soft lips formed a perfect cup around her nipple.


When he had finished on her left breast he licked and bit at her nipple playfully, sending Amy into a fit of giggles.


Amy removed her bra completely offering him another creamy white breast. Mr. King didn’t start to suck immediately. Instead, he unzipped his pants and ripped Amy’s underwear. He threw them to the side and sunk down into the chair. Then, he angled Amy over him, so he could fuck her and feed from her at the same time.


Amy sat down quickly, taking his cock deep inside her. She fucked him hard. Her large tits bounced freely with the motion.


Mr. King grabbed her hips steadying her. He controlled her movements. Settling on a fluid rhythm, he started fondling her breasts. He massaged them slowly then brought one down to his mouth.


Amy braced herself against the back of the chair and leaned over him so he could suck easily. Luckily, her breasts were large and she didn’t have to lean over too far.


Mr. King took her nipple into his mouth. This time he alternated between drinking and flicking his tongue playfully around her areola.


Amy tried to stifle her giggles as she rode on top of him. He fucked her slowly, in time with his sucking.


Amy groaned and ran her fingers through his hair. She pushed his face to her breast, smothering him.


“Do you like that?” she laughed.


His response was muffled between her ample breasts. Amy shook her chest, and laughed.


Mr. King began fucking her harder. He leaned back in his chair and watched her bounce on top of him.


Amy ran her nails down his neck scratching him. A memento for his girlfriend, she thought and smiled wickedly. She wished she could see the look on her face when she caught sight of the mark.


A deep satisfying groan escaped Amy’s mouth. She threw back her head and ran her fingers through her hair. She rode him hard.


Mr. King moaned one final time before coming inside her.


He grabbed her by the neck and pulled her in close for a kiss. Amy bit at his lips playfully. She sucked and ran her tongue over his mouth the same way he had over nipples.


Mr. King laughed. Kissing her neck and breasts he shifted her to the side and rose.


“Where are you going?” she asked. “I have a surprise for you.”


She’d carefully packed the milk she’d pumped earlier that day. He wasn’t expecting it and she knew it would make him happy. Plus, she would get a bonus on her next paycheck.


“I was going to fetch your money.”


Amy found it slightly irritating the way he insisted on paying her straight away. A part of her hoped their arrangement would become more than business. If only she could get rid of that wretched girlfriend, she thought.


Mr. King walked to the bar and began to pour a drink.


“Oh! Don’t drink that,” she called after him.


He stopped and looked at her questioningly.


“You’ll ruin your appetite.”


Amy stood and crossed the room to where she’d left her bag. She turned and bent over, in full view of Mr. King. She wanted to make sure he could see her ass. She pulled out the jar of freshly pumped milk. Holding it out in front of her as if it were a prized possession, she presented it to him.


He held it up to the light and examined it closely. “Is it from today?”


She nodded her head and smiled like a child eager to please their parent.


He opened the lid and smelled the liquid inside. Satisfied, he upended the glass and swallowed the milk in one swift motion.


“I’ll add the money onto your check,” he said, before turning back to the bar.


Amy felt defeated. She had expected him to pleased with her.


“Are you happy with the-” she still struggled to call it what it was: milk. She remembered back to their first meeting when he had, ‘tested her merchandise. “With the merchandise?” she said.


Mr. King laughed and said, “Yes, it is top quality.”


It suddenly struck her that she wasn’t the first woman he’d done this with. Amy sat down on a bar stool and leaned onto the counter. She crossed her arms beneath her breasts propping them up in Mr. King’s direct line of sight. She never wanted them to be far from his mind.


“Do I make you happy?” she asked.


“Amy…” He sighed. “You make me very happy.” His face was twisted as if the idea of happiness brought him pain. “Too happy maybe,” he added quietly.


That phrase again: ‘too happy.’ It gave her the chills. What did he see in that awful woman he called his girlfriend? She wondered. 


“Your girlfriend seems friendly.” As soon as the words left her mouth she wished she could take them back.

BOOK: Billion Dollar Milkmaid: The Complete Series
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