Read Besieged Online

Authors: L.P. Lovell

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #L.P lovell, #Besieged, #Theodore Ellis, #Romance, #Lilly Parker, #New adult

Besieged (28 page)

BOOK: Besieged
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Everyone disperses at about six o clock, except Molly and George.

"Finally." I sigh having just let Will and Heather out. I sit on the couch next to Lilly, taking her hand a holding it against my thigh.

"It was really kind of you to invite us Theo." Molly says.

"Yeah thanks bud." George adds.

“No worries.”

“Oh, Lill’s. The opening night of the show is next weekend. Can you come?” George smiles at Lilly.

“Of course.” She grins back at him.

“Um, actually Lilly, I’m aiming to go to Rome on Tuesday and I think I might actually need you. Simmons is fine with it.” I murmur sheepishly, waiting for her wrath.

“We’ll talk about it.” She says dismissively.


Once Molly and George leave Lilly turns to me, I'm expecting her to be angry. I take a deep breath braced for it.

"So you're going to Rome on Tuesday?" She asks quietly. I nod my head in response.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you, but it was only confirmed this morning and..." She presses her fingers to my lips stopping me.

"Theo, if I go to Rome with you as your 'solicitor' everyone I work with will know that I’m not there for work. It looks like you’re paying the firm for my time, essentially making me a hooker." I open my mouth to object but she silences me again. "Next time just give me more notice and I’ll book holiday."

"But I don't want to spend five days without you."

"Neither do I, but it's business. I'll still be here when you get back." I don't want to push her into a situation that might make her uncomfortable with her work colleagues.

"Okay, how about a compromise?" Her green eyes narrow. "I'll fly out on Tuesday and you come and join me for the weekend. James can pick you up straight from work on Friday. We'll fly back on Sunday evening."

Her face slowly breaks into a smile. "A weekend in Rome?"

I nod. "Uh- huh."

"Sweet." She squeals before launching herself into my arms.


It's Midday on Monday, I'm sat at the breakfast bar on the phone to Lorenzo, the M.D at the Rome office, when Lilly steps into the living area. I check my watch making sure that I'm not going mad.

"Si puo email che?" Lilly raises her eyebrows. I give her the full megawatt smile and raise an eyebrow at her. She closes her eyes and draws in a deep breath.

"Lo farò adesso." He replies. I turn around and fill a glass of water from the fridge.

"Ottimo, ci vediamo domani. Ciao." I hang up. When I turn around I almost drop my glass. Lilly has removed her dress and is stood in her black bra and matching Lace thong, hold ups and her heels. I stare at her speechless as I take in every perfect inch of her.

"You, uh, like Italian?" I smile and raise an eyebrow at her. She nods her head.

"Lei è incredibilmente bello. Voglio fare l'amore con te." I caress the words as I speak them, slowly walking toward her. 

She closes her eyes and rolls her head back letting out an almost inaudible little moan. She snaps her head toward me and opens her eyes, I almost come in my pants. She stares at me like a lion with a cornered antelope. I’ve managed to deflect her advances so far, but I think this time I might lose this fight. Her lips part slightly and her tongue traces her bottom lip. My eyes lock onto her mouth. I'm stood right in front of her now. Lilly throws herself across the small space between us, her lips colliding with mine. I grab her bare behind and lift her easily, she wraps her legs around my waist. My tongue dips into her mouth eliciting a moan from her. She bites my bottom lip as I walk her to my desk, throwing things off it and laying her down on it. My lips move to her throat and down over her heaving chest. I scoop her up, running my hand under her back unhooking her bra. She pushes it down her arms and I dive for her left nipple, pulling it into my mouth and sucking it hard. She gasps and digs her fingers into my neck.

"Theo. Please, please take me." She cries.

I take a deep breath. "Lilly..."

She grabs at the collar of my shirt, pulling me down to her. “Fuck. Me.”  She snarls.

"But..." She kisses me hard quickly, before pulling away again.

"But, nothing. Fuck me Theo." She begs. Her words unhinge an explosive desire. I've spent a week with her, desperate for her every second. I can't resist her anymore. I rip her thong down her legs so fast she gasps in shock. I have my button and fly undone even quicker. My erection springs free. I still, poised at her entrance.

"Promise, you're okay with this? You're not just waiting for an excuse to sack me off?"

She smiles beautifully up at me. "Definitely not, I promise. I will dump you if you don’t fuck me right now.” My heart thumps heavily against my ribs. I kiss her and thrust forward hard, burying myself deep within her. She cries out and moans against my lips. She's so warm and tight I can barely control myself, I've ached for her every minute of the last week. I still inside her, fighting to get control of myself. She wraps her legs around my waist, urging me to move.

"Give me a second." I say through gritted teeth. She studies my face, squirming in anticipation. I slowly pull back before thrusting forward into her again. I press my lips to hers as she moans.

"Sugar, this is going to be over really, really quickly." I breathe against her mouth. "But I promise I’ll make it up to you." She wraps her legs tighter around me urging me on. I pound into her several times before exploding into her. The relief is staggering. I press my face into her neck as I try to regain my breath, my body spasms with the aftershock of my orgasm.

"Fuck Lilly. I've missed you." She runs her fingers into my hair and stares at me, her startling eyes bare into me as though she can see into my very soul. God, I love her. I've tried to deny it to myself ever since I first realised it. Love is something I’ve always believed to be a naive childish fantasy, but looking at her right now there was no way to deny it any more. She owns me body and soul. I'm pretty sure she loves me too, but Lilly is guarded and anything but naive, her walls are still firmly intact, and I can't blame her for keeping them that way, feeling this way about someone else makes you vulnerable....and weak. I’d rather be weak with her than strong without her though.


Chapter 18 – Lilly


Panic settles as I realise what is about to happen to me again. "Shh, quiet now." He strokes my hair and bile rises in my throat. He lifts my nightie up and I scrunch my eyes together, praying that I pass out or something. I hear the unmistakeable sound of a fly unzipping and my heart breaks into a sprint.

"There's a good girl." He mumbles.

My eyes dart to the door, but it's closed. I will someone to come in, someone to help me, no-one does. I panic more, and my breathing accelerates. I can't move. Tears start to trickle down my temples as his weight presses down on me.

Acting completely on reflex I panic and push against the weight with all my force, leaping out of the bed. I stand beside the bed struggling to breathe as Theo looks at me with a worried expression on his face and both hands held up toward me. He's wearing only his boxers, his abs ripple in the morning light. It's okay, it's Theo. It was only a dream. Only a dream. It's Theo, I'm safe with Theo.

"Lilly? It's ok. I'm sorry." He speaks slowly as somebody would to a child. I struggle for breathe as my pulse still thunders in my ears.

"I'm..." How do I explain this? My body acted completely on instinct. "I was having a dream, you must have startled me." I laugh lightly, brushing it off.

He narrows his eyes."O-kaaay." He says quietly. I could kick myself, he was trying to wake me up very nicely and now he's acting like he's unsure around me. Damn it. I study him for a few more seconds before sighing and crawling onto the bed. I straddle his lap and look at him. He studies my face, a small frown line etched between his eyes. He reaches up and wipes under my eyes gently.

"Lilly, you're crying." He whispers. I shake my head and reach up wiping away the drop of moisture from my face, denying to myself the weakness that is steadily trickling down my cheek in the form of a lone tear.

He holds my face forcing me to look at him. "What was your dream about?" I avert my eyes from his, not wanting to talk to him about this. I'm not ready to tell him about this, I’m not sure I ever will be. That was the old Lilly, the weak Lilly. I don't want him to know that girl, or that she ever existed.

"I don't know. It was just a dream. I think I was being chased by someone." That’s plausible, everyone has those dreams right? He study's me intently before speaking.

"You're lying." He whispers, looking hurt. I place my hands on either side of his face, searching the depths of his beautiful eyes.

"There are some things you don't want to know. Maybe one day." I whisper, silently pleading with him to let it go. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, He nods his head once in acceptance.

I lean forward and gently press my lips to his. "Thank you." I whisper against his mouth. I’m grateful that he trusts me enough to let this go, for now.

"Now, you had best get ready to go. What time does the fight leave?" I'm sad that he's leaving today but I’m excited for Friday I've always wanted to go to Rome. I managed to get a day’s leave on Friday, so I'm taking an early morning flight.

He smiles at me, sensing my excitement. "I need to leave here in an hour."

"Okay, come on, let’s shower." I jump off the bed strip off his T-shirt, which I’ve taken to wearing to bed. He smirks as he assesses my almost naked state.

"I said an hour sugar, not three." He flashes me an impossibly sexy smirk.

"Well you'll just have to make it quick. After all I know you can do quick." I giggle. He did make it up to me several times throughout yesterday afternoon and last night, but I was shocked at just how quickly it was over that first time. Poor guy must have been gagging for it. He stands and closes the distance between us, placing his hand at the base of my throat.

"So you think it's funny huh? I'd just like to remind you, that I was horny as hell, then you go and spring your smoking hot body on me, clad in lace hold ups. I'm sorry, but there are guys that would have just come in their pants at the sight of that."

"Pervert." I murmur. He smiles his oh so fucking hot, I’m going to do you damage smile at me and I melt. My mouth goes dry. I study his broad defined chest and his chiselled abs, the ink work that winds over his sculpted arms. Moisture pools between my thighs, making me clamp them together. His smile gets bigger and he chuckles. "And you think I’m a pervert. Shit." He shakes his head.

I glare at him, resenting the power he has over me. "I like tattoo’s."

Suddenly he pushes my knickers down my legs before discarding his own underwear. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist laughing as he walks us into the bathroom.


Needless to say it wasn't a quickie and we were half an hour late leaving the house.

James stops and drops me off at work on the way to the airport. I keep telling myself it's only three days, but already I’ve come to depend on him, and count on my daily fix. Something about him has become comforting to me, like a safe harbour.

"I'll see you on Friday." He smiles, but I know he's unhappy about the impending short separation.

"Okay. I'll see you then." Not really knowing what else to say I kiss him. Softly at first, but by the time we pull apart both our breathing is ragged. I give him one last peck on the lips before stepping out of the car.


I'm staying at the flat for the next couple of days. Theo told me to stay at the house, but it feels so big and empty on my own, besides, I haven't spent much time with Molly and George lately so it'll be nice to have a few days with them.

I love being with Theo, and waking up with him in the morning has become a guilty pleasure, but I miss the morning banter with my closest friends. Plus, I really need to man up and deal with being on my own. My addiction to him is just as it always has been…unhealthy.

I'm in the car on the way to work on Wednesday morning when my phone rings. I smile as I read the display.

"Hey." I grin as I speak into the receiver.

"Hi sugar. I missed you last night."  I didn't even realise I was tense until I hear his voice, it's like a soothing balm to my entire being, I smile, letting it sink in and sedate my body.

"Hmmm, I missed you to. How is Rome?"

"Good, I crammed meetings from eight this morning until eight this evening. So it's looking like I could have his all wrapped up by Thursday. You and I can spend the whole weekend together."

"Oh, lucky me. What shall we do?" I say seductively.

He chuckles down the phone. "Well if you keep talking like that you won't be seeing anything of Rome aside from my bed." His voice is a low rumble that sends goose bumps over my body.

"Sounds good." I manage to gasp, though my voice sounds breathy and strained. He laughs. God I want him so much. Images burst through my mind. Theo with that ridiculously sexy smile on his perfect face, his eyebrow cocked in that blatant invitation. I take a deep breath as an ache starts to form between my legs. I bite my lower lip trying to tame my wild fantasies. The next image of his chest, his defined abs flexing over me.

"Lilly?" His voice pulls me to the present.

"Yes." I breathe.

He laughs again. "Do you need a minute?"

I sigh, irritated by his effect on me. "Maybe." I mumble.

"Don't worry sugar. I can't wait to see you either. I'll speak to you tomorrow?"

"Okay." I huff. "Bye."

"Bye." He whispers, before the line goes dead. Luckily he hasn't taken to saying those dreaded three words to me regularly yet. Not that it didn't mean a lot, but I’m worried that if he says the words to me then I’ll be expected to reciprocate. I'm not sure that I don't love Theo, but even if I do, I’m not about to put my heart out there like that until I’m sure it won't be shredded.


It's Friday morning and I’m literally bouncing in my seat as we head to the airport. We don't go to the terminal, James drives straight out onto the runway and up to a much smaller aircraft than the commercial planes that are stationed nearby.

BOOK: Besieged
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