Read Bear-ever Yours Online

Authors: Terry Bolryder

Tags: #tuebl

Bear-ever Yours (8 page)

BOOK: Bear-ever Yours
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She hugged him and ushered him out of the bedroom to call room service. “Now go out there and get us some food and let me change.”

“Fine,” he called back.

She started to change with slightly shaky hands. The adrenaline was finally fading, leaving her slightly tired.

She heard a light knock on the door. “Food’s here,” he called.

She walked out and into his arms again, loving the warm feel of him. How safe he felt. She couldn’t believe this was going to be hers, always.

“Thank you for rescuing me,” she said against his chest.

“Always,” he said, “I’d give my life for you. Every day.”

She hugged him tight. That was a wonderful thing to hear. “So, food and then sex?”

He laughed. “As much sex as you want, for the rest of your life. But with us, it’s never going to be just sex.” He stopped and cupped her face. “I love you, Leah. Please believe the bear in me when I say that. And I’m only going to grow to love you more every day.”

She gulped and tuned into her own natural feelings. “I’m pretty sure I love you, too,” she said. “Weird as it is that it can happen so fast.”

He barked a laugh and held her even tighter. “It’s not weird. I’m awesome, after all. A polar bear. King of the Arctic.”

“A scuba diving polar bear,” she grumbled. “A scu-bear diver.”

He laughed. “I like that. Call me that in bed sometime.” He winked at her and she shook her head.

“Never,” she said.

“Fine,” he said. “As long as I get to keep you, you can call me whatever you want.”

She laughed. He was incorrigible. “All right bear. Get me some food and some snuggles. We have time to pass until nightfall.”

His eyes widened an his face grew serious. “You’re willing to wait until nightfall, like I wanted? But I know things have been…”

“I want it all, babe. The stars over us, the fantasy you imagined. Give me everything.”

“Definitely,” he said. “But first, I’m giving you some food.”

She grinned. “No complaints there.”


hen it was nightfall
, Sky led Leah out onto the balcony of the most private suite in the hotel. It was on the top floor and looked out over the ocean and the island. The waves looked tiny, the little white caps of them catching the moonlight, and the stars were bright overhead.

He walked to a ladder at the side of the balcony and gestured for her to go first. He steadied her at the waist as she climbed and then followed right after.

She gasped at the sight in front of her. They were high here, so high that it felt she was almost level with the stars. She turned to him with wonder in her eyes and he grinned and pulled her against him, her back to his front. He wrapped his arms around her. “This was always my favorite place to go as a child. As a romantic young bear, I used to get ideas of bringing a girl up here. But that never happened. I got caught up in diving and was just…never interested. Until you.” He nuzzled her head and his hair tickled the sides of her face. She turned to face him but he released her.

“One sec,” he said, pulling two fluffy mattresses from nearby lawn chairs and laying them out on the concrete. He grabbed a couple cushions for pillows and waved her over. He helped her get comfortable beside him and they looked up at the stars together.

“They’re beautiful out here, right?” he asked, putting an arm under her head to support her as she looked up.

She smiled in wonder. “They’re amazing. Nothing like the city. Are they always like this?”

The entire galaxy sparkled in front of her and she was too aware of the quiet in and out of her breath, her heartbeat, and something cosmic that surrounded them as they stayed there in silence, looking at the glowing sentinels above them.

“I want to always be under this sky with you,” he said. “With the stars as witness, will you be my mate?”

She grinned. “Of course. I’ve been waiting forever.”

He smiled and got onto his knees, ready to pull his shirt over his head. She licked her lips, ready to see more of his skin again, but then hesitated. “What?” he asked, pausing with his hands half lifted.

“It’s just, is it private enough here?” she asked.

He grinned. “Yes, we have the only roof access. No one will bother us. And the next couple of floors are empty. No one will hear us.”

“I don’t know about that,” she said. It seemed like if anyone could make her scream it’d be him. “What if I screamed?”

“Then I’d catch it with my mouth, so that only I could hear you. And then sweep you away to a private cabin for a week so you could scream for me to your heart’s content.”

She flushed and went wet between her legs. “I like the sound of that.”

“Me too,” he said, winking. He took his shirt off in one smooth motion, leaving her eye-to-eye with the most perfect pecs ever made, and a wall of rippling abs. It made it clear just how dangerous he’d be to anyone who threatened her, and she was warm at the thought of his strength.

He’d be a good protector for her cubs, should any of those come along as well.

He seemed to read her mind. “I’d love to have cubs with you. I hope we make one tonight even.”

She shrugged. “It’s always possible, I guess. We have to do it unprotected, right?”

“Right,” he said. “Are you ready?”

“I don’t know,” she said, rubbing her arms. “I’m kind of nervous.”

“I can help with that,” he said, coming forward to rub her arms and then take her face and kiss her softly. Then the kiss intensified, and his tongue swept into her mouth, claiming and owning her, letting her know just what he intended to do.

But as the kiss went on, there was also a promise there. That he would be there forever. That he would always take care of her.

She kissed him back, promising the same thing, and he laid her back on the cushions under him.

“You’re beautiful, Leah, you’re so unbelievably beautiful.”

“I’m chubby,” she giggled. “But you don’t seem to mind that.”

“Mind?” he said. “I’m ecstatic. You’re so unbelievably hot. I could just eat you up.”

“Well,” she said, blushing. “I’m not against that.”

“Oh really?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “Well, your wish is my command.”

“Cheesy,” she said, laughing. But her laughter cut off as he bared her skin to the warm night air, pulling off her shirt so that she was naked to him and then removing her pants leaving her in only panties. It had been a warm, sunny day, and the air was just the perfect temperature for being naked outdoors. Not too warm, not too cool.

She looked up at the beautiful stars. The Milky Way was visible in a vague, shimmery stripe across the sky, and a few bright stars sparkled on either side of it. She could see why Sky had wanted to wait, and it touched her that he wanted it to be this special for her.

Then all thoughts stopped as Sky looked around once, just to make sure there was no one at any distance who could see them, and gently eased her panties off, leaving her bare.

She felt beautiful to him. The look in his beautiful blue eyes was indescribable, and when he tucked his hair behind his ear and bent to put his mouth between her legs she squealed and tried to close them out of habit. But he easily parted them with a strong hand on either side. Damn, he moved her body easily, and she liked it. She liked it a lot.

He took care of everything, and the sooner she allowed herself to accept that, the sooner she could fully enjoy it. His lips were gentle, pressing kisses to her mound and the inside of her thighs, roving down to her knees to kiss the inside and outside of them and then down to her ankles. He lifted a foot and slowly kissed each toe. It was both romantic and erotic, somehow, to see this big, blond man kneeling before her, worshipping every part of her body.

But she had one place in particular where she wanted him, so she reached for him achingly. He grinned and came back, lowering himself smoothly onto his knees and leaning forward to kiss her again. He raised her hips slightly for easier access, and she liked that she was small enough to him that he could easily maneuver her to the position that would bring them both the most pleasure.

She moaned as his tongue curled over her spot, licking and swirling gently, like he had all the time in the world. The cushions beneath her were soft and there was nothing to hold on to, so she wrapped her hands in her short curls. His eyebrow went up and he reached for her hands, keeping his mouth on her.

“Take my hands,” he said. “I want you to have something to hold on to, because I’m about to rock your world.”

She grinned and took his hands and then let out a long moan as he sucked hard on her center. Her legs bent and her back arched, and he gave no mercy, suckling and kissing and falling into a rhythm that had pressure building inside her to an unbearable level.

Rock her world? He was going to explode it. He kissed her again, long and hard, and then pulled back and blew gently over the tortured, exquisitely sensitive skin. She came apart, screaming her pleasure to the stars and coming up into his open arms to ride out her pleasure safely encircled by his strength.

“Sky,” she said. “Oh Sky.”

“That’s right,” he said. “I’m your sky. I’m always here, whenever you need me. I’m never leaving you again.”

She gasped as she rode out the orgasm, which was unbelievably strong, to the point that it was almost painful, but instead just intensely pleasurable. She could see stars behind her eyelids, exploding in pink and blue. “Good,” she said. “Because if you ever stop doing this to me, I don’t know how I could live.”

“The only way I could stop making love to you whenever you wanted is if I was dead. And even if then, I would want to be a star, watching down on you.”

She laughed and a tear came to her eye. She wiped it away, because it was a tear of happiness, and held him close. She still ached down there, ready for him to make her his. She could feel his rigid length against her and grinned. But he looked concerned at her face.

“Are you okay? Are you sure you’re ready?”

“I’m fine.” She sniffed the last of the emotion away. “It’s just. You’re so wonderful. And everything feels so right. I can barely believe it.”

He hugged her. “Me too,” he said, holding her tight. When he held her, it was easier to breathe. Even her heart seemed to beat in time with his.

“I’m ready,” he whispered against her ear. “Are you?”

“Incredibly so,” she said.

He smiled and pulled back to kneel in front of her. Then he unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down, along with his underwear, leaving his beautiful, tanned body bare in front of her.

“Damn,” she said. “That’s a good looking man.”

“I’m glad you think so, because you’re stuck with me.”

She rolled her eyes but felt her mouth water as she watched his firm member grow even harder as he moved to come over her. “Oh damn. How will it fit?”

“It’ll fit because we’re made for each other,” he said. “I was made to make you happy.”

She bit her lip. “Mmhmm.”

“And because I love you and I’ll be careful with you.”

She grinned. “You better.”

He felt her. “You’re so wet. So ready for me.” He licked his finger. “Mmm. So sweet.”

She flushed and turned to the side, embarrassed. “You can’t be serious.”

“I’m dead serious. I could taste you for days. But right now I have to be inside you or my bear is going to burst.”

“All right,” she said. She felt his velvety tip at her entrance and braced for impact. She’d had sex before and it hadn’t been the worst, but it also hadn’t been the best experience ever. So she was completely unprepared when he put his hands on either side of her head and started to slowly fill her, giving her body time to adjust.

It was the most delicious heat and fullness, and she found herself wriggling, trying to get him even closer.

“Hold on, hon,” he said. “I want to go faster too, but we need to be careful. I don’t want to hurt you.”

She could tell he wasn’t going to, and she appreciated his care, but the bear in her was going to burst if she didn’t get what she wanted right this fucking minute. She reached around his back and pulled him close and wrapped her chubby legs around his hips just above his taut butt.

“Fuck,” he said, slowly sliding into her wet heat.

She sighed as he settled into her. It was so tight, so full, but so right. Warm relief washed over his face.

“I’m sorry if I was too careful, it’s just, you’re my mate, and I want to—”

She bit her lip and arched slightly, not caring what he was saying as long as the pleasure building inside her never subsided. “You feel so good inside me,” she said. “Nothing in the world has ever felt like this. You’re mine, I love you,” she bit out as he grinned and started to move.

And then his face grew serious, as they got into a rhythm and started to move together. Her bringing her hips up to meet him, him bracing himself on strong hands as he thrust into her over and over again, removing himself all but the tip every time, teasing her for a mere second before filling her with that wonderful pleasure again. When he was inside her everything was right, and she was never more sure about what she was doing than now.

She felt something building inside her. Something much stronger than any orgasm had ever been before. He reached a hand between them to stroke her nub in time with his thrusting, and it was almost too much sensation for her. She gasped and forced herself to open her eyes and look up into his face.

It was intense with wanting, nearly lost in the pleasure they were sharing. He was an anchor though, as sensation and pressure rose within her, as well as an awareness of something primal.

Her sex still ached from the orgasm he’d given her, her skin was still alive from his kisses. So when she finally came again, with him inside her, she screamed and arched against the unbelievable sensation. Her whole body felt like it was imploding on a cellular level, like every single part of her was on fire in the best way. It rose and abated in higher and higher waves and she called out his name against his mouth, which was kissing her and stifling her cries as his hands came around her to hold her.

She tensed on a hard convulsion and thrust against him, and he grunted and started thrusting again. “Come with me,” she said.

“Your wish is my command,” he grated out, and then he went rigid inside her, pumping his seed with power and warmth as she pulsed all around him. “Damn it, Leah, how are you mine? You’re everything,” he gasped out as he came.

She held him as her orgasm ended, and was able to enjoy his release through the haze of her own pleasure. The tightening of his handsome face, the sweat on his body, the stars watching from above them, the ocean washing the shore in the distance.

A cry of a gull.

She held him as he collapsed against her. Hers. Her love. The bear in hear reared back its head and roared and she stayed silent, in awe of a part of herself that she’d hadn’t known existed.

She could see their bears together in her mind, in a forest or on an iceberg, but always together, from now until forever.

She held him tight and murmured words of love in his ear and he held her like his life depended on it, murmuring those words right back.

When he finally rolled to the side, exhausted, he tucked her against his chest and stroked her hair, staying silent and watching her like he was worried she’d run away at any moment. “How are you feeling honey?” he asked.

She stroked a hand over his perfect chest. “I’m feeling perfect.”

“Me too,” he said. “Want to sleep up here?”

“Sure,” she said. Her heart was still beating fast in her chest. “So that’s it, huh? We’re mates?”

“Yup,” he asked. “Why, you disappointed?”

She shook her head. “No, it was amazing. I could feel it inside me. I could feel my animal.”

“Good,” he said. “You know, tomorrow we should try getting you in your bear again. Maybe go swimming?”

“Bears can swim?” she asked.

“Of course,” he said. “How do you think they catch fish in the wild?”

She laughed. “All right. I’m open to learning more about my bear.”

“Good,” he said. “Because you have an awesome bear. My bear likes her, and you, very much.”

BOOK: Bear-ever Yours
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