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Authors: Kojo Black

Tags: #Kojo Black

Beaches and Cream (7 page)

BOOK: Beaches and Cream
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She reemerged with a silver champagne bucket packed with ice, and we continued our climb to the top of the house. She led me to her bedroom, and then to her vast bed where she reclined like a queen.

“Climb on,” she invited.

I too stretched out beside her, the ice bucket between us, condensation already bejeweling the silver. She rummaged in the ice and I expected her to pull out a bottle of champagne.

She did not. Instead, she withdrew one of the bulbous glass objets that I had last seen on her vanity table. It was curved into a gentle S-shape, rounded into tumid globules at both ends. The piece was swept through with delicate purple clouds, its surface studded with raised ruby nodules. Veronica rested the piece on top of the ice and lay back onto a mound of voluminous pillows. Carelessly she raised her arms above her head, her gorgeous breasts wobbling heavily upon her chest as she did so, and parted her ample thighs.

“Mand,” she mewed lasciviously. “I would like very much for you to lick my pussy.”

I never knew those words would make me grin so widely. I crept in between her spread legs; my lithe, slim body nestling easily into the apex of her fuller one. Obediently, I lowered my mouth to her sex. The sensation was strange only in its familiarity. The first time I'd gone down on a man, I had no idea what to do. I mean, it was wonderful. But it was all hard and thick and hot and bold, and I just didn't know what to do with it. And yet, the first time I was kindly requested to lick pussy, I knew just what to do. I touched and kissed and licked those places that I liked to have touched and kissed and licked myself.

Veronica's pussy was warm and sweet, blossoming easily into my mouth as I excited her. She moaned softly, sighing and praising me tenderly. My busy mouth soon grew sticky with my work. She was absolutely delicious and it made me as horny as it did proud to know how much I pleased her.

“Mand,” she said sweetly. “Just give me a second.”

With surprise and some regret, I pulled away—sweet, syrupy strands linking my lips to hers, pure proof of her shameless delight. She reached for the frozen toy from atop the ice and handed it to me.

“Please put this inside.”

The piece was ice cold in my hand. I pressed one of its bulbs to Veronica's pussy and began to rock it gently. In no time, the bulb was covered in her slippery syrup, and the translucent pipe slid easily inside her.

She drew in a sharp breath of air as the ice-cold glass met the sweltering, honey-coated canal of her welcoming pussy.

“Yesssssss…….” she exhaled slowly. “……Now deeper.”

And I obliged, pushing the thing easily now inside her.

Again she gasped. Every icy inch, which should have been cooling her searing cunt, only arousing her. Her sweet sex was gooey with sap and the little nub of her clit poked petulantly from within the swelling folds.

“Oh, that is wonderful, Mand. You're such a good girl…..So good at being bad!” And she laughed her low, wicked laugh. “Now lick, Mand. Lick the way that I licked you…..”

I knew what she meant. I left the toy inside, and lowered my tongue to her clit. My lips fastened easily there as the flat of my tongue began to circle.

Veronica growled and laughed and barked as her pleasure took hold. I was elated and empowered by my own ability. I serviced her as she had me. And, for a woman I held in such reverent regard, it was a treat for me to know that I was about to make her orgasm.

And so I did. Her smooth, creamy thighs closed around my ears, and her heavy bottom lifted from the bed. Her belly rose and fell in faster and faster cycles until she couldn't hold it off anymore. As her orgasm hit, her ample, irrepressible breasts tremored and wobbled all over her chest and under her chin. As low, guttural, animal sounds snuck up from her belly and stole out of her throat.

When at last she was spent, I lifted my sticky lips and wiped my mouth triumphantly, a smile only a few degrees off cocky upon my face. A sated Veronica sighed contentedly and laughed good-naturedly at my smugness.

“Come here,” she laughed. “Orgasms are hot work.”

I lay back and she again reached into the bucket. I imagined she would produce only ice cubes. And for a moment, I thought she had. But what she'd actually produced were two clear, oblong glass balls—each with a sapphire blue stone at its core.

“You're in for a treat,” she said brightly. And she patted the space beside her. “On your belly.”

I flopped down willingly and nestled into the feathery bedding. Veronica's hand began to trace the shape of my pussy. I was glad not to have to pretend I didn't like it. I eased my thighs apart, only to find that the act of licking Veronica's sex had made mine very wet indeed. She too found the viscous slick lurking just inside my vulva, and she used the liquid to coat the petals of my pussy, and first one and then the other of her two heavy glass balls. The smooth glass was ice cold on my sun-soaked pussy. I gasped and twitched with the shock of hard and cold coming into such sudden contact with the soft and warm.

Once Veronica's balls were slippery, she pushed them—slowly and deliberately—inside me. They brought a joyful peace to the cravings that had been tormenting me since yesterday. The elastic sheath of my pussy stretched to welcome them and their coolness was wonderfully exhilarating. Their glacial bloom rippled through the cavern of my sex, deep into my bowels, and burst throughout my body, cooling me right up to my chest. I enjoyed having them there— their weight unobtrusive but their girth certain, rude and secret.

Veronica continued to caress me on the outside, as the spheres slowly rejoined my body temperature on the inside. Her loving, roving hands made easy work of the unabated honey that flowed from me. Her fingers tweaked and glided over my delicate pussy lips and, as the effluence spread, she used it more and more to explore the crevice of my ass. The crevice must have glistened under her hand. I turned to look at her face and she was smiling, lovingly stroking her fingers back and forth along the slippery crack. As I nestled my head back into the pillows, her strokes grew shorter and shorter, until her thumb came to rest on the sensitive aperture nestled between my cheeks. She waited. My suspicious anus kissing and puckering against her thumb. When I had relaxed and the circular little muscle had stopped fluttering, she gently pushed her thumb inside.

I gasped, almost leaping up. But she rested a calming hand upon my bottom and pressed me gently down into the bed.

“I'm not hurting you, am I Mand?”

The place where she touched me was unbelievably responsive. But after the initial shock, I found the smooth and tender sleeve giving in to her touch. And the sensation was something approaching pleasurable.

“And now this…” Veronica reached into a bedside table and produced a piece of smooth, tapered glass, patterned similarly to the glass balls still inside me.

I looked nervously upon the slender piece. It was small, but even so…… “Veronica….my bottom……I don't know if……”

Veronica laughed outright. “No, no, darling! This is isn't for there. It's for here……” And with that she pressed the device in several places, and the two glass balls hummed to life inside me.

“Oh!....I like that!” I giggled, as the vibration of the two spheres gathered pace and they rocked gently against each other.

“Now, Mand, I want you to walk to my vanity table, please.”

Veronica let me rise and I descended from the bed onto unsteady legs. The warm wooden floor seemed a long runway. I crossed the floor with the two spheres rolling and buzzing gleefully away inside me, like two impish demon seeds pulsing rude pleasure within me at every step.

I reached the vanity table as instructed and looked at myself in the mirror. To anyone else, I would simply look like a sun-kissed naked girl, streaks of my auburn hair burnt blonde by the sun. No one would have any notion of the toys hiding inside me, whirring and throbbing against my g-spot. Perhaps only my slightly heavy eyelids and unfocussed gaze might suggest that I was otherwise affected.

I turned to face Veronica. Her smiling eyes appraised me as she too moved across the floor. From her vanity table, she took one of the smooth, green jade tulips and placed it upon the alabaster stool. To my surprise, the tulip slotted neatly into one of the grooves and locked fast in the center of the seat. Her eyes searched mine for a hint of recognition as the tulip slid into place. But my curiosity was blunted her busy glass bulbs relentlessly roiling in the over-responsive sheath of my pussy. Without hesitation, she plucked an unlabeled glass bottle from the many upon her table. She removed the stopper and the scent of orange and thyme filled the air. She anointed the tip of the jade tulip with the unctuous liquid and we both watched as she carefully coated the whole of the big bud.

She replaced the bottle and stood close to me. So close that her big breasts touched mine. She spoke softly, close to my face. Her breath was soft on my lips and on my cheeks. I closed my eyes and drank her in.

“I love giving you pleasure, Mand. You receive it so graciously. Gratefully, even. I know more about you than you do about yourself. Who but me would have known you were such a hedonist? Such a little orgasmista. Do you know that sometimes I think about you cumming? I can make myself cum just by thinking about your beautiful body convulsing with joy and anguish. Now, sit.”

Her hands were on my body as she spoke. Stroking my cheek, running down my arms. As she bade me to sit, her hands gently closed around my forearms and she guided me down.

I felt the tip of the tulip probe my bottom. I jumped in surprise, and my eyes grew wide.

“Trust me, Mand,” Veronica smiled. “Remember when I touched you there? It can be such a wonderful feeling.”

She guided me down gently once again. This time I allowed the tip of the smooth mineral to slip along the crevice of my bottom until it rested petulantly at the puckered orifice. The tip felt cool and smooth. A playful but insistent, slippery invader in that place already slick from my own fluid and Veronica's delinquent fingers. Despite the smooth tip and all the lubricant there, my bottom clenched against it. Veronica must have seen the resistance in my eyes.

“This is a funny thing, Mand. I remember this feeling the first time I played with a toy like this. I must have been about your age. And I was so unsure.”

Even as she spoke, she did not encourage me to stand. And the thing continued to kiss and probe at my clutching anus.

“But I learned that the more you squeeze, and doubt, and close off, and resist, the harder it is to find your pleasure. With toys, with sex, with people, with life, with love, with anything. The more you guard, and protect, and cinch and squeeze, the less you take in, the less you experience, and the less you enjoy.”

She lay the palm of her hand on my chest, between my breasts. With the back of her other hand, she stroked the sensitive crease where my thigh met my abdomen. That is a funny place for me. Not exactly sexual, but touched so rarely that her delicate grazing sent little shockwaves rippling into my belly to collide with the magical balls whirring away in a place so close to her hand, but so much more intimate. Though her touch was tender, she was firm and persuasive. And she still would not let me stand.

“It's weird,” she continued. You have to push out to take in. Not push away, so much. But just let go.

The slippery jade was teasing my opening now. Poised at my little sphincter. If Veronica forced me now, she might hurt me. But there was no malice in her eyes.

“Just let go. I want to feel you breathe out. And when you do, relax down below as well. But first in……”

I closed my eyes and breathed in deep. The air smelled of orange and spice and of all the delicious things that Veronica is.

“And now….out….”

I exhaled. And with it came all my fear and anxiety. With it I pushed out. With it my muscles slackened and tension dissolved. And with it, the tapered tulip tip entered my ass. The sensation was thrilling and frightening all at once. And I froze, hovering just inches from the alabaster base. Veronica's hands went quickly to my face. She took my face in her hands. Her eyes like caramel pools so dark and deep I could see my own dazed, excited face within them.

“That's it,” she said softly, excited. “Just like that.” And she leant forward to kiss my forehead.

But the kiss was another soft push. And the slim tip of the tulip gave way to the much more prominent and bulbous body of the thing.

I closed my eyes and groaned as the strange and formidable pressure in that soft and secret place fired off a million hormones in my rapidly depleting brain. And still the thing seemed to grow thicker.

“You sweet girl,” Veronica cooed into my ear. “Good, good girl. You can do it for me, can't you?”

I gulped and swallowed hard. My eyes popped wide and I nodded into Veronica's beautiful face. Despite its thickness, the thing was so smooth and slippery that in my nearly-seated position, the plumpening bulb continued to work its way up inside me, prising apart my soft tissues and forcing every ion of sensation to amplify between my slippery thighs and buttocks so that I was little more than a quivering mass of endorphins.

“Veronica…..” I gasped. “It's….so….thick….” My breathing grew short and jagged.

“Oh, I know, darling. I know,” she said, sliding her hands down my neck. “But trust me. It will be wonderful.”

Her hands moved down my chest, over my breasts and to my sensitive nipples. She took the two proud and vulnerable peaks between her fingers and squeezed. Gently, at first. And suddenly hard.

“Hunnhh….!!” It was nothing but noise. The only sound I was capable of. I felt for a moment like I would cum. But then the pain took hold to mingle with the pleasure. Between the shock of the bulb in my ass, the abuse of my nipples, and the sheer, rude pleasure pervading it all, a guttural growl rippled up from the pit of my stomach.

BOOK: Beaches and Cream
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