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Authors: Paisley Walker

Barred (4 page)

BOOK: Barred
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She wraps her hand around the base of Jonathon’s cock, sliding the thick meat into her throat.  What her mouth can’t touch, she makes sure her hand does.  Leaving nothing untouched.  When he lets out a “mmm,” in approval, she knows she’s doing something right.  Continuing to suck his dick, she feels Emerson’s fingers curling to hit her g-spot.  Within seconds she is trembling, her moans being muffled by Jonathon’s cock deep in her throat.  She pulls off of him while she explodes on Emerson’s tongue.  She tries to stand on her legs but they feel as if they have turned to jelly. 

“Turn around.” Jonathon demands as Kimberly looks up at him. She does as he asks, turning around to meet the green eyes of Emerson. 

“Hello Kimberly.”  He smiles as she blushes.  “No need to be embarrassed now.  I’ve seen all of you.”  Her skin takes on an even deeper shade of crimson as Jonathon grabs her hips. 

“Are you on the pill?” 


“Good, I hate fucking latex.”  Jonathon all but snarls while pulling her ass to him.  She moans as he slides his thick cock into her channel.  “Damn… she is tight.” 

Emerson grabs her hair pulling her head up.  He leans into her, branding her mouth with his own.  She moans huskily in approval while his tongue slides into her mouth, letting her taste the juices he greedily accepted from her. He pulls away from her, moving closer while unzipping his pants. “My turn to see just how good this catty little mouth of yours can be.” He winks, his grip tightening into her hair.  She lets out a squeal with his cock sliding into her mouth.  Thrusting his hips in rhythm to Jonathon beneath her.  She instantly feels wanton, as if this is something she shouldn’t be doing.  She doesn’t care though because the two men before her are giving her pleasure like she has never known. 

Jonathon thrusts into her with abandon as Emerson uses her mouth. Just as she thinks she can’t take anymore, she feels a hand on her clit.  The finger makes small circles over her engorged bud as she starts to match Jonathon thrust for thrust.  Her hips swirling around as Emerson continues to pump into her mouth.  She looks him in the eye while he lets out a large groan right as spurts of hot liquid hit the back of her throat. She looks at him with a panic in her eyes, afraid of throwing up, but realizes it doesn’t taste as badly as she’d imagined it would.  She swallows every last drop while nearing her own orgasm.  Emerson pulls his dick from her mouth with her continuing to slam into Jonathon.  Her head going back as another wave passes through her, overtaking her.  She screams her release as Jonathon slams into her again before following her over the brink.   Once they have each caught their breaths, she stands. 

“So, do we have a deal?”

“Oh hell yes.”  Both men say in unison. 

“Thank you.” She says sincerely, reaching for her bra and panties. 

“Oh Kimberly, the night has only begun.”  Emerson says with a sneaky smirk before pulling her to him and throwing her undergarments on the chair.  She looks at him with nervous eyes and gulps.  What in the hell did she just get herself into? 



Jonathon sits at his desk the next morning, replaying the events that went down in the conference room just the night before.  He takes a deep breath while looking over Kimberly’s file, wondering just how they are going to get her out of this mess.  He looks over the police report in the file and shakes his head. This woman is in serious trouble. In the report, it states that she was texting when her car hit a curve that was ramped.  Her car then slammed into the building of a local gas station, causing a loss of over two-hundred- fifty-thousand dollars. He looks up, hearing the door to his office open.

“Busy?” Emerson asks while he walks into the room and sits in the black leather chair in front of Jonathon’s desk.

“Just reviewing her case.”

“Yeah, I don’t know how we are going to keep up our end of the deal.”

“You looked it over?”

“Yeah, I have since the day the woman set foot in my office.”

Jonathon’s lip curves slightly as he chuckles. He knew the minute he walked into Emerson’s office two weeks ago, that the woman had gotten under his skin. Emerson was his best friend, but he loved pissing him off. “Yeah, well she was looking pretty hot in the elevator.” Jonathon laughs at the growl that emanates from deep within Emerson.

“Look man, if you like her, I’ll back off.  We don’t have to do this sharing thing.  I just want you to be happy.”

“It’s not like that.  You know that.  Sharing a woman is hot, but I think we both should try to spend alone time with her too.  Don’t let it become Mallory.”

“Are you suggesting a polygamy-style relationship?  Only she would be the wife and we could be brother husbands?”

“Don’t make fun of how people live.  It isn’t becoming of you.”

“Damn dude.  Whatever twisted those fucking panties you got on, you need to untwist them.”

“Fuck off, Phillips.”  Emerson stands, storming from the room.  Jonathon just stares at the chair that Emerson just vacated. 
What the fuck?

He picks up the rest of the files he needs to look over, throwing the weird scene over his shoulder to think of later.  The Masterson case is staring him in the face as his thoughts continue to go back to the sultry brown-headed, hazel-eyed woman who had her mouth around his cock last night.  Shit was fixing to get real. 

Emerson walks into his office, slamming the door behind him as he goes.  He runs his fingers through his thick waves, looking out at the surrounding area through the glass in his office.  He takes a deep breath before placing one hand on the window. 
  He questions himself while battling with his demons. Why must he feel such a connection to this woman? He really needs to evaluate the situation before he lets his emotions overtake him. This is a business agreement and nothing more. He walks over to his desk, sitting in the big chair before grabbing the files sitting before him.  He runs a hand over his hair once again as he pulls out her file.  He flips to her police report and the collateral damage done to the building before letting out a sigh.  He feels the feeling of defeat because no matter what, the only outcome is to pay off the balance that this accident has caused. 

He grabs another case looking through the file. A divorce case—one that was never fun to deal with.  You normally get one side to the story while the truth comes out in the courtroom and you have to be quick on your feet to keep from looking like a jackass and losing the case.  Court date is set for two weeks from now. He looks back at Kimberly’s file before pinching the bridge of his nose. He stands, walking over to the bookcase and grabbing the one thing he kept that Mallory gave him—a book by Edgar Allen Poe.  It was a collective piece she found in an old thrift store and she knew he was one of Emerson’s favorite poets.  He turned to
The Raven
and read the passages.  “Nevermore.” 

He closes the book and places it back on the shelf, turning away.  “I must stop thinking of her.  We are nevermore.”  He shakes his head and walks over to the bar in his office.  He grabs a crystal tumbler, putting some ice into it before pouring a helping of bourbon.  He walks back to his chair, sitting in it and spinning it to look over the busy streets of downtown.  He stirs the glass in his hand before bringing it to his lips.  He takes a long sip, letting the sting of the alcohol slide down his throat.  The burn, a welcome pain as it travels down his esophagus to his stomach.  He thinks of what Jonathon says, but what he said was true.  He wanted to share her with Jonathon.  Whether Jonathon realized it or not, he saw the way his eyes lit up when Kimberly came into the office that day.  He drinks another sip as the liquid starts to numb his throat and insides.  He picks up the file and decides to call Kimberly. 

“Hello?” She asks after three rings.

“Kimberly, this is Emerson.” 

“Hi… How are you?”

“I’m well, and you?”

“A little sore. Honestly.”

“Well… I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner tonight? Maybe we can discuss your case over a meal?” He asks after he lets out a chuckle.


“Great… I will pick you up around seven.”


With that, he hangs up the phone.  Pleased that he will get to see her again, but contemplating on whether or not he should invite Jonathon on the outing.  He stands, knowing it wouldn’t be right to leave his best friend and business associate out of this dinner. He walks the short distance to the other office on the floor. He pushes the door open as he sets his glass down on the bookshelf outside the door. Better to not let his partner know that he was drinking during business hours.

“Everything okay?” Jonathon asks, sitting up straight in his chair.

“Of course. I have invited Ms. Weston to dinner to discuss her case. Would you like to attend?”

  “Keeping secrets now, brother?  So unlike you.” 

“Shut the hell up. Do you want to come or not?”

“Of course! I am all for coming inside Ms. Weston as well.” He responds as the corner of his lips curl into a smile.

“Well, that makes two of us. Be ready for six thirty.”

“Got it boss.” He retorts, saluting Emerson before going back to an e-mail he was typing. 

Emerson walks out of Jonathon’s office grabbing the tumbler.  He takes a sip before walking over to his secretary.  “Julie?”  He asks the blonde-headed woman in front of him.  She has been working for him for two years now.  She is probably in her mid-twenties and very good at her job.  Easy on the eyes too.

“Yes, Mr. Stanley?”

“Would you please send some flowers to this address? It is for a client. Make them from both Mr. Phillips and myself.”

“Of course, sir.” She smiles and he returns it as he makes his way back into his office. 

He walks to the office, pulling open the closet door and grabbing the gym bag inside.  He walks back out and past Julie. 

“I’ll be back in a few hours.  Forward calls to my cell please.”

“Yes sir.  Have a nice workout.”

“Thank you, Julie.” He replies, stepping into the elevator.  Remind myself to get that woman some flowers as well, he thinks.  He walks out of the elevator as it comes to a stop at the first floor.

“Going out Mr. Stanley?”  Nicole asks while he makes his way past her.

“Yes, please make sure Jonathon is called if anything is needed.”

“Of course.  Enjoy your day.” 

“You as well.”

He makes his way to his car. Throwing the bag in his passenger seat, he slides behind the wheel.  Driving the car gives him peace in his sometimes chaotic life.  He cranks the engine before sliding the car into reverse.  Leaving the parking lot, he peels out.  He may be thirty but something in the cars just brings out the teenager in him.  Within five minutes, he pulls up to the local gym downtown.  He gets out of the car and takes in a deep breath.  He walks through the doors of the twenty-four hour gym, waving at Marco as he walks into the dressing room.  After he changes, he grabs his iPod and makes his way to the treadmill to warm up.  After twenty minutes of running, he grabs the towel wrapped around his neck and wipes his sweat from his face while stepping off the machine.  He walks over to the weights, grabbing two thirty-pound weights and doing arm lifts with them.  His breathing labored by the time he finishes with what Marco came up with for him.  After he finishes his reps, he makes his way to the leg machine. All the aggression he had worked up before, not depleting as his body strains to lift the weights. 

After two hours in the gym, Emerson makes his way to the showers.  He steps under the spray, looking down at his cock which is now standing at attention from all the adrenaline in his body.  He lets out a groan of disapproval while standing in the very public shower of the gym. “You never know when a bad time is.” He says to himself before hurrying to scrub his sweaty body. After getting dressed, he makes his way to his car.  The clock on the dashboard says four-thirty.  Only three more hours until he sees the very woman who keeps him on his toes. 


BOOK: Barred
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