Read Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology Online

Authors: Kasey Millstead,Abigail Lee,Shantel Tessier,Vicki Green,Rebecca Brooke,Nina Levine,Morgan Jane Mitchell,Casey Peeler,Dee Avila

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Anthologies & Literary Collections, #General, #Short Stories, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Collections & Anthologies

Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology (38 page)

BOOK: Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology
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.  Sh
d taken in what
d told her about submitting to me, and that almost sent me over the edge.  I did
t know her, but what
d seen of her at the bar told me she had a mind of her own and was
t afraid of using it, so
d half expected her to fight me for control.  I fucking loved that she was
t; I needed full control in the bedroom to get off, and now I had no doubt that tonight was going to bring me the motherfucking orgasm of all orgasms.

Lie on the bed and spread your legs.  I want to taste you, want to run my tongue from one end of your pussy to the other and make you scream for my dick
” I ordered, and watched as she did what I said.  When sh
d settled on the bed and opened her legs for me, I positioned myself in between them.  Her legs were bent with her feet planted on the bed, and I moved my hands to her knees and pushed them wider apart.  My gaze was pinned to her bare pussy, and I dipped my head for my first taste. 

I had only planned on licking her, but a force I was unable to control took over, and I had to have more.  She moaned as my tongue entered her, and her ass lifted off the bed as she tried to push herself into my mouth.  My hands slid under her and I greedily pulled her even closer, swirling my tongue inside her and sucking her with my mouth. 

fuck, I need your coc
Her words were disjointed as she lost herself in the pleasure.

I ignored her and continued to work her over with my tongue.  She was so fucking wet, and it took all my restraint not to give her what sh
d begged for.  My dick wanted what she wanted.  It wanted nothing more than to slide into her wetness and fuck her hard, but I was a master of denial and control; I could go all night without succumbing to my need.

As I brought her closer to orgasm, her hands fisted in my hair and she gripped me hard.  I growled my approval and used my teeth lightly on her clit which only caused her to writhe even more in pleasure.  The fact she got off on me biting her was another turn on for me; this woman was ticking all my fucking boxes.

I moved my mouth away from her pussy, and began licking and biting my way up her body until I hit her breasts.  Making eye contact with her, I asked
How much do you like my teeth on you

She graced me with a sexy smile, and ghosted her fingers over my shoulder.
I love your teeth on me
” she murmured.

I did
t wait for further encouragement; I lowered my face to her tits and took a nipple into my mouth, sucking and lightly biting as I went.  Letting it go, I wrapped my lips around her other nipple and treated it to my teeth as well.  She moaned her approval and fuck if that did
t cause my dick to harden even more.

Her hands had moved from my hair to my shoulders and now to my back, but I needed control over them.  I grabbed hold of them, and pushed her arms above her head while I continued to suck and bite her breasts and then her neck.

Havoc, I need my hands; I want to touch you
” she insisted, struggling against my hold over her.

I lifted my head so I could look at her.
ll have your hands when I say; not before
” I asserted.

But do
t you want me
” she started before I cut her off.

What I want is for you to do as yo
re told
” I growled, my eyes focused on hers, a clear message in them that I held the power here.  She sucked in a breath, but did
t say anything.  Her silence was my answer, and I nodded once.
Good girl
” I murmured, and ground myself against her as I moved further up her body and caught her mouth in a kiss.                When I pulled away, I pushed her hands against the bedhead and let go so I could take hold of her jaw with one hand and her neck with the other as I moved to straddle her.
I want my balls in this mouth
” I said, letting my thumb graze her lips while I kept a firm hold on her jaw.
You ever had a guy sit on your face, darli

Shaking her head, she said
No, but when I said
m yours to do what you want with, I meant it

My balls tightened at the fucking thought.  Hell, Carla was fast becoming my perfect fuck.  I shifted so I was kneeling over her, and stroked my dick while I positioned my balls over her mouth.  Her mouth instantly opened and took hold of them, and I shut my eyes while I savouredthe feel of her wet warmth.  She knew what she was doing, and built it like a fucking expert until I felt myself reach the point where I had to rein it in if I did
t want to blow over her face.  I reluctantly stopped her and moved away from her mouth, shifting back on the bed.

Our eyes met and she licked her lips.  Smiling at me, she murmured
As much as I love this whole control thing yo
ve got going on, I really want to use my hands.  Your cock would feel good in my hands

Baby, my cock is gonnafeel good in your pussy.  Forget your fucki
’ hands

My usual preference was to fuck women in silence; get in, get out and move on.  And to have full control of it.  Carl
s preference to talk and be involved was testing me, however it was also arousing the fuck out of me.  I trailed my fingers over her breasts and circled her nipples before reaching for her neck and roughly pulling her to a sitting position.  It was time to fuck her now.  My usual level of restraint was being tested tonight; I needed to feel her pussy around me.

Leaning in to kiss her, I took in the expression on her face; she was so fucking aroused and ready for me, and that hit me in the gut.  My desire to have her warred with my love of drawing this shit out; a part of me wanted to make this last all night long, but I knew there was no way I could wait any longer.
Gonna fuck you now, darli
, and i
s gonnabe rough.  I hope yo
re up for that
” I said, my eyes searching hers for confirmation this was what she wanted.  As much as I was a man who demanded control, I never took what was
t offered.

She pressed her lips to mine, and kissed me hard, giving me what I needed.
Take it all, Havoc.  I want your cock and I want it rough

My movements were fast; I slid off the bed, taking her with me.  Standing at the edge of the bed, I positioned her so she was laying on the bed in front of me, her legs raised to my chest.  I wanted to watch my cock in her, wanted to see her pussy take it.  Gripping her ankles, I bent her legs at her knees.  My gaze was firmly on her entrance; she was swollen, wet and ready, and I was having trouble concentrating.  My usual level of control of the situation had slipped as I chased my release. 

I thrust in hard,and grunted loudly at how fucking good it felt.  Carla took me all the way and her pussy contracted around my cock.  She was
t far off an orgasm, and fuck, neither was I.  Keeping hold of her ankles, I withdrew and thrust hard again.  Her eyes rolled closed and she lost herself to it while I pounded into her.  I shifted my gaze back to watch my cock slamming in and out of her.  My balls tightened, and my breathing picked up as the familiar sensation rushed through me. 

” I roared as it hit, and I thrust into her one last time.  I stilled and let it take over;
d been right, sh
d given me one motherfucking good orgasm.  My senses drowned in it, and my mind and body exploded from the pleasure of it.  I was lost to the world in that moment, nothing and no-one could have dragged me from i
s grip. 

As I came to, I realised Carla was moaning and grinding herself into me.  I released her ankles from my hold and let them rest against my shoulders as I leant down to her.  Grasping her neck, I pulled her face to mine and kissed her.  It was demanding and she responded to it with her own exacting kiss.  Her hands came up around my neck and she clung to me as she continued grinding into me.

need your fingers on m
fuck me.
” she panted in between kisses.

I knew exactly what she wanted and did
t hesitate to give it to her.  Moving my hand down her body, I worked her clit to bring her to orgasm.  My dick was still inside her and I felt her pulse around me as she frantically fought for what she wanted.  When she came, she did
t scream out like most of the women I fucked.  Her eyes squeezed shut and her teeth bit down on her lip as her face fell to the side.  I could
t be sure, but it looked like she stopped breathing for a moment before finally expelling a long, satisfied breath.  When she turned her head back to face me, she opened her eyes and gave me a slow, sexy smile.  And then she simply said

Shit, she was beautiful, but in that moment, she was fucking glorious.

I pulled out and lowered her legs.  She stood and curled her hand around my neck, pulling me close for a kiss.
ve gottause your bathroom to clean up your cum because you fucked me without a condom
” she murmured in my ear.


d been so distracted that
d forgotten the fucking condom.
” I muttered, eyeing her.
m clean, but fuck,
m sorry

m clean too, and on the pill so no worries there.  Guess we got a little carried away
” she said before leaving me to sort herself out. 

I took a minute and watched her go before sitting on the bed and dropping my head into my hands.  Christ, I had
t had sex that good in fuck knows how long.  But it had gone way too fast; I had
t been able to stop myself from having her straight away, and now I wanted to take her again.  Running my fingers through my hair, I stood.  The night was young, and she had
t taken my cock in her mouth yet.  Sh
d promised me submission, and I intended to have it; I intended to fuck my need for her out of my system.


Chapter 2


Two Weeks Later

Get the fuck up, motherfucker
” I demanded, keeping my eyes trained on the asshole on the floor in front of me, but also maintaining my awareness of his sidekick who was standing to my right.  Any lapse in concentration on my behalf, and his sidekick would take me down and fuck my agenda to buggery.

The guy on the floor slowly began to move.  He clutched his ribs where h
d taken a good beating from me.  But he was taking his sweet ass time; time I did
t have to waste.

Reaching down, I yanked him up hard by the collar of his shirt and yelled at him,
For fuc
s sake, what are you?  A fucki
’ pussy who ca
t cop a punch

Once he was standing, I shoved him back against the brick wall, and pulled my phone out.  Looking at the guy to my right, I said
Move the fuck next to your friend while I make a call

He scowled at me but did what I said, and I put my phone to my ear while it rang. 

You got them
” Griff snapped into the phone.

” I answered him.

Be there in a minute
” Griff said before hanging up on me.

I slid the phone back into my pocket and eyed the two idiots in front of me.  Dickhead number one had ripped King, the President of the Sydney Storm charter off for more than twenty thousand dollars.  A clear example of a man without a brain.  Dickhead number two was in for a lot less, but had pledged allegiance to dickhead number one which made him just as much of a fuckwit. 

Why the hell are you doing Kin
s dirty work
” Dickhead number one piped up.

I wondered at the intelligence of the human race sometimes.  Were we really as stupid as we sometimes appeared?  And then my life flashed before my eyes and I was reminded that yes, sometimes we were.  Sometimes we were blind to what was right in front of us.  I met his gaze and replied
d be surprised at the dirty work I do for King.  But this time,
m doing it for my President, Marcus.  And h
s told me to do whatever it takes to get that twenty grand out of you

He opened his mouth and uttered another string of stupidity.
ll pay you off to let me go.  How much do you want

I cracked my knuckles and then shrugged.
d rather take my frustrations out on your face, asshole.  In fact, I kindahope you do
t come up with the money today; that way I can do what I do best

Dickhead number tw
s eyes widened a touch.  He had more brains than I gave him credit for.
What the fuck

I stepped closer to them, and said
Yeah, tha
s what I was gonnaask you.  What the actual fuck were you thinking ripping a club president off

We were going to pay him back

Number one was almost pleading now; well, his eyes were and I knew from experience his mouth would be soon too.

I was just about to reply when Griffentered the alley.  We were in the alley behind the bar where
d found these two, and I was keen to get this over with because it fucking stunk out here from all the rubbish littering it.             

Griffjerked his chin at me.
Which one does King wantus to deal with
” he asked, his voice clear that he intended to carry out Kin
s wishes.  Griffwas the Vice President of the Brisbane Storm charter and not a man to ever fuck with.  In fact, h
d only just assumed this role after pushing out the prior VP.  And that VP was the son of the President and I thought, a friend of Grif
s, so the ruthlessness of Grif
sactions was pretty fucking evident.  Personally, I did
t bother with friends and allies anymore so it did
t concern me either way; I simply trusted no-one and it seemed to be the best way to live.

I pointed at dickhead number one, and Griffmoved towards him.  Speaking in a low, menacing tone, he asked
s this gonnaplay out, motherfucker

I ai
tgot the money if tha
s what yo
re asking

t waste time; his knuckles collided with the gu
s cheek a moment later, and then he spoke again.
Shall we begin again

Number one glared at Griff, and spat at his feet before saying
You ca
t get fucking blood out of a stone, asshole.  Tell King that h
ll get his money when I have it

My fist itched to be used but I waited for Grif
ssignal.  H
d been clear in his directions for this job; he wanted to have first go at these idiots before letting me loose.  So I watched him, and I waited, because sure as fuck, these dickheads would need me to encourage them to pay up.

shands latched onto number on
s shirt, and he pulled the idiot towards him before spinning him around, letting him go, and punching him so hard in the face that the guy fell to the ground.  Standing over him, Griffbent at the waist and bellowed in his face
You ever fucking spit on me again,and you might not have a mouth left to fucking produce spit

He straightened, and indicated for the guy to get up before turning to dickhead number two.  Pointing at him, he ordered
You start thinking seriously about your next move.  King wants the money you owe him too

Turning back to number one, he was pissed to find the guy still trying to get up.  He shook his head, and raised his fist but I was surprised to see him lower it almost straight away, and turn to walk my way.

I gave him a questioning look but did
t say anything; Griffwas
t a big talker so I usually tried to keep communication with him to a minimum.

He shook his head, clearly annoyed.  Jerking his thumb in the gu
s direction, he muttered
Fucked if I could be bothered; the
re all yours.  I do
t have the fucking inclination to deal with this shit today

I nodded, thankful that Griff had passed the job to me.  It had been a shit week so far and I felt the need to get rid of my pent up anger and frustration; these motherfuckers would help me with that.  Griff pulled out his phone and made a call, leaving me to it.

Adrenaline coursed through me at the thought of what was about to happen.  This was the best part of my job, and I was fucking good at it.  The results spoke for themselves and the club often called me in to take care of their shit around the country.  I took a step towards dickhead number one, my gaze glued to his.  Fear lurked in the depths of his eyes and rightly so.  I lifted my chin at him, and asked
You got the money or do we have to find another way to settle this

He laid on the bullshit and I dug deep for the patience needed to deal with him.
I can probably come up with half of it by tomorrow
” he said.

Failing to find any patience, I took one last stride in his direction, pulled my arm back, and smashed my fist into his face.  I welcomed the blood that flew at me; I fucking lived for that blood.  Not giving him time to catch a breath, I backed the first punch up with another one to his gut.  He doubled over in pain,swear words streaming from his mouth like a waterfall.  My mind was
t even processing his words, it was intently focused on drawing more blood and pain from him.  I continued to land punches on his face and body, until he collapsed onto the ground and curled himself up into a ball trying desperately to shelter himself from me.              

” he screamed, drawing me from my violent haze.

I pulled back, caught my breath and demanded
You got the money now, motherfucker

Not all of it, but

I did
t give him time to finish that sentence.  Bending down, I reefed him up, and slammed him backwards against the wall.  I snarled in his face
There will be no negotiations.  Either yo
ve got the fucking money or you do

And if I do
t?  What happens then

I took a moment, moving a step backwards.  Narrowing my eyes on him, I asked
This the first time yo
ve ever owed King money

Yeah, why

He was doing a damn good job at appearing unaffected, but his tells were there and I could read all of them.

I just thought
d educate you a little, because it seemed to me like you were under the impression that there are options here.  When you owe King that kind of money, you pay

I paused for a moment to let that sink in.  When he showed no signs of understanding, I elaborated.
You either pay up or King finds another way to encourage payment

His brow furrowed.
Not sure
m following
” he said.

Fuck me.
Jesus fucking Christ, you are a dumb cunt, are
t you
” I muttered.  Seriously, how this fucker managed to get through life astounded me.  I reached for the back of his head, grabbed a handful of his hair, and pulled his head back.  Leaning close to his face, I asked
You like breathing, motherfucker?  You like your family members breathing?  Cause if you fucki
’ do,
d be paying King his fucki
’ money

I let his hair go and pushed his head forward before adding
You following now

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