Read BacktoLife Online

Authors: Emma Hillman

BacktoLife (6 page)

BOOK: BacktoLife
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“Yes,” she belatedly replied. “I should get
into the shower now that you’re out.” She slid off the bed. He slapped the
towel against her ass as she padded past him. Her head whipped around. “Hey!”

He smirked. “What can I say? It was right

She rolled her eyes, but a faint smile
still curved her lips as she stepped into the bathroom. She looked at the
fogged-up mirror and sighed. Guess she wouldn’t be able to put makeup on this
morning. She couldn’t see anything, so it was a moot point. Just as she was
closing the shower curtain, a hand grabbed for it and pulled it open.

“Babe, I’m off now. I started the coffee,
but I’ll grab breakfast on the way ’cause I’m late. Remember, I won’t be back
before tomorrow evening, probably late, yeah?”

“I remember.”

“I’m gonna miss you,” he added as he bent
down and grabbed her ass in both hands. He pulled her to him and kissed her
squeal away, his tongue tangling around hers for a very hot minute. When he
stepped back, they were both panting heavily and his khaki pants were tenting.
“Damn, I want you again.”

Her turn to smirk. “Too bad you’re late and
you have to go.”

“That’s not very nice.”

“Not nice? You really don’t want to know
what I’m going to do with this shower jet when you’re away then.”

His eyes flashed. “Tell me.”

Sara shook her head. “Nope. You’re late
already, remember?”

He made a rude sound. “You’re gonna pay for
this, you know?”

She laughed. “Oh but I can’t wait.”

A wide smile on his face, Jared kissed her
one last time. “I’m going to spend the next thirty-six hours thinking about
what to do to you on my return. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome!” she chirped back. “Gonna
be hard walking with an erection, so my commiserations.”


She was still giggling when he left the
bathroom, her good mood so infectious she spent the whole day smiling at the
world. Every patient who came into the doctor’s office commented on her
happiness. Even Dr. Wilson, her boss, said she looked better than she had in
months. He was right too. She felt like a new woman.

It lasted until she stopped at her mother’s
house that evening, knowing she had to do the right thing and spend some time
with her, especially as she’d spent the past weeks with Jared, forgetting about
the rest of the world. Something that wasn’t to everyone’s liking, as it soon


“You finally remembered you have a mother,
I see.”

Sara forced herself not to sigh out loud.
“Good evening, Mother. How are you today?”

“I’m fine, no thanks to you.”

Closing the front door behind her, Sara
told herself she wouldn’t stay longer than an hour. She might go crazy
otherwise. Maybe afterward she’d visit Shirley, just to spend some time with
someone who actually thought she deserved to be happy.

Turning around, she followed her mother to
the kitchen and watched her turn the tea kettle on. How many times would she
have to tell her she didn’t drink tea? Seriously, how difficult was it to
remember that your only daughter drank coffee?

When the cup was placed in front of her,
Sara pushed it aside and waited for her mother to start talking. She had
something on her mind. It was easy to guess with the way she was constantly
frowning, deep lines marring her forehead.

Pale brown eyes met hers. “Have you really
thought this through?”

“What are you talking about?” Sara
countered, even though she had an inkling what this was about.

“Jared. He’s your brother-in-law, Sara. And
yet I heard that he’s now living with you. You didn’t think it important enough
to tell me, so I’m guessing it’s only temporary, but people are talking, dear.”

“We’re in love.” Sara winced when she
realized what she’d just blurted out.
“He’s moved in with me until
we find a house we both like.”

“In love? What are you talking about? You
can’t be in love with someone from your own family!”

“We’re not blood-related, Mom, you know
that. He’s Mike’s brother. Was, I mean.”

“Exactly! You were married to his

“I know that.”

“So why are you doing this?”

“I love him. He’s been… He’s been an
important part of my life ever since Mike’s…death. Feelings grew. It happens.”

“But…but… Sara, don’t you see what people
are going to say?”

She shrugged. “I don’t really care. I’m
happy and that’s what counts.”

“Really? You don’t care? I might be old,
but I’m still your mother. Even as a kid, you hated being the
of attention. I know you, Sara.”

She thumbed her wedding ring and made it
turn around her finger, something she hadn’t done in days. It was a compulsive
gesture, something she only did when she was upset. She should have known
coming here wasn’t a good idea. “It won’t last. You know them. They’ll gossip
for a week or two, and then something else will catch their interest and they
won’t give a damn anymore.”

“Language!” her mother snapped, as if she
was still ten. “I don’t understand you, Sara. How can you possibly think
someone like Jared Dayton will marry you? You know his reputation!”

“He’s changed.”

“Has he really? Because the last time I saw
him he was so drunk he couldn’t even speak.”

Sara recalled that day. It had been hours
after Mike’s funeral and she’d been barely hanging on, wanting only to go home
and hide under the covers. Jared had been drinking steadily, his own way of
lessening the pain, she knew. He should have done it elsewhere. He shouldn’t
have brought alcohol to his parents’ house and gotten drunk in his brother’s
former bedroom.

Everyone had forgiven him because he’d been
hurting, but clearly her mother hadn’t. “You know why he was drunk that day. Hell,
I’d have been too if I liked alcohol.”


“It’s true.” It really was.

“Still, don’t you see how different you two
are? I could understand your being with Mike. After all, you had the same
goals, you liked the same things. You even dressed the same.” Sara grimaced.
That’s all she needed to know on such a brilliant evening.

Her mother continued, “But Jared is young.
He’s used to getting his own way because he’s always been the baby. Look at the
women he’s been with over the past years. Not one of them looks a tiny bit like
you, dear. I love you, Sara, but you have to admit you’ve let yourself go over
the past year. What used to be extra curves are now extra fat.”

A sharp pain echoed inside her chest.
“Thanks, Mom.”

Her mother waved a hand in the air as if
the insult wasn’t important. “You know what I’m trying to say. Jared Dayton
only wants to please himself. He’s not ready for a relationship.”

“He’s only a year younger than me.”

“He’s a man. They mature slower, you know.
Do you even like some of the same things? Your father and I shared so many
activities, dear. I’m confident that is why we had such a great marriage.”

Maybe her mother had a point, Sara mused.
It was true her parents had been in love for as long as she could remember,
until he’d passed away several years ago from a surprise heart attack. She
missed him too. He’d always been able to counteract her mother’s oftentimes
sharp words. She’d been a daddy’s girl through and through. “I understand where
you’re coming from, Mom, but I’m still going to give this a go.”

“You’re going to get your heart broken,
Sara. This past year has been difficult enough without you getting hurt again.”

“I won’t.”

“I’m not that positive, dear. Mike’s a
difficult man to follow. Add sibling rivalry and… I’m very worried about this,
you know.”

“I know.” She grabbed her mother’s hand and
squeezed it. “It’ll be fine though, you’ll see.”

* * * * *

Sara had really believed what she’d told
her mother, but their conversation still echoed in her mind hours later as she
lay in her cold and empty bed. She missed Jared so much she ached. Tonight of
all nights, she really needed the warmth of his embrace, the strength of his
words as he murmured how much he loved her.

What hurt the most though was that she knew
her mother was right in a way. It was so similar to what she’d been thinking
herself, she couldn’t help but wonder whether she shouldn’t have been a bit
more circumspect. Maybe they shouldn’t have moved in together so fast. Maybe
they should have taken this slow as they’d said they would.

Everything had happened quickly, and truth
be told, she hadn’t wanted to tell him no. She always felt amazing when he was
close, almost as if he was her own brand of Valium. Grabbing his pillow, she
inhaled the scent still clinging to it and wondered what to do.

Her mother had made a valid point; she
didn’t look like any of Jared’s previous conquests. Hell, she didn’t like any
of the things he did, from the music he listened to to the fitness regimen he
was a fan of. He was a hiking guide and she didn’t even like walking, for
pity’s sake!

She’d never been on a hike with him, never
really had wanted to. She would have to change this attitude, she decided. In
order for this relationship to work, she was going to have to make some changes,
starting with the way she looked.

Maybe she could go to the hairdresser’s and
get the blonde highlights she’d always wanted? Okay, so maybe a trendy cut at
Pat’s Salon was asking a bit much, but she could definitely start there. And
maybe she could also start walking. That didn’t cost anything and there were
lovely paths around the farmhouse she could try.

Yes, she thought, as her eyes closed. She
could make this work. She loved him, after all, and he deserved everything she
had. Even if it meant reinventing herself. After all, she’d been the one
yearning for a new life.

Chapter Four


Jared fought the urge to grab his two
friends and hit one with the other. They were chuckling into their beers as if
what they’d said was the funniest thing ever and yet all he wanted to do was
smash his fist into their faces. “Assholes,” he finally grunted, making them
laugh even harder.

He suddenly wondered why he’d even come
here. Sure it was tradition that when they finished a hike, once they were sure
all the clients were happy, if not downright tired, they stumbled into Brett’s
and had a couple drafts. He used to love this tradition. Hell, even just a few
weeks ago, he’d have been happy kicking it back with his friends and watching
the world go by.

Tonight, though, he’d much rather be home
with Sara. He wondered what she’d be wearing when he got there. Would she have
slipped into something seductive for his return? Or would she be naked, wet and
ready in bed? His cock twitched inside his pants, reminding him how horny he’d
been for the past two days. God, he had it bad.

Which was exactly why the two dumbasses
were making fun of him.

Sammy elbowed Chris and nodded toward him.
“Look at that. He’s mooning over her again.”

Chris started laughing, the sound so loud
everyone turned to look at him. He didn’t stop, however, and it almost looked
like he couldn’t. How odd. “You okay, man?”

The younger man shook his head and muttered
between gasping breaths, “Mooning. Cow! Mooning cow. Ha ha haaaaa!”

The man had lost it for sure. Jared looked
at Sammy and froze. He’d been planning on making fun of his still laughing
friend, but something in the other man’s eyes stopped him. He replayed what
Chris had said and suddenly it all became clear. “You fuckers!” He pushed his
chair back and stood up, towering over them with his hands clenched into fists.
Now he really wanted to hurt them. Really, really wanted to.

Sammy must have seen the intent on his
face, because he jumped up too and put his hands in the air. “Hold on, Jar. It
was just a joke! You know us, right?”

“I thought I did,” he snapped back. “And
yet you called my woman a cow! Who the fuck do you think you are?” He pushed
him, making the other man take a step back. “I should teach you a lesson in
fucking politeness.”

“Come on, man. You know what she looks
like. She’s not your usual type, that’s all.”

“So fucking what? I love her, goddamn it!”

“Oh. Right.” Sammy looked at their friend,
who’d finally stopped laughing. “Let’s go, Chris.”

Jared watched his two former friends hurry
out of the bar and raked an agitated hand through his hair. What the fuck had
just happened? They’d insulted his girlfriend as if it was normal, as if he
should have expected it, and why? Because she was rounder than his previous
conquests? What the hell? Couldn’t they see how different this was? Shit, if
they were really his friends, they’d be happy for him.

So angry he was seeing red, he slapped a
couple of bills on the table and left. He needed Sara. Now.

BOOK: BacktoLife
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