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Authors: Jessie Donovan

Tags: #Fiction / Romance / Paranormal

B013U5A18C (A) (8 page)

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Crossing her arms over her chest, Sid shrugged. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Bloody female. “I want to have sex.”

“With me? Sorry, Kai, but you’re not my type.”

“Cassidy Jackson, now is not the time to play games with me.”

She raised an eyebrow. “You’re using my full name. If that’s supposed to scare me, it’s not working.”

Sid turned, put on some gloves, and carried a tray over to him. Then the bloody female went to work at taking his stitches out.

After a few seconds, he finally decided Jane was worth Sid winning this round. “When can I have sex with my human?”

Sid peered up. “Your human, huh? That was fast.”


Sid went back to his injury. “Fine. You won’t be able to have the wild sex fest you’re dreaming of until at least tomorrow.” She paused, and then added, “But if you’re lying on your back, I don’t see the harm. Just be careful of your arm.”

Kai’s dragon broke out of his mental cage.
How many more minutes? After this, we’re taking our human home and stripping her. 

You heard what the doctor said.

That doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun before Jane rides us.

Keep quiet until Sid’s done and I might take some of your suggestions.

I could take control if I wanted to.

Don’t start this again. In all our years together, you’ve yet to take control of me and keep it. Not even when Maggie rejected us did you take full control for more than a few minutes at a time.

Yes, but this time is different. Our human wants us as much as we want her. 

Not wanting to argue any longer, Kai shoved his beast back again and watched the second hand as it ticked around the clock. Five or ten minutes was going to seem like an eternity, especially when he could have Jane naked and screaming his name in twenty.




On the flight to Stonefire, Jane had lost her mobile phone somehow, so she couldn’t check her email or go on the web. The magazine collection on the table was sparse and mostly about cooking or flying techniques. Since Jane couldn’t fly, nor did she like cooking, she studied her surroundings.

Apart from the young dragon-shifter male at the reception desk, Jane was alone. The furnishings were old, but sturdy. Unlike the plastic chairs of human hospitals, Stonefire had wooden ones. Given the muscles and size of the dragon-shifters, Jane couldn’t blame them.

Even something as mundane as a waiting room gave her ideas for her podcast series. She wondered what dragon-shifter medicine actually entailed. Maybe Sid would be open to an interview.

One of the doors to the side of the reception desk opened and out walked Hudson Wells, one of the dragon-shifters she’d interviewed her first time on Stonefire. In his arms was his son, Elliott.

The dragonman smiled at something his son said and it was infectious. Considering the last time Jane had interviewed him, Hudson had been grieving hard about losing his mate, Charlie. Jane was happy to see the change.

Standing up, she waved and called out, “Hudson.”

Hudson looked up and smiled. “Ms. Hartley.”

Jane walked over to the dragonman. “I told you before to call me Jane.”

“Jane then. Are you here to interview Dr. Sid?”

She wondered how much she should divulge, but decided since Kai had been open about his claim on her, she wouldn’t hold back. “No, I’m waiting for Kai.”

Hudson’s pupils flashed to slits and then back. “Ah, I understand now.”

“I wish you all would stop it with the super-senses. It’s a bit unfair.”

Hudson smiled. “Hey, we need every advantage we can take.”

Hudson’s son interjected, “I’m hungry, Daddy. You promised.”

“Right, right, you want pancakes.”

The little boy nodded enthusiastically. “I got my shot and didn’t cry. You said dragons always keep their promises.”

“So I did.” Hudson gave Jane an apologetic look. “Sorry, Jane. This one is just starting to talk with his dragon and if I don’t feed him, his little beastie will cause all sorts of trouble.”

“No worries. I’ll be around, so if you need to talk to someone, I’m here.”

Elliott’s pupils flashed to slits and stayed that way. “I’m hungry. Give me food.”

Hudson peered into his little boy’s eyes. “Even dragons need manners. What do you say?”

The boy grunted. “Please feed me.”

“Better.” Hudson shifted the boy in his arms. “Bye, Jane.”

Jane waved. “See you around, Hudson.” She tickled the little boy’s side. “And behave for your father.”

All Elliott said was, “Food.”

Jane laughed as Hudson and his son left. Human and dragon-shifters boys might not be all that different after all.

She turned to go back to her seat when Kai came out the same door. Before she could say anything, Kai asked, “Why were you talking with Hudson Wells?”

She shrugged. “He’s had a rough time. I just wanted to say hello.”

Kai grunted. “But he’s unattached.”

Jane sighed. “Please tell me you’re not going to order me not to talk to unattached men.”

His pupils were slitted. “I’m thinking about it.”

“Don’t be daft. How about you tell me what Sid said instead? I see the sling is gone. That’s a good sign.”

Kai reached out his good arm and drew Jane against his body. “I can’t have wild sex until tomorrow.”

Jane raised an eyebrow. “I sense a ‘but.’”

He leaned down and whispered into her ear. “But it’s fine if I lay on my back and you ride me.”

Despite her heart hammering in her chest, Jane couldn’t help but say, “I’ve always wanted to ride a dragon-shifter.”

Kai nipped her ear. “I am the only one you’ll be riding, Janey.” He nuzzled her cheek. “But first I’m going to strip you and make you come with my tongue.”

Considering what Kai had done with his fingers, his words shot straight between her legs and her clit throbbed in anticipation. “Unless you’re going to do that in full view of that bloke at reception, I think we should go.”

“So my rather tall human is impatient. I’d say you’re as much dragon-shifter as me.”

Jane took his chin and turned his head until she could look into Kai’s blue eyes. “Who wouldn’t want to sleep with a clever, sexy man?”

Kai growled. “We have about five minutes before my dragon throws a fit and pushes to take you, no matter if we’re in public or not. Start walking, human.”

“Again with the ordering?”

His looked turned heated. “Oh, I think when you’re naked and at my mercy, you won’t mind it so much.”

The thought of what Kai might do to her when she was naked sent a little thrill through her body. “You’d better live up to the hype, dragonman.”

Kai gripped her backside possessively. “We can argue later.” He slapped her arse. “Start walking.”

He spun her around and kept a grip on her waist. 

As her dragonman picked up his pace, Jane tried her best to keep up. Knowing Kai, he might toss her over his shoulder and not care about his injury. 

And while she rather liked the idea of Kai whisking her off to some secret location and fucking her senseless, she didn’t want to hurt him.

Half-running, Jane followed Kai’s lead. Each step only made her heart beat faster and her skin grow warmer. Rumors said sex with a dragonman would change a woman’s life forever.

Jane was ready to find out if it was merely a rumor or the truth.




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Part Four of
Reawakening the Dragon
will be out on September 10, 2015. You can pre-order it on
click here for Amazon UK
). Or,
you can sign up for my newsletter
to receive an alert on release day.

Dear Reader:


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Also, I need to ask you a favor. Word-of-mouth is crucial for any author to succeed. If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a review. Even if it's only a line or two, it would be a huge help!


If you liked this story then you may enjoy the other books in my Stonefire Dragons series. Turn the page for a reading list and information about the first book in the series,
Sacrificed to the Dragon.
I’m also going to include a little about my cougar-shifter series (with wolves and bears, too!) called Cascade Shifters.


With Gratitude,

Jessie Donovan

The Stonefire Dragons Reading Order:


Sacrificed to the Dragon: Boxed Set
(Parts #1-4)

Seducing the Dragon: Boxed Set
(Parts #1-4)

Revealing the Dragons

Healed by the Dragon: Boxed Set
(Parts #1-4)

Reawakening the Dragon
(in progress)



Sacrificed to the Dragon: Boxed Set

Parts #1-4

(Stonefire Dragons Story Arc #1)


In exchange for a vial of dragon’s blood to save her brother’s life, Melanie Hall offers herself up as a sacrifice to one of the British dragon-shifter clans. Being a sacrifice means signing a contract to live with the dragon-shifters for six months to try to conceive a child. Her assigned dragonman, however, is anything but easy. He’s tall, broody, and alpha to the core. There’s only one problem—he hates humans. 
Due to human dragon hunters killing his mother, Tristan MacLeod despises humans. Unfortunately, his clan is in desperate need of offspring to repopulate their numbers and it’s his turn to service a human female. Despite his plans to have sex with her and walk away, his inner dragon has other ideas. The curvy human female tempts his inner beast like no other. 


Sacrificed to the Dragon: Boxed Set
is now available on all major online retailers.



Cascade Shifters Reading Order:


Convincing the Cougar
(prequel novella)

Reclaiming the Wolf

Cougar’s First Christmas

Resisting the Cougar



Reclaiming the Wolf

(Cascade Shifters #1)


Female wolf-shifter clan leaders are rare, but Kaya Alexie thrives on the challenge and can handle anything the men of her pack throw her way. However, when the male cougar-shifter who broke her heart ten years ago shows up on her doorstep with a dead wolf-shifter in tow, her whole world goes off-kilter. She’s determined to ignore him, but when a virus threatens to decimate her clan, she has no choice but to work with her ex and his brother to survive.


Sylas Murray is sent by his brother to ask for the wolves’ help in solving the mystery of a recent wolf-shifter attack. There are a few problems, however. Not only is he a cougar-shifter among a pack of wolves, the clan leader is also his ex-girlfriend. To say they had a bad break-up would be putting it mildly—Sy’s actions nearly destroyed the truce his clan had with the wolf-shifters. But as a virus threatens the GreyFire wolves, Sy and Kaya must put aside their past to find a cure.


As they work together and race against the clock, Sy starts to wonder why he let Kaya go in the first place. Despite their past, will he be able to reclaim the wolf that captured his heart and start over?


Reclaiming the Wolf
is now available at all major online retailers.



Books by Jessie Donovan



Asylums for Magical Threats

Blaze of Secrets
(AMT #1)

Frozen Desires
(AMT #2)

Shadow of Temptation
(AMT #2.5)

Flare of Promise
(February 2016, AMT#3)



Cascade Shifters

Convincing the Cougar
(CS #0.5)

Reclaiming the Wolf
(CS #1)

Cougar’s First Christmas
(CS #1.5)

Resisting the Cougar
(CS #2)



Lochguard Highland Dragons

The Dragon’s Dilemma
(Book #1, Oct 2015)



Stonefire Dragons

Sacrificed to the Dragon: Boxed Set
(Parts #1-4)

Seducing the Dragon: Boxed Set
(Parts #1-4)

Revealing the Dragons

Healed by the Dragon: Boxed Set
(Parts #1-4)

Reawakening the Dragon: Part One

Reawakening the Dragon: Part Two

Reawakening the Dragon: Part Three

Reawakening the Dragon: Part Four
(September 10, 2015)

Reawakening the Dragon: Boxed Set
(September 17, 2015)

About the Author



Jessie Donovan wrote her first story at age five, and after discovering
The Dragonriders of Pern
series by Anne McCaffrey in junior high, she realized people actually wanted to read stories like those floating around inside her head.  From there on out, she was determined to tap into her over-active imagination and write a book someday.

BOOK: B013U5A18C (A)
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