Read Autumn Lake Online

Authors: Destiny Blaine

Tags: #Heroes and Rogues

Autumn Lake (3 page)

BOOK: Autumn Lake
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“I think so,” she whispered, glancing around in a conspiratorial fashion. “I told the other fella to sneak out the window. He should be gone by now.”

“Let’s hope so,” he said, using a thick and guttural tone. “It wouldn’t be safe for a man to hang around here for too long.”

Shivers ran up her spine. The way he looked at her when he made a carnal sound left her weak in the knees.

“Nice place.”

“Thanks.” She pointed at her bedroom. “Let me grab my purse.” She stopped before she made it across the room. “Why wouldn’t it be

Jake started at her neck and worked his way down, giving her one hell of a gaze-fuck. “Want me to show you?”

“You’re trouble.” She shook her finger at him, but it was already too late. Apparently she’d left too much play in her voice.

“Honey, you have no idea.” He stalked her like he’d waited for the last three and a half hours to pursue her. Over six foot tall and at least two-hundred pounds, Jake even possessed a biker’s walk, a swagger full of confidence.

Instead of running or teasing him, playing off his pursuit as plain silly, she stood there and waited for him, eager and ready. No one was there to stand in her way.


Chapter Four



“What do you say we get the first kiss out of the way?” He tilted her chin to his and whispered. “Would you like that, Autumn?”

“You’re smooth. I’ll give you that.” And she was creaming her panties. This man’s touch had set her on fire. His fingers on her chin had left her with goose bumps up and down her arms. Her nipples peaked, eager for his lips and hungry for the first exquisite pinch.

“I’m a lot of things, Autumn,” he said softly, delivering the first peck. “I’ve never been called smooth.”

“Ah, but you have now,” she said, lifting her head higher so he wouldn’t have any trouble assaulting her lips if he wanted them.

“True.” He grinned. “I have a feeling you and I may enjoy plenty of firsts.”


“Like this.” His right hand went to the back of her head. His left cupped the side of her neck and he dragged her to him. His lips swept over hers, back and forth, before he gave her plenty more to think about.

With a first thrust of tongue, he entered her mouth like he had every intention of using their kiss for the lead-in to hardcore foreplay. Forceful and greedy, his tongue dueled with hers and he stepped closer. “Hmm.” He drew back. “Want more?”

She rubbed her lips together, defying the urge to kick things up a notch. “You’re one hell of a player. Aren’t you?”

“If you say so,” he said, staring down at her with a lustful expression stamped on his face.

She couldn’t help but appreciate the handsome man looking back at her. She saw him as more than a biker, much more than a mark or a way to infiltrate the club.

This guy was a rogue of a fellow, a bad boy through and through, but there was something different about him and she couldn’t quite figure out what. He was too young to be the other undercover, but there were still significant differences between Jake and the other Heroes and Rogues.

“Should we stand here all night staring at one another or do you want to grab your purse?”

Her skin felt hot, but she tried to play it off. Thumbing the room behind her, she said, “I’ll grab my bag, freshen up, and be right out.”

Before she could escape to her room and use the time to catch her breath, Jake made another move. Bracketing his arms around her waist, he pulled her body flush against his. “Why do you need to freshen up, pretty lady?” He weaved his hand through her shoulder-length hair. “You just had a shower. I can smell that rich herbal shampoo from here.” He nuzzled her then, seemingly like an animal might, scenting her skin and pressing his erection against her. His ragged breaths fell against her ear. “Are you hot, baby? Tell me. Do I turn you on?”

“You’re dangerous,” she whispered, gripping his biceps and hoping for a little distance, space he would initiate. She didn’t have the self-discipline to push him away.

“Do you like dangerous men, Autumn?” His eyes narrowed. “I think you do. I think you’re like me in a lot of ways.”


“We both have something to prove.”

Her heart stilled. Had her cover been blown? Had someone told him why she was really there? Had her father suspected she was working undercover? Had he hired this man? He knew her type. He could’ve easily put one of the H&R boys on his payroll, just to ensure she stayed in line. Then again, playing two sides carried risks.

She should know.

Realizing how vulnerable she was then, how she’d left herself open to attack by letting her guard down, she nudged Jake out of her way. “I think someone is opposed to taking things slow.”

Jake placed his palm against his chest. “Are you trying to let a guy down easy?”

“Of course not.”

“Try and deny you want me then.”

“Oh I want you, Jake. I just have enough self-discipline to deny temptation until I’m ready for you and you’re ready for me.”




Jake wouldn’t make it through dinner. From the easy conversation to the way she shot him those little knowing looks, Autumn Lake had something he wanted, something every man needed.

She was genuine, real. She wanted to play, but she wasn’t a player. She knew the rules of the game, but she’d never follow them.

He smiled at the thought and she shook her finger at him. “I see you over there thinking too much.”

“What am I thinking about?” He leaned forward, folding his hands on the tabletop. “Tell me.”

Their gazes met and held. She didn’t look away and neither did he and he should’ve known she was bold enough to give him a saucy reply, an answer destined to stretch his cock another few inches.

“You’re thinking about me on the back of your bike.” She bit her lip and tilted her head. “You’re wondering if I’m wearing panties or if I rode your seat bareback.”

“And did you?” His damn cock would be in her pussy before the night was over if she told him she was bare, skin only, under that too-short skirt.

“I guess you’ll have to find out for yourself.”

“Come over here,” he said, feeling that dark beast of a man rising up inside him. He’d always had a thing for her type—tall, but not too tall, and curvy. She carried around a rack and a half, too, and he’d always loved big-breasted women. Her best physical attribute was that cute little ass with an extra bounce to it. “Um.”

“Did you just grunt?”

“Probably,” he replied, keeping his head down, his gaze pinned to her chest.

“I’ll stay on my side of the table then,” she teased, laughing when the server returned with their drinks. He had requested their house beer on tap and she’d ordered an apple martini.

“Have you decided what you want to eat?”

“Yeah,” Jake said, famished.

“Don’t,” she warned.

“I’ll have one of her,” he rasped, never changing his focus. “And we’ll also have side salads, two grilled chicken dinners with broccoli and asparagus.”


“Hot and saucy,” he said, catching a kick in the shin. He jerked, looked up at an amused waitress, and quickly added, “Do you have ranch?”

“Bacon ranch.”

“That’s fine for me,” he said. “Autumn?”

“Sounds good, thanks,” she said, addressing their waitress. “And don’t pay any attention to him. It’s our first date and he doesn’t know how to act.”

The server laughed. “You’ll never convince me of a first date. The way you two look at each other, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were on your honeymoon.”


Chapter Five



“We made it through the meal.” She accepted the helmet he handed her. “Thank you, by the way. Dinner was delicious.”

“You’re delicious,” Jake said, wanting to verify it. He was dying to slip his fingers underneath her skirt and grab a taste, a sweet little nip to keep his lips moist, his cock hard.

“You don’t know for sure,” she said, lifting her head and affixing the chinstrap.

“Don’t tease me, baby.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and hauled her against him.

Her palms landed on his chest. “Do you have a sex problem?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I didn’t whisper.” She certainly did then. “I’m curious.”

Taken aback, he stepped away from temptation. “No.”

“I’m not trying to offend you.”

“If I’ve made you feel uncomfortable, I’ll keep my hands to myself.”

“You might if you knew more about me.” She boarded the bike and didn’t bother fiddling with her skirt. Earlier, when he’d picked her up, he’d helped her take her seat and she’d nervously tried to keep herself decent, pulling at her clothes and planting her hands in front of her crotch so he couldn’t see up her skirt. Now, she didn’t seem to care. Then again, he’d had one beer before dinner and she’d slurped down four martinis.

“I know enough about you,” he said, claiming the spot in front of her and sticking the key in the ignition.

“You know my father is in guns and he uses me for a runner.” She locked her arms around his waist. “Other than that what do you know?”

He was itching to say something off-color like, “What do I know? I know my cock is hard and I wouldn’t mind one bit if you stuffed your hand down my pants and stroked me all the way back to your place.” Instead of being crude, he turned his head to his shoulder and said, “Let’s see. What do I know? Hmm…I’ve never seen a more beautiful or confident woman. You make me laugh and I haven’t laughed in a long time. You’re the perfect dinner date and a good sport.” They’d had a great time together. They’d teased one another throughout their meal. He couldn’t remember having a better date. “I think you’re dynamite. And I don’t care who your daddy is. I like what I see. That’s what matters to me.”

“Good,” she said, squeezing her arms around his middle. “I like what I see, too. Mr. Covington.”

A minute later they were headed back to her place. He opened up the throttle and raced toward Highway 93. The evening air was fragrant with the smell of grilled burgers, honeysuckle vines, and late-blooming summer flowers. Soon, they pulled in front of her apartment building.

“I’ll see you to your door,” he said, taking her hand and helping her off the bike. Determined not to look between her parted legs, he squeezed her fingers and held his breath, waiting for her to pitch some cute line that would make him horny again. She was adorable and he longed to touch her.

She removed her helmet, fluffed her hair, and then apparently unsatisfied, flipped those long locks over her face. She quickly combed her fingers through her hair. As luck would have it, his cock was level with the crown of her head and when her fingers brushed against his length, he moaned.

“You’re horny.”

“You can do something about that,” he rasped.

“I knew it,” she said, walking ahead of him. “You’re only after one thing. You’re like every other biker I’ve ever met. You assume because my daddy is a criminal, I can’t wait to bend over the seat of your bike and take it up the ass.”

He placed the helmet on the bike and caught a small quarter-size wet spot on his seat. “Sweet mercy.” He cleared his throat and thought of her crude remarks. Maybe the shoe fit. He watched her march up the front steps. She talked a mean talk, but her walk suggested otherwise. She’d slam an open door right in his face if he didn’t play by her rules.

“You coming up or not?”

He grabbed the key out of the ignition. A better man might have walked away. A better man would’ve ignored the fact that the woman in front of him was as hot for him as he was for her.

Then again, Jake Covington wasn’t exactly the better man. He wasn’t just after one thing. Maybe he should’ve told her that. He glanced at the damp spot proving she’d been aroused.

He wasn’t a sex addict either. Not by a long shot. But he wasn’t too proud to admit he was rapidly developing an addiction—one with a first and last name.




She unlocked her apartment. They stared at one another for what seemed like way too long. Finally, she asked, “Would you like to come in for a beer?”

“If I come in for a beer, we both know what will happen.”

“What will happen, Jake?” She set her purse right inside her apartment and flattened her palms on his chest.

He looked over the top of her head, acknowledging the various furniture pieces he wanted to use for extracurricular activities. He could almost picture her bent over the sofa, his cock parting her cheeks, fucking her pussy.

Moistening his lips, he dragged her against him. Tilting her chin up, he kissed her gently at first, taking his time and working right into their kiss. He fluttered his tongue over hers, loving the way she whimpered when he became greedy with his kiss, truly famished as he claimed her mouth like he’d love to claim her body—with illicit intentions, carnal in every way.

Finally, he backed out of their kiss. “I’ll call ya.”

“Okay.” She sounded disappointed, but from what he knew of women, she’d be more disappointed if he took advantage of her tipsy state. He didn’t want their first time to be clumsy or rushed. He didn’t want to take her when she had the potential to forget the good stuff, the ravenous way he would love on her.

And there wasn’t any doubt in his mind.

When he took her, he’d take her as if he’d never taken another. He’d also want her to know. For as long as she was in his town, dealing with his club, she was his. No other Heroes and Rogues club member could have her.

They said their reluctant goodbyes and he left her. Seconds later, he climbed on his bike. Minutes passed and he tore down Highway 93 cursing himself for leaving a woman who was aware of the risks and dangers. Why hadn’t he just acted? Why did he want to keep a good woman waiting when he’d never had a problem taking a bad one to his bed?

Maybe that was the whole problem. He’d enjoyed the wildcats, the club broads everyone had entertained in their beds and all over that damn club.

BOOK: Autumn Lake
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