Read Autumn Fire Online

Authors: Cameron D. James

Tags: #erotic gay romance

Autumn Fire (2 page)

BOOK: Autumn Fire
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“Th-thank you.” His hand slid off Dustin’s head.

“No problem.” Dustin ran his tongue over his lips, savoring the remaining taste.

They stared at each other for a long stretch, endless thoughts of further lust tumbling through Dustin’s mind. His cock still throbbed in his pants, screaming out for release. CollegeJock22 reached out awkwardly and caressed the side of Dustin’s face, pausing to admire it. A simple gesture, but it warmed Dustin to the core. His skin tingled at the touch.

CollegeJock22 broke contact and packed his flaccid dick back into his pants and zipped up. He avoided eye contact the whole time. “I’ll look for you online again, sometime.”

“For sure.” Dustin would never see CollegeJock22 again, he knew. Most closeted guys, especially the hot ones, disappeared shortly after getting their rocks off—and CollegeJock22’s profile read “straight, but curious,” which was internet slang for “intensely closeted.”

He looked up into the man’s eyes again, giving him a last lingering look. Dustin tried to interpret the emotion behind CollegeJock22’s gaze...longing?

As their gaze held for a heartbeat more, Dustin felt something spark between them. Some sort of indefinable current ran from CollegeJock22 to Dustin and back again. The man’s lips flickered into a brief smile, one of the most adorable smiles Dustin ever saw, then he turned to unlock the stall door, disappearing back into the library.

Dustin sat, recovering from the all-consuming surge of heat and sex. He considered jacking off, but doubted he could muster the energy for it after the explosive finish. His dick still throbbed hard, but something told him it wasn’t going to work out. He stood and moved to the sink and mirror, washed his hands and checked for telltale cum drying on his face. Satisfied, and now relaxed enough to tackle his math, he walked out of the washroom.

~ * ~

At his small desk in his shared dorm room, Dustin’s erection had long turned flaccid, forgotten in the afterglow of CollegeJock22’s cum filling his mouth. Though the hookup helped shake loose some nerves and relieve some tension, he still found it difficult to study.

The miniscule study space didn’t help, providing barely enough room to spread out his books on the tiny slab of wood. The confined area added an edge of frustration to his studies and his minor math errors irritated him more than usual. Something about linear algebra wouldn’t click and it made the spot between his eyes throb, as it so often did, signaling the approach of a homework-induced migraine.

He threw his pencil down and leaned back, hands covering his face. He breathed in deep, thinking of anything but elementary row operations, identity matrices, and vector spaces. Dustin exhaled and gently massaged the pressure point between his eyes. Inevitably, his thoughts wandered away from math, his lustful mind returning to the washroom and the juicy cock.

Dustin dropped his hands from his face to his lap, resting on his thickening dick. He slid his tongue across his lips, remembering the warm taste. Normally, Dustin wasn’t much of a cum guzzler, but every once in a while he needed it. He’d drink it all day long if it came from CollegeJock22…and if his jaw could withstand the constant workout.

The man’s cock was a thing of beauty. It’s a shame their public setting meant he couldn’t see the rest of the jock—there were hints of some serious muscle beneath that shirt of his. CollegeJock22 was, by far, the hottest man Dustin ever played with.

He kept his eyes closed, envisioning the plump, juicy dick in front of his face. Dustin brushed his thumb across his now-fully-hard bulge. He was blessed with a vivid memory and could recall, with exquisite detail, the moment CollegeJock22 shot his load in his mouth—the hot spurts which flew to the back of Dustin’s throat and cascaded over his tongue. Cum was all the more delicious when it came from a hot man.

Dustin slipped his right hand under the top of his pants and more firmly rubbed his erection. His fingers were immediately slick with precum, soaking through his briefs. A flash of memory of the twitch of CollegeJock22’s hole and shuddered gasp caused his dick to leak some more. Dustin would have loved to caress the same spot with his lips and tongue, to taste CollegeJock22 and send him to new heights of ecstasy. Like eating cum, he wasn’t normally a fan of rimming, but if it meant burying his face in the jock’s muscular ass, he’d dive right in.

His dick throbbed now, pulsing with every heartbeat. He opened his belt and undid the button of his pants, but froze with his fingers on the zipper tab when he heard familiar voices. As the lock on his door rattled open, Dustin quickly leaned forward in his chair and did up his pants. He wiped his moist fingers on the inside of his shirt and draped it over his very obvious bulge.

“Hey, buddy!” came the familiar, exuberant voice.

“Hey, Jason.” Dustin pretended to extricate himself from a complex question. Jason, one of the up and coming stars of the university basketball team, took an almost big brother approach to their relationship, though one year younger than Dustin.

Dustin smiled when he saw his roommate’s girlfriend. “Hi, Angela.”

She smiled warmly and approached his desk. Dustin adjusted his t-shirt a bit more, ensuring his dwindling boner hid sufficiently. “Studying?” she asked.

Dustin smiled mischievously. “Trying to.”

Jason sat on the edge of his bed as Angela leaned over Dustin’s desk, scanning the books and papers. She surprised Dustin when they first met two months ago. He pegged her as the typical athlete girlfriend—big breasts, small brain, and generally ditzy—but soon learned she possessed a keen intelligence and warm personality. He quite enjoyed the few conversations they’d shared.

“Linear algebra, eh? The bane of my first year studies.”

He shrugged. “Any words of advice? You know, from the perspective of a survivor.”

“Take sociology instead,” Jason interjected, laughing wildly at his own joke.

Dustin and Angela shared a chuckle. She patted him on the shoulder. “Some more serious advice would be to get a tutor.”

Dustin rolled his eyes, swiveling around in his chair as she walked over to sit next to Jason. “Tutors require money, which is something I tend to be lacking.”

“If you go through the Student Resource Center, they can set you up with a peer tutor for free.” Angela shrugged out of her fleece hoodie, revealing a low cut top underneath which highlighted the curves of her chest...the curves that led to his incorrect assumption about her two months prior.

Jason’s eyes were immediately drawn there and locked on. Even as a closeted gay man, Dustin could appreciate a nice rack, but with considerably more discretion than Jason.

“Hmm...Worth looking into, I guess.”

Jason snaked an arm around Angela’s waist and nibbled the bottom of her earlobe. Given his immense stature, he towered over Angela. He pulled himself off of her long enough to look to Dustin. “School isn’t everything, bro. You have to schedule in some fun time, party with some hot chicks.”

Dustin smiled lightly. Jason always tried to set him up with a girl or take him to some party. “Some of us put our long term future ahead of our present and fleeting passions,” he jibed. He had long developed deflection techniques for when these questions came up. Jason wasn’t the first to broach this topic, so eventually, he would give up on finding Dustin a date. Everyone always did.

“Forever studying, never living. You’re missing out on life, Dusty. You gotta have fun sometimes. You gotta get laid.” Jason growled seductively at Angela as his fingers found their way under the hem of her shirt. She brushed his hand off, shooting Dustin an apologetic look.

“You know,” Dustin said, not oblivious to the cues, “I might be more productive if I went to the study hall. I could spread my books out there and take up all the space I need.”

Jason shot him a wink. “If you’re going to study, you better do it right. Although it
Saturday night and you really should be at a bar or something, rather than sticking your nose in books.”

As Dustin packed his stuff, Jason excused himself to their tiny cubicle of a washroom.

“You know he teases because he cares about you, right?” Angela kept her voice low and moved closer to Dustin.

“What?” Dustin paused, confused. “Oh, the dating and sex thing? Yeah. It doesn’t bother me much. I know it comes from a good place.”

Angela figured out Dustin’s secret shortly after meeting him. When she tentatively brought it up, Dustin panicked, thinking she’d shared it with Jason first and the rest of the year would be a living hell. Thankfully, she confided her older brother was gay and knew through him some of the pressures he dealt with. She assured him his secret would stay safe with her.

She brushed a lock of her straight red hair behind her ear. “Good. He talks about you often, wanting to make sure you’re getting the ‘full university experience,’ and not just letting life pass you by while you study.”

Dustin zipped up his bag. “My parents were the same. Eventually their pleas for me to find a girlfriend died off and now the topic is largely ignored.”

She reached out and gave his arm a gentle squeeze. “One of these days, you’ll meet a man who will make it all worth it. All the struggles and awkward conversations, it’ll all become minor bumps in your past compared to the loving embrace of the man you love.”

He faked a smile. “Sure.”

The toilet flushed and they both glanced at the bathroom door. She gave his arm one more squeeze, then settled back on the edge of the bed. Jason flung the bathroom door open. Shirt off, he stalked toward Angela like a hungry lion. The light from Dustin’s study lamp cast tantalizing shadows across Jason’s tightly muscled torso.

Dustin cleared his throat and fought against the returning stiffening in his pants. “I think I’ve seen too much,” he joked. He quickly exited and, before he fully locked the door, he heard what sounded like Jason pouncing onto the bed and Angela squealing in surprise.

Dustin shook his head and made his way over to the study hall in the Ashdown Building. A small university campus on the outskirts of downtown Toronto, the school offered student dorms, but stayed small enough he didn’t feel lost in a crowd of several tens of thousands of students. He flipped up the collar of his sweater because the chilly November evening nipped at him.

He lowered his sweater zipper as he entered Ashdown Building and walked up the stairs to the main study hall, slowing as his gaze wandered a little further, to the library entrance at the far end of the hall.

The heat of the afternoon blowjob still buzzed through him hours later. He’d sucked a lot of dick over the years, but never once been so turned on that it kept making him hard the rest of the day. His first time hadn’t even been as thrilling as this experience.

Not so much the mechanical motions, but rather the underlying passion seemed to thread through the entire encounter...from the way their eyes locked, to how he brushed his hand against Dustin’s cheek, to the feel of fingers entangled in his hair.

Typically, in his experience, the other guy just wanted to get off and nothing more—no passion and no tenderness. Any heat generated in the moment quickly dissipated once the cum flew, but with CollegeJock22 things were somehow different. Dustin hardened as his thoughts turned once again to the memories of CollegeJock22’s dick in his mouth, the moans of pleasure, those deep eyes...

Rather than settle down at a table, Dustin detoured into the library. It was only open for about twenty minutes more, but he wouldn’t need much time. He walked straight through to the cramped shelves at the far back and continued on into the men’s room. Dustin stopped, letting the door swing closed behind him.

Empty, thank God.
He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. The typical smell of a men’s room, normally not pleasant, took on new meaning for him, providing stimulus to his overactive imagination. The harsh lighting, the tile floor...all of it spurred dirty thoughts.

Dustin stepped over to the stall and pushed the door open. The scrawled messages...the toilet... The only thing missing was the man.

Blood swelled south, engorging his dick to its rigid fullness. Instinctively, Dustin brushed his hand against the fly of his jeans, slowly rubbing up and down the length of himself. A heady mix of lust and passion coursed through his system as he approached the urinal and unzipped. His rock-hard cock leapt out like a coiled spring. Dustin grasped it in a tight grip and stroked, closing his eyes and imagining himself in a sixty-nine with CollegeJock22.

He pumped vigorously, but wanted more. Not sated by mere masturbation, he wanted to make love to CollegeJock22’s dick, to use his tongue to tease the stud’s senses and drive him wild, to feel the hot spray of cum across his face.

He even, Dustin realized, wanted to have CollegeJock22 enter from behind and fuck him slowly and passionately. Extremely rare, to the point of non-existence, for him to crave being topped by someone—to know his lusts took him there—surprised him, spurring on firmer strokes.

But, above all, Dustin wanted the real thing, not memories and fantasies. He released his cock, realizing it wouldn’t work.

Dustin stuffed himself back in and zipped up, leaving the washroom with a still-throbbing dick in his pants. He returned to the study hall and set up in the corner, far from the prying eyes of the handful of other Saturday night studiers. He fired up his laptop and angled the screen. Once he secured relative privacy, he quickly logged onto the hookup website where he’d met CollegeJock22. Dustin had numerous hookups over the years, including a sex binge in the late summer, knowing he wouldn’t have time for many—or any—during the school year. He also feared outing himself in this new environment, which might hold him back from venturing back into it.

In the back of his mind, Dustin wondered if CollegeJock22 horned him up so bad because it was the first hookup he’d made in almost three months and offered a welcome reprieve from the headache of studying. A different part of his mind declared there was something different about this man.

Upon logging in, his screen filled with profile pictures of men—mostly headless torso shots and few dick close-ups, face photos few and far between. Most men who used this site seemed to care more about what the other man carried around in his pants, not his pretty face or how charming his personality could be.

BOOK: Autumn Fire
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