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Authors: Cassy Roop

Ashley's Bend (5 page)

BOOK: Ashley's Bend
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“What is your name?”

“A-Ashley,” she said nervously. She had no idea how much her nervousness was turning me on.

“The beautiful Ashley here is going to help me demonstrate how to properly tie a simple Karada. Normally your subject would be naked, but we will leave Ashley clothed,
for now.

I did not have to see her eyes to know that she was surprised by my statement. I could see her shoulders move up and down with her heavy breaths as she tried to control her fear.

Taking the rope in my hands, I turned toward the crowd. “Stand up Ashley,” I commanded. She rose on shaky legs at my command and I could see her body visibly tremble from fear, excitement...anticipation. Slowly, I held the rope to measure that both opened ends were of equal length before draping the rope around her neck.

“First, drape the rope over your subs neck like this and bring both ends to rest over the shoulders. Make three knots in front with about four inches in between,” I demonstrated as I made the knots in front with my arms wrapped around her shoulders. My fingers brushed against her breasts and her breath caught.

So she was affected by this too? Control Nic, control.
I had to keep reminding myself. I walked around to stand at her side and gave the rope a small tug, which caused her to stumble into my chest. Her hands splayed out on my chest, and she looked up at me, terrified, wide-eyed. I gave her a stern look. “Steady,” I whispered.

Turning to face the crowd, I continued with my instructions, “Next you take the rope in front and bring it down between the legs.” As I was saying this, my fingers brushed the smooth, silky skin of her creamy thighs causing her to jump. “Then you take the rope up the back and pull it under the rope at the neck, like this. Turn around, Ashley.” As she turned, I watched the hem of her dress ride up her gorgeous thighs before I demonstrated the latest step.

“Take the ends of the rope in each hand.
. Now take the two ends and bring them under the arms and loop each end through the hole between the first two knots.”

My fingers lingered a little longer on her breasts then they should have. I wanted to grab her nipples and squeeze them through the fuckable dress of hers. Taking a deep breath, I regained my control and tried to continue the lesson. Ashley let out a few small whimpers and it took all my control not to bend her over and fuck her in front of the whole crowd.

“Bring the two ends back around the back and loop through the rope and then repeat the procedure bringing it back around the front one last time and tie it all off. There you have it, a simple Karada. If you wanted to provide extra stimulation for your sub, tie a knot with the rope at the clitoris, vaginal opening, or ass. Ropes are provided in the rooms in The Hall if you wish to practice. Dismissed.”

I watched as the crowd started to scatter, but Ashley didn’t move a muscle. I looked at her and gave her a sexy grin. She still looked scared and not quite sure as to what to do. “Who do you belong to?” I asked her as I circled around her taking in every glorious inch. I would have to speak to her master, demand that he release her from the contract to him. I wanted her, I had to have her.

Please tell me you are not owned.

“I...I’m not sure what you mean,” she whispered.

“Who is your Master?” Her eyes whipped up to mine and she gave me an
are you crazy

“No one. I don’t have a...a master,” she said timorously.

“Well, well. What the hell is a gorgeous, sexy submissive like you doing unowned?” Her shock was evident and she looked at me bizarrely before the next words that came out of her mouth hit be like a ton of bricks.

“I’m not a submissive,” she said firmly.

What the fuck?

“What?” I bit out harshly and she jumped at the sound of my voice. I needed to hear her confirm again what I thought she had said.

“I…I’m not a submissive.”

I stepped back from her like she had burned me. I had
touched a woman who wasn’t a submissive before. I couldn’t believe I had done a bondage demonstration on a person who didn’t practice the lifestyle.

“How the
did you get into this club then?” I barked at her. I could feel my anger starting to build. No one who was not exposed to the lifestyle was supposed to pass through those doors. That was why we screened all of our applicants and subjected them to interviews.

“I came with my friends Kelly and Trinity,” she said pointing over to where a redhead and black haired girl were talking with two of my house dominants, “They work for your PR firm and got an invitation. I was their guest,” she explained to me.

Oh yeah.
I remembered sending the invitations out knowing that the two girls had already dabbled in the lifestyle some already from research that I had done on them. I had absolutely no fucking clue they would bring a non-sub into the club with them. I took another look at her and regretted having chosen her for the demonstration. I had felt a pull towards her. Her body was completely fucking outrageous, and I was having a hard time getting over the fact that I wanted her, badly.

“Knox!” I yelled out to my head of security.

“Yes, Sir,” he responded.

“Get her out of the ropes
, and see that she is escorted safely to the exit.” And with that I spun on my heels and headed upstairs toward my office. I knew I couldn’t remove the ropes myself. It was hard enough putting them on her with restraint, I wouldn’t be able to resist taking her a second time.

I was scared out of my ever fucking mind when the gorgeous man on stage pulled me up as a volunteer for the lesson. On stage, I took in his stunning features as he knotted the rope at my breasts. His dark hair was short and spiked on top. His strong square jaw was covered in just the right amount of sexy stubble. His eyes were a molten chocolate brown, giving him a strong, but mysterious look. And man, oh man, was he ripped. I could see a solid mass of muscles as his chest came into my vision and could see them bulging out from beneath his tight grey shirt. His wide shoulders led down to a narrow waist that held a delicious pair of well-worn dark faded jeans. Black leather biker boots adorned his feet making him have a bad boy image.

I felt every touch he made on my body and the skin there tingled long after he moved on. This guy bled masculinity and sex. He was stern in his voice, yet gentle in his touch. I wanted nothing more than to have him touch other places on my body.

Whoa. Where did that come from Ashley? You are still married for Christ sake!

The rope that he placed between my thighs rubbed against my panties and sent electric shocks through my sex. Every time I moved, I felt the friction of the rope as it made contact with my clit. My breathing started coming faster and I felt the sweat bead down my back. Whether it was from the ropes, his close proximity or the lights on the stage, I don’t know. Hell, it was probably a combination of all three. He moved with a grace I had never seen from a man before. I watched the muscles in his arms flex as he manipulated the ropes across my breast from behind me. His chest rubbing against my back sent shivers down my spine. I peered down at his long dexterous fingers as he played with the ropes and noticed a tattoo that came out from under the sleeve of his shirt and stopped at his forearm. My tongue desired to trace every dark line where the tattoo marred his skin.

I didn’t think I have ever felt that turned on in my life. It was completely crazy. I had only ever been with one man my entire life and that was with my fucking dick of a soon-to-be-ex-husband. All the years I had spent with Jared couldn’t even compare to the feelings I experienced from one touch with the stranger. I had never been tied up or spanked or anything even remotely close to it, so why did that turn me on so much? Have I been missing out with my safe, ordinary life with Jared?

I was torn from my thoughts as he finished tying off the ropes in front of me.

“There you have it, a simple Karada. If you wanted to provide extra stimulation for your sub, tie a knot with the rope at the clitoris, vaginal opening, or ass. Ropes are provided in the rooms in The Hall if you wish to practice. Dismissed,” he said and the crowd started to disperse. He watched the crowd for a moment before his eyes found me again, and he began a slow, leisurely walk around me while I stood frozen in place.

“Who do you belong to?” he asked me as he continued his orbit around my body.

“I...I’m not sure what you mean,” I whispered nervously.

“Who is your Master?” I was stunned by his question and my eyes snapped up to his and I gave him a look that said he was crazy.

“No one. I don’t have a...a master,” I said timorously.

“Well, well. What the hell is a gorgeous, sexy submissive like you doing unowned?” My eyes grew wide.

Oh my God! He thinks I am a submissive?

“I’m not a submissive,” I said firmly. I saw something that looked like shock and then irritation, cross his face.

“What?” he bit out harshly and I jumped at the anger in his voice

“I…I’m not a submissive.”

He jumped back like he couldn’t get away from me fast enough.

“How the
did you get into this club then?” he said through gritted teeth. I could see his anger starting to build as his face turned red. The veins in his muscular arms protruded from his skin as he clenched his hands.

“I came with my friends, Kelly and Trinity,” I said as I pointed to my two friends. “They work for your PR firm and got an invitation. I was their guest,” I explained. His anger didn’t look to be extinguished one bit by my explanation.

“Knox!” he yelled and a large, bald man approached.

“Get her out of the ropes
, and see that she is escorted safely to the exit.” Then he turned and stormed away from me. As the big guy helped to release me from the ropes and soon began to escort me to the nearest exit, I couldn’t help but feel puzzled.

What the hell did I do wrong?


Kelly offered for me to stay the night at her place so that I did not have to go home and risk facing Jared. That was something that I was just not prepared to do yet. I couldn’t believe that, after seven years of marriage, he could throw it all away to bang another girl. Well, more power to him. I wouldn’t stay with a man who would cheat on me.

BOOK: Ashley's Bend
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