Are You Smarter Than A Flying Gator? (3 page)

BOOK: Are You Smarter Than A Flying Gator?
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“Also, we recently added physical education to all of our public elementary schools. You've been exercising and getting in better shape, and that's extremely important for you as young Floridians.

“Now, I'd like to help you lead an effort in some other important subject areas that we may be neglecting here in Florida. Think for a few moments about what those might be.

“Let me give you some hints. A study that came out last month revealed that fewer than half of all Floridians know the name of our country's Vice President. Sadly, only about one third of all Floridians know the name of their governor—that's me, Charlie Trust. Only one fourth know the European explorer who discovered Florida. Only about one out of ten know the states that border Florida. Would you believe only one out of 20 know how many amendments there are to the U.S. Constitution or how their own hometown got its name?

“You've probably guessed by now what subject areas we need to work on. I think we need to be focusing more on teaching and learning
here in Florida. Beyond that, somehow we need to get all Floridians involved, not just those in school.

“How can you help? Well, I'm asking all of you to spend some time—maybe even part of your summer—on this special challenge. Begin thinking of ideas and projects that promote history and geography in our state. It would be fantastic if some of your ideas would involve not only those in your school, but everyone in your towns, counties, and possibly the whole state.

“Starting next fall, we'll have a special web site set up to share our ideas. Also, newspapers, television, and radio stations will be highlighting some of your ideas beginning next fall.

“I'll be speaking to you all again in August with further details about this. At that time, I'll also tell you about some of the great prizes we'll be offering for your ideas. Thank you for your time and have a fun and safe summer!”

Prez pressed the
button. Then he got a huge grin on his face.

Kari asked, “Prez, what exactly do you have in mind?”

“It's big, isn't it?” asked Kevin.

“It's huge!” said Chad.

“Actually, it will be about 40 feet in length,” said Prez, still smiling.

“I have a feeling we're going to be busy this summer,” Mike said, anxious to find out what was percolating in Prez's gigantic brain.

“Time to share some details with us,” Doc insisted.

“All right,” said Prez. “This is what I have in mind, but it would mean
of work on your part this summer ...”


When they returned to Siesta Key from their excursion to Chad's Lost Flip Flop Island, a wonderful beach barbecue awaited them. KT's dad and Chad's dad grilled steaks on one grill while Prez's dad cooked his special diced potatoes and corn on the cob on another grill. KT's, Prez's, and Chad's moms prepared some great salads and got the tables ready. Everyone sat comfortably around three picnic tables set end to end as they ate.

“What a beautiful place for a picnic!” Jessie said, bubbling with enthusiasm. “Parents, thanks for all of this.”

“It's so awesome being here in Sarasota!” Kari added. “Thank you, parents, for letting us all be together here this summer.”

“Thanks, parents. This is the greatest!” said Doc.

“Thank you. Thank you very much,” Mike said in his Elvis Presley voice. Then, in his normal voice he added, “I love being in Sarasota.”

“You're all very welcome,” Mrs. Heidebrink said. “You know you're all like family to us anyway. I just hope none of you get homesick being away from your families for the whole summer.”

“No problem,” said Jessie. “My family's coming down here for part of their vacation in July just in case.”

Kevin had lots of brothers and sisters. “Heck, my mom probably won't even know I'm missing until July,” he said.

Everyone laughed.

Nick said, “We're going to be so busy and having so much fun—none of us will have time to get homesick.”

Mr. Renner spoke up. “I know I speak on behalf of all the parents here who trust you and love you a lot ... please have a great time but keep us informed.”

“We will,” Kari assured them.

Prez's dad looked across the table at his son. “Prez, you guys already have something big on your agenda, don't you?”

“Actually ... yes, Dad. We were just talking about that on our boat ride.”

“Is there anything you'd like to share with us
folks at this point?” Mr. Gold inquired.

“If you don't mind, we're going to make it a big surprise,” Prez replied. “If it turns out the way we anticipate, it could be pretty amazing.”

Prez's dad looked a little concerned. “Uh ... do you have any idea how much time and expense might be involved?”

Prez thought a few seconds. “Time frame ... we want to be finished with the project before everyone has to head back to Bismarck in early August,” he said. “Money? There's no way to tell at this point, but I think I've already got most of the materials we need in the workshop. If we have any significant expenses at all, I'll let you know.”

Chad's mom sighed. “Well, I almost wish I was a member of Sarabiskota this summer. It's never boring being around you kids.”

Kari smiled. “We'll make all you parents honorary members,” she said.

“Yeah,” said Jessie, “we're going to make new Sarabiskota T-shirts this summer, and we'll get one printed for each of you.”

“That would be really nice,” Mrs. Renner said.

That night, the nine teens did one of their favorite activities: they walked the full six miles up and down Siesta Key Beach with flashlights. It couldn't have been a more beautiful night. The moon seemed unusually large and bright. Millions of stars lit up the summer sky above the limitless dark waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

As they walked along the beach barefoot, Kari whirled her flashlight around, shining it in the faces of her friends. “Hey, everyone. What time do you want me to get you up tomorrow morning for our exercise before breakfast?”

“What type of exercise do you have in mind?” Doc asked.

“How about a bike ride on the beach before sunrise?” Kevin suggested.

KT said, “The bikes are all ready to go at my house.”

Kari said, “I could start waking everyone up at six. We could be out on the beach by six-thirty. That would give us an hour of exercise before breakfast.”

“Sounds good to me,” said Chad. “You can call my cell number and I'll wake up all the boys.”

“I can't wait to start on our summer project,” Jessie said excitedly.

“Me, too,” said Doc. “Prez, do you really think
we can get it all done by August?”

“With all of us working together, I have no doubts,” Prez said confidently.


Kari made sure everyone got up early the next morning. After a brisk bike ride up and down Siesta Key Beach, they ate breakfast, showered, and gathered outside KT's house.

From there, they rode their bicycles south approximately three miles on a road that ran parallel to the beach. They stopped when they got to a large, gold, rectangular, metal building. The building was easily big enough to hold a tennis court, and it had a huge Pittsburgh Steelers logo painted above the two large front doors.

They parked their bikes in front of the building, then followed Prez toward the doors. As they approached them, Prez said, “Open, sez me.”

The metal doors slid open. As the nine teens entered, a polite female adult voice said, “Good morning, Prez. You're looking mighty handsome this fine morning. Good morning, KT, Doc, Kari, Jessie, Chad, Kevin, Mike, and Nick.”

Everyone looked at Prez and laughed.

“What?” Prez said, trying his best not to laugh. “My computers like me.”

As they walked farther into the building, several overhead lights automatically turned on and the full magnificence of Prez's workshop was on display. “Wow! This is so awesome!” Nick exclaimed.

“It's organized, too,” Kari noted. “It's not like you, Prez.”

“KT and Chad had a lot to do with that,” Prez explained. “They helped me organize things in here the past month.”

“It was a nightmare,” Chad whispered loudly.

The nine teens slowly walked around the entire place as Prez explained some of his favorite projects.

“Thomas Edison would be proud of all this,” said Kevin.

“I only wonder how much Edison could have done with all of this advanced stuff,” Mike added.

That was definitely true. Prez's lab and workshop were stocked with the latest high tech computers and equipment. All around were various projects and inventions at different stages of completion.

“Come over here,” Prez said. “I want to show you something.”

Prez walked toward a large structure, cigarshaped, about the size of a sofa. It resembled some type of engine.

“What is it?” Doc asked.

“It's a propulsion system I've been working on for quite a while,” Prez answered. “It combines fuel cell, plasma magnet, and solar technologies. It might be just what we need for our project.”

“Speaking of that,” said Kari. “How do you suggest we get started this morning, Prez?”

“Let's head over to the Steelers Lounge area and talk about that right now,” Prez replied.

Sarabiskota walked over to the other end of the building. There was a ping pong table, a pool table, a big screen television, two couches, and several other chairs. Almost everything was black and gold and had the Pittsburgh Steelers logo on it somewhere.

“Everyone relax,” said Prez. “Here's how I suggest we get started ...”

The next two months flew by for Sarabiskota. The nine precocious teens were extremely busy, but they were also having the time of their lives. Working on a huge project with your best friends in one of the most beautiful places in the world was as good as it could get.

BOOK: Are You Smarter Than A Flying Gator?
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