Read Anything but Vanilla Online

Authors: Madelynne Ellis

Anything but Vanilla (8 page)

BOOK: Anything but Vanilla
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The only galling bit was knowing that Ric had had his hands all over her. Sure, they had an open relationship, sure, he’d had Kara too – first in fact – but it still hurt to put a face to one of Ric’s passing flings.

Zach had been angry last night when Ric had admitted to shagging someone else; now his vexation was doubled on learning it was Kara. Somehow, even when he tried to tug away from Ric, things ended up turning back in that direction. Why her out of countless women? The one woman he’d like to know better and Ric just happened to have shagged her too. He ought to walk away from both of them and find someone altogether less capricious to pin his dreams on.

That probably made what he was about to do doubly stupid, but he was sick of giving in to Ric. If he couldn’t have Ric, then Zach was definitely going to have Kara.

He kept his pace relaxed as he headed back to the Bunker, not wishing to give off any revealing vibes to his blessed pain in the arse of a sister whom he’d been blackmailed into giving a job. Heather worked all right, the problem was that it left him with time on his hands, as there simply wasn’t space inside the van for two servers, and crap-all ever happened inside the Bunker. Sure, people came in and had a quick nosey about and picked up bits and bobs, but he did all the sales from out of the ice-cream van. The upside, he supposed, was that no one would bat an eyelid at him taking a mid-morning stroll. ‘Going off for a bit,’ he called to his sister, before ducking inside the Bunker and going into the storeroom for the necessary supplies.

The wind had dropped over the last hour, and it was gearing up to be a bright, sunny day. Zach followed the rocky coastline that the tide exposed when it went out, and then took a sharp left in order to weave back inland so that he’d end up behind the Bunker. The tourists stuck to the obvious paths and picnic spots, so he could guarantee seclusion back here. In essence the spot was little more than a blanket of ferns wedged between two ravines, but the sun normally managed to find it, whereas the wind didn’t.

Zach settled his back against one of the rock faces and rolled up his shirt cuffs. One thing he had learned from Ric was to always be properly prepared, that way you weren’t left cleaning up a mess when you ought to be enjoying a nice post-coital flush.

Mere moments later, Kara followed him into the dell. She glanced around, and then came forward with her hands raised, a position he rather liked as it caused her top to ride up and reveal a sliver of her midriff. Zach never quibbled over a show of skin. He wasn’t fussy over which bit, just as long as some was showing. He did like women’s ankles though, something about their shape, particularly in high heels.

Kara wasn’t wearing heels today, just a modest pair of deck shoes. They were the most sensible item on her. God, she was so wonderfully curvy and so totally inappropriately dressed it made him want to weep with joy. He didn’t think it had even crossed her mind that a short skirt and a titchy top weren’t exactly the best combo for stumbling about a rock in the English Channel.

‘OK, tell me. What did Ric Liddell do to you the first time you met?’

He loved that she was all business. It saved on the small talk. Zach pasted on his best butter-wouldn’t-melt expression and made an act of coyly nibbling one fingernail. ‘Let’s see. He cooked me dinner, and got me a wee bit tipsy on his excellent malt whisky.’

‘Yeah, and then,’ she prompted, edging a little closer to him, not so that they were touching, but close enough to scream intimacy to a casual observer, ‘I got my own whisky T-shirt.’

Zach pushed back against the rock, relishing the prospect of becoming trapped. He wasn’t a straight-up submissive by any stretch, he just enjoyed the sizzle Kara generated when she got an idea into her head and acted on it. Right now, she was staring at him like she intended to superglue him to the rock and then lick him all over. The prospect was absolutely fine with him. In fact, he’d brought just the thing to really make the experience simmer.

‘I’m waiting.’

Zach shot a glance up at her from beneath his brows. He figured it wouldn’t hurt to make her wait a teeny bit longer still. Matter of fact, he intended to maximise the anticipation. After all, he wasn’t about to share the most staggering story on the planet. In the annals of Liddell Island history, it barely rated as tame. Still, to set the scene, he raised the bottle he’d taken from behind the counter in the Bunker and squeezed a drop of sauce out on to his fingertip. ‘And then … and then, he fed me dessert.’

Kara frowned. ‘What is that – tomato sauce?’

‘Chocolate.’ He sucked off the bead upon his fingertip and squeezed out another. ‘Rich as sin, bitter, melt-on-the-tongue, expensive chocolate sauce.’

Despite sweeping her tongue over her lower lip in appreciation, Kara continued to eye him dubiously.

‘Think about it.’ Zach held out his finger to her, so that she could take the dot of chocolate with her tongue.

‘I am.’

The moment her lips closed over his fingertip, lust gripped Zach hard around the groin. He’d known the moment he set eyes upon her, just from the way she moved upon the dance floor, that she was every bit as much of a sensualist as him. Not that sensualist adequately summed it up. It’d be more accurate to say that she was dirty like him. Up for certain things and acts that nice girls didn’t always consent to. Kara got off on the idea of taboos – hence them flaunting their arses so they could do it standing up against the canal railings, instead of finding a nice secluded spot inside the club, where they wouldn’t have been noticed or remarked upon, or heard.

The way she sucked his finger brought back the sensations of having her curl her tongue around his cock. He’d never had a girl go down on him in a public place like that before.

‘Ask me how he fed it to me,’ he prompted.

‘On his dick,’ she blurted.

Oh yeah, she cottoned on fast, but what really undid him was the way she smacked a hand across her mouth the minute she realised that she’d spoken aloud. Doing came easy to her. Talking about it evidently did not.

‘He didn’t, did he?’

Zach pursed his lips, trying not to allow his smirk to become a full-blown laugh.

‘No way. You’re pulling my leg.’

‘Babe, I hope I’m pulling all of you, not just your leg. And yes way, he most certainly did. Come on, you’ve met him.’ He waggled an eyebrow at her. ‘Ric put that stuff on like it was a glaze and had me slowly lick it off.’

‘Yeah, but how did he know that you’d go for that? How did he know you …’ She paused to choose her words carefully. ‘Know that you swung both ways?’

Zach took hold of her hand and lifted it up so that he could squeeze a line of chocolate sauce along her extended index finger. ‘Ah, well. The thing you have to understand about Ric is that he … well, he just doesn’t give a fuck. He doesn’t see boundaries in quite the same way as the rest of us.’

‘You mean all the feudal whatnot.’

‘Partly that, coupled with the fact that he acknowledges very few sexual boundaries. I don’t think it actually occurred to him that I might not be interested in sucking his cock. I hadn’t flinched when he stuck his hands down my pants so why should I when he came to me all cream-filled and chocolate-coated?’

‘You know –’ she ticked a finger against his lower lip ‘– that sounds just a little bit icky.’

Zach feigned disappointment. ‘So I can’t tempt you into making a reconstruction?’

She straightened her fingers out to cup the side of his face. ‘Seriously? You’re asking me to paint you with chocolate sauce and lick it all off you? Isn’t that a little presumptuous for a second date?’

‘I don’t know, seems to me I have a little ground to make up.’ Ric had already had his way, which meant that, if he wanted to stay on Kara’s radar, he needed to inject some sizzle right now. Candlelit dinners, flowers, that whole shebang would have to wait for later.

‘Well, if we’re talking about making a good impression, shouldn’t it be you doing the licking?’ Kara asked. ‘I seem to recall you’re rather talented with your tongue.’

Zach stuck out that curled appendage, only to inhale sharply as Kara vanquished the last inch of space between them. She crushed her soft breasts up against his chest and taunted him with the nearness of her lips. They only just brushed his, but the resultant tingle charged straight down to his loins.

‘Know why I think you gave in to Ric?’ Her hands moved upon his chest, slowly, but expertly undoing the buttons of his shirt. ‘Because you liked him taking charge. You like having things done to you. Shall I take charge, Zach? Shall I be really demanding?’ He’d lay money on the fact that she hadn’t pulled this sort of move with Ric. More than likely, this was a reflection of what that hot bastard had done to her. There were certainly Ric-like elements to it.

Nonetheless, Zach gave a low moan of agreement. Some things, like imagining her mouth wrapped around his cock, overrode reservations about their source of origin.

‘Yeah? Good.’ She reached the end of his shirt and began fiddling with his belt buckle. ‘Here’s how it works, then. I’m going to unzip your fly and get your cock out. Are you hard for me, Zach?’

You bet he was. The moment she slipped the button of his fly, his zip gave way to the strain of retaining his erection. Kara’s hand encompassed his length, and glided swiftly upwards towards the head. ‘Then I’m going to make use of this chocolate sauce you kindly brought, exactly as you suggested.’ She pried the bottle from his fingers with her free hand, then took a step back to admire the picture of him with his shirt and fly undone and his cock all bucked up and eager. Dear God, she really was like Ric, right down to the way she made a frame with her fingers to view him through.

‘My, aren’t you pretty. But I think we need a little embellishment.’

Kara angled the sauce bottle so that a thick line of chocolate dribbled down the centre of his torso. She immediately bent to lick it off.

‘Yes,’ he groaned, his cock bucking towards her in anticipation of being drawn into her moist, willing mouth.

‘Ah, but here’s the catch. You’re not allowed to come, not until I’ve licked away every last smear of chocolate.’ She dribbled another line out now, this one along the length of his cock. ‘If you do – not that you will, because you won’t disappoint me like that, will you, Zach? – then you forfeit all right to fuck me no matter how hot and horny you get. And …’

Like they needed an and.

‘The next time Ric invites you over to dinner, I get front-row viewing privileges.’

He couldn’t resist cocking an eyebrow at that one. Evidently the possibility of seeing him being fucked by Ric appealed to her on some level. He hadn’t pegged her as a straight-up voyeur, which suggested a more convoluted reason for the request. ‘Sure,’ he agreed, already amused by the possibility of having to broach the subject with Ric. The guy was great behind the camera, but he didn’t perform pay-per-view. The only people who got to see Ric fuck were the ones he was doing it with at the time. ‘Do your worst.’

‘Babe,’ she laughed as she wove her fingers through the springy curls at his groin. ‘I absolutely intend to.’


* * *


Watching Zach’s eyes close in pleasure brought a smile of amused satisfaction to Kara’s face. Was she making this awkward for herself by engaging in a second seduction with Zach? Yes, perhaps, but she reckoned Zach understood. He certainly wasn’t under any illusions about what had gone down between her and Ric, which meant he was unlikely to get any funny ideas about them becoming a couple. Plus, it sounded as if he had a pretty complicated relationship with Ric himself. That particular fact set her alight more than any of Ric’s pictures. All she could think of was somehow getting the two men together and wangling herself a ringside seat. Not that she intended just to watch. That would certainly be eye-opening, but not compared to a night of totally amazing blow-out sex where they both worshipped her as Aphrodite.

Well, first she needed to do a little worshipping of her own. Although considering the eagerness with which Zach’s cock was standing, rapture couldn’t be that far off.

Kara touched the very tip of her finger to his glans by way of hello. He bucked a little more upright in response, though his erection already stood damn near vertical. He made a noise too, right down deep in the back of his throat: a strangled, plaintive, whimper that made her insides clench like a tightly wound coil. Why should her pussy lips plump because he gave a cry? Did the whys even matter? He’d looked scrumptious two nights ago when she’d held him fast against the railings and gone down on him, and if possible he looked even more so now. Zach had such a hint of vulnerability about him, in the way his lips formed a needy pout that just begged for kisses, and in the way his limbs seemed to loosen despite the fact that all his muscles were drawn tight. He had his palms pressed flat against the cliff face. Kara half expected to find an impression of him left behind in the rock when he moved.

She dropped on to her knees. ‘Shh!’ she soothed, so that her breath whispered over the angry red tip of his shaft. ‘It’s fine, let me help. I can make it better.’

His cock seemed to agree with the sentiment, for it gave a nod in her direction.

‘Now open your eyes.’ He needed to see what she was doing to him. No hiding in the dark behind his eyelids in order to tone down his reactions.

Zach obeyed. He looked down at her, his dark eyes shot with magic and expectation. His lips parted to release his shallow, uneven breaths. All the frown and laughter lines smoothed out of his face as he watched her dribble chocolate sauce on to her finger. Kara daubed a spot on to his glans, which made his eyes close and caused his breath to hiss. Good, he was sensitive there. His eyes snapped open again the moment she withdrew her touch.

Kara unscrewed the top of the bottle and dipped her fingers into the stickiness.

‘Oh God!’ he moaned, as she finger-painted him all across his stomach and along the length of his cock, paying extra attention to the head. Only when he was coated from base to tip did she screw the top back on the sauce. She licked one finger clean, then fed him the others while she swirled her tongue around his taut nipples.

BOOK: Anything but Vanilla
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